Cicada Moving

Chapter 562: Birds of a feather

Chapter 562: Birds of a feather

 Xu Enzeng left in a flash.

Zuo Zhong immediately sent a sealed message to the cheap teacher Dai Chunfeng, explaining his reason for helping the secret agent headquarters, that is, a stupid opponent is much safer than an unknown opponent.

Lao Dai's call back came quickly. Not only did he agree with his approach, but he also assigned a new task, which was related to the situation between China and Japan. They might have to stay in Shanghai for a while longer.

“It is reported that Japanese Foreign Minister Hirota Koki is about to issue a goodwill statement towards China. Whether the content of the speech can be obtained through secret channels, we hope to make every effort to investigate Japan’s true purpose. The Chairman is very excited.”

 After lighting the telegraph newspaper and putting it into the ashtray, Zuo Zhong watched quietly as it turned into a ball of ashes. He couldn't help but feel a little anxious. Why at this time, some people still have illusions about the Japanese.

 Bullshit kindness.

It is nothing more than a well-planned strategic deception. The purpose is to appease European and American countries that have interests in China and divide the anti-Japanese forces of the Republic of China. Can't you see this strategy?

  No, of course the other party can see that, but the **** determines the head. If you want to maintain the operation of the bourgeois comprador government, a large amount of power transfer is inevitable, and stability is paramount.

 Until the Southwest War is over, and before the bald man completely completes his dictatorship, any external conflicts will be secondary, even if the Japanese bayonets are pressed against the back of the Republic of China.

As for the secret channel Dai Chunfeng mentioned, I'm afraid he refers to Chang Gu. It's really crazy to think about where a middle-level cadre of the consulate could get information about the foreign minister. Just dream, there is everything in your dream.

Zuo Zhong pondered for a moment, opened the door, and shouted to the little agent outside: "Notify everyone, don't pack your luggage. In addition, let Chief Wu and others come to see me, and the station will be on level one alert."


The little secret agent was shocked. The so-called first-level alert means that people are prohibited from going out and communicating with the outside world. Phone lines are cut off. Everyone works in groups to supervise each other and distribute weapons and equipment.

Once activated, the station will become an information island. The Secret Service will only adopt such strict confidentiality measures before large-scale and important missions. Something big must have happened.

Not only did the little spy understand this, Wu Chunyang and others rushed to Zuozhong's room as quickly as possible after hearing the first-level alert. He Yijun personally led people to guard the door to ensure that no one was eavesdropping.

“Deputy Director, I just saw that guy Xu Enzeng leave in a hurry. Is there something wrong with the secret service headquarters? These losers need us to wipe their butts every time. We should just disband.”

Gui Youguang asked reluctantly, and touched his bald forehead. The shiny bald head dazzled people's eyes, and he didn't know who was more luminous than the other bald head.

Shen Dongxin on the side also frowned, with a very unhappy expression: "Team Leader Gui is right. If their actions in the hospital had not gone wrong, Deputy Director, you would not have been in danger."

  It can be seen that the Secret Service has great opinions on the Secret Service Headquarters. They are not afraid of hard work, but they are always cleaning up people's messes. It is strange that they have no opinions on how to get promoted and make money.

Only Wu Chunyang's nose twitched slightly, and he glanced at the ashes in the ashtray calmly, guessing that there might be a new order from Jinling, and it must be a highly confidential order.

Zuo Zhong observed the reactions of his men, smiled and picked up the water glass and poured it into the ashtray, then picked up a pencil and stirred it in for a while, and then suddenly raised his head and asked a question.

“You all know the name of the Japanese Foreign Minister, and the head of the Intelligence Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who publicly threatened the National Government and European and American powers last year. Tell us what you think of these two people.”

Hearing this, the three people on the opposite side made some concessions, and Wu Chunyang replied: "Japanese Foreign Minister Hirota Koki, a native of Fukuoka, 57 years old, graduated from the Law Department of Tokyo Imperial University in 1905.

 In the same year, he took the diplomat and consular officer examinations but failed. Later, on the recommendation of a fellow countryman who served as the chief administrative officer of the Korean Unification Supervisory Office, he entered the Unification Supervisory Office and worked diligently in the colonial policy.

   In 1906, he took the exam again and passed first place. The next year, he served as a diplomat stationed in the former court. In 1913, he served as the section chief of the first section of the Bureau of Commerce and Industry of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and was highly appreciated by senior officials.

Looking at his resume, Hirota Koki has successively served as deputy minister of the Ministry of Intelligence, director of the European and American Bureau, minister of the Netherlands, and ambassador of the Red Russia. He became foreign minister the year before last. Last year, the Japanese cabinet reshuffle did not affect this person. "

Zuo Zhong smiled when he heard this. This was public information that could be collected through newspapers, but Wu Chunyang was able to blurt it out, which showed that he had put in a lot of effort and did not let himself down.

At this time, Wu Chunyang continued: "According to the intelligence from the Japanese station, the other party got acquainted with Toyama Mitsuru and former Foreign Minister Soejima Tanedomi and others in the early years, and was deeply influenced by the expansionist ideas of these people.

When he later became Minister of Foreign Affairs, although he preached about peaceful diplomacy, he secretly supported the aggressive actions of the Japanese government and military and tried to squeeze the living space of the Republic of China from international diplomacy.

In addition, this person also actively promoted the North China Autonomy Movement and attempted to separate North China from the rule of the central government. These experiences show that Hirota Koki is a standard right-winger. "

 Speaking of which.

