Cicada Moving

Chapter 536: Still not convinced that you are stupid?

Chapter 536: Still not convinced that you are stupid

Xu Enzeng smiled. These underground gangs are really strange. Some of them are like iron mouths and copper teeth that cannot be pried open, while others are standard soft bones who will abandon their armor and defect to the enemy at the slightest push.

He poured a cup of hot water himself, walked over to the middle-aged man and handed it over. He said with a smile: "As the saying goes, those who understand the current affairs are heroes, and those who adapt to changing circumstances are heroes. Isn't this great?

As long as you reveal the secret arrangements of the underground party in Shanghai, we will meet any needs you have. Come on, please take off your weapons quickly. How can you treat Mr. Wu like this? "

When the agents heard the order, their expressions became kind, and they quickly removed the handcuffs and shackles. The frightening charcoal fire and electric chair were moved out, and the atmosphere in the interrogation room suddenly became relaxed.

The middle-aged man took the hot water with both hands and drank two sips carefully. Only then did he feel that his cold body was getting a little warmer. Then he curled up in the chair and asked a submissive question.

“I don’t know what this officer’s name is. If you want to know anything, just ask. Wu will definitely tell you everything. However, I have just arrived in Shanghai and I don’t know much about many things.”

 “Don’t be in a hurry, let’s take our time.”

Xu Enzeng motioned for someone to bring a stool and sat on it: "I am Xu Enzeng from the Secret Service Headquarters. Minister Wu should have heard of my name and the weight of my words.

 Actually, there are some things that we know better than you do, such as the location of the agency, the cover identity of the leader, etc. I don’t know what you can tell Xu. This matter may be related to your future. "

The previous promise was still in his ears, but he changed his story now, because Xu Enzeng understood that if he became a traitor, there would be no turning back, and he could only go all the way to the dark side, and the other party would never dare to turn against him.

Unexpectedly, the middle-aged man leaned back after hearing this, and said with a pale face: "Who are you? Jinling's report said that Xu Enzeng was killed on the spot while rescuing the captured personnel."

 What the **** am I.

Xu Enzeng took a deep breath, resisted the urge to shoot this guy to death, and slowed down his voice and said: "The information you received is wrong. Xu was slightly injured at the time, and his life was not in danger.

The Jinling Underground Party did cause the party and the country to suffer a lot of losses through their conspiracy and tricks, but that was just a small accident. Please believe in our strength and you will not regret your choice today. "

The middle-aged man was doubtful, then looked at the agents around him, and finally believed Xu Enzeng's statement. After all, except for the Guo Party agents, it was not easy to find so many people with deer-headed and rat-like eyes at one time.

He nodded sarcastically: "Wu made a mistake. Hello, Director Xu. In addition to the agency station and important cadres, I also know that there is an underground party within you, and the other party may be someone from Special Branch."


Xu Enzeng stood up suddenly and looked at him excitedly: "What basis do you have? If you can't explain why, Mr. Wu, you will pay a very heavy price for this sentence. Do you understand?"


“I understand, I understand. Before I was arrested, I received an early warning message from my superiors. The source was Shanghai Special Branch. The specific content was that you had sent personnel to infiltrate the Shanghai organization, and the grassroots activities were exposed.”

When the middle-aged man said this, he seemed to understand the identity of the witness just now, and smiled bitterly: "At that time, I felt that the reliability of this early warning was not high, so I did not transfer it, otherwise why would it be like this."

 The White Blood Cell Project was leaked.

 Xu Enzeng staggered and almost fell down. How could this happen? Once the underground party knew about this, the action would lose its covertness. It would be difficult to secretly develop insider cells.

Moreover, Special Branch's hands are too long, and even top-secret information of this level can be obtained. You must know that many agents at the Shanghai Station are just following orders and have no knowledge of the white blood cell project.

not good.

Xu Enzeng suddenly realized a problem, grabbed the middle-aged man's collar, his eyes were red and said: "Has the Central Library received this warning message and moved away? Tell me quickly!"

His heart was trembling. According to Little Wang Ba Dan named Zuo, the underground party discovered them and decided to evacuate. Now it seems that is not the case. Other arrest targets are also in danger.

The middle-aged man was choked and couldn't breathe, and replied with difficulty: "I don't know, I really don't know, but it should be like this, otherwise an important institution like Wenku will not change its address easily.

Director Xu, please don’t kill me. Not only you, but also the concession officials have underground party spies. Every time you arrest someone, someone will issue an early warning in advance, so we have a chance to escape. "


 Pushing the man hard to the back of the chair, Xu Enzeng turned around and roared: "Luoma, immediately blockade the Shanghai Station and prohibit people from entering and exiting. You will bring the most reliable personnel to arrest all targets!"

 “Yes, I’ll take the humble position.”

Luoma was also confused at this time. After hearing the order, he hurriedly ran out. Before he went out, he bumped into Shi Zhenmei, the director of Shanghai Station who was looking happy. He said something with a smile on his face.

