Cicada Moving

Chapter 618: Processing site

Chapter 618 Dealing with the scene

 “Tell the driver to stop.”

The leading German officer reacted and shouted at his men. The two soldiers on guard immediately ran towards the front of the car, their leather boots making a thumping sound on the floor of the carriage.

The passengers were awakened by the sudden noise. The moment Ryosuke Hase, a loyal general of the Empire of Japan, opened his eyes, he subconsciously made fists with his hands across his lower abdomen in a defensive posture.

 But he soon relaxed. There were no arrogant and stupid Kwantung Army red deer around, nor were there fully armed German soldiers. The passengers were discussing among themselves what had happened.

When someone said that the freight car hanging at the back of the train was missing, everyone let out a cry of surprise. Everyone knew that there must be important items in it, otherwise the military would not be responsible for escorting it.

Hase Ryosuke raised his hands and rubbed his face. He stood up and walked into the toilet with a natural expression. There was a trace of solemnity on his face. He felt as if he had boarded the wrong train, and he was afraid he might be in trouble.

While thinking about it, the wooden door of the toilet was banged. He unbuttoned his trousers without hesitation and opened the door with a grunt. There was a serious Wehrmacht soldier standing outside the door.

The other party carefully checked the ticket and looked at Hase Ryosuke's passport. After confirming that he had no luggage, he asked him to return to his seat and wait for the next step of screening and investigation.

Hase Ryosuke angrily took back his ID and turned to walk towards his carriage. Along the way, he saw German soldiers guarding every carriage. Seeing this scene, he immediately felt regretful.

Had I known this, I should have found a way to get a car to leave Berlin on a country road. I don’t know who is so bold as to do such a thing under the eyes of the Germans.

 But it’s too late to regret it now.

He sat down on his seat and silently considered whether to jump off the train, but looking at the snarling branches and the rugged ground outside the window, he thought it would be better to escape after the train stopped.

During this period, the train was still sliding downhill at a speed of 23 kilometers per hour. The driver did not dare to comply with the military's order, because it would easily lead to derailment if it stopped completely.

The German team responsible for escorting could only watch the tunnel getting further and further away. As for jumping out of the car, no one would be killed if they fell for 20 to 30 kilometers, but where and when would be the point?

They were worried about the same thing as Hase Ryosuke. If they jumped down and hit a sharp stone or tree stump, they would be crippled or face God directly. It is not worth sacrificing their lives for this military salary.

Moreover, the officer leading the team knew that there was a small train station at the end of the gentle slope. There were telephones and radios there, which could contact the nearby police stations and garrisons. The freight car could not be lost.

But if he saw the scene in the tunnel, he would not be so confident. At this time, a dozen Asians were busy in the tunnel, some were pushing the carriages out, and some were opening the lead seals.

 “Two minutes, speed up.”

ˆ (Japanese)

The woman who disconnected the coupling stood on the gravel roadbed, looked at her watch and shouted loudly. According to the local train timetable, there was less than eighteen minutes left until the next train passed through the tunnel.

If the things above cannot be removed before the train arrives, the scene must be properly handled. Once a collision occurs, not only one or two people will die, but then things will become a big deal.

The woman was a little worried. She took a few steps to the rear of the carriage and put her shoulder against the carriage. Together with her men, she pushed the carriage to the entrance of the tunnel. Then someone slowly opened the large iron door of the carriage.


At this moment, a bullet suddenly shot out from the corner of the carriage, hitting the Asian who was about to climb in. Huge gunshots echoed back and forth inside the steel freight carriage.

In the dark carriage, a German soldier quickly pulled the bolt of his gun and ejected the fired cartridge case. The young face was full of nervousness and fear, and the cold sweat on his forehead fell on the floor drop by drop.

 “Baga, shoot.”

 “Bridge bean sack!”

After pulling the injured companion away from the bottom of the carriage, the remaining Asians took out weapons and grenades, cursed and were about to attack and kill the opponent, but were stopped by the woman on the side who raised her hand.

When operating on German territory, too many wounded people will affect the subsequent retreat plan. Moreover, if the wooden box containing the target item is shot through, the trip to Germany will be in vain.

She made a gesture to her men, who understood the situation and approached the car door with guns and forcefully opened the door. Then a shadow flashed in the dark night and gunshots rang out again.

The German soldier didn't know whether he had hit the enemy. He pulled his right hand and the cartridge case ejected from the ejection port. Just when he was about to reload the gun, he saw a bright light flashing out of the corner of his eye.

Using the gap between reloading bullets, the woman jumped in from the outside and swung the dagger in her hand towards the opponent's neck from bottom to top. However, at the last moment, the tip of the knife deflected slightly to avoid the carotid artery.

In such a narrow space, the huge amount of bleeding from the carotid artery will make everyone present become a celebrity. When faced with the pursuit of the Germans later, they will not have the time or mood to find a place to take a bath.