He said with a cautious look on his face: "I think we need to pay more attention to it. There are not many high-level Japanese politicians who have good relations with the military. As the current situation develops, Hirota's position may change.

Because Japan's top command needs someone to ease the relationship between the military and the government and mediate the differences between the two. This is what you, Deputy Director, have always emphasized, and you must analyze relevant intelligence from a political perspective. "       "Okay, well said. "

 Zuo Zhong laughed loudly and raised his hands to applaud his subordinates. This incident will indeed happen soon. He even gave the details of the incident to the history teacher, but the Guangtian cabinet still remembered it.

Wu Chunyang was able to deduce this result based on some clues, which was very rare. He pressed his hand and motioned for the other person to sit down. Then he looked at Gui Youguang and Shen Dongxin and motioned for them to talk.

"Deputy Director, let Deputy Chief Shen say it. I am just a rough guy. I am good at killing people and setting fires. Analyzing problems is not what I am good at." Gui Youguang was quite self-aware and said it carelessly.

 “Stand at attention for me.”

Zuo Zhong scolded with a dark face, what does murder and arson mean? The Secret Service is not a bandit den. This guy must be dealt with well to avoid talking nonsense in front of the superior in the future and hurting himself again.

Then he turned his head: "Dongxin, let me tell you about the person in charge of the Intelligence Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. Your training unit should have conducted corresponding research and introductions to important enemy personnel, right?"

 “Yes, Deputy Director.”

Shen Dongxin squinted his eyes and recalled, and then said: "Eiji Tianyu, a native of Tokushima Prefecture, 48 years old, graduated from the Higher Commercial School in 1912, passed the diplomat examination, and entered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

He then went to the Republic of China and served as Consul and Consul General in Anton, Yangcheng, Harbin and other places. In 1927, he was transferred to the First Counselor of the Japanese Embassy in Peiping, and two years later, he was transferred to the Counselor of the Embassy in Red Russia.

The previous year took over as the Minister of Intelligence in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The usual whereabouts were extremely mysterious. The colleagues of the Japanese station could not get more information. They only knew that the other party had three sons. The specific situation was unknown.

  It is worth noting that he was awarded the Medal of Baoguang by the Beiyang government in 1914. It is publicly stated that Tianyu Eiji made outstanding contributions to the friendship between China and Japan. "

 Sino-Japanese friendship?

 Outstanding contribution?

Zuo Zhong almost laughed out loud. This was even more ridiculous than Xu Enzeng's statement that he would no longer hook up with women. This matter was probably inseparable from Datou's restoration of the monarchy. You must know that the 21st Announcement came out the next year.

The Japanese have always been keen to split China, and diplomacy is an important means. It is a routine from Beiyang to North China. No wonder Eiji Tianyu can become the Minister of Intelligence, he seems to be an old spy.

Shen Dongxin added: "Just last year, Eiji Tianyu, as a spokesperson, said in informal conversations with reporters from many countries that Japan has a special relationship with China.

He demanded that European and American powers no longer interfere in China's affairs. Japan has the obligation to maintain order in East Asia, is willing to help the country achieve true reunification, and will never launch aggressive military operations.

  I hope that the Nationalist Government will not use the mentality and method of attacking foreigners to instigate European and American powers to interfere with Japan's reasonable actions in China. The most important thing is to stop lending money and purchasing aircraft from the United States. "

Zuo Zhong remembered this incident. At that time, the Intelligence Department was busy with the drug case, and he pretended to be Mr. Shen to lurk. During the operation, he saw numerous reports in the newspapers, and the matter made a big fuss.

 Later, due to protests from European and American countries, especially the strong opposition from the United States, Eiji Tianha issued a second statement three days later, emphasizing that Japan's demands would not hinder the interests of third countries.

He also hopes that other countries will trade with China and promote the economic development of the country. China’s prosperity is welcomed by Japan, and Japan’s China policy still follows the open door policy.

Only on the issue of the puppet Manchukuo, Tianyu Eiji took a tough stance, saying repeatedly that this was an internal affair of Japan and the puppet Manchukuo, and that no unrelated countries were allowed to dictate, and the incident was settled.

 The Japanese have very deep tricks.

If the Japanese asked to monopolize the Northeast when they came up, Europe and the United States would definitely not agree. The Three Kingdoms' intervention in returning Liaoning was a lesson learned from the past, so they first opened their mouths like a lion, and then pretended to take a step back.

Europe and the United States are concerned about the interests of the Yangtze River Basin, and they will naturally accept this condition when they see the situation. These imperialist countries are all in the same group, and they are all thinking about how to tear off a piece of flesh from the Republic of China.

The difference is that the Japanese are the most ambitious. Zuo Zhong snorted lightly. The bald man hopes to feed the other side with a piece of Northeast China to gain peace. This is tantamount to seeking the skin of a tiger, which is a fool's errand.

He said to Wu Chunyang: "Chunyang, please write down the contents of our conversation today, and immediately send someone to the Jinling Bureau headquarters to hand it over to Deputy Director Dai, and submit it to the Chairman for reading.

From today on, the underground party will let the secret service headquarters get busy. The secret service will return to the battle against Japan. I will issue detailed tasks as soon as possible. You should seize the time these two days to resume training. "


 Wu Chunyang, Gui Youguang and Shen Dongxin were refreshed and saluted.

 (End of this chapter)

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