Cicada Moving

Chapter 581: Are you teaching me how to do things?

Chapter 581 Are you teaching me how to do something?

 A few days later.

At the Japanese Consulate in Shanghai, three intelligence staff were chatting quietly in the office. A bald man said mysteriously: "Minister Iwai is going to organize a shooting competition. Have you heard about it?"

“I heard it. It is said that the minister thought that we worked hard and asked everyone to relax. The consul will also go to watch the game.” Another person told the gossip that he had just received.

“Nani, the consul will go.”

The bald man was excited. It seemed that not only was he going to compete in this competition, but he also had to work hard to get a good ranking. It didn't matter whether he had a good relationship with his immediate boss or something like that. He mainly wanted to cultivate his sentiments.

"Haha, what you two are talking about is not the latest information. I heard from the people in the special high school class that Section Chief Hase personally gave out 10,000 yen as a competition bonus." The last person revealed in a low voice.

  10,000 yen!

The two people across from each other looked at each other and ran towards the gun room in unison. Guns are different from gun to gun. A new gun that has been calibrated is definitely much more accurate than an old gun, so you have to strike first.

Watching his colleagues run away, the man finally thought of the rifle in his dormitory and smiled contemptuously: "A-Dai, it's too late to borrow the gun now. I've decided on the prize money for this competition."

Compared with the consulate staff’s expectations for the game, Ikuta Takaki was in a bad mood. He walked around the office with his hands behind his back, cursing Iwai and Hase Ryosuke.

“Baga Ya Lu, what kind of wild duck hunting competition is this? It’s despicable. You know that I’m not good at shooting, but you still organize such an event. These two **** must want to see me make a fool of myself in front of everyone.”

He did some brainstorming and accidentally guessed part of the facts correctly. Faced with this situation, Ikuta Takaki felt that he could not sit still and wait for death, and must take the initiative to fight back.

 The question is how to fight back.

Mr. Zhusu thought about it and realized the importance of the quality of the weapon. He decided to go to the gun room to have a look. If he could find a carefully maintained gun, the score would at least not be too bad.

Takaki Ikuta straightened his messy hair and walked out towards his destination. As he walked halfway, he saw a long queue in the corridor, with many consulate staff queuing up.

How is this going.

 He ​​felt something was a little bad, so he quickened his pace and went straight to the gun room. Then he looked at the crowded crowd at the door of the gun room and was stunned, why were there so many people.

The news of the competition has just been released, and it is not even confirmed. Why are they so enthusiastic? Aren't they afraid that it is a rumor? Damn it, I am afraid that all the useful guns have been taken away by others.

 “Get out of the way.”

Thinking of this, Takahi Ikuta pushed aside the others arrogantly, opened the iron door and walked directly into the gun room. He found the person in charge, Ono, who was very busy and sweating, and said something unkind.

“Immediately find an unused rifle, calibrate it and send it to my office. If there is something wrong with the gun during the competition, even if you are from Tongwen Academy, I will not let you off lightly.”

After Ono heard this, he wanted to find a Taisho 11 light machine gun and beat this guy into a hornet's nest. Is there anyone who wants to ask for help like this? The son-in-law of the Matsumoto family can't bully people like this.

Also, I have to deal with myself. I am a junior at the same school as Mr. Consul, Minister Iwai and Section Chief Hase. I am a loser whose appointment as deputy minister has been delayed for so long. How can I find the courage to make such bold claims?

So he chuckled: "Sorry, Mr. Ikuta, the weapons in the consulate are all retired military weapons. If you want new guns, you can only go to the Marine Corps and take a look. They may be available there."

 “Baga! Bang! Bang!”

 Ikuta Takaki was irritated by the other party's casual tone, and immediately slapped him twice. Ono's cheeks became red and swollen, and the Japanese spies who were watching around him couldn't help but frown.

This person is too overbearing. Everyone is using old guns. Why do you want a new gun? Shooting competitions are just a pastime. What's the point of doing this? Just declare yourself the champion.

However, the matter was not of their own concern, and no one wanted to offend the Matsumoto family, who had all their hands and eyes. The secret agents supported poor Ono-kun with their eyes and spirit, and spoke uprightly, which is non-existent.

  “You all get the **** back.”

Over there, Takaki Ikuta roared angrily at everyone. Being unreasonable and being brainless are two different things. The consulate is not in the military, and beating a colleague in front of so many people will not sound good if word spreads.

The agents chose to follow their hearts and retreated like a tide. The inside and outside of the gun room suddenly became extremely quiet. Ono's face turned red and white, red because of anger and white because of fear.

It is too dangerous to meet a boss who is shameless and has a good background. Even if the boss beats him to death, he may not need to take any responsibility. Who wants to let someone above him do it?

On the other side, Ikuta Takaki vented his anger a little. He snorted and walked to the gun cabinet. He opened the cabinet door and looked for it. It turned out that it was indeed filled with used junk.

