Cicada Moving

Chapter 650: Operation Wine Shop

Chapter 650: Operation Red Wine Shop

Tongsuo scratched the back of his head and recalled what was wrong with the wine shop. Unfortunately, after thinking for a long time, he still found nothing. After all, as a professional intelligence officer, he still had little work experience.

Zuo Zhong looked at him scratching his head and scratched his head, and quickly took two steps back. God knows how many days the other person had not taken a shower. In terms of poor hygiene, this guy was comparable to a certain bald man.

 Say Cao Cao, and Cao Cao will arrive.

Gui Youguang came over at this time and whispered that he had informed Gu Qi that the small parks around the Lu Mansion were being sealed off, and the medicine hidden by Lin Yunsheng would be found soon.

Zuo Zhong nodded silently and asked the other party to communicate with Tongsuo and make preparations for the raid at three o'clock in the morning. When he heard that there was a battle, Gui Youguang pulled Tongsuo away with a smile on his face.

Without these two living treasures, the yard of the detention center instantly became quiet. To be precise, except for the feeble begging for mercy from the detainees, the only sound left was the gentle breeze blowing by my ears in early summer.


Suddenly, Zuo Zhong felt his cell phone vibrate in the space. It turned out that the contact time had reached 9 o'clock unknowingly. He walked quickly back to the empty interrogation room and turned on the screen of his cell phone to check the message.

After he finished translating the message with the code pad, his expression gradually became weird. He finally said "received" and put the phone back. He thought about it for a while, then turned and left the detention center.

 Five hours later.

 In the large conference room of the Secret Service, Gui Youguang stood in front of the large blackboard in full gear, holding a baton in his hand and introducing the target's terrain and specific action plan to the members of the action team for the last time.

The wine shop occupies an area of ​​3.7 acres. There are two buildings in the yard, one is a two-story office building and the other is a warehouse. There is no guard room at the entrance, and there are no glass shards or barbed wire on the walls.

According to Tongsuo's observation, there were about seven or eight employees on duty at night. Their weapons were several revolvers. There were two exits, front and rear. The iron door at the door was strong but not locked from the inside.

Gui Youguang looked at his watch and said seriously: "Start adjusting the time. It is now exactly 2:05 in the morning. All personnel must reach the scheduled attack launch position before 2:45 in the morning.

  We will act on time at three o'clock in the morning, with the street lights being cut off as a signal. We don't need to take care of the surrounding areas. Brothers from other departments will block it to prevent civilians and police from inadvertently breaking into the scene.

There are 15 operators in this operation, divided into three teams, each with 5 people. I led Team A to break in from the front entrance, Team B started the operation at the back door at the same time, and Team C was responsible for supporting.

Our goal is to protect the goods in the warehouse and the paper documents in the office. In the event of a crossfire, we must prioritize the safety of these things. If anyone shoots randomly, come back and clean the toilet. "


The agents laughed loudly when they heard this. This is the internal rule of the action team. Anyone who makes a mistake during the mission will be responsible for cleaning the toilets for a month. This is not an easy task.

 “Okay, please be serious.”

Speaking of work, Gui Youguang lost his usual carelessness and looked at everyone with sharp eyes: "I would like to remind everyone again, if you encounter anyone who intends to resist, don't hesitate to kill them immediately.

You have seen the internal topographic map. This wine store is a new cement building with many rooms and a complex internal environment. Once the other party reacts and establishes a defense line, we will be in trouble. "

  “Yes, team leader.”

  The members of the action team suppressed their smiles, straightened their backs and saluted Gui Youguang and Zuo Zhong beside them. As the sharpest arrows of the Secret Service, they knew exactly what to do when.

After all, the annual training expenses of more than 100,000 yuan are not in vain. In the national army, these people can be regarded as the first batch of professional soldiers, and their only mission is to train and fight.

Equipment is all imported cutting-edge weapons, and everyone is issued a precise and luxurious Swiss watch. In order to prevent reflection, the dial is painted with black paint and the mirror surface is also frosted.

Zuo Zhong's attempt to form such an elite team is naturally not for pure intelligence operations. It would be killing a chicken with a sledgehammer. The future Sino-Japanese battlefield will be their best performance venue.

Thinking of this, he glanced at Tongsuo, who was scratching his head, and saw dandruff flying down like snowflakes, which made Zuo Zhong's scalp numb, and he almost drove this unhygienic **** out.

 Fortunately, the preparations for the operation were over, and everyone walked out of the conference room together. At this time, the people from the Operations Department had also gathered. This was the first time that Zuo Zhong had mobilized the personnel of the Operations Department since he became deputy director.

 Because the Operations Section has always been Dai Chunfeng's favorite, even if the Operations Section's operational capabilities are not as good as the Intelligence Section, this sounds like a black humor, but it is really the case.

So if Lao Dai hadn't taken the initiative after receiving the action request, and most of the intelligence department's staff were involved in the case, he would have really been unwilling to do it, so there was no need to ask for trouble.

