Cicada Moving

Chapter 614: Make contact

 Chapter 614 Establishing Contact

Much sat in the car heading to the Military Intelligence Agency Abwehr and fell into deep thought. Is what Mao Yike said true or false? Could what happened today be what the Chinese call a bitter trick?

 Shoot yourself and injure yourself?

 Taking the opportunity to copy the drawings?

As soon as this idea appeared in his mind, he shook his head subconsciously. The entire set of production drawings for the weapon was very complicated, including not only basic structural drawings, but also process document drawings.

 If there is a problem in any link such as material handling, dimensional tolerance, processing technology, and processing flow, it will be impossible to produce a qualified military weapon because reliability cannot be guaranteed.

It can be said that reverse imitation also requires knowledge. If weapons can be made by relying on drawings, with such a solid industrial foundation, processing accuracy and material level, it is better to manufacture them yourself.

Take the 1924-style standard rifle among the three weapons as an example. To create a gun from scratch would require more than 100 kilograms of data and drawings, which would be absolutely impossible to copy by just one person.

Muhe crossed his hands in front of his lower abdomen and tapped his fingers gently. The lambskin gloves rubbed against each other and made a rhythmic creaking sound. This could help him think better and make judgments.

After a long time, he felt that this matter could be agreed to, firstly to show the sincerity of the empire, secondly to appease the dissatisfaction of the Chinese people, and thirdly to increase the possibility of Mao Yike going to Württemberg after recovering from his injury.

 But there must also be restrictions, such as time constraints, for example, you cannot bring a camera when verifying the drawings, for example, sending someone to supervise on site, etc., so that it is difficult for the drawings to be leaked.

Muhe had some ideas. When he returned to the office, he immediately submitted a report to the senior management, detailing the pros and cons, and suggested giving the Chinese a reply to calm the impact of the assassination.

 The next morning.

He received a reply from the highest level, allowing the complete production drawings of the three weapons to be handed over to Mao Yike. Such a fast approval speed is rare even in Germany, which is full of waste.

 Only in terms of preventive measures, in addition to the original items in the report, the Gestapo was also involved. The purpose was obviously to prevent Abwehr from engaging in malpractice for personal gain, and Muhe had no objection to this.

Compared to Abwehr, whose full-time job is to collect intelligence, the Gestapo is better at this kind of counterintelligence work. He is not confident about the Chinese intelligence agents and would rather leave it to professionals.

With the corresponding authority, Muh called Württemberg and asked Mauser Company and Deutsche Arms and Ammunition Company to send the drawings to Berlin and arrange for an infantry squad to accompany them.

 Transportation within Germany, and it is a non-war period, so many people are enough to ensure safety, unless someone wants to start a war over three old weapons, which should not happen.

However, after doing this, he was still a little worried. He hesitated and called the Gestapo repeatedly to see if they had found any clues about the murderer, especially those related to the Chinese.

As a result, the Gestapo's answer was very positive: "Colonel Muhe, according to our investigation, this possibility is very small. Their personnel's whereabouts are being monitored, and there is no chance of assassination.

The Republic of China Embassy in the Empire also had no suspicious circumstances. On the contrary, the Japanese Embassy entered a dozen adult men two days ago. The occupations these guys filled in when entering the country were cleaners. "


Mu He almost laughed angrily. The Japanese embassy in Germany only has two small buildings. Even if they wipe the floor with rags, it doesn't take more than a dozen people. What's more, they are all adult men. This is indeed a problem.

He thought for a moment and said: "To screen the East Asians who have recently arrived in Berlin, whether they are Chinese, Japanese or citizens of other countries, I want to know all their information."

 “Understood, Colonel Much.”

The Gestapo are not fools. If they were to perform secret missions, they would also use documents from other countries to conceal their identities. In addition, East Asians are all black and yellow-skinned, so it is indeed difficult to distinguish them.

The rigor of the Germans was clearly revealed at this moment. If they discovered a group of Japanese businessmen entering from France, Gucci, Wu Chunyang and Shen Dongxin would probably be taken directly to prison.

Fortunately, when the Gestapo began to investigate Asians in Berlin, Gucci and others were sitting in a hotel in Potsdam, enjoying afternoon tea leisurely and discussing the next plan.

Shen Dongxin put a piece of red velvet cake into his mouth with a fork and whispered: "Potsdam is more than ten kilometers away from Berlin. All kinds of public transportation are very convenient. It only takes more than 20 minutes to drive.

 In addition, this place is where the Sanssouci Palace is located, and tourists from various countries come and go. It is difficult for the Germans to monitor everyone. We can wait for the deputy director’s order here without worrying about being discovered. "

Gu Qi smiled and nodded, and glanced at him appreciatively: "Very good, the deputy director and I made the right decision to ask you to come. When operating in an unfamiliar place like this, the biggest worry is exposure.

 Speaking of which, you are so familiar with the terrain. Have you ever been here when you were studying in St. Cyr? Or are you young people who know how to live? You, the rough guys like us, are reluctant to leave. "

 “No, consumption here is too expensive.”

