Cicada Moving

Chapter 590: hand over telegram

Chapter 590 Hand over the telegram

Compared to Xu Enzeng's suspicion and Ikuta Takahi's anger, Kuang Fuan seemed much calmer. After listening to Zuo Zhong's explanation, he thought about whether he could do something for the national anti-Japanese cause.

The Japanese are running rampant in Xiaoliuqiu, North China, and Northeast China, burning, killing, looting, and committing crimes that are too numerous to describe. How could their foreign minister make so-called friendly remarks toward China?

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs telegram mentioned by Zuozhong, he had also seen it before. The Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs asked the Shanghai Consulate to identify traitors who could be used after the conversation was made public. The intention of starting a war was obvious.

If this news can be passed to the top levels of the government through the Secret Service, it may be able to make the top leaders of the Fruit Party, who only know that in order to fight foreign affairs, must first pacify the country, recognize the reality and stop fighting with each other.

Even if this possibility is very small.

 But it’s worth a try.

Kuang Fuan looked at Xu Enzeng who was struggling, and asked pretending to be impatient: "Director Xu, in my opinion, as long as the Secret Service does not move the British intelligence, this request can be met.

 We must send the prisoner to the chief patrol room as soon as possible to ensure safety. In addition, this is your internal matter. If you want to send it, let your staff do it. I can't let my men take risks. "

Xu Enzeng thought for a while and felt that this was indeed the case. The intelligence work against Japan was the responsibility of the Secret Service and had nothing to do with the secret service headquarters. Even if he took the secret document, it would be useless.

Rather than offending Zuo Zhong, who was determined to retaliate and was insidious, it was better to hand it over as a favor. Understanding this, he nodded slightly to Kuang Fuan, expressing his agreement with the other party's proposal.

Then he casually selected a small agent to hand over the information, but before sending it over, Xu Enzen wrote down the contents like a thief, preparing to report to Jinling in advance, so he could somehow help.

Kuang Fuan looked on coldly and had no intention of blocking it. For the underground party, all they had to do was spread the news. As for which intelligence agency it was spread through, it didn't matter at all.

In any case, both the Secret Service and the Secret Service Headquarters are enemies. He is not interested in the dog-eat-dog fight between the parties. If there weren't so many people here, neither of these two spies would be able to escape.

And the unlucky guy who was selected by Xu Enzeng walked fearfully into the darkness with the document, stumbled along the way and saw Zuo Zhong, then he straightened his back and saluted and said loudly.

 “Commissioner Zuo, this is the document.”


Zuo Zhong fell into silence after uttering two words. In his capacity, there was no need to say hello to a little spy. That would only make it appear that there was something wrong in his heart. Just do what you usually do.

He knows Xu Enzeng very well. This guy has been tricked by him so many times, and now he is afraid that he is in a state of indignity and cannot bear any stimulation. The more indifferent he is, the more relieved the other party will be.

 “Click, click.”

Wu Chunyang on the side heard this and took out his camera, quickly pulled the winding lever, pointed it at the document under the light of the flashlight, and pressed the shutter. He was very careful not to damage the fingerprints on it.

 The key to solving a case is to have both human and physical evidence. People in the patrol room cannot be regarded as fools. If there are no traces of Ikuta Takaki in all the physical evidence, they are likely to discover the problem.

 “It’s done.”

Wu Chunyang quickly finished filming the document, raised his head and said something, Zuo Zhong waved his hand and told the little agent to take the document and get out. The play was almost done at this point, there was no need to add extra details.

  Seeing the signal, the little agent felt like he was being pardoned, and ran back in a hurry. Under the gaze of so many big shots from the Second Division, this little agent almost peed his pants, or to be precise, he peed half of his pants.

Looking at the back of this man leaving in embarrassment, Zuo Zhong raised the corners of his mouth slightly and nodded to Gu Qi: "Tell the brothers to get out of the way and let the losers from the Concession Patrol and the Secret Service Headquarters leave.

By the way, I would like to inform everyone to disperse and evacuate. It has been so long since the gunshots were fired. Even if the nearby police and patrolmen are like a bunch of pigs, they should have reacted by now. This matter should be kept as confidential as possible today.

At least we have to keep it secret, otherwise it will not be in line with our usual style. Xu Enzeng will definitely be jealous. If this guy says something to the patrol room, it may ruin the plan. "

 “Okay, Deputy Director.”

 Gu Qi bowed his head respectfully and turned around to carry out the order. The agents were either on foot or by car and disappeared into the complicated alleys in a short time. The people around him breathed a sigh of relief.

These dog spies are finally gone.

 It’s scary.

People living on Beichuan Provincial Road have long been accustomed to the fighting between gangs, gangs and underground gangs, underground gangs and fruit gangs, and they understand that if they want to live a long time, they must learn to pretend to be stupid.

The moment the gunfire rang out, they skillfully closed the doors and windows, covered their ears tightly, and determined that no matter who came to ask, they would see and hear nothing.

At this time, scattered snowflakes suddenly appeared in the lonely night sky. Unfortunately, when they fell on the ground, their clothes immediately turned into water. Then the strong wind roared up, violently slapping the snowflakes on people's faces.

