Cicada Moving

Chapter 665: Surprise attack

Chapter 665 Sudden Attack

 “Okay, no problem, let’s go.”

Zuo Zhong walked out of the kitchen, nodded at the Operations Section agents who had already checked the floor and walls of the room, and the police officers who entered the room, and extended his hand to say goodbye warmly to the smiling Ren Guanglin.

“Thank you for your cooperation. Please pay attention to safety when you go home during this period. The murderer is very cruel. If you find a suspicious person, please report it to us in time. The police station will also reward you.

Then let’s leave first. Brothers, our hands are not light or heavy. If anything is damaged, please bear with it. You can also ask for compensation from the Jinling Police Department. Goodbye, Mr. Assistant Manager. "

“It’s okay, it’s okay, I’ll be sure.”

Ren Guanglin smiled and shook hands with Zuo Zhong, and was about to say some polite words, but he only said half of it when the smile froze on his face. "Assistant Manager, this is not a title for a small businessman."

 The agents and policemen on the side were stunned for a moment and quickly reacted. They immediately surrounded the target. They had never heard the other party mention these two words. There must be a reason for Deputy Director Zuo to say so.

The Operations Section agent moved the fastest and tore off Ren Guanglin's collar. Even if he had checked it before, he could not take it lightly. No one knew whether the collar had been soaked in poison.

 “Why don’t you speak? Why are you mute?”

Zuo Zhong was holding Ren Guanglin's right hand tightly at this time, looking at the man with interest, as if a beast had seen its prey. Although there was a smile on his face, his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

In this situation tonight, they are indeed tired from carrying out the search mission, but the target will also be tired from thinking about how to deal with them. They suddenly attack at the most relaxed moment. This trick is really tried and true.

 Seeing that the target was silent, he pinched the target's mouth with one hand to open it, and made sure there was no poison sac. This was normal, and no one would use such a dangerous method of suicide during non-mission periods.

If you sneeze or stumble and poison yourself, wouldn't it be a ridiculous way to die? Moreover, drilling holes in the teeth will allow enemy counterintelligence personnel to find flaws, which is not practical.

Zuo Zhong took off the glasses on Ren Guanglin's nose, took out a few photos from his pocket, found one and placed it next to the other person's face for comparison, then smacked his lips and said with emotion.

“You Japanese, dogs can’t change their ways of eating shit, so they like to show off to others with fake faces. You were the assistant manager in charge of management at a wine store, and when you came back here, you became Ren Guanglin, a small businessman.

 Aren't you tired of changing so much? Those bacterial weapons were the ones you prepared for me. It's amazing. This is the biggest loss I've ever suffered in this business. I have to say, you have a few tricks up your sleeve. "

Ren Guanglin's camouflage skills are very good. He and the assistant manager of the wine store in the photo are completely different people. At most, their overall outlines are somewhat similar. They should have stuffing in their mouth and nose.

 In addition, black-rimmed glasses can distract the observer, so it was hidden from Zuo Zhong’s eyes at first. Perhaps because of this, this guy did not evacuate. This is a good traveler drowning.

Thinking about it, Zuo Zhong patted the other party's cheek gently: "Don't you resist? There are only a few of us in the room. If you resist, you might have a chance to escape. Freedom, what a precious thing.

As a spy of the Intelligence Department of the Japanese Army General Staff Headquarters, you must have received escape training. It is raining so heavily and it is late at night. It is difficult to hunt down. Do you want to take a gamble? "

 “Sir, you are joking.”

Ren Guanglin's expression slowly turned bitter: "I didn't hear what you said clearly. Ren just answered subconsciously. I've never heard of that wine shop. It's all a misunderstanding.

I am really a businessman. You can ask my business partners to investigate. Never accuse good people unfairly. If you want money, feel free to do so. I will definitely meet the requirements of the superiors. "

At this time, he still denied his identity and tried to withdraw his right hand controlled by Zuo Zhong, without showing any trace of professional training in his actions.

  “If you have a tough mouth, come with us.”

Zuo Zhong shook his head to interrupt the man's nonsense, and asked the Operations Section agent to cuff the other person: "If you have anything to say, wait until we can talk slowly in the interrogation room, but then it won't be as simple as questioning.

 Actually, we are all peers. You should know what torture techniques we have, and we also know what counter-interrogation methods you have. Why waste any more time? Am I right? "

Ren Guanglin didn't answer, he just put on a helpless look and allowed the agents from the Operations Department to handcuff him behind his back. He seemed to be ready to resist. Some people just refused to give up until they reached the Yellow River.

 Two policemen were left to guard the scene. Zuo Zhong and his team escorted the suspect to the parking lot. They met another team of people on the way. He immediately arranged for the other team to take over the remaining targets and continue the search.

As long as one room has not been searched, the entire operation cannot be declared over. To prevent Ren Guanglin from being a scapegoat thrown by the enemy, the Japanese intelligence organization has always been good at this little trick.

The rain is getting heavier.

 Lightning lit up from time to time in the sky.

  It flowed down from the eaves.

The search area was full of dirt roads, which were extremely slippery due to the rain. People would fall if they walked on them accidentally. One policeman slipped and fell and had to crawl several times before he got up.

It took everyone more than ten minutes to stop and go, stumbling and struggling to return to the starting point. At this time, some teams had completed the search and were doing mission briefings and reassignments.

