Cicada Moving

Chapter 573: Transaction 2 (modified)

Chapter 573 Transaction 2 (revised)

At the same time, Gu Qi slowly arrived at the meeting point. It was dark now, the temperature dropped sharply, the nearby residents closed their doors early and went into bed, and there was only the whistling of the cold wind in the alley.

He paced and found a hiding place, and hid the wooden box he carried in the grass. This was to prevent someone from taking advantage of him. Without seeing the gold, the other party would at least not shoot him at the first sight.

But until after the meeting time, Ikuta Takaki, who had agreed to deliver the documents, did not show up. Gucci was copying his hands in the lee, wondering whether this guy was caught stealing documents.

Just as everyone in the Secret Service was getting anxious, a dark figure appeared furtively and quickly walked to the meeting point. This person looked at Gucci, who had empty hands, and his face was a little ugly.

"Mr. Dou, I have obtained the relevant documents that I promised you. You promised me where the gold worth 50,000 oceans is. This is the first cooperation between us. I hope you will not disappoint me."

 Ikuta Takaki said stiffly, holding the briefcase tightly with his left hand, slowly placing his right hand on the pistol at his waist, and stepped back vigilantly, ready to run away at any time.

Gu Qixiao smiled upon seeing this: "Don't get me wrong, gold is all around us, but I want to see the authenticity of the documents first. This is the first time we cooperate, and you are muttering in your heart. I am also afraid of an accident.

 You can take out one of them. After reading it, I will tell you immediately where the reward is, and then the two parties will make a deal. This operation will protect both you and me. I don’t know what you think. "

 Ikuta Takaki was silent for a few seconds. He opened his briefcase and took out a document. He tore it in half and put half of it on the ground. Then he stood quietly aside and motioned to Gucci opposite to pick it up.

 Gu Qi did not hesitate, bent down to pick up the document and read it at a glance. It was a telegram from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It was stamped with the receipt stamp of the Japanese Consulate and the specific sending and receiving time.

 The content is to ask the recipient to pay attention to the reaction of all walks of life in Shanghai after Hirota Hongyi's speech. The following is missing. It seems that the other party has reserved a hand, and the remaining half of the picture is the most critical part.

"Hold on."

Confirming the value of the intelligence, Gu Qi carefully put the message into his pocket and took out the wooden box filled with gold. There was a clanging sound of metal in the box as he walked.

He placed the wooden box in front of the two of them with a clang, patted it and said: "The rewards are all here, all of them are gold bars from Citibank. The public concession just sent someone to deliver them this afternoon.

You check it first, count it, and then trade the remaining documents if there are no problems. My friend, I have to remind you, if the documents cannot prove the true purpose of your country’s top officials, then the money will be lost.”

"Don't worry, dear Dou-san, I guarantee with my reputation that the half of the document will definitely satisfy the British." Ikuta Takaki vividly interpreted what it means to have **** and be a mother.

 After saying that, he threw himself next to the wooden box and opened the lid. Under the moonlight, the yellow-orange gold glowed with an intoxicating color. It is said that women like shiny things, but men do the same.

 “One piece, two soft and sweet pieces.”

 Ikuta Takashi counted the points with a smile on his face, and used the most primitive method to identify the authenticity. His tongue and teeth went into battle, and he licked the gold bar wildly, which made Gucci almost spit out.

 “Yoshi, yosey.”

Mr. Zhu’s son-in-law had never seen so much gold in his life. His mind went blank at this time. After counting it three times, he realized that the transaction was not completed. He quickly closed the box and raised his head and said.

“Dousang, you are very kind. If you need anything in the future, please contact me. I have several good friends working in the Intelligence Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. As long as it is about the empire’s diplomatic intelligence, I can get it.”

As he spoke, he handed over the remaining half of the telegram. He could only earn 50,000 yuan in one transaction, but he could earn more in a long-term business. Naturally, Ikuta Takaki would not do something stupid like killing the goose that lays the goose to lay the eggs.

 “Okay, haha.”

 Gu Qi smiled lightly and focused on the telegram. After just one glance, his heart started pounding. The Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs asked the consulate to find someone to cooperate with after the post-war speech.

 The focus is on the post-war period.

These two words indicate that Hirota Hongyi’s friendly speech to China is a pretense. I wonder if the big shots in Jinling will feel like they are being slapped in the face after seeing it. I guess they won’t.

If you want to be an official, you must first have a thick skin.

 Gu Qi calmly held a corner of the document and put it into his pocket. Both messages had the target's fingerprints. The Japanese couldn't admit it even if they wanted to. Their mission in Shanghai was half completed.

He looked at Ikuta Takaki who was holding the wooden box and caressing it, and reminded him softly: "Sir, don't forget Foreign Minister Hirota's speech. The British are pressing hard, and this time Doumou will succeed."