 Menopausal women have many things to do.

 Men in menopause have more to do. In short, everything was ready. Zuo Zhong waved his hand to board the car. In order to confuse possible surveillance personnel, they would go in different directions when going out, and then go around in a few circles before meeting at the target.

Cars and trucks quickly drove out of the gate of Honggong Temple and disappeared into the night, wandering around the small streets and alleys of Jinling City, and finally slowly gathered at a hidden place in Dingjiaqiao.

 The target is three hundred meters away from here. There are many embassies and consulates abroad. The diplomats inside are the main consumers of red wine. Ordinary people and small businessmen are reluctant to spend money to drink foreign wine.

 “Bronze Lock, come here.”

Zuo Zhong called out softly when he arrived at the assembly area, and raised his hand when the other party approached: "Okay, just stand here and say, mother, give me a good bath after the mission is over.

 Later, you will follow Gui Youguang's Group A. Your mission is to identify the employees of the wine store. You are not allowed to shoot without his order. Your first priority is to protect yourself. Do you understand? "

Tongsuo is not an unscrupulous person. When he heard the deputy director's concern, his heart lit up and he nodded: "Understood, I promise to obey orders. To be honest, I have never fired a gun in actual combat."

Everyone present smiled kindly. For a young man who had no competitive relationship and was personally recruited into the Secret Service by Deputy Director Zuo, staying friendly to him was what smart people should do.

Zuo Zhong also pointed at him with a smile, and then looked at the agents: "I won't say much about the operation. The personnel in the peripheral control area listen carefully. Before the end of the mission, the target area is only allowed to enter but not leave."

After finishing speaking, he nodded to Gui Youguang and others who had put on gas masks. In indoor close combat, flash bombs and smoke bombs are very useful, and operators must be prepared in advance.

Besides, after receiving the order, Gui Youguang raised his right hand and made a gesture. The three teams quickly advanced towards the target in combat formation, and it took less than 40 seconds to enter the scheduled attack starting position.

 “Tick tock. Tick tock tick tock”

Time passed by second by second. Zuo Zhong kept looking down at his watch. When the hands jumped to 2:59:30 in the morning, he made a cutting action to the agent on the wire pole.

With a burst of sparks, the power system of the street where the target was located was cut off, the street lights and the few surrounding lights were extinguished, rabbits were hunted in the grass, and the telephone lines on the telephone poles were also damaged.

Not far away, in a dark alley, the members of the action team closed their eyes. After hearing the crackling sound of electricity, they suddenly opened their eyes and stared quietly at the target gate across the road.


Gui Youguang uttered two words softly in his mouth, and rushed out with a Thompson submachine gun. During the action, he bent over and hunched his head, and held his body tightly with both arms to reduce the area where he was hit.

He successfully moved to the gate and saw that there was no movement inside. The two operators of Team A threw their weapons behind them and knelt down facing each other with their hands crossed on their knees for support.

Without verbal communication, another agent tacitly stepped on his colleague's hand and jumped up with all his strength. He put his hands on the wall and squinted at the wine store. The yard was extremely quiet and normal.

After making sure it was safe, he tapped his foot twice to signal the people below, then turned over and jumped in and ran towards the door. He aimed the gun at the entrance and exit of the building with one hand and slowly opened the door with the other.

Gui Youguang took the lead in entering the target through the half-open door. The three agents behind him pointed their guns in other directions, keeping alert eyes, ready to find bunkers and fire to respond to the enemy.

 But until they met up with Team B who entered through the back door, the night watchmen in the wine store didn’t even respond. This made everyone’s hearts sink. Could it be that there was a mistake.

The problem is that the arrow has to be fired when it is on the string, and it cannot give up halfway once it has penetrated the target. Gui Youguang made the deployment immediately without hesitation, and led his own people to control the personnel, while Team B stayed at the warehouse.

So the operators who had just gathered separated again. Team A carefully pushed open the wooden door of the office building with a copper lock, and started searching the room room by room along the corridor.

 The meeting place outside the wine shop.

When the lights go out, the agents of the Operations Department block the road as quickly as possible. The method is simple, just put the vehicles across the road. Now, including them, no one can get out of this area.

Zuo Zhong was looking not far away with his hands behind his back, feeling a little confused as to why no shots had been fired until now. Could it be that the other party had no power to fight back against the action team? This possibility was possible.

 Because this operation itself was a test, if there were no problems in the wine shop, then it would be a way to make money. Thinking of this, he calmed down and waited patiently for news from Gui Youguang.

As expected, not long after, a member of the action team hurried over and reported that they had taken control of all the night watchmen and the goods in the warehouse, and that tonight's operation seemed to be in vain.

Zuo Zhong was not frustrated by this. He smiled and said to the other party to lead the way, and then led a large group of troops to the wine shop. They came here, but they always wanted to see the red wine in the warehouse before going back.

 (End of this chapter)

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