Cicada Moving

Chapter 584: Enter Takayoshi Ikuta

 Chapter 584 Ikuta Takahiro joins the bandwagon

As the sun sets, the shooting competition at the Japanese Consulate in Shanghai comes to an end. The contestants carry their prey out of the reeds and gather together in twos and threes to discuss today’s harvest.

The most proud among them was Ikuta Takaki. He pointed at a pile of wild ducks on the ground and said something with a beaming smile. Everyone expressed their awe to the Matsumoto family to please him.

The short man took advantage of this moment to secretly put three bags into the trunk of a car, and then stood aside as if nothing had happened, smiling as he watched the other person tell others about shooting skills.

 Hase Ryosuke frowned, glanced at the proud Ikuta Takaki, then looked at the sparkling river and fell into deep thought. After a long time, he turned around and said to Ono seriously.

“Ono-kun, I give you a secret mission. After the game, you follow Ikuta Takaki and see where he goes and who he meets. You must not be discovered. Can you do it?”

 “Hai, no problem.”

Hearing this, Ono perked up and immediately said confidently: "Chief Hase, please rest assured that my results in the tracking subjects during the training were very good. It is impossible for the other party to detect it based on his professional ability."

He did not ask Hase why he followed Ikuta Takaki. After staying in the Intelligence Department for so long, what should and should not be asked? He knew very well that in many cases the more he knew, the more dangerous he was.

 Hase Ryosuke sighed, what a good helper. If it wasn't for the plan, he would really be reluctant to kill the other person. Now he can only say sorry and be a good person in the next life.

At this time, Iwai came over accompanied by the consul Ishizu Shotarou, and winked at Hase while saying hello. Hase nodded slightly, indicating that he was ready, and Iwai smiled.

Ever since he knew that Ikuta Takaki was secretly following Hase, he had been having trouble sleeping and eating. He sold out the empire's intelligence in exchange for money. If anyone found out, they would be dead, and even his family would not be able to escape.

Now that the worry on his mind was gone, Mr. Minister was in a good mood. He got a haircut and walked onto the makeshift podium. He talked a lot of nonsense amidst the applause of his men, and then announced a count of prey.

“Mr. Iwai, 32.”

 “Search Hase, 31.”

  A little agent shouted loudly about everyone's achievements. It was just a coincidence that everyone seemed to have agreed upon it. The level of official position was directly proportional to the number of prey, and there was only one difference between the number and the number of prey.

 The people present seemed not surprised by this result at all, and they applauded the two officers' sharp shots. After Iwai and Hase announced that they would give up their bonuses, the applause became even more sincere.

 The smile on Takaki Ikuta's face was frozen in the audience. Even if the two who gained the most were removed, the remaining contestants would start at least 20, and he was ranked last.

 “Baga, cheating, this is cheating.”

He wanted to stand up and loudly denounce the unfairness of the game, but looking at the smiling consul Ishizuka Shotaro beside him, he finally gave up the dangerous idea, turned around and left with the rifle in his hand.

The short man hid in the crowd, watching the other party leave with a cold eye, and then looked at Ono who followed him furtively, thinking thoughtfully in his heart, knowing that Section Chief Hase had a back-up plan, and Ikuta was doomed.

Other agents also noticed this scene and pretended not to see it. The incompetent son-in-law left and then heard Section Chief Jigure Hase say that everyone was invited to the nightclub.

 “Long live~”

 “Thanks that nuisance is gone.”

 “Thank you, Section Chief Hase.”

The cheers spread far away along the wind. Takaki Ikuta in the car turned ugly after hearing it. He hammered the steering wheel hard, stepped on the accelerator, and drove quickly towards his father's address.

He vowed that when he earns money and becomes the Deputy Minister of Intelligence, he will pay back all the insults he suffered today to Hase Ryosuke, no, double the amount to that **** who only knows how to win over people with wine, **** and wealth. Full of anger, he didn't realize that a car was following slowly not far behind him. Ono, who had put on a facial camouflage in the driver's seat, was staring straight ahead, speeding up and slowing down from time to time.

 After chatting for a while, Ono was surprised to find that the other party was performing anti-tracking operations, but this was not an intelligence operation. What was the point of Ikuta Takaki doing this? Could it be that he was performing a secret mission.

  Ono gradually became more vigilant and used the tracking skills he learned during the training. He did not dare to relax for a moment. If he delayed the important event of Section Chief Hase, it would be difficult in the future.

The two cars drove a long way along the road, and finally stopped at the bottom of a new-style residential building in the public concession. Ikuta Takaki parked the car on the side of the road and angrily walked into the stairwell.

Ono, who was dozens of meters away, looked at his surroundings and couldn't help but feel a little confused. As the person in charge of the firearms room, he often delivered weapons to the secret stronghold of the consulate, but there was absolutely no place like this.

 In other words, there is a high probability that Ikuta Takaki is not performing a mission. Combined with the previous anti-tracking, this guy must be doing something that cannot be known to others. What could it be?


 Or a spy?

Xiao Zhi's ambition is gradually becoming more and more intense. If he can catch the other party, Section Chief Hase will definitely give him a generous reward. Of course, he can also use this matter to blackmail the Matsumoto family's son-in-law.

That is the largest financial family in the empire. Just showing a little bit from the cracks of your hands is enough to make you famous and popular for a lifetime. However, this is very dangerous and it is very easy to play with fire and burn yourself.

He thought calmly for a while, got out of the car from the passenger seat and found a hidden location. He took out his binoculars to observe the new residential building, trying to find the location of Takaki Ikuta.

 Time passed slowly and night fell.


Smelling the fragrant smell of dinner around him, Ono made a hungry rumble in his stomach. Just when he decided to find some food, a familiar figure flashed past a certain window.

 “The third room from the left on the top floor.”

He whispered to himself, finally not wasting such a long wait. After hesitating for a few seconds, Ono walked to the small shop across the street and picked up the phone.

Not long after, Ryosuke Hase was invited to the bar by the waiter at the Hongkou Empire Nightclub to answer a mysterious phone call. After hearing the call, he didn’t say anything and tried to call another number.

 “GO, GO, GO!”

Just a few minutes after he made the call, John Katzwei, wearing the uniform of the patrol room, stood at the door of a large office and shouted loudly, and a group of heavily armed patrol officers swarmed out from inside.

The one walking at the back was Acting Detective Kuang Fuan. He grabbed a pistol and ran out of the patrol room quickly. He quickly jumped onto the running board of the truck parked in the yard, patted the cockpit and shouted.

"Set off!"

 “Ula Ula Ula~~”

Shrill sirens sounded, and police cars quickly drove onto the highway, accelerating wildly on the lively streets of Shanghai, heading in one direction, and pedestrians and vehicles on the road dodged to avoid them.

 (End of this chapter)

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