This time he was embarrassed. It turned out that Ono was not lying. He glanced a few more times without giving up, and his eyes suddenly stopped at the corner of the cabinet, where there was a long object wrapped in oil paper.

Ikuta Takaki's eyes lit up, he reached out to take this thing in his hand, and tore off the oil paper outside. An 80% new Type 38 rifle appeared in front of him, the black barrel shining with cold light.

He held the gun high and turned his head to look at Ono fiercely: "Damn bastard, what else do you have to say? Why did you hide the good gun? Do you want to use it yourself during the competition?" "Ah, no."

A trace of panic immediately appeared on Ono's swollen face, and he shook his head quickly: "I borrowed this from the army for Section Chief Hase and put it in the gun room for maintenance. You must not take it away.

If he knows about this, he will definitely make trouble for me. Please, if I go and steal it tomorrow, I will find a brand new rifle for you, calibrate it and send it to your office. "


 Is it Ryosuke Hase’s gun?

 That would be great.

 Ikuta Takaki almost laughed out loud. It was really an eye-opener for Amaterasu. If it was someone else's gun, he might have considered it, but he had to take it away from that bastard.

The next second he raised his neck and said calmly: "No need, the weapons are imperial assets, not someone's. Since Section Chief Hase is not here right now, you can lend them to me first."

After saying this, seeing what Ono wanted to say, Ikuta Takaki said with a gloomy face: "You are afraid that the other party will cause trouble for you, aren't you afraid that I will cause trouble for you? Be smart, otherwise."

  With a harsh word, he held the gun and was about to leave. If he didn't leave now, he would wait for a while. I heard that Changgu was very skilled. If this person got wind of it and came over to block him in the gun room, he would be in trouble.

Seeing that he was about to leave, Ono blocked the road and begged: "Mr. Ikuta, you want to take this gun away. I can't stop you. But according to Minister Iwai's order, you must sign."


 Takaki Ikuta is a little puzzled. The Ministry of Intelligence, including the consulate, is very strict in the management of intelligence, but other aspects are so-so. For example, when you receive a gun, you only need to register it in the gun room without signing.


Ono bent down and said in a very sincere tone: "The "Regulations on Firearms Management in Embassy and Consulates" issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stipulates that everyone must sign when receiving weapons, and Minister Iwai is no exception."

 “Okay, give me the autograph book.”

Hearing the last sentence, Ikuta Takaki answered impatiently, signed his name in the book handed over by Ono with both hands, and then walked out of the gun room in a swagger.

Looking at the man's retreating back, Ono, who had been slapped twice, touched his cheek, his eyes full of resentment, but when he saw the signature book in his hand, the expression on his face gradually became vivid.

After waiting patiently for a few minutes, he closed the door without hesitation and trotted to Hase Ryosuke's office with the certificate of surrender. Things were as expected, Ikuta Takaki fell into the trap.

It's a fool's errand for such a big fool to want to fight with Section Chief Hase. He's the one who was sold to help people pay for him, so it's a good choice for you to choose which side to side with.

A few minutes later.

Ono stood respectfully in front of a luxurious desk and reported everything that had happened before. He gently placed the signature book on the table and asked for instructions.

“Chief Hase, this is the situation. According to your instructions, I said that the gun was yours, and Ikuta Takaki took it away immediately. Do you want to come forward and warn him to make it appear true?”

While listening to Ono's story, Hase Ryosuke flipped through his signature book with a pen to avoid leaving fingerprints. He quickly found the arrogant name. After thinking about it, he asked coldly.

 “Are you teaching me how to do things?”

 “Ah, no, it’s not.”

Ono was so frightened by these words that he bent his waist 180 degrees, and his head almost hit his knees. This shows how important it is to have a good body if you want to work in a Japanese agency.

 “Hehe, get up.”

Hase Ryosuke's face relaxed, he picked up the tea cup and took a sip, and said lightly: "Forget warning him, I know Ikuta Takaki slapped you twice for no reason, it's normal for you to be angry.

 But you shouldn't try to take advantage of me. I will avenge you and make sure you are satisfied. Okay, go back to the gun room and continue working. If you have any new information, please inform me in time. I will not treat you badly. "

 “Hai, thank you, Section Chief Hase.”

Ono left happily. With the support of the other party, his future in the consulate must be bright. This is all thanks to Ikuta Takaki, his cheeks don’t hurt anymore just thinking about it.

 When he went out, Hase Ryousuke narrowed his eyes. It was related to Fat Tiger's plan. This man could not be kept. If he wanted to cover up something, perjury was one way, and death without any evidence was another way.

“Don’t blame me for being cruel. You appeared in the wrong place at the wrong time. I will burn more paper for you next year.” Mr. Super High School Supervisor stood up and stood in front of the window and murmured to himself.

I was writing while flying, writing while riding in the car, and writing while eating. Finally, there was no delay.



 (End of this chapter)

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