 “Report, I’m recruiting senior civil servants over there”

"Shut up! Get over here." Xu Enzeng's eyes were cracked and he stared at him with gritted teeth: "Why did the white blood cell plan leak? Your Shanghai Station has almost become a subsidiary of Special Branch. You have to give me a reasonable answer. explanation of."


Shi Zhenmei was stunned. The plan had been carried out secretly for several months. Everything was normal. It even penetrated the opponent's grassroots organization. It would have been leaked long ago, and it would not wait until now.

His mind changed quickly, and he said aggrievedly: "Director, I have been wronged because of my humble position. The staff at Shanghai Station have been cleaned up several times, and only the old brothers who have been tested are left behind. Is this a misunderstanding?"

If you don’t believe it, you can remove me from my position as webmaster. I am willing to accept the review from the top. If it is found that I have anything to do with the underground party, you can kill me on the spot. I will have a clear conscience. "

After saying that, he stood there with his neck held high, assuming the standard attitude of a **** and a loner. He thought to himself that this **** webmaster is not the right one. I will go back to Jinling to follow Deputy Director Dai to enjoy the hot food and drink.

Xu Enzeng was so angry that his eyes were black. What do you mean by this bastard? Do you want to escape before the battle? There is no door. He immediately walked quickly to Shi Zhenmei and poked the other person's chest with his hand.

“Let me tell you, the Secret Service Headquarters is not a place where you can come and leave whenever you want. If you don’t find all the underground party members hidden inside the Shanghai Station, you will be severely sanctioned.

Hurry up and review the personnel on the site. The focus is on those who have the opportunity to deliver news to the outside world. Don’t let anyone go. The people I bring will also be screened. I will give you the highest authority. "

Shi Zhenmei's face turned red and she lamented that this was really a tiger falling in plain sight and being bullied by dogs, a dragon swimming in shallow water and being teased by shrimps. She, a dignified first-year student in Huangpu, was humiliated in public by this clown.

Thinking of this, he nodded expressionlessly: "I obey my order, Commissioner Zuo, do you want to investigate? The other party of the white blood cell plan is also aware of it. I suggest reporting it to the bureau headquarters for them to investigate."

“You are still not convinced that you are stupid. The hidden clue comes from Shanghai Teco. The man named Zuo has been staying in Jinling. Besides, do you think Dai Chunfeng won’t send someone to follow you? Hide your little ideas from me.”

Xu Enzeng felt that this person had bad intentions and wanted to provoke a dispute between the first and second places. In the past, he would not have missed this opportunity, but as Zuo Zhong said, they must now advance and retreat together.

If there is no cover-up from the other party, if the events in Shanghai are known to Jinling, everyone will be punished, and no matter how many grievances they have, they have to put aside temporarily, and wait until the matter is over to decide the outcome.

Shi Zhenmei opened her mouth, but finally said nothing. Xu Enzeng was right. Deputy Director Dai is very humane and it is impossible not to take relevant measures. There should be no problem with the special commissioner.

At this time, he thought of another thing and bent down to ask for instructions in a low voice: "Director, there was an underground party outside who surrendered just now. He said he was an alarm officer from the Shanghai Central Bureau. Please see how this matter is handled."

"What did you say?" Xu Enzeng was a little in disbelief, and then asked: "Are you sure you are an alarm officer of the underground party? This kind of position can only be held by die-hards. Will such a person surrender?"

 “Indeed, you see.”

Shi Zhenmei was well prepared and took out a few things from her pocket: "This is the other party's party card, illegal publications, and a copy of the early warning message. No one will risk losing their head by forging these."

Xu Enzeng grabbed it and looked at it. There was nothing much to say about the party card. It was just basic information such as name, age, year and month of joining the party, and time of issuance. The key was the early warning information.

“The Secret Service Headquarters is conducting an arrest operation and is seeking assistance from the patrol house. It may involve the public or the French Concession. Personnel need to be temporarily transferred to wait for follow-up information. Urgent! Urgent! Urgent!”

Three eye-catching exclamation marks were like three big slaps, which slapped Xu Enzeng **** the face. What kind of secret operation? Is it so secret? Ah, it just needs to be publicized in the newspapers.

Whose territory is Shanghai? There are people from the underground party in the secret service system, and there are people from the underground party in the concessions. Even if they fart, the underground party will know about it. It is simply unreasonable.

The arrest of these two dissidents may have been spread. He finally understood that there are no secrets in Shanghai. Who knows who is hiding in his secret service headquarters.

 “Let’s go and have a look.”

Xu Enzeng said the next sentence in a sinister tone, waved his hand and led the agents out angrily. The middle-aged man on the interrogation chair was dumbfounded. Wasn't this interrogating him? Why did everyone leave?

“Director Xu, Director Xu”

 “I’ll recruit you, but don’t leave.”

Hearing the cry behind him, Xu Enzeng smiled coldly. To survive, you have to stretch your arms to find out whether the arrest operation has been leaked. If not, this person is still valuable.

If it is leaked, these two senior underground party officials will be sent to deal with it. The White Blood Cell Project is about to be finished. The most important thing here is self-protection and meritorious service. You have to be ordered to receive it.

 (End of this chapter)

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