"It's snowing again." Zuo Zhong clasped his hands behind his back and looked up at the sky. After a long time, he said quietly: "The weather in Shanghai is very unpredictable. Chunyang, take someone with you. If the **** convoy encounters Please help.

Make sure that Ikuta Takaki arrives at the patrol room alive. After all, he is a diplomatic intelligence officer with a position. He must have a lot of secrets. The Japanese may choose to silence or rob people if they know the news.

We have prepared so much intelligence for the British. We must let them fight with the little devils. Witnesses are the key. There can be no mistakes. It is up to you to decide what to do. "

 “Yes, Deputy Director.”

Wu Chunyang nodded lightly and left the scene with seven or eight people. As long as they were not facing an attack by the regular army, so many armed agents were enough to resist for a period of time and cover the patrol house's retreat.

After he left, a bald man sneaked over and asked for instructions in a low voice: "Deputy Director, you see it's almost time. We should withdraw. I have to continue digging when we get back."


Zuo Zhong raised his hand to stop the next words, and glanced at Yu Xingle, Song Minghao and Wu Jingzhong who were walking away: "Don't tell anyone about that matter, Gui Youguang, if there is a problem, you are the only one to ask.

Also, have you found the American arms dealer I asked you to find, the American prosthetic leg Kaini? Take the time to buy more dangerous goods. If you have the latest listening equipment from the Germans, get them too. "

  (the prosthetic leg kenni comes from verse 542)

 “I understand, I promise to complete the task.”

Gui Youguang lowered his head, hesitated and asked: "Deputy Director, No. 76 is the private residence of President Chen of the Military Senate in Shanghai. There won't be any trouble if you do this. He is a big shot.

Even if it is for monitoring, just send people in to install the equipment. Why dig a permanent tunnel? My brothers and I are almost turning into mice these days. How about you let Lao Gu be responsible for this matter. "

The bald man's expression was a bit complaining. Since he had been digging underground for a long time without seeing the sun, even his usually dark face had become much whiter and tenderer. This was indeed a kind of torture for Gui Youguang.

After listening to this, Zuo Zhong walked towards the car and said calmly: "Stop talking nonsense, these are not things you should consider. All you need to do is dig the tunnel. I will be responsible for the other issues.

 Remember to stop digging when you reach the No. 76 foundation. Do not destroy the original structure of the house. Be sure to do a good job in reinforcement. The soil in Shanghai is soft and contains high water content, which can easily cause leakage and landslides. "

While he was talking, he got into the car. Gui Youguang sat in the driver's seat and acted as the driver. He started the car and drove towards Jisi Feier Road. Yu Xingle and others quickly followed in the car.

Looking at the increasing snowstorm outside the window, Zuo Dian lit a cigarette and thought quietly. In 1935, there were only two years until Japan officially launched a full-scale war of aggression. It was time to make some preparations.

Digging tunnels under No. 76, storing dangerous goods and installing listening equipment are just a few of them. The Secret Service has more work to do, such as establishing independent safe houses and intelligence networks.

East China is in the Ming Dynasty, and every move is under the watchful eyes of others. It is difficult to maintain 100% confidentiality. It may not have much impact at this time, but in wartime it is very fatal.

Especially the safe house that ensures the safety of our own operators. When necessary, it can provide operators with hiding places, daily necessities, and weapons and equipment needed to complete their missions.

Once discovered by the enemy, not only the hiding intelligence personnel will be in danger, but also the valuable materials placed in the safe house will be confiscated. The location provided by the East China District can only be used as a last resort option.

At this time, the car passed the Yokohama Bridge. Zuo Zhong focused on the dense residential areas on both sides of the strait and decided to apply for a fund from Dai Chunfeng to secretly purchase some houses here to serve as safe houses.

 First of all, the safe house cannot be selected in a sparsely populated wilderness, it must be in a densely populated area, and the appearance must be low-key and consistent with the color, style, and size of the surrounding buildings.

 The most ideal state is to integrate with the surrounding buildings. Except for some special tasks that require luxurious residences, try to use civilian residences for renovation to increase the workload of enemy screening.

 The price needs to be cheap. Due to the extended use time, the risk of exposure will increase, so safe houses are usually one-time use. There is no need to spend a lot of money to buy expensive high-end real estate.

From these two aspects, Beichuan Provincial Road is indeed a very suitable location. It will definitely be used in the future war against Japan. Zuo Zhong opened the window and threw the cigarette **** out, and the fire flashed by.

As for the general patrol room several kilometers away, the first thing Kuang Fuan did after getting off the car was to close the door, send someone to watch the personnel at the secret service headquarters, and run towards John Kaiziwei's office.

  In espionage cases related to the Far East Fleet and the royal family, there are only a few people in Shanghai who can make the decision. The Kaiziwei brothers are obviously among them. Everyone knows what the Special Department of the Police Department does.


 Kuang Fuan arrived at the door of the office, knocked on the door a few times, and then barged in. He interrupted the intimate communication between John Kaiziwei and the female secretary. Before the other party got angry, he reported the report without blinking.

“Report, we successfully captured the poacher Takaki Ikuta and seized a batch of secret documents from the suspicious house where he stayed, including information about the British Fleet in the Far East and the royal family.”

 (End of this chapter)

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