Cicada Moving

Chapter 596: Japanese Consulate’s reaction

Chapter 596 The reaction of the Japanese Consulate

As a consular officer, Ishito Shotaro was very aware of the sensitivity of Ikuta Takaki's identity. If something happened to the other party, the Shanghai Consulate would be blamed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Tokyo from top to bottom.

Especially after it was confirmed that Ikuta Takaki was not at home and no one answered the door, this worry reached its peak. A living person just disappeared without a trace. Could it be that he was killed?

Ishizhu Shetaro thought about the internal conflicts in the consulate, the intelligence agencies of the National Government, and the gangsters of the Cao Gang who were fighting sap. He was uneasy and decided to find someone to discuss the matter.

So he called Iwai and Hase Ryosuke to the office to explain the situation, and looked at the two of them seriously: "Iwai-kun, Hase-kun, the current situation is very bad, we must prepare for the worst.

You inform the consulate’s agents in Shanghai to be more vigilant and allow them to retreat on their own when necessary. I will report this matter to Foreign Minister Guangtian immediately, and I will bear all responsibilities. "

 Ishog Shotaro is a traditional Japanese scholar, and he is very kind in some aspects. Otherwise, he would not be able to secure his position as the consul of the Shanghai Consulate, which is a first-class job.

Iwai and Hase Ryosuke looked at each other over there. It was so strange. It was normal for Ikuta Takaki to disappear. After all, they had set a trap. If everything went well, the other party would have been caught.

The question is why John Kaiziwei did not notify them. According to the previous agreement, the patrol office will publicly notify the consulate and make the matter public to the public, completely ruining Ikuta Takaki.

Iwai thought about it in his mind and said, "Are you afraid that Mr. Ikuta will be in danger? I think this is unlikely. No one in the concession or the Republic of China dares to harm the imperial diplomats.

He may be having fun with women somewhere. When he was in his hometown, he was closely watched by the jealous eldest daughter of the Matsumoto family. In this colorful world in Shanghai, he will definitely not be idle.

I suggest that Hase-kun’s special high school class be dispatched first to secretly search for him in the surrounding studios and technical institutes, or seek help from the public concession patrol room. If no discovery is found, report to Tokyo. "

“What Minister Iwai said makes sense.”

 Hase Ryosuke bowed and respectfully agreed: "Ikuta Takaki has a lot of secrets. If the Chinese intelligence agency learns that his whereabouts are unknown, they will definitely try their best to find him.

By then, it will not be as simple as an intelligence officer missing. Consul, you are at a critical period. The people from Tokyo High School of Commerce will never let go of this opportunity to criticize you.

It's not worth risking your future for an incompetent son-in-law. If Tokyo wants to be held accountable, let me take the responsibility. The other party has long disliked me and just followed their wishes. "

His statement almost made him have the word "loyalty" tattooed on his forehead. Which boss wouldn't like a subordinate who is brave enough to take the blame? Anyway, the expressions of Shotaro the Stone Boar and Iwai immediately softened.

To be honest, they were all vaguely worried that Hase Ryosuke had killed the person. After all, Ikuta was competing with him for the position of Deputy Minister of Intelligence, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Ishito Shotarou calmed down and said, "Hase-kun, I appreciate your loyalty and sincerity, but there are some things you shouldn't say here. Just follow Iwai-kun's advice.

You immediately lead the team to search for Ikuta Takaki, restore his movement trajectory, and find the place where he last appeared. I am afraid that this guy who is not very smart will be captured by the Chinese.

The situation in North China is on the verge of breaking out. There is no guarantee that the Chairman of the Generalissimo will not look for the empire's weaknesses from other directions. This matter must be investigated as soon as possible. Oh, it's time for this to happen (please). "


When Iwai and Hase Ryosuke heard Mr. Consul say please, they quickly bent their waists at ninety degrees. Then they left and returned to Iwai's office to discuss a plan to find Ikuta.

But before that, Iwai decided that it would be better to ask certain things clearly, so as not to unknowingly take the blame for others, so he sat down on the chair and asked furtively.

 “Mr. Hase, you didn’t do it, did you?”

 “Of course not, Minister Iwai.”

Hase Ryosuke explained with an innocent face: "You know me. If I really did it, there is no need to be so secretive. What you saw should be Ikuta Takaki's body.

 Because as long as something happens to that guy, everyone will doubt me, just like the Consul and you, so why should I do useless work? Don't worry, I know what not to do. "

Yes, it was the Chinese and the Concession Patrol House who took action. What did it have to do with Ryosuke Hase? Even if Takaki Ikuta was here, he dared to confront him face to face. He had no regrets.

Hearing such a decisive answer, Iwai smiled awkwardly: "Don't get me wrong, Mr. Hase, I'm just a little worried. Those people at Tokyo Commercial School are all unreasonable bastards.

Once Ikuta Takaki is killed, they will definitely target you and me. They will take a step back and say that killing is normal in our profession. What we need to pay attention to is the subsequent handling and not leaving any evidence. "

Hase Ryosuke understood what he was saying. What the other party meant was that it didn’t matter if you killed someone, just wipe your **** clean. It seemed that he was right not to do it himself, otherwise the consequences might be very serious.

