Cicada Moving

Chapter 621: Conditions and requirements

Chapter 621 Conditions and Requirements

  The Quant family.

Mu He's face turned pale when he heard this. Damn it, where did these Chinese people get the information? It is related to the secret exchange reached between the empire and the capital world and must not be leaked.

For example, administrative power was used to force the Roy family to hand over the shares of Mauser Company and the ownership of Deutsche Arms and Ammunition Company. Once the matter became known to the public, the consequences would be serious.

Zuo Zhong watched the other party perform Xu Enzeng's special skill - changing faces, and couldn't help but sneer in his heart. The spirit of contract and the sanctity of private property that Westerners flaunt are nothing in the face of interests.

Does Mr. Beard have any grudge against the Jews? Maybe he does, maybe he doesn’t, but it is not hatred that motivates him to take action, but the visible and tangible benefits. Without this, who can do anything?

What to do if Mr. Juncker of Germany takes a fancy to a Jewish factory? He definitely cannot rob it openly. It destroys the superficial rules of social operation. In the end, it is the wealthy bourgeoisie like them who are unlucky.

 So if the government comes forward, it will only cost a small amount of money to obtain a thousand times profit, and all it will cost is support for a political party and a certain political figure.

This is a very good deal for a certain bearded party who lacks a middle- and upper-class foundation. The factory is still there anyway. It doesn’t matter who is the boss, and no one cares about the lives of the Jewish people.

Zuo Zhong has been thinking about one issue from the moment he accepted the mission, that is, where to start so that the Germans can hand over the drawings willingly without affecting the overall situation between China and Germany.

After thinking about it, he couldn't find a suitable breakthrough. The unique appearance characteristics of Asians make it difficult for them to conduct secret intelligence activities in the West. The other party's intelligence personnel are not blind.

Until he received the telegram from Gu Qi, he suddenly realized that all intelligence serves politics after all. In this case, why should we sacrifice the basics and seek the last, why not go straight to Huanglong.

Seeing Mu He who was shocked by the news about the Quant family, Zuo Zhong knew that he had taken the right step. The next step was to negotiate terms and share benefits. He didn't want much, and it belonged to the Republic of China.

 “Colonel Muhe, sit down and talk.”

Temporarily taking the initiative, Zuo Zhong patted the stool again, leaned against the wall and whispered softly: "Frankly speaking, the outcome of the Judahs has nothing to do with me, I only need samples and drawings of weapons.

As long as it can help my motherland defeat the Japanese, regain its lost territory, and rescue its oppressed compatriots, I don't mind cooperating with the devil, because some people have to do some things, right? "

He asked back, and then said without waiting for Mu He's answer: "You invited Mao Yike to Württemberg so enthusiastically, I guess you want to use an assassination to put the blame on the Roy family.

 No problem, we are willing to cooperate with your country's just actions, even if the gun is pointed at me, and I can attract gunmen belonging to the Roy family to any location you designate. "

Zuo Chong made a condition. He believed that the Germans would be tempted. On the one hand, it was a simple false accusation, which might bring trouble. On the other hand, the evidence was solid and there was no hidden danger. This was a good choice.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Mu He sat down on the hospital bench obediently and sat there quietly without saying a word. After a long time, he took a long breath, took off his military hat and talked about his past calmly.

“I was born in the countryside of Osbaden, Hesse. My father was an ordinary farmer, and my mother took care of me and my two younger brothers at home. My life was not too good, but I was happier than most people.

 At least my father was willing to support me until I graduated from high school. After that, I successfully entered the Technical University of Berlin to study chemical technology. After graduation, I became a teacher until the beginning of the European War.

It was really a cruel war. My two younger brothers died in the Marne River and Verdun respectively. What was sent back to Osbaden was their medals and a pension of 50 Reichsmarks. "

Speaking of this, a trace of tears appeared in the eyes of this stern man, and then disappeared in an instant. This matter was obviously the deepest pain in his heart, and he would not mention it to outsiders easily.

Zuo Zhong did not express an opinion because there was no way to say that the war was essentially a dog-eat-dog fight between old and new imperialism over colonies, and both sides were not clean.

If he told the truth, Muhe might get angry and pull out a gun, so if the other person is willing to tell, then just listen. Through these stories, you can also get a sideways understanding of the real Germany.

Mu He on the side seemed to have been immersed in his own world, his eyes were distracted: "No matter what, life has to go on. Just after the European War ended, I took my father and mother to Berlin.

 Oh, I forgot to mention, I got married before the European War started, and I also have three lovely children. My wife is the daughter of my teacher, a very kind and beautiful woman.

I think time can dilute everything, including the painful memories of losing loved ones and defeat. Unfortunately, God did not give me and my family a chance when the sudden flu hit Berlin. "

 When mentioning this incident, Mu Hyuk's expression changed subtly, including pain, fear, hatred, and sadness. It's hard to imagine that so many expressions could appear on a person's face at the same time.

