Cicada Moving

Chapter 608: What I saw on the way

Chapter 608: What I saw on the way

 Orient Express first class carriage.

Zuo Zhong was sitting on a folding stool outside his suite, holding a cup of hot coffee and looking leisurely at the platform. He saw a group of Turkish police rushing into the station like wolves and tigers and starting to check the documents of passing passengers.

But no one took a second look at the Orient Express. Yes, how could rich people who could afford such expensive fares be related to the shooting? It was these poor people who were more suspicious.


At this time, the whistle sounded, a puff of smoke rose from the bottom of the carriage, and the train slowly started to leave Istanbul Station. A group of police officers who knew what was going on even stood there and paid attention.

 Gui Youguang put his luggage away and came out with a grin: "Deputy Director, look at those idiots, who are they saluting to? It seems that the Tuguo police are no better than those trash guys under Lao Bai."

 “Okay, you’re the only one who talks a lot.”

Zuo Zhong frowned and switched to the Hangcheng dialect they learned when they were in school: "Touch the bottoms of other passengers, pay special attention to whether there are any Asians in the car. If there are, keep a close eye on them and don't act rashly."

When it comes to business, Gui Youguang suppressed his smile and nodded: "I understand, the conductor should have a list of all passengers. I will find a way to get it, and then screen the real people one by one."

 “Well, you make up your own mind about this.”

Zuo Zhong said, looking at Istanbul gradually fading away outside the window and lost in thought. After Gui Youguang left the car, he took out his mobile phone from the space and sent a message to a certain band.

 “Whether it went well or not.”

"all the best."

Two minutes later, a reply text message appeared in the inbox. Zuo Zhong raised the corner of his mouth and took back his mobile phone. He walked into the suite and took out the German intelligence agency information collected by the Intelligence Section and looked at it carefully.

Generally speaking, in this era, every country has at least five intelligence agencies, or at least small departments with five different responsibilities. Otherwise, a complete intelligence system cannot be built.

From the perspective of task division, the first is the foreign intelligence agency, the second is the military intelligence agency, the third is the counterintelligence agency, the fourth is the military counterintelligence agency, and the fifth is the signal or image intelligence agency.

Every country has this model, but the specifics are different. Take Germany as an example. Its foreign intelligence agency is the Sixth Department of the Reich Security Bureau, which can also be called the Overseas Intelligence Service.

The military intelligence agency is the German Military Intelligence Service Abwehr, the counterintelligence agency is the Gestapo, and the military counterintelligence agency is the secret field police agency affiliated with the navy, army and air force.

The main enemy of the Secret Service during this trip was the Gestapo, which was responsible for counterintelligence and political protection in Germany or the German-occupied areas, which naturally also included monitoring outsiders.

Zuo Zhong's fingers were tapping at a steady speed on the document, with a hint of worry in his eyes. He estimated that as soon as he and others arrived in Munich, they would be under full surveillance by the Gestapo and their spies.

This matter is easy to understand. Just like the General Seckter I received before, the strong man Wagner next to him was also closely watched by the Secret Service. Who made them intelligence agents?

 Whether in wartime or peacetime, intelligence warfare occurs every moment. Any spy is a source of danger. If you are not careful, it will cause huge losses, and you must pay attention to it.

Thinking of this, Zuo Zhong ignited the document and put it into a champagne bucket. Then he opened the car window. The wind howled into the suite, and the flames suddenly jumped up and quickly burned the document.

 The Germans cannot be left with any clues.

Moreover, they are a visiting delegation sent by the National Government. If someone finds out this information about the Gestapo, the situation will be very embarrassing. You have to save some face.

After all, China and Germany are still very friendly on the surface. Political, military, and commercial exchanges are extremely frequent. For example, the guns of the Secret Service are German products. It would not be beneficial to everyone to break up.

Zuo Zhong took out a cigar and lit it, carried the champagne bucket to the bathroom of the suite, turned on the sterling silver faucet to disperse the ashes, and poured it into the luxurious toilet covered with gold foil without changing his expression.

Not to mention that everyone loves to travel for business, the ticket for this first-class private room with a double bedroom, bathroom, living area and dining room alone is as high as US$700, which is simply ridiculously expensive.

  700 USD

  Equivalent to 1,700 oceans.

This amount of money is enough for him to go to Dehe Tower several times. Zuo Zhong, the evil-minded capitalist who lives in obscurity, scolded him while stepping on a soft carpet worth several thousand pounds and wiping his hands with cashmere paper.

By the time Tashi Shiran came out of the bathroom, the burning smell in the suite had dissipated. Only the fresh fragrance of the flowers on the table, coupled with a hint of mellow cigar aroma, showed nothing unusual.

Zuo Zhong sniffed and nodded with satisfaction. In film and television works, the Orient Express is full of detectives and killers. It doesn't matter what the killer is. It would be too bad if a big fat detective comes.

 Of course, this is a joke. Most of the real passengers of the Orient Express are nobles and nobles from various countries. In addition, many intelligence officers and counter-espionage officers also hide their identities among them. It is best to be careful when dealing with these colleagues.