Warm blood spattered onto the wall of the compartment. The German soldier felt no pain. He only felt his body go limp and fell to the ground. He weakly let go of his rifle and heard the murderer say something before he passed out.

After solving the problem, the woman picked up the rifle with gloves and ejected the bullets one by one. Then she threw the gun outside. She stood at the door of the freight car and wiped the dagger with her sleeve before giving orders in a cold voice.

“Hurry up and take action.” “Hai.”

Upon hearing the order, a short Asian man lit a kerosene lamp and drew three circles toward the dark woods in the distance. Several beams of lights then lit up and he approached the scene.

Others quickly climbed into the car, ignoring the corpses of German soldiers on the ground. They used the crowbar in the car to open the wooden box, quickly took a look at the items inside, and began to move them after confirming that they were correct.

At this time, the light also came to the front. It turned out to be several Renault light trucks that are common in Europe. The driver skillfully turned the front of the truck in front of the narrow tunnel entrance and aimed the rear of the truck at the freight car.

 “Speed ​​up, fourteen minutes.”

The woman reminded her again. After being delayed by the German soldier for a few minutes, the originally limited action time became even tighter. The time must be regained in the next link.

Her men also knew this and moved the wooden boxes to the car in an orderly manner. Five minutes later, except for one dead person, there were only a few golden bullets rolling on the ground of the car.


A whistle sounded from the distance down the mountain. The woman pointed to the body and then to the valley. Immediately, two people carried the head and feet of the German soldier to the edge of the cliff. They swung the body twice and threw it down.

After dealing with the people and belongings at the scene, the Asians sprinkled gasoline inside and outside the carriage and lit it on fire before leaving. With the strong wind in the mountains, the carriage immediately burst into flames, which could be seen from a long distance away.

In the light of the fire, after counting the number of people, the woman looked back at the scene that had turned into a sea of ​​flames. She waved her hand expressionlessly, and the truck loaded with target items and personnel drove into the logging trail.

Timber is an important industry in the northern region of Württemberg. There are many simple roads in the mountains, and this year’s logging season has just passed, so the surface conditions of these roads are not bad.

Through them, vehicles can bypass the checkpoints in cities and villages and go straight to the Rhine River on the French-German border. It is very convenient to sneak into France or find a boat to go down the river to Switzerland.

The woman sat in the carriage covered by canvas and took out a flashlight and map to study the specific itinerary. They had been exploring and mapping the area for such a long time, all for today.

“Chief, the people who shoot the sandbox at the foot of the mountain and send signals halfway will meet us in the small town ahead. It’s just how to deal with the wounded, he is seriously injured.” Someone came over and asked in a low voice.

Hearing this, the woman shined a flashlight on the pale wounded man. It was certainly uncomfortable to be shot at close range by a military rifle. The man must receive professional treatment, otherwise he would very likely die on the road.

She thought for a moment and slowly slid her finger across the map, finally stopping at a small town: "The nearby residents said there is a surgeon here, not far from us. Please bring someone to invite him back.

Remember to bring medicine and equipment. Someone may be injured on the way. If you go to get medicine at that time, your whereabouts will be exposed. After the action is successful, move in the opposite direction before meeting at the next stop. "

 “Hai, the leader.”

The person who asked the question picked a helper, jumped out of the car and got into the forest. The driver speeded up in time. The truck drove very fast on the rugged dirt road, and soon left the scene far behind.

 An hour later, Berlin.


In an office at Abwehr, the German Military Intelligence Agency, a rapid ringing of the phone rang. Muhe, who was lying on the camp bed, jumped out of bed and rushed to the phone in one stride.

He picked up the microphone and listened to the Gestapo officer opposite. His tired face was suddenly covered with frost. The blueprints for the three weapons were stolen, and even the carriage was turned into scrap metal.

What’s even more annoying is that the first batch of support personnel who arrived at the scene lost track of the enemy. They only knew that the enemy drove a truck, and they didn’t know anything else. What kind of clue was this.

An unknown fire rushed into his heart, and Muhe immediately said sternly: "Don't the Gestapo claim to know everything about the inside of the empire? If something like this happens, you must give a reasonable explanation.

In addition, send personnel to blockade the mountainous areas in northern Württemberg. The other party will definitely not be able to go far with a large number of drawings. It is necessary to prevent them from going to the French-German border area and alert the French to people smuggling across the border. "

His response measures were perfect, but as a result, the Gestapo reported another bad news. Someone escaped from the Japanese Embassy a few hours ago. The tracking personnel failed to follow him, and the person disappeared.


   (German idiot)

Muhe slammed the table and shouted angrily: "Let your people surround the Japanese embassy and ask the Japanese if they want to break off diplomatic relations with the empire. I will be there soon."

After finishing speaking, he threw the microphone aside, grabbed the pistol and pocket watch from the table, walked into the corridor and blew the whistle, and the Abwell officers on duty rushed out of the room one by one with guns.

 “Japanese Embassy, ​​let’s go.”

Muhe said through gritted teeth.

 (End of this chapter)

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