Facing the common censure from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Matsumoto family, and the Tokyo Commercial School faction, a small super high school section chief is useless, and the only way to survive is to defect and seek asylum from Fat Tiger.

He thought a lot in his mind in an instant, and there was a trace of hesitation on his face: "Minister, there is something I don't know whether to say. In addition to Ikuta Takaki, there is another person from the consulate who is also missing."

 “Nani, who are you?”

Iwai's eyes widened. Damn it. Could it be that someone was targeting the Imperial Consulate and specifically trafficked people from here? This is simply ridiculous. Which human trafficker would dare to provoke the Japanese Empire.

Hase Ryosuke, who was on the opposite side, stretched out his head and replied in a low voice: "It's Ono. Ikuta Takaki slapped him in front of many people a few days ago. He came to report to me, and his words were very angry." "Which Ono? "

Iwai blinked after hearing this. He couldn't be blamed for this. There were several people named Ono in the Japanese consulate, and there were two or three in the Intelligence Department alone. They only mentioned their last names. God knows who Hase was talking about.

“Ono, the person in charge of the firearms room, followed Takaki Ikuta after the hunting competition, and there was no news after that. I sent someone to his residence to check, but there was no one there. Could it be him?”

Hase Ryosuke said that he only said half of what he said, and then added: "It is my order to follow Ikuta Takaki. Only when I determine the specific whereabouts of the other party can I report to the patrol room.

Not long after we arrived at the Empire Nightclub yesterday, Ono called and reported that the target was near Beichuan Provincial Road. I told John Kaiziwei and asked him to send a patrol to arrest the person. "


Iwai rubbed his chin and nodded thoughtfully. According to Hase, the last place where the two missing people were seen was Beichuan Provincial Road, and people from the patrol room had probably seen them.

He no longer hesitated and pointed to the phone on the table: "This phone is not monitored. You call John Kaiziwei and ask him what happened and why he didn't report the arrest."


Hase Ryosuke lowered his head and said yes, the corners of his mouth hidden in the shadows slightly raised. It was involved in such a serious espionage case. How could the British leak the news? But it was time to expose the matter.

He organized what he wanted to ask, picked up the phone and turned the handle to ask for a number. He stood aside and patiently waited for the call to be connected. Half a minute later, a half-baked Chinese voice sounded on the other end of the phone.

 “Hello, who are you looking for?”

 “John, this is Chang Gu.”

Hanggu winked at Iwai and asked pretentiously: "Did the arrest go smoothly yesterday? Is the target in prison? Consul Shizhu is already asking about the whereabouts of that person.

Also, one of my subordinates named Xiao Ye is also missing. Can you please ask Mr. Kai Ziwei to help find him? He is just a firearms administrator and does not know any confidential information at all. "

 “Haha, it turns out to be Mr. Hase.”

John Kai responded with a venomous smile, and then exhaled: "FUXX, you **** Japanese pigs, how dare you deceive me, just wait, you will definitely regret it."

After saying that, he hung up the phone with a bang. Even Iwai could clearly hear the angry voice, which made him frown. What did the other party mean by cheating? Things were getting weirder and weirder.

 “Call again and ask”

 “Ding-deng, that’s not good, minister.”

Just as Iwai was about to ask Hase to make another call, there was a knock on the office door, and a secret agent hurried in, holding several newspapers in his hand and reporting anxiously.

“Minister, section chief, Takaki Ikuta was arrested by the police station on charges of poaching rare migratory birds. The specific arrest time was last night. Should we send someone to negotiate with the concession authorities and ask them to release him?”

  Baga, I remember you. Hase Ryosuke took a deep look at this person. This kind of idiot who cannot see the situation clearly is not qualified to stay in the consulate. Jinling is the most suitable place for him.

Iwai also squinted his eyes, but didn't say anything. He raised his hand to take the newspaper and read it. It introduced the incident in detail. After reading it, he leaned back on the chair and frowned.

 Judging from the reports, everything is going according to plan. People are patrolled and arrested, people and stolen goods are seized, and newspapers create publicity. However, the attitude of the British is a bit puzzling. How have I offended them?

 “Okay, you go out first.”

Iwai casually waved his hand to drive away the blind agent, and fell into thinking. He was keenly aware of one thing, that is, the development of the matter may have deviated from the original track.

To figure this out, he had to start from the patrol room. He thought of the informants placed by the Intelligence Department in the concession. He whispered to Hase Ryosuke, and then they started working separately.

 At the same time, the consular office.

  Ishizuki Shotarou took off his headphones, crossed his hands on the table, and showed a smile on his face. He guessed that he was right, it was really the two guys Iwai and Hase who did this.

He has long disliked the aggressiveness of the Tokyo Business School faction. It would be nice to teach him a lesson in the name of poaching migratory birds, as long as Takato Ikuta is not dead.

These people must know that Tongwenyuan is not a vegetarian. Shizhu Shetaro smiled slightly, stood up and stretched, opened the door and went to the telecommunications room to prepare to send a telegram to the faction boss.

 (End of this chapter)

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