Cicada Moving

Chapter 644: Profiling the murderer

Chapter 644 Analysis of the Murderer

 Afternoon, Renxin Hospital.

In the cold morgue, Zuo Zhong stood next to a metal cart with his nose covered. Ling Sanping across from him pointed at the throat of a male corpse with a metal rod and told the autopsy results.

“Like the corpses of Lu Yong’an and the 15 officials, this highly decomposed corpse also showed symptoms of digitalis poisoning, and overdose of the drug could be determined to be one of the causes of death.

But I am not sure about the specific time of his death and whether poisoning was the only cause of death. These two points need to be investigated by colleagues in the field. Well, this is probably the situation. "

After speaking, he picked up the label on the big toe of the corpse with a stick, frowned and added: "Deputy Director, the corpse has been buried for so long, there are many bacteria on it, and it needs to be dealt with as soon as possible.

 Otherwise, infectious diseases will easily break out. How about you allow me to order a batch of new air conditioners. With stable refrigeration equipment, the corpses involved in the case can be preserved for a long time in the future. How about? "

 “Hahaha, the weather is so nice.”

Zuo Zhong laughed and turned around and walked out. The so-called air conditioner was a water-cooled air conditioner. This thing was a standard luxury item. Even a certain uncle's mansion in Shanghai was only willing to install one.

The morgue was so large that it would probably cost five or six mortuaries, and the office didn't have the funds at all. However, as he walked, he felt that this was a bit unethical, so he said to the dark-faced Ling Sanping.

“The patients at Renxin Hospital are divided into two groups. Our own brothers cannot charge, but other patients who come for plastic surgery or colleagues in the military can charge more appropriately, and we can treat it as income generation.

This money does not need to be handed over and can be used specifically to purchase some urgently needed equipment, equipment, and medicines. However, the salary of the personnel must come from the general administration. This is a matter of principle. Do you understand? "

"ok, I get it."

Ling Sanping was filled with secret joy. This was enough. The hospital had a balance of ten thousand or twenty thousand every month, which could solve a lot of problems. Then it would be enough to go to various places for alms.

Zuo Zhong certainly guessed what this guy was thinking. Hospitals have always been a business that can make a profit without losing money. After all, no one dares to bargain with doctors. Letting them be responsible for their own profits and losses can also reduce expenses.

In this way, the two men with evil intentions walked slowly to the dean's office. Looking at the familiar furnishings in the room, Zuo Zhong couldn't help but think of the dead ghosts Liang Yuandong and Jin Jiang. Things are really different.

Suddenly, an idea flashed through his mind. When the Japanese took control of Renxin Hospital, their mission was to sell addictive drugs and use the East Asia Club to win over and corrupt reformist officials.

This can be seen as auxiliary work, not espionage in the traditional sense. So could the murderer of Lu Yong'an also be an intelligence officer of this type, so he has not been discovered.

 This possibility exists, and it is very high.

Following repeated attacks by the Secret Service, all aspects of the intelligence network in Jinling have been torn to pieces. It is impossible for them to have not received wind of an opponent with such strength before.

The most likely scenario is that the other party has not participated in high-risk intelligence operations that are easily exposed, and has been in a dormant state or the nature of the work he is engaged in is relatively secretive, so he has never been exposed.

Zuo Zhong sat on the mahogany official hat chair and crossed his hands, frowning slightly. This kind of enemy is the most difficult to deal with, because you don't know where the opponent is hiding, and then he will stab you without warning.


At this time, someone knocked on the door. After the door opened, Gu Qi walked in: "Deputy Director, the information in the archives of the Central Hospital has been counted. There are more than 30,000 physical examination files, and they have all been sealed.

Lao Song is in charge of the scene. I came over to report to you. We just happened to have a look at the condition of Su Zifu's body. The cemetery requires us to send a handover document, as the other party is afraid of being troubled. "

"It's an easy matter. You sit down, Lao Gu." Zuo Zhong waved with satisfaction. After he sat down, he asked with a smile: "It's better to come early than to come by chance. I have something to discuss with you and I want to hear your opinion." Opinion."

 Gu Qi nodded. It was normal to discuss work. Ling Sanping stood up and prepared to go out. He had to be discerning when working in an intelligence agency. Obviously, the following conversation had nothing to do with him.

“Dr. Ling, please don’t leave. It was you who dissected Su Zifu’s body. We need your professional advice. We are all brothers. As long as we have a public heart, we don’t have to act so openly.

Zuo Zhong stopped Ling Sanping and looked at Gu Qi: "I just went to the morgue to listen to Dr. Ling's report. The cause of Su Zifu's death was also an overdose of digitalis, or at least poisoning.

There are two questions that need to be clarified now. One is who killed Su Zifu and what was the purpose. The other is why the murderer wanted to kill Lu Yong'an. We have never figured this out. "

 Gu Qi listened carefully to his introduction and did not rush to express his opinion. Instead, he asked Ling Sanping in a low voice about the specific situation of the corpse. After thinking for a while, he expressed his thoughts.

“After preliminary investigation, we know that Lu Yong’an and Su Zifu know each other, and the relationship between the two is uncertain. It may be the relationship between instigating and being instigated, or it may be the relationship between superiors and subordinates.