Shen Dongxin smiled bitterly and shook his head, and said with a helpless expression: "French prices are very high, how can I have the spare money to travel to Germany? This is the order given to me by the deputy director before setting off from Jinling.

He asked me to wait until we get to Potsdam before telling you. I'm really sorry, Section Chief Gu and Chief Wu. I will be the host to invite these two officers to the best local restaurant tonight. I will definitely treat them with honor. "       "Okay, this is what you said. "

 Gu Qi and Wu Chunyang looked at each other, smiled and said in unison, not minding at all. That's what this business is like. You don't know if there will be ghosts around you. If you want to survive, you must always be vigilant.

The three of them were chatting and listening to the conversations of tourists from various countries around them. Suddenly, Wu Chunyang heard someone say in German that the Chinese delegation was attacked, which made his nerves tense.

It's a pity that he has only studied German for less than two years, and the distance is too long, so he can't determine the specific situation. Wu Chunyang knocked on the table and got up and walked to the bar, passing the person who spoke.

 Gu Qi and Shen Dongxin received the code and looked at the restaurant with their peripheral vision in a natural manner. Following Wu Chunyang's fingers on their sides, they quickly saw two white people talking in German.

 These are two locals.

Gucci looked at the briefcase placed under the dining table and made a judgment. There are many hotel restaurants in Europe that are open to the public. It is normal for locals to come because the coffee in this shop is really good.

Shen Dongxin focused his observation on the other party's clothes. There were obvious signs of wear and tear under the sleeves, as well as dots of blue ink. It was obvious that he was engaged in writing work.

 Looking at the notebooks and pens that the two of them carry with them, and the fact that it is working time now, we can rule out occupations such as accountants and clerks, and most likely they are journalists who come out to interview.

Gu Qi naturally guessed that the question was what exactly did the German reporter discuss that made Wu Chunyang so anxious? Could it be the news about the deputy director and the others? He thought of this and his heart moved.

At this time, Wu Chunyang came back from the bar carrying milk. When passing by one of them, he pretended to bump the table leg casually. The coffee cup was knocked over immediately and the coffee was scattered all over the table.

 “Are you blind? Damn it.”

The scalding coffee was immediately poured on the target's thigh. The target stood up, held up his pants, and asked angrily. The companion opposite also stood up aggressively, looking like he was about to take action.


Wu Chunyang bowed repeatedly and apologized to the other party in Japanese. He picked up the notebook, shook the coffee on the cover, and quickly scanned the latest records on it in a hurry.

The next moment he magically took out a small stack of francs and apologized sincerely. This confused the German who was about to curse and didn't know what to say. He was stunned for a few seconds and then took the banknotes and sat back silently.

At this scene, the customers in the restaurant lost interest after just one glance. The stack of francs looked like a lot, but it was of small denomination, but it was enough to buy a new pair of trousers. It was normal for the other party not to pursue further.

Wu Chunyang returned to his seat, used the pencil and white paper used for ordering on the dining table to write a paragraph and quietly pushed it to Gu Qi and Shen Dongxin. The two were shocked after reading it. Mao Yike was actually assassinated.

This is bad.

Without experts to identify the quality and authenticity of the weapon drawings, the mission is likely to end in failure. The top priority is to find out whether Mao Yike is alive or dead, and whether anything happened to the deputy director.

The three of them didn't look very good. They drank their coffee in one gulp and went upstairs to the floor where Wu Chunyang's room was located. They said hello to the little agent patrolling at the top of the stairs, opened the door and walked in together.

Afterwards, Gu Qi and Shen Dongxin stood in front of the window and the other at the door. Wu Chunyang pulled out the suitcase from under the bed, took out a spy radio from the mezzanine and quickly assembled and sent the message.

 “Didi. Didi.”

 “Didi, Didi, Didi”

With the keystrokes, Wu Chunyang successfully established contact with Berlin and recorded a secret message. Then he took off his earphones and began to decipher the secret message. Finally, he quickly restored and hid the radio station.

After cleaning up the traces, he took out the telegram: "Mao Yike was shot in the shoulder and is currently recovering from his injuries. The deputy director and others have asked the German side to verify the drawings first, and then go to Württemberg to receive samples.

The deputy director asked us to rush to Württemberg as soon as possible to investigate the intelligence of Mauser and the German Arms and Ammunition Company. We don’t need to take care of Berlin. The embassy will come forward if necessary. Let’s take a look. "

 Gu Qi and Shen Dongxin were a little confused about the arrangement after reading it, but they didn't ask any more questions and watched Wu Chunyang destroy the message before returning to their respective rooms to pack their luggage and prepare to leave Potsdam.

As they were leaving, Mao Yike, who was on the hospital bed, stared at Zuo Zhong and asked, "Do you want to copy the drawings? Let me tell you, that is simply impossible, not even a **** can do it.

 Do you know how many processes a weapon goes through from ore to final product? How many drawings are there? Sir Wang, you must not risk the relationship between China and Germany. "

 (End of this chapter)

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