Seeing the deputy director bring people back, Gu Qi, who was listening to the report, quickly held up an umbrella to greet him. When he walked up to him, he glanced at Ren Guanglin and the handcuffs on his hands, and asked in a low voice. “Deputy Director, are you caught?”

 “Well, the assistant manager of the wine shop.”

 “What, it’s this bastard.”

Hearing Zuo Zhong's answer, Gu Qi was shocked. Looking at the soaked target, he plucked the target's hair hard and identified the person's face under the car lights from a distance.

He had naturally seen the photo of the assistant manager of the wine store. At first glance, he looked different from the pretty boy in front of him, but when he looked at his eyebrows and eyes, they were somewhat similar, and he understood that the other person was disguised.

This is not unfamiliar to the Secret Service. The Japanese spies in the Nandou Group case used this method to escape their pursuit. In the end, none of them ran away, and they all went to see the **** Amaterasu.

Gu Qi suddenly let go of his hand, raised his head and asked, "Deputy Director, why don't you take the suspect back first? I'm waiting for the search to end. In vain, I went back after ten o'clock, saying I was feeling unwell."

“Damn, the lazy **** is peeing a lot. If there is no harvest today, just leaving early will be enough to convict him of dereliction of duty. Forget it, you can bring more people back to the place, and I will keep an eye on you personally.”

After Zuo Zhong finished speaking, he asked someone to take Ren Guanglin aside. Seeing that Gu Qi wanted to say something else, he patted him on the shoulder: "Don't argue with me. This is an order. I have to stabilize the morale of the army here.

Be careful when you go back. You must be placed in a high-level cell and no unrelated persons are allowed to approach. The first round of questioning will be conducted in the afternoon. Remember, you must walk through the door of Pang Chong cell. "

 “You want to ask for directions?”

 Gu Qi immediately understood that Pang Chong's confession said that he did not know any other Japanese intelligence personnel except Su Zifu. It didn't take a second thought to know that this guy must not have told the truth. All Japanese spies have such virtues.

Using this suspect, they can do a test to see Pang Chong's reaction. If the two know each other, he will definitely be shocked when he sees his accomplice being arrested, and may reveal more information.

 “Yes, that’s what it means.”

Zuo Zhong lowered his head and shook the water on the brim of his hat, and explained: "Pang Chong refused to explain the details of the death of Su Zifu and the 15 officials. Without tangible evidence, we cannot close the case.

It has been many days since the chairman of the committee summoned me and the bureau chief. If there is no result in the case, I am afraid it will not end well. The progress of the investigation must be accelerated and the leader's task must be completed as soon as possible. "

Understanding that the situation was urgent, Gu Qi no longer humbly led a team of agents into the car and drove towards Hong Gong Temple. In the rainy night, the car lights gradually faded away. Zuo Zhong immediately turned around and summoned the operatives to listen to the report.

It rained heavily all night and stopped at dawn. At this time, the entire team finally completed the search work. After completing their errands, they went back to their homes. The police officers returned to the police station in twos and threes.

The agents of the Secret Service had no rest. Since the search area was on the edge of the city, with dense population and complicated roads, many gangsters chose this place as their hideout, and many were arrested last night.

There are four or five named gangsters alone, and the rest are not easy to use. These people must be dealt with as soon as possible. Those who deserve punishment will be sentenced, and those who deserve to be killed will be killed. The screening work is not easy.

With a tired look on his face, Zuo Zhong returned to the Secret Service with his men, and immediately arranged for people to interrogate the gangsters. He found a place to relax for a while, recharging his energy and preparing to deal with Ren Guanglin.

 Three o'clock in the afternoon.

An energetic Zuo Zhong appeared in Gu Qi's office. The two discussed the interrogation strategy together. After determining the specific ideas, they went to the interrogation room together and ordered the guards to pick up the person.

While waiting, Gu Qi talked about bringing Ren Guanglin back in the early morning. At that time, he asked someone to wake up Pang Chong and let the two parties meet inside and outside the cell. There was no reaction between the two.

Zuo Zhong thought about it again and again, and felt that there were two possibilities for this matter. One was that they had never met before, and the other was that their acting skills were very good. Taking into account the known clues, the second possibility was more likely.

Any spy should have two ways to communicate with his online agent, one for normal situations and one for emergencies. Otherwise, it is easy to lose contact, just like himself and Zhang Anren.

What does Pang Chong’s confession say? This person said that he reported Su Zifu’s behavior to his superiors and asked his superiors to remove Su Zifu. He also said that after Su Zifu’s death, he only communicated with his boss through a dead mailbox.

So there are two contradictions. How did he notify the online line, and how did the online line tell him which route represented an emergency? It couldn't be a phone call.

Also, as soon as the carrier pigeon died, the dead mailbox observer Ren Guanglin was put in place. This speed was too fast. After checking Ren Guanglin's household registration, he found that this person had lived there for a long time. How could it be such a coincidence?

Zuo Zhong doesn’t believe in coincidences. All this must be a careful arrangement. Ren Guanglin is Pang Chong’s emergency contact. Only in this way can these things be explained. These two **** are acting.


At this time, the door of the interrogation room slowly opened. With the sound of anklets rubbing against the concrete floor, Ren Guanglin walked in with handcuffs on his hands. Before he could speak, he was fixed to the interrogation chair.

Recommended by the editor on the 17th, thank you all for your support, and the Qidian Writer Assistant is great. The accidentally deleted chapters were restored and lost more than a thousand words.



 (End of this chapter)

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