Cicada Moving

Chapter 663: Hurt self and others

Chapter 663 Harm others and yourself

 “Hey, Lao Bai, I’m giving you a lecture.”

Just when the Jinling Police Department personnel were greeting Bai Wenzhi's mother, a frivolous voice sounded. Just as the grumpy police officer was about to speak, the person next to him tightly covered his mouth.

The speaker was wearing a wide-brimmed hat, dressed in black, and acted in a sneaky manner. There was no one else who met these three conditions except the agents of the Secret Service. They just watched the affairs of the big shots.

 “Fuck. Oh, Deputy Director Zuo.”

Bai Wenzhi even performed a face change in public. When he heard someone calling him Lao Bai, he was about to turn around and curse, but when he saw the smiling Zuo Zhong, his heart went blank and he immediately turned into a playful smile.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. Later, half of the people will be separated from Baixia Road, Fudong Street, Niupi Street, Ganyu Lane, Heilang Street, Fangkou Lane, and Xingkou Street to block traffic. "

Zuo Zhong was too lazy to talk nonsense with this shameless guy. He took out a map from his pocket and put it on the hood of the car nearby. He used the illumination of the streetlight to assign specific tasks to the other person.

“The remaining police officers will work in groups of five to cooperate with my people in house searches. You’d better pick one and send out experienced criminal police officers and detectives as much as possible. I will give you credit for catching the Japanese spy.”

If you want the horse to run fast, give the horse more grass to eat. Zuo Zhong understood this very well. Just relying on orders can indeed make the police take action, but this is just an errand, and the efficiency is too low.

How about some practical benefits. Such a big case is enough for the Secret Service and the Police Department to share the credit. Anyway, even if he makes great contributions, he will not be promoted during his suspension period.

Sure enough, when Bai Wenzhi heard the word "merit", his eyes glowed faintly green in the dark, just like a wild dog after seeing flesh and bones, and the other police officers also became energetic.

“Hey, I’m so sorry. It’s our job at the police station to cooperate with you. I don’t care whether I get credit or not. The main reason is that some of my brothers haven’t moved up for a long time.”

It is said that people like Bai Wenzhi are good at getting a bargain. He grinned and said something nice, and winked at his confidant, asking him to immediately select people according to Zuo Zhong's order.

 “Okay, start moving, send the signal!”

Zuo Zhong resisted the urge to give this **** a slap in the face. If the party was completely hopeless, it would be ridiculous to let such a shameless person serve as the chief of the capital police department, so why worry about public order not being chaotic?

He raised his hand and looked at his watch. The hour hand jumped to nine o'clock. He gave the order to Gucci with a dark face. Gucci took out a flare gun from the car, pointed it at the dark night sky and pulled the trigger.

With a popping sound, a red signal bounced into the air. The nearby residents didn't know what happened and all raised their heads curiously. Only the children thought it was fireworks jumping around there.

In an old-fashioned two-story residential building not far from Baixia Road, a young man in a suite on the second floor heard the sound and stood by the window. His expression changed as he stared at the slowly falling signal flares.

 Oops, Pang Chong spat.

He knew that the other party was not trustworthy at all. This guy who had been in the Republic of China for so many years might have thought of himself as a Chinese, so he should use the post-war rule to silence him.

The young man did not hesitate, and immediately rushed to the study, grabbed a few drawings in his hand, quickly ran to the kitchen, picked up the hot water kettle, rolled the drawings into a ball and threw them into the furnace of the coal stove.

The flames suddenly became stronger with the help of fuel, and the drawings turned into ashes in the man's anxious eyes. The young man was still worried and used the tongs to exchange the top briquette with the second one①.

This way, the ashes will not be easily discovered. After doing this, he cleaned up the traces on his body and in the kitchen, and calmly sat on the sofa in the living room and waited for his opponent's arrival.

While the young people were destroying the evidence, Zuo Zhong took an old man from the Action Section, two newcomers and five veteran policemen who had been working as criminal police for more than ten years to conduct a search according to the household registration book.



“Police station check, open the door.”

 “Okay, okay, wait a minute.”

Arriving at the door of the first search target, the Operations Section agent stood on the side of the door and knocked. He explained his purpose to the residents inside and quietly touched the gun on his waist with his right hand.

Zuo Zhong nodded with satisfaction, and then he saw the newcomers standing stupidly at the door, and the old policeman hiding nearby and snickering. He was so angry that he really wanted to kick the two guys aside.

He stretched out his hand to pull these two idiots aside, and shouted in a low voice: "How is the training class taught? Do you want to be shot? If the people inside are spies, you will be dead!"

From now on, even if you are in the office, when you knock on the door, stand outside the possible shooting range. If you let me see you doing such stupid things again, go back to the police academy for retraining, and hurry to the back. "

 “Ah? It’s the deputy director.”

 “The information says that the households are one family.”

One of the newcomers is still a little unconvinced, or wants to show off in front of the superiors to prove that he has done the preparations in advance. Such smart people can be found everywhere.

He felt that since the target was a family, it could not be a spy. After all, according to the logic of most people, those who do intelligence work are loners. The more people are concerned, the greater the danger, but the enemy is not a fool.

For people like Pang Chong, who would have thought that the other party was a spy? There will definitely be many such situations in the future work. Holding such a preconceived attitude towards work is harmful to others and yourself.

