Cicada Moving

Chapter 642: Conspiracy

Chapter 642 Conspiracy

 “Yes, I say.”

Hearing that there was a chance to return home safely, Yu Sanshui stopped trying to keep it secret and hurriedly said: "Because of selling medicine, I got to know Ma Tianchang, the leader of the Cao Gang, and I asked him to follow Mr. Sha this time.

According to him, the other party took my medicine and changed trains several times, and finally stopped at the warehouse No. 7, Yaowan Street A, outside Zhonghua Gate in the south of the city. The place was easy to find, and there was only an old man guarding the door. "

As he spoke, he forced out a flattering smile, and couldn't help but feel glad that he had saved a hand. He had no choice but to kill the man for himself and sell the man named Sha, and he would be the unlucky one.

 Ma Tianchang?

This bastard!

 Gu Qi on the side heard this name and was so angry that his teeth itched. Ma Tianchang was the informant of the Intelligence Department. Deputy Director Gao Sheng left this line to him. This was a slap in the face.

Zuo Zhong glanced at his old partner. He must always maintain restraint when dealing with gangsters and never give them a good look, otherwise they will easily kick their noses into the wall. Today was a reminder to Lao Gu.

He called a little secret agent and asked him to notify Ma Tianchang to come to the secret service immediately. At the same time, he also realized that Chengxin Bank was located on Nanmen Street, probably because of this warehouse.

From Nanmen Street, go south through Zhonghua Gate, then cross the Changqian Bridge and turn west to reach Yaowan Street. It only takes about ten minutes to walk. Driving is faster, which makes Su Zifu's movement easier.

Thinking about this, Zuo Zhong looked at Yu Sanshui: "Besides these, do you know who else the other party has a better relationship with? If you name one, you can save one year in prison."

“I really don’t have this. The other person never mentioned it, and I didn’t pay attention to it. Besides, we only met in that Western restaurant and we never met anyone we knew.” Yu Sanshui shook his head with a grimace.

 “Haha, okay then.”

Zuo Zhongpi said with a smile, his eyes gradually returned to indifference, and he waved his hand to let Yu Sanshui be put down. He had to give this person a little sweet taste first to make sure it was useless before dealing with it.

Seeing this, Gu Qi stepped forward and asked if he should send someone to the warehouse on Yaowan Street to take a look. It was Su Zifu's secret stronghold there. It was likely that he had not evacuated, and he hoped to find valuable clues.

Zuo Zhong shook his head and was going to wait until he asked Ma Tianchang before asking. God knows if that guy had hidden anything from Yu Sanshui. These people are like mothers if they have breasts. They have no morals at all.

Faced with so many medicines in short supply, he didn't believe that the other party was not interested. Maybe he had sent someone to move the things away long ago, or if he couldn't find a connection to make a deal with Su Zifu, all of these were possible.

So everyone stood in the cell and waited for more than half an hour. There was a rush of footsteps outside, and soon a middle-aged man wearing a satin short coat walked in quickly.

This person is naturally Ma Tianchang, the leader of the Jinling Cao Gang. He was playing games with the concubine of the 18th room in the bedroom just now. After receiving the notice from the little spy, he rushed here as quickly as possible.

At this moment, he was in a state of confusion. He didn't know why Deputy Director Zuo wanted to meet him in the cell. Thinking of what happened to him when he was imprisoned here two years ago, he shuddered involuntarily.

At that time, several fellow disciples who competed with him for the position were shot on charges of collaborating with spies. If these obstacles were not cleared, he would not be able to secure his position as a boss, and he would not have the power and wealth he has now.

 “Deputy Director, Tianzhang sends his regards to you.”

Perhaps he had something in his heart, or perhaps he wanted to please, Ma Tianchang said hello respectfully, then lowered his head and waited for the summons, learning all the rules about treating superiors in the officialdom.

Yu Sanshui's eyes almost popped out of his head. He had seen the power of the other party. He was always cheering and supporting him wherever he went, and he was also arrogant to the people in the police station. How could he ever be so humble and downplayed.

Although Ma Tianchang was very aware of current affairs, Zuo Zhong still didn't save any face. He sneered and circled around him twice, and said angrily when the other person was sweating coldly.

"Look who that person is. I warned you from the beginning. Any disturbance in Jinling City must be reported to the Secret Service. But what did you do? It seems that you want to rebel."

Hearing the sound, Ma Tianchang looked up and saw a **** man, but he didn't know who it was. It wasn't until the agent grabbed the man and came to him that he saw that it was Yu Sanshui. His heart skipped a beat and he hurriedly explained.

“Deputy Deputy Director Zuo, you misunderstood. This guy asked me to follow a black marketeer. My people didn’t find anything wrong, so I didn’t report it to Chief Gu.”


Unexpectedly, Zuo Zhong raised his hand and slapped him in the face after hearing this, and asked coldly: "Did I really let you talk? I ask you, did I really let you talk! Do you think I'm easy to talk to?"