This train passed through Bucharest, Budapest, Vienna, Munich, Strasbourg and Paris, crossed several countries and the European continent, and involved many forces.

When arriving in Bucharest, agents from the Second Bureau of the Romanian General Staff and the Secret Intelligence Service will make a grand appearance in gorgeous costumes and follow the whole process or get off halfway depending on the situation.

This situation will happen once in every country you pass through, such as the spies of the Second Bureau of the Hungarian General Staff who got on the train from Budapest, and the spies of the Austrian Ministry of the Interior who got on the train from Vienna.

 Needless to say, those who got on the train in Munich, the Security Bureau and the Gestapo would never be absent. As for Strasbourg and Paris, not many people got on the train, because the French were always on the train.

 Everyone knows that many of the conductors and waiters on the train are employees of the French General Security Bureau. This organization was originally called the Second Bureau of the General Staff, but it was renamed due to the Stavisky incident.

 The so-called Stavisky incident.

There was a French-Russian named Stavinsky who had been engaged in speculation and fraud for a long time. He issued a large number of counterfeit bonds and became rich overnight. At the end of the 21st year of the Republic of China, the matter was exposed.

The most hilarious thing is that this guy defrauded and bribed government officials in order to make money and safety. More than a thousand people were involved in the case. After the news was exposed, it became a sensational scandal.

It is a pity that Stavisky was found to have "committed suicide" in a wooden house in the mountains on the Swiss border not long after. It is not known whether he was shot five times. This is a long tradition in the West and an old repertoire.

Zuo Zhong laughed as he recalled the relevant information in his mind, and then his face suddenly darkened. After the Beilun Port incident, a **** named Bai shouted that this was the Republic of China version of the Stavisky Incident.

 Hah, bah.

It's just a **** mouthful. Isn't it just a investment of tens of thousands in the ocean? Isn't it just a loss of money? Is there any need to be so excited? If it hadn't been for a steady stream of water, someone would have been thrown into prison by him.

Zuo Zhong checked the time, opened the door, gave a few instructions to the agents outside, and then walked towards the dining car, calling the frightened Mao Yike by the way, who had been frightened before.

The two arrived at the dining car under the **** of several guards. After sitting down, Zuo Zhong chatted for a few words with the frightened Mao Yike, trying to distract the big factory director from his wild thoughts.

As there were not many people here who knew how to eat, he gave a brief briefing on the situation of the Orient Express, especially the introduction of the intelligence agencies of various countries along the way, so as to prevent Mao Yike from accidentally leaking secrets.

Sure enough, after listening to what he said like a treasure trove, Mao Yike's nervousness was relieved to a certain extent. After drinking several cups of hot tea, the color finally came to his face and he asked a question.

"Deputy Director Zuo, why do many of the agencies you mentioned start with the word "two"? There must be something special about it. If it is a secret in your business, it goes without saying. Mao is just a little curious."

Zuo Zhong smiled and shook his head: "There is nothing that cannot be said. According to Western rules, the numerical sequence of the combat department is one, the numerical sequence of the intelligence department is two, and the numerical sequence of the communications department is three.

No one knows why they are arranged in this order. Anyway, most European and American countries name their subordinate intelligence agencies in this order. Just listen to this and it is best not to mention it to others. "


Mao Yike, whose curiosity was satisfied, nodded repeatedly. He was not a spy, so why would he tell others about this? Besides, intelligence agencies are always mysterious, and only fools are willing to offend the other party.

Zuo Zhong nodded slightly, his eyes glanced at the reflection of the waiter on the metal teapot, and he couldn't help but smile. He really said that Cao Cao and Cao Cao were here. Well, friends from the French General Security Service were here.

The other party secretly observed them several times from a distance, and seemed to find it valuable in intelligence, so he stood at the empty dining table. It was not professional at all. The French were still so unreliable.

After thinking about it, Zuo Zhong didn’t tell Mao Yike about this matter, so as to save this guy from being dissatisfied. The conversation changed to talk about the customs and customs of various European countries, which was another form of intelligence collection.

 The information is transmitted in text, and it is impossible to cover everything. There will definitely be omissions and deviations. Mao Yike has traveled to many places, and listening to his expressions can help you understand certain details in depth.

The two of them chatted quietly and tasted the delicious food prepared by the chef himself. They ended the dinner happily. They left the dining car amidst the greetings from the French spy and returned to their suites.

 The next day, the Orient Express passed through Bucharest, Budapest, and Vienna without any murders or accidents, and was about to reach Munich smoothly.

Just as we got closer and closer to Paris, more and more intelligence agents got on the bus. Hungarian spies sat next to Austrian spies, and Romanian spies and German spies looked at each other.

 Good guy, this is the spy's nest.

These people were very curious about the Chinese delegation’s visit to Europe. The problem was that before they had time to test the matter, the train slowly pulled into the train station in Munich, the capital of Bavaria, Germany.

 (End of this chapter)

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