Cicada Moving

Chapter 547: This special girl is fine too

Chapter 547: This special girl can do it too

Mr. Gu saw that the strategy of differentiation that he had worked so hard for was discarded like a clog. On the surface, he had no reaction, but in his heart, he was furious. At the same time, he asked a question pretending to be confused.

"It's against the rules. I don't know why Deputy Director Zuo said this. If you want to deal with dissidents, you must first destroy their organization. When the second underground party becomes more powerful than the underground party, it will be easy to eliminate the opponent."

Xu Enzeng next to him had read the so-called party constitution and didn't think there was anything wrong with it. He was just a little jealous and hated himself for not coming up with this clever plan and allowing Gu to achieve great achievements in vain.

Zuo Zhong looked at these two fools, then at the spies and underground parties around him, and immediately called them outside the door and said seriously: "Have you forgotten the major events that happened in the 16th year of the Republic of China?"

 Sixteenth year of the Republic of China?

 Xu Enzeng and Gu nodded. This incident was an unforgettable memory for both parties. It could be said to be the political trend of the Republic of China. How could they not know that they were both involved in the situation.

Due to the differences in the suppression of the underground party, Ning, Han and Shanghai were separated. There were also local powerful figures who took the opportunity to make trouble. Finally, after the exchange of interests among many parties, Ning and Han, the strongest, merged.

The price Jinling has to pay is the resignation of the chairman of the committee. First, the elimination of the underground party has caused outrage and public outcry at home and abroad. Someone must be found to take responsibility.

The second core reason was the dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction of the old comrades in the party. The leader was considered to be a pure military figure at that time, not a political figure, so he was pushed out and became a victim.

But what does this matter have to do with the establishment of the Second Underground Party? Could it also be involved in a high-level struggle in the government? This reason is too far-fetched. Now is not the time for cooperation between the two parties.

Seeing that the two of them still looked confused, Zuo Zhong said angrily: "Do you understand the rules of politics? What parties and political forces are most taboo about is losing legitimacy.

You are setting up a second underground party, so can the underground party also set up a second fruit party? Will Shanxi Province and Guizhou Province follow the same example? Who should the tens of millions of people listen to?

Moreover, the incident in Ninghan is like a thorn in the chairman's heart. Others can't hide in time. Why do you take the initiative to provoke? Do you think the leader's sword is harmful, or do you feel that your head is too heavy?

  As the old saying goes, weapons and names cannot be faked. Mr. Gu, what are you doing? To put it nicely, it is called separatism. At worst, it is called rebellion with evil intentions. It is a standard way to die. "

 Xu Enzeng was suddenly sweating profusely.

He seemed to see the **** storm happening very close to him. As a person from the secret service headquarters, the man named Gu had caused a huge disaster. Who should bear this responsibility? It was obviously him, the director of the department.

He immediately stopped caring about his **** demeanor and grabbed the other party's collar: "You bastard, I was almost deceived by you. Fortunately, Deputy Director Zuo saw through your conspiracy.

I want to report your behavior to Jinling. You are not allowed to go anywhere in Shanghai. You are prohibited from contacting the outside world and wait for the superiors to deal with you. If you dare to escape, don't blame Mr. Xu for being unkind. "

Xu Enzeng was shocked and frightened. This time he was just sitting at home, and the pot came from the sky. Forget about tomorrow night's meal. If the chaos was not corrected in time, the three of them would have to go to the prison to meet up.

When he looked after someone again, his legs were shaking with fear and his face was pale. Even though he had been doing intelligence work for many years and was used to seeing life and death, no one would be afraid that it would be his own turn to cause trouble.

If he were truly a tough guy who was not afraid of life and death, he would not have surrendered directly to the Fruit Party. The principle of a sophisticated egoist is that he has no principles. Faced with the threat of death, this traitor panicked.

He bent over and held up his hands, crying for help: "Deputy Director Zuo, please save Gu's life. I really didn't know this matter would be so serious. The specific idea came from a good friend of mine.

The other party said that the Southwest Campaign was about to end, and there were more than tens of millions of dissidents hidden among the people. In this case, it was better to block them and absorb them into the second underground party to facilitate control.

It's all my fault that I didn't see this guy's wolfish ambition, and mistakenly regarded such an evil plan that would harm the country and the people as a good strategy for governing the country. I am responsible for this, and I am willing to accept all punishment. "


Let’s not talk about whether the second underground party was a suggestion from a so-called friend. If someone dared to write something like a party constitution, it showed that they trusted someone Gu, but he sold others in the blink of an eye in order to survive.


 Absolute villain behavior.

Zuo Zhong felt no shame and sighed and said: "Mr. Gu, I have to say that you have no political sensitivity at all. This is not an ordinary case and must be investigated to the end.

No matter whose idea it was or who wrote this thing, you, the leader, cannot escape. Let me guess, after the establishment of the Second Underground Party, you should be the intended leader.