"No! No! Everything is Ma's fault. I am your dog. I will bite whoever you tell me to bite. I will catch whoever you tell me to catch. The Jinling Cao Gang only has your orders. from."

Ma Tianchang, who was slapped, did not show a trace of anger. Instead, he knelt on the ground and kowtowed. For this person, sometimes after kneeling once, it would be difficult to stand up again.

I think back then, this man was also a well-known figure in the world, and he behaved neither humble nor overbearing in conflicts with the Secret Service. He only bowed his head once in the face of power, and he could no longer straighten his back.

Seeing his behavior, Zuo Zhong showed a look of satisfaction on his face. Dogs can be cruel, but they must know who their master is. Dogs that dare to obey their masters have no need to live. He walked slowly to the shivering Ma Tianchang. After being silent for two seconds, he suddenly laughed and helped him up: "Tianchang, I'm just joking with you. You don't mind, right?"

 “I don’t mind, why would I mind.”

When Ma Tianchang heard the word "joke", he seemed to come to life. He nodded and bowed and said: "It is my blessing to be beaten by you for three lifetimes. Deputy Director Zuo, if you want to know anything, just ask Ma."

I promise to tell you everything I know, and I will never make such a mistake again in the future. In addition, I will deliver this month’s dock dividend to your house as soon as possible, and the amount will definitely satisfy you. "

Zuo Zhong smiled slightly and patted his shoulder: "Very good, you are really good. You can endure what others cannot bear and gain what others cannot gain. I give you these words. I called you here because I want to know one thing." .

Have you sent anyone to get benefits from that warehouse on Yaowan Street? You must tell the truth. I am not kidding you this time. The other party is involved in a very important espionage case. Do you understand? "

 “Yes, Tianzhang understands.”

Ma Tianchang gave a slap on his face and replied politely: "I did send people to the warehouse to get some medicines from it, but before I could do anything, the place was evacuated.

According to those who followed, a river boat came one night, and a group of men in black got off the boat. They loaded all the goods on the boat and sailed towards Shuiximen, and finally entered the Yangtze River. "

Zuo Zhong sighed, the warehouse was emptied, and they were a step too late. Could it be that someone from Caogang was discovered? This possibility was unlikely, and the people who were following them would never survive.

The other party may have moved the goods to another place out of caution. It's a pity that something that makes the other party care so much must be very important and even related to the truth of the case.

And if Ma Tianchang is telling the truth, the murderer has a lot of power in Jinling City. He has ships and people. Ordinary intelligence lurking teams do not have this kind of strength. He may be a big fish.

He thought for a while and then continued to ask: "After moving out, has the warehouse been rented out or rented out? What is the name of the river ship? Can you find the driving track?"

Ma Tianchang bent down slightly and shook his head: "The warehouse is empty there, and the old man guarding the door has not been fired. As for the river ship, it must not be from Jinling, otherwise my men would be able to recognize it at a glance."

 The warehouse is an early warning?

  No, to be precise, it’s a temptation.

Zuo Zhong thought thoughtfully. If Yu Sanshui and Ma Tianchang hadn't intervened, they could only find the warehouse by tracing Su Zifu's whereabouts. This would allow the murderer to know the progress of the investigation.

So what should the Secret Service do next? Is it to pretend to know nothing and secretly let people enter the warehouse to collect evidence, or to find a way to find the person who is spying on the person and alert the snake and follow the clues.

 Choose one of the two, each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Choose the first option to act secretly and conduct investigations step by step, but it will take a long time.

Choosing the second option is to go straight to the target and find the murderer in the shortest time, but there is a risk of disconnection.

Zuo Zhong walked around the cell a few times with his hands behind his back. After a long time, he stopped under the gaze of everyone, raised his head and said, "Old Gu, do you have the confidence to have a good fight with our opponent?"

Gu Qi was stunned for a moment, and then said with a faint smile: "Of course, our Secret Service has never been afraid of its opponents. Please give the order, Deputy Director. I promise to complete the task and find out the murderer of this case."

 “Okay, what I want is your spirit.”

Zuo Zhong smiled and winked and walked out of the cell, followed closely by his subordinates. When he got outside, he whispered a few instructions to Gu Qi and others. Under the dim light, everyone kept nodding in silence.

After explaining the specific plan, he looked around carefully and said, "You all heard what I said clearly. This operation does not require covert investigation or alerting the enemy.

This is the capital of the Republic of China and our territory, so let us tell the other side that the Secret Service has targeted them, let them know that it is not safe in Jinling, and force the other side to take action. "

Zuo Zhong did not choose the first option, let alone the second option. Instead, he chose an honest investigation and did not ask for surveillance personnel, so he faced the murderer face to face with gongs and drums.

 When doing any work, "potential" is always more important than temporary success. Using this matter can cultivate the staff of the Secret Service to have an overall view and a general view. If you don't take the lead, then I will kill you directly.

No matter what means you use or how much thought you put into it, if you dare to cause trouble on Chinese soil, you must be prepared to die. This time he will crush the opponent with an upright conspiracy.

 (End of this chapter)

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