Cicada Moving

Chapter 606: Change itinerary

 Chapter 606 Change of itinerary


Originally known as Constantinople, it is located at the eastern end of the Balkan Peninsula and on the west bank of the southern entrance of the Bosporus. It is a transportation hub for Europe and Asia. It has an extremely important strategic position and is the largest city in Turkey.

Since the city was founded in 660 BC, to the establishment of the Ottoman Empire by Osman I in 1299, and to the establishment of the Ottoman Empire in 1923, Istanbul has always been the local economic, cultural, and transportation center.

Zuo Zhong stood silently on the cruise ship Untrepon, looking at the dots of orange reflected in the afterglow from the windows on the shore, and lamented that this place is indeed one of the most beautiful cities in Europe and Asia.

Gui Youguang, who was on the side, pursed his lips and said, "Why didn't you see anyone at the dock? Deputy Director, the intelligence said that the Tu Kingdom has a large population. What time is it now? Where are the people?" "

“You are ignorant and unskilled. I am going to do the obsequious ritual. You have to recite three sections of sutra, two in recitation and one silently. Later, you will ask the brothers to keep an eye on the staff at the dock.” Zuo Zhong rolled his eyes.

He and Gu Qi selected a total of more than twenty people, and now there are fifteen or sixteen people following him. They are all elites of the Secret Service. They know what to do and what not to do, and they are very worry-free in commanding.

“Yes, I promise to complete the task.”

Gui Youguang stood at attention with his chest raised and replied. Then he turned around and went to decorate. As he walked, he cursed that it was not just some houses, churches and Qingzhen Temple. Why did the deputy director feel like he had seen a treasure.

Zuo Zhong was too lazy to talk to him. He looked at Mao Yike who was hiding behind the fence to take pictures, and then at the nearest building on the shore. He hesitated and finally did not stop him. This distance should be safe.

The two of them quietly admired the beautiful scenery for a while, until an old white man wearing a captain's uniform came over and informed the two distinguished luxury suite guests of bad news in English.

“Dear Mao, and this young gentleman, there is a small problem at the dock. We may have to stay in Istanbul for a few more days. I hope this will not cause you trouble.”


Mao Yike, a top student, could naturally understand English. He put down his camera in surprise when he heard this. He and his team had a heavy responsibility. The earlier they brought the weapon patterns back to China, the earlier they would be put into production.

If he spent too much time on the road, he couldn't explain it to Jinling. Thinking of this, Mao Yike became anxious and turned to look at Zuo Zhong, who was frowning, wanting to hear what the other party had to say.

 Zuo Zhong glanced at Istanbul, which was slowly sinking into darkness. After a long silence, he asked the captain: "Do you know what the problem is with the dock? Can you confirm the specific sailing time?"

The old white man shrugged his shoulders and showed a helpless expression: "The fresh water delivery system at the dock is not working. God knows whether these Turkish people can repair it. There are not many engineers here."

 The fresh water delivery system is broken?

Mao Yike felt nervous. This could not have been done by Japanese spies. He subconsciously shrank his neck, feeling as if he was being stared at by countless pairs of eyes, and he had the urge to run back to the cabin.

Zuo Zhong was also aware of this possibility, and had an idea: "Mr. Captain, I have an engineer under my command. I can ask him to take a look at the fresh water delivery system, and maybe we can find a solution."

 “You are a true gentleman, sir.”

The captain did not refuse help, and happily took a certain bald engineer who was called by Zuo Zhong off the ship, and drove to the shore in a sampan, where some Turkish people who had finished their morning prayers were waiting.

Looking at Gui Youguang in the distance, Zuo Zhong said to Mao Yike: "Brother Mao, something is wrong. If my people find traces of man-made destruction, our itinerary may need to be changed."

 “Change the itinerary?”

Mao Yike said softly and nodded thoughtfully. Indeed, in addition to cruise ships, you can go to Europe or Germany from Istanbul by land and rail, such as the Orient Express.

 This international route across the European continent passes through Munich, Germany, but requires multiple transfers, which is not very convenient for delegations carrying a large amount of luggage and belongings.

So when the Ministry of Foreign Affairs planned the itinerary, it chose a more expensive cruise ship instead of disembarking from Istanbul and carrying large and small bags on its way. Wouldn't it be a loss of national dignity?

 “Yes, it must change.”

At this time, Zuo Zhong narrowed his eyes and explained: "If this is all arranged by the Japanese, the purpose is to force us to disembark. After all, it is easier to do it on land than on the cruise ship.

  If this goal is not achieved, the other party is likely to sneak into the Intrebon and wait for the manpower. Money can make people go around. The French crew members on the ship are not trustworthy, even the captain.

 So instead of being beaten passively, it is better to go ashore. At least the transfer space is larger. We can mail the unimportant luggage with the ship, and the personnel only carry important items and take the Orient Express to Germany. "

Mao Yi understood what Zuo Zhong meant. If he and his people did not get off the ship, if the Japanese took advantage of the cruise ship to launch an attack at sea, then the sky would really be in trouble and the earth would be in trouble.

 “Okay, I agree.”

He immediately agreed that professional matters should be left to professionals. What the other party said made sense, and he would rather be shot to death than feed sharks and die without a burial place.

Zuo Zhong nodded with satisfaction and asked his men to send Mao Yike back to the cabin. He stood on the deck and observed the movements on the shore. More than an hour later, Gui Youguang came back with a frown on his face.