He put his arms on his knees, held his head in his hands and lowered his head and said: "It will first make you have a headache, dizziness, runny nose, then muscle aches, loss of appetite, and finally you will die slowly.

My father, mother, wife and three children were successively infected by this plague brought by the devil. I tried every means to save their lives, but it was in vain.

 The first one to leave was my mother who never had an easy day in her life, the second was my wife, the third was my father, and then my three children, they all left. "

Zuo Zhong frowned. The other party's fate was indeed tragic. The question was what did it have to do with their deal? This guy couldn't let himself be exchanged for the culprit of the pandemic. Just as he was thinking about it, Muhe turned his head and looked at him with a very strange look: "You must think they died of illness. I thought so after burying my family, until that day.

I was dining in a kosher restaurant, and a drunken young man showed off to his companions that his father was a doctor who had made a fortune during the influenza period by giving false treatments to patients.

To be precise, he injected drugs full of side effects into patients with mild symptoms to make huge profits. Anyway, many people died every day, and no one would doubt it. "

Zuo Zhong only felt his scalp numb. What kind of **** doctor is this? Then a flash of inspiration occurred and he hesitated and asked: "That young man's father is the doctor who treated your family, right?"

"Yes, it was him. I will never forget the false comfort he gave me time and time again when he informed me of his death. I even regarded him as a good person that I could trust, hahahaha, good person!"

Muhe's tone was frantic: "Three months later, I joined the Military Intelligence Agency with the help of my teacher. My first task as Abwehr was to lead people to arrest the family of the Jewish doctor.

At that time, this bedbug knelt on the ground and begged, saying that he was willing to use all his family property in exchange for his own life. Did you hear it? It was his own life, so I agreed to him.

 One year, I kept him alive for a full year longer, and I also conducted chemical experiments on him for a year. If it hadn't been for an accident, he could have lived for a long time. What a pity.

From then on, I vowed to drive all the Jews out of Germany and prevent these scum from harming our children, even if they were broken into pieces. This is for them. "

Muhe carefully took out his pocket watch and opened the case gently. There were two photos inside. One side showed a woman and three children, and the other side showed two middle-aged men and women, who were obviously his family members.

 “Happy grudges, well done.”

Zuo Zhong slapped his thigh fiercely and said, A real man should repay kindness and revenge. In addition to being happy, he also used two knives in German to briefly introduce the meaning of this idiom to Mu He.

  It is actually what the other party did that suits his taste. If you have an enemy with such deep hatred, you cannot let him die easily. You have to destroy this person's physiology and psychology bit by bit. This is called revenge.

However, there is no need to elevate individual behavior to a group perspective, but this has nothing to do with the Chinese. What the Republic of China needs now is not cheap sympathy, but machine guns and cannons!

 "Happy gratitude and hatred. Happy"

Mu He imitated the Chinese spoken by Zuo Zhong and muttered a few sentences in a low voice. He felt more and more that these four words suited him very well, as if they were tailor-made. He sat there and pondered for a few minutes and slowly straightened his back.

“Let’s get to know each other again, Colonel Muhe of the German Military Intelligence Agency, Mr. Wang, I have shown you my sincerity in cooperation. I am very interested in what you just said. Can you elaborate on it?”

“Wang Aofu, Chief of the Intelligence Section of the Special Agent Headquarters of the Statistical Investigation Bureau of the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government, the plan is very simple. You hand over the weapons pattern, and I am willing to act as a bait to lure the gunmen of the Roy family.”

Zuo Zhong spoke a long list of agency names, which sounded very powerful. As for why he used a pseudonym, he had to be on guard against others. At the same time, he formally put forward the requirements and conditions.


Muhe did not agree directly. He tapped his fingers rhythmically on his knees and said after a few minutes of silence: "The drawings do need to be redrawn. It will take at least another year. We can only hand over the samples first."

 “Then, it’s a deal.”

Zuo Zhong stood up and stretched out his right hand, knowing that this was already the best result. It was inevitable that the Germans would hold back. If they gave Jinling all the drawings, they would lose their bargaining chips. The other party is not that stupid.

"make a deal."

A smile appeared on Mu He's vicissitudes of life. He also stood up and shook hands with the other party. Mr. Colonel, who had solved the urgent problem, was very relaxed. Then he talked about something about the Japanese.

“Mr. Wang, the perpetrator who attempted to attack your delegation tonight came from the Japanese Embassy. According to reliable information, a person ran out a few hours before the attack. Please pay attention to your safety.

 In addition, I have seen the other party’s photo and I am sure I saw this person when he sent the drawings to the train station. The drawings were probably taken away by the Japanese. I hope you will stay calm and not get involved in this matter. "

 “Oh? Can I see the photo?”

Zo Shige was really curious. It was not easy for a Japanese spy to escape under German surveillance. But when he saw the photo that Mu He took out, he almost stared out of his eyes. Hase Ryosuke.

 Damn it, shouldn't this guy be in Shanghai? Why did he come to Berlin? He even ditched Abwehr or the Gestapo's intelligence officers and went to the train station. What on earth was going on?

 (End of this chapter)

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