Zuo Zhong glanced at the open door, ordered two policemen to guard in the corridor, and asked the remaining three policemen to enter the door to cooperate with the search. He also asked the newcomer: "What is your name." "My name is."

“Okay, take your luggage and go home. Don’t think I’m targeting you. I’m saving your life and the lives of others. You’ll know in the future.” Zuo Zhong waved his hand and walked into the room.

He is telling the truth. Who is not raised by his parents? Rather than reluctantly staying, it is better to change jobs as soon as possible. It is worse than being killed by a spy. The secret service only needs elite soldiers, not waste.

Leaving behind the two pale-faced newcomers, Zuo Zhong stepped into the door and quickly scanned the interior layout and furnishings. This house was only more than ten square meters and was home to a family of three.

 The male household registered in the household registration is 35 years old and earns a good income as a manager in a company. The female household head is 30 years old and is a full-time housewife. She has an 11-year-old daughter studying in a primary school not far away.

 The reason for setting this house as the first target is that it is a bit strange why a decent middle-class family would live in such a narrow house, which requires in-depth investigation and verification.

At this time, the target's family of three stood together. The male resident stood in front of his wife and daughter. He looked at the spies and police officers walking around with panic on his face. He muttered twice but did not dare to speak.

 “Haha, don’t be afraid.”

Zuo Zhong winked at the little girl who secretly looked at him, and explained with a smile: "We are here to track down a murderer. As long as it has nothing to do with the case, we will not hurt you.

Forgive me for asking, sir, your salary should be quite high. Why don't you change to a better house? It's really a bit crowded for three people to live here. Is there anything unspeakable? "

As he spoke, he put the receiver of the phone in the house on the table and silently gestured to the three policemen. The first thing to pay attention to during the search was to send people to guard and monitor the suspect's every word and deed.

Be prepared to prevent the other party from destroying or discarding evidence and incriminating evidence, or even attacking the operatives, and abnormal movements of the suspect can also be discovered through the suspect's facial expressions, actions, words and deeds.

 The male resident on the side saw that the house was cut off from the outside world, and saw the police standing at the door and window. He was so nervous that he couldn't speak. He coughed twice and spoke quickly.

"Sir, my wife and I are both outsiders. Although my salary is not low, it is still far from buying a house, so I want to save some savings for a few years and buy my own house in Jinling."

 A good reason and very reasonable.

 The capital is big, so it’s not easy to live there.

Zuo Zhong still remembered that when he first came to Jinling two years ago, after paying the rent for the apartment in Chaotian Palace and the monthly rent for the phone, only 4 yuan was left out of the 30 yuan monthly military pay.

This is true for an officer with a high salary, let alone a manager of a small company. Moreover, female residents do not have jobs. If they want to buy a house in Jinling, they must live frugally.

However, he did not believe the other party's explanation. Instead, he walked to the dining table and opened the bamboo rice cover. When he found that there were only two simple dishes inside, he nodded slightly. It seemed that there was no problem.

Other things can be faked, but daily meals cannot be faked. The target family of three is really frugal. No one could have predicted that the search would make such preparations. If that happened, he would admit defeat.

 “Thank you sir for your cooperation.”

Zuo Zhong responded with a slight smile, and glanced at the operations agent who kept tapping the floor with his feet. The other person was checking whether there were holes or mezzanines on the ground. This was a common search method.

After asking the target why he lived here, he was not interested in saying anything more. He simply bent down and felt for any friction at the seams on the edge of the floor and whether there were any signs of movement in the position of the furniture.

The results are very normal. The dust deposition between the wooden boards, the floor rivets, and the adhesive are all consistent. There are no signs of prying or sliding. At least there are no hidden spaces on the ground.

Zuo Zhong straightened up and clapped his hands, crossed his arms and looked around, then took out the pen on his chest and tapped on the wall to make sure that the surface of the wall was bright and flat, and that the tiles were tightly spaced.

 In addition, the pasting and painting were done many years ago. After long-term use, they become the same color and look gray. If there are areas that are often opened, some marks will inevitably be left.

 After checking that there were no problems with the floor and walls, he paid attention to the expressions of the target family of three, especially the little girl. Apart from being a little curious, the other person's expression was quite calm.

 Usually they can withdraw at this point in a large-scale search. With so many rooms to check, it is impossible for searchers to dig deep to find problems like they do with specific targets.

But the fellow operations department agent was very attentive. After checking everything, he pinched the bedding carefully and poked the soft furniture with the steel probe he carried. That was the end of it.

Zuo Zhong appreciated his caution. After writing down the other person's name, he politely said goodbye to the male head of the household and led the people to the next door. There were still dozens of households to inspect, so he had to hurry up.

As mentioned before, there are many opinions on the origin of briquettes on the Internet. Some say it was invented in Wang Yueshan, Dezhou, Shandong in the 1920s, and some say it was invented by Guo Wende, a retired employee of DZ City Fuel Company, in the 1950s.

However, according to the book "Fuel" (published by the Commercial Press in 1940) co-authored by Japanese scholars Oshima Yoshikiyo and Kosaka Kaisaburo, the Japanese use of "hole briquettes" was mentioned.

In addition, there was an advertisement for cultural fuel on the second page of the "Central Daily News" published on January 25, 1932. Judging from the pictures of fuel and stoves printed in it, the product called cultural fuel was briquettes. In the advertisement, there is the words "Chinese invented cultural fuel".

To sum up, I think this thing was invented very early and has been improved by many people.



 (End of this chapter)

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