 After meeting, the bald man pulled him aside and said in a low voice: "The valve of the fresh water delivery system was damaged by someone using hydrochloric acid. The traces are very slight. It was definitely done by a master of operations.

But it’s a bit strange. This method is not like the style of the Japanese intelligence agency, but is similar to that of a gangster. Whether someone is causing trouble for other passengers has nothing to do with us.      “This can’t be left to chance, I’ll inform everyone to gather. "

Zuo Zhong did not explain too much to Gui Youguang, and then found the captain and stated that they would disembark immediately and did not need to refund the fare. They only needed the help of the other party to purchase Orient Express tickets.

With so many rooms available, especially the two luxury suites, some guests are willing to spend a little money to upgrade to experience the life of a rich man. The important thing is that the money can be put into their pockets.

Faced with such a good thing, the captain smiled and agreed. The Orient Express and the Intrepon were both operated by French companies and had business dealings with each other. It was very simple to book some tickets.

Using the telegraph machine in the radio room on the ship, a dozen train tickets to Munich were successfully reserved for the next afternoon. The captain, who had made a huge profit, personally delivered the God of Wealth to the door.

 After processing the tickets, Zuo Zhong called his men together and issued new orders. Except for daily necessities, weapons and communication tools, all the remaining luggage was left on the ship and mailed to Germany.

No one asked why, nor did they make random guesses. There must be a reason for the deputy director's arrangement. The experienced agents packed up their belongings and consciously cleaned up the weapons in the cabin.

Zuo Zhong walked around each cabin and expressed satisfaction with everyone's reaction. If the Japanese really dare to come, this elite team of more than a dozen people will definitely leave an unforgettable memory for the Japanese.

 That night, the bright moon was shining brightly.

The lights of the Intrepon docked offshore were brightly lit. The cruise ship specially held a farewell dinner for the two wealthy guests from the Republic of China. The first and second class passengers learned the news and dressed up to attend.

After dozens of days of long sea journey, many of them have become good friends, especially the knowledgeable Mao Yike, who has won the favor of several noble ladies and wives.

Looking at the military factory director who was like a fish in water among the crowd, Zuo Zhong took a sip of water and forgot about the wine. The Japanese would show up at any time from the moment he got off the ship, so he had to be sober.

 “Sir, I wish you a safe journey.”

While he was inspecting the guests at the dinner, Gucci walked over with a natural expression and said, "Many people came to say goodbye just now, so Gucci's appearance here was not too sudden."

Zuo Zhong nodded politely and replied with a pun: "Thank you. I heard that you are going from Marseille to Dover, England. I also wish you a smooth journey and that you can complete your scheduled goal."

"Yes, I am accompanying two juniors to England to handle a business. I would like to lend you a favor. You and Mr. Mao are welcome to visit my humble home if you have the opportunity." Gu Qi's Mandarin is not very fluent.

"Haha, okay, I'll pay you a visit when I have the chance. Besides, you must be doing a lot of business with your clothes, so I can come and learn from you." Zuo Zhong glanced at the passing waiter and smiled.

 Gu Qi quickly waved his hand: "Where is it? It's a small business, just a living. You and Mr. Mao are dealing with national affairs. How can I, a businessman, be qualified to teach you two?"

So Zuo Zhong and Gu Qi kept a close distance from each other, exchanged business blows in a serious manner, left their contact information and stood up to say goodbye before the farewell dinner officially started.



The two quietly completed the meeting and left one after the other. One went to find Mao Yike to join them for protection, and the other slowly walked to the so-called two juniors to report the situation.

“The deputy director told us to go to the UK as planned and enter France from Dover. Chunyang, go and tell everyone to be smart tomorrow and pay attention to whether anyone is watching the deputy director and the others.”

 Gu Qi sat on the seat in the corner, looked forward, covered his mouth with a raised wine glass and said a few words. Wu Chunyang and Shen Dongxin, who were at the same table, knocked on the table to express their acceptance.

Happy time is always short-lived. Accompanied by music, fine wine, and delicious food, time passed late into the night before we knew it. The guests who attended the dinner returned to their respective cabins happily.

With the waves of the Sea of ​​Marmara, the passengers slowly fell asleep. In the afternoon of the next day, the ship gradually became lively, and only then did everyone realize that Mr. Mao and his party had left.

at the same time.

Istanbul Airport welcomed a dozen Japanese-speaking guests. They came out of the airport in a dusty manner, hailed a few shabby taxis and headed straight to the city without making any stops.

 There are extra words from the author.

With the fresh sea breeze blowing, Zuo Zhong stood on the Untrepon and pointed at the country:

"Istanbul has been home to more than a hundred large-scale conquests in the past dynasties. It is difficult to say what is right and what is wrong. However, historians have all noticed that it was this ancient battlefield that determined the rise and fall of many dynasties. Therefore, there has been a crossroads in the world since ancient times. Word of mouth.

At that time, Roman Catholic Pope Urban II led hundreds of thousands of warriors to march eastward and meet here. After going through the Battle of Dollyrium and the Siege of Antioch, they arrived in Jerusalem, where they crusaded against the Egyptians and won a great victory!

That state of vitality and everything happening is still before our eyes. No matter what, this trip to Germany starts from here, and the advantage lies with me! "

Gui Youguang felt a little chilly and raised his thumb with a dry smile: "See you, Deputy!"



 (End of this chapter)

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