In the first case, considering that Su Zifu died before Lu Yong'an, could it be that Lu Yong'an did not want to be coerced and threatened by others, so he used the other party's method of coercing him to kill the other party and silence him. After Su Zifu's accomplice and the murderer found out about the incident, he killed Lu Yong'an a few days later in revenge. The role of the concubine Shashi is currently unknown. It may be an enemy or a friend.

If this can be proven, it means that Dean Lu has not been incited to rebel, at least not completely. You should know that once betrayal becomes a habit, there will be no psychological barriers. "

Zuo Zhong nodded slightly. From a normal logic point of view, this is indeed the case. Except for Wang, a rebel whose political desires cannot be satisfied, it is difficult for ordinary high-level government officials to be incited to rebel.

These people have no worries about food and clothing. Their birth, old age, illness and death are all the responsibility of the National Government. They are used to giving orders from above and find it difficult to accept being controlled. Thinking of this, he motioned to Gucci to continue.

Seeing that the deputy director had no objection, Gu Qi secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said along the lines of thought: "In the second case, it is very likely that Su Zifu and Dean Lu were killed by the murderer.

This murderer is very cunning and cruel. The leakage of intelligence and the completion of the mission will cause the other party to silence him. I am inclined to this conjecture, because no one in Lu Yong'an's network died suddenly.

Of course, Su Zifu cannot be counted among them. At the same time, these are just my preliminary thoughts based on the current evidence. If there is anything I have not considered, I hope you will give me some advice, Deputy Director. "

 “Haha, Lao Gu, you are so humble.”

Zuo Zhong waved his hand, with a pleased expression on his face: "Your speculation is very comprehensive, and I mean the same thing. You are a good intelligence section chief, but you lack domineering. So what if you are wrong?

If you make a mistake on your own territory, adjust the direction of the investigation in time. If we make a mistake once or twice, it will delay some time at most, but if the enemy makes a mistake once, it means being exposed. You must keep your mind stable.

Next, you will look for evidence that proves the relationship between Lu Yongyi and Su Zifu. I will start with the clues in the warehouse. If you find anything, you must report it in time, and the two parties will work together to seize each other. "

As he spoke, he crossed his hands and clapped them together. A crisp slap startled Ling Sanping, who was dozing on the chair, and Gulu sat upright to see what happened.

Zuo Zhong rolled his eyes and began to speculate on the scope of the murderer's work, explaining that the other party might be an auxiliary and not directly involved in the operation. The purpose was to obtain public intelligence information.

By the way, let’s use the Renxin Hospital case as an example. At that time, Gu Qi and himself were pretending to investigate together, and had a lot of dealings with Liang Yuandong and Jin Jiang. They knew how Japanese spies operated and had a good understanding of the case.

 Gu Qi nodded while listening. In fact, he had also thought about this problem. With the ability and strength shown by the murderer, if he went too far, the Secret Service would not be aware of it. It was indeed a bit strange.

Ling Sanping, who was next to him, might have been curious, so he interjected: "How can he get information without taking the initiative? You can't disclose information by reading newspapers, and didn't you say that Su Zifu was rebelling against Lu Yong'an?"


Zuo Zhong and Gu Qi looked at each other and smiled. This statement is standard layman thinking. Engaging in intelligence does not mean stealing top-secret information, and instigating rebellion does not mean asking the person being incited to provide top-secret information.

After pondering for a while, Gu Qi made an analogy: "Dr. Ling, before you leave home, you listen to the weather forecast on the radio, look at the barometer, and look out of the window. These are all gathering original intelligence.

When you recall the accuracy of past forecasts, you are evaluating intelligence sources. When you consider all the intelligence you have collected and decide whether to bring an umbrella, you are analyzing intelligence.

When you hold an umbrella and say to yourself that it may rain on the road, the conclusion you draw is a concrete manifestation of intelligence activities. In real intelligence activities, this kind of open intelligence is very important. "

 “Yes, Lao Gu is right.”

Zuo Zhong crossed his arms and looked at Ling Sanping: "Just like the original intelligence our secret service obtained from the police station, informants, and reporters, open source intelligence constitutes 80% of the total.

Only 20% of intelligence needs to be obtained through secret channels, that is, through spies. This material is divided into four broad categories, planning, process, political and puzzle intelligence.

 The first three have nothing to do with today’s discussion. You only need to know that jigsaw puzzle refers to the premise that certain information is already mastered, and other information is needed to help identify, understand and piece together the overall intelligence.

  To use another analogy, suppose there is a war somewhere. I only need to know the prices of fruits, meat and vegetables in the local market to deduce which transportation line has been bombed.

 When supplies from an area are reduced due to poor transportation, prices rise. When lines are repaired and products begin to circulate, prices fall again, thus completing a rapid battle damage assessment. "

Ling Sanping seemed to understand. Spies who collect public intelligence do not need to risk stealing confidential information. The focus of their work is to form an intelligence network that can obtain all kinds of information.

Even if the murderer instigated Lu Yong'an's rebellion, he did not need the other party to obtain any confidential documents. Any information from the military was valuable and could make the puzzle intelligence more comprehensive and accurate.

 (End of this chapter)

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