 Speech draft, commission.

Takaki Ikuta, who was wandering around the world, heard two key words. He shook his head and tried to wake himself up. There was a look of embarrassment on his face. This thing is not so easy to get.

If it is a formal document from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it is not difficult to obtain several copies through contacts. The problem is that the speech draft is a private document of the Foreign Minister, and no one except the cronies responsible for drafting it knows the content. What’s more serious is that unlike cables that have gone through multiple procedures, the scope of knowledge about the speech before it is published is very small. Once it is leaked, it is easy to trace it, and it is impossible to make others take the blame.

 Gu Qi looked at the other party's expression and understood that this might not be possible. He sighed secretly in his heart, but he was not too disappointed. It was an unexpected surprise to get the message.

Then he changed his mind and continued: "Of course, everything is for your safety, sir. Don't do business outside in the future. We can meet at my residence. What do you think?"

 “Very good, no problem.”

 Ikuta Takaki no longer hesitated and nodded in agreement. He could still tell the difference between 50,000 yuan and a small life. As for joining Dou's home, it was not a big problem.

Just like the reason why you will not cheat on others, the other party should understand that long-term cooperation will bring more benefits. From the perspective of interests, the safety of the two people meeting in private can be guaranteed.

Hearing this, Gu Qi raised the corners of his mouth and his eyes were full of smiles: "That's settled. Also, if there is an emergency, how should I contact Mr. Dou? Can you leave a number for Dou?

 Information is very timely, and time represents money. The sooner we get the information the customer needs, the higher the price will be. I am doing this for your consideration, and have no other intention whatsoever. "

Takaki Ikuta looked at the wooden box in his arms and fell into deep thought. Telling others his number would mean exposing his identity, which was unacceptable. He suddenly thought of an idea.

“Dousang, if there is an emergency, before eight o’clock in the morning, you leave a triangle on the third tree on the right side in front of the consulate door. I will look for you at this time in the evening after seeing the code.

 Please rest assured that our Yamato nation is a nation that pays attention to credit. Not using the phone will not delay our business. If there is any loss, I will be fully responsible for it. Do you think this is okay? "


 Gu Qi didn't say anything and readily agreed to the other party's proposal. Anyway, the deputy director's plan only required establishing contact with this bastard. It didn't matter whether the contact was by phone.

At this time, he raised his hand and looked at his watch, and asked seemingly unintentionally: "By the way, sir, why were you a few minutes late before? This is not a good habit, especially for this industry."

  When mentioning this matter, Ikuta Takaki smiled mysteriously: "Mr. Dou, you said something right when we met. We don't trust each other, so I went to the electric lighting company in the concession today."

 Electric lighting company?

Gu Qi was stunned for a moment, and soon realized that the other party should have checked the electricity usage of the disguised address to judge whether his identity was reliable. No wonder no follower was found.

But this method is too childish. How could the Secret Service leave such a big loophole for people to discover that there have always been residents in that room, but they are just "invited" to leave.

The target is a stick. He obviously has no experience, but he pretends to be a veteran. Compared with this person, even the secret service headquarters is well-trained. Gucci forced a polite smile on his face.

Sure enough, Ikuta Takaki put on a proud look and patted him on the shoulder: "Dou-san, you are very smart and honest. You did not use a fake address, which saved your life.

 Otherwise what you see here will not be me, but the heavily armed imperial police. Please forgive me for being suspicious. As a professional intelligence officer, suspicion is my innate nature. "

Gu Qi's face turned pale when he heard this. Of course he was not frightened. He was simply disgusted by the other party's shamelessness. What a **** professional intelligence officer. He didn't even urinate before saying this to show his virtue.

On the surface, he said sincerely: "Doumou is really knowledgeable, sir, so the deal is over. If you have high-value information, you can go directly to my residence to find me."

 “Yoshi, Sayounana.”

At this time, Ikuta Takaki was eager to return home. He hugged the box and ran away after saying something casually. He was going to go home to appreciate the gold, or to have a nice sleep with it in his arms.

Gu Qi watched his figure skipping away, snorted coldly, and then quietly disappeared into the night. Under the protection of many surveillance personnel, he quickly walked towards Zuo Zhong's house.

Not long after, the telegram split into two halves appeared in Zuo Zhong's hands. Looking at the contents, Zuo Zhong rubbed his chin, thought seriously for a while, and then murmured a few words to Gu Qi.

According to his plan, once the step of establishing contact is completed, the next thing will be simple. As long as the Japanese and British fight dog to dog, the peacemaking behavior of the man named Wang and the bald man can be stopped.

Song Minghao and Wu Jingzhong next to them stood straight on the spot, looking at their noses and hearts. They were not at all curious about what they said. It was best not to inquire about things they were not supposed to know.

 (End of this chapter)

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