On this point alone, the Chairman will not let you go easily. What you have to do now is to contact Jinling’s old friends and clear up the relationship as quickly as possible. Maybe you can escape the disaster, otherwise"

Although he didn't finish what he said, his meaning was very clear. Failure to pass this test would mean death. As for the so-called merit, it was of no use at all in front of such a big issue of right and wrong. Zuo Zhong said that these were not rescuing this abominable traitor, but extracting himself. The responsibilities of the special commissioner included supervision. If something happened to someone named Gu, he would not be able to escape his joint responsibility.

After the three people talked, they returned to the conference room with different expressions, and sent the arrested underground party members back to the prison. Then Gu made a few phone calls to Jinling, and then walked into the detention room voluntarily.

Xu Enzeng may have been frightened, so he moved a chair and sat outside, personally responsible for guarding the other party. He was afraid of any accidents. If something happened again, he might as well just hang himself.

In the past, there would only be a few moles in one place, but now, all the traitors have come out. This made Lao Xu want to cry without tears, lamenting why his life was so miserable and he didn't have any worry-free subordinates.

Zuo Zhong was too lazy to care about the affairs of the secret service headquarters. He immediately sent a telegram to Jinling after returning to No. 75 Jisi Feier Road. It was not his turn to make the final decision on the following matters. It was probably Baldhead who made the final decision.

This is the fact. The emergency telegram from the Attendant's Office arrived at Shanghai Station that night. A team of military police will come to take the man named Gu away. As for where to go, it depends on the outcome of the process.

 If you are lucky, the other person will die in an unknown place. If you are unlucky, he will be shot in an unknown place. In short, the political career of this great traitor is over.

Throughout his life, he went from a foreman who oppressed workers in a tobacco company to a fierce and aggressive leader of a gang, to studying in Germany and joining the underground party, becoming the veteran and main person in charge of Teko.

This period can be regarded as the highlight moment of Gu's life. If he can keep going, he might be able to leave a name in history. A hundred years later, he will be respected by future generations and gain a reputation both before and after him.

It’s just that things in the world are so unpredictable. When he sent the leaders to Jiangcheng, he did not return to Shanghai as ordered. Instead, he went to the theater to perform magic tricks. He was discovered by the traitor and was imprisoned.

At this time, Gu still has a chance to save himself. Like countless comrades, he chooses to devote himself to his faith. Even though he will lose his precious life, he still deserves the title of underground party member.

 But how did he do it? He betrayed the organization and the companions he worked with day and night without any hesitation, causing huge losses to the party and causing extremely bad effects.

When Zuo Zhong stood at the surveillance point opposite Elizabeth Hospital, he still couldn't help but sigh over someone's affairs. At the same time, he reminded himself to take this as a warning and not to make one mistake and regret it forever.

In case unfortunately he falls into the hands of the enemy, suicide is the best way. After tortured so many people in the past two years, he knows very well that sometimes living is not a good thing, and death is a kind of relief.

"Deputy Director, Tongsuo's shoe shine stall is at the front door, and Shen Dongxin's fruit stall is at the back door. Everything has been normal these two days. They have not found any suspicious persons nearby. Do you want to send more people?"

At this time, Wu Chunyang took the surveillance records and reported seriously that they had been monitoring the area around the hospital for several days. Except for some gangsters with unknown origins, there was no one worthy of special attention.

 When this happens, there is either no problem or the problem has not been exposed. After all, this is a concession, not Jinling. Many administrative methods are not available and surrounding buildings cannot be thoroughly searched.

Unless more spies are dispatched to establish a complete surveillance network and include everyone entering, exiting and passing by the hospital, it will be difficult to detect it with the current arrangement alone.

Zuo Zhong held on to the window sill and shook his head slightly after hearing this: "No need, I will give you news in advance when the underground party members take action. Remember not to arrest them, but let them go to the hospital for investigation."

 Give me news in advance?

Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang on the side were stunned. Could it be that the deputy director had planted spies within the underground party? When did this happen? Why hadn't they heard of it before?

Zuo Zhong glanced at the two people: "Okay, don't think about it here, it's not as complicated as you think. The underground party I'm talking about is not exactly an underground party, but also an informant who instigates rebellion.

Of course, it’s enough for you to know this yourself. Don’t tell the people below. Just follow the normal case process, follow up where necessary, investigate where necessary, and don’t expose any flaws. "

As soon as he said this, Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang suddenly realized that the deputy director was trying to trick people again. Poor Xu Enzeng, fortunately he had worked hard for so long, and the insiders who had finally developed it were about to disappear.

“Deputy Director, don’t worry, I will make arrangements and won’t give anyone a chance to find trouble.” Wu Chunyang promised that he would never have too many cases that are neither dangerous nor meritorious.

Zuo Zhong smiled slightly: "No need, this case was solved jointly by the first and second divisions. It must be clearly stated in the case file. If there are any problems, Xu Enzeng will be responsible for solving them. You can just wait for the news."


Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang were stunned, even this special girl.

 (End of this chapter)

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