Cicada Moving

Chapter 669: duck float

Chapter 669: Ducks Float


The iron door of the interrogation room made a noise. Yang Changqing, who was fixed on the iron chair, raised his head blankly and saw several serious-looking men in black walking in, and then sat or stood opposite.

The person who came was naturally Zuo Zhong, as well as Gu Qi who was in charge of the jury, Wu Chunyang who was the recorder, and Gui Youguang and Shen Dongxin who were in charge of the torture. Everyone was making preparations according to their respective division of labor.

For example, the big bald man used alcohol to disinfect the steel whip. If the torture instrument is not clean, it can easily cause inflammation of the wounds of the person being tortured. The death of a person is a trivial matter, but it will be troublesome if the interrogation is delayed.

As for whether alcohol will irritate the wound, that is not something he should consider. The Secret Service is a violent agency, not a nursing home, and no one cares what a person who is destined to die thinks.

On the other side, Yang Changqing shouted excitedly when he saw the person: "Why did you arrest me, a serious businessman? My brother is familiar with the officials of the city hall and is willing to spend money to buy peace."

It is normal for this person to say these things. He was suddenly dragged to the notorious secret service office in his sleep and locked next to a pile of blood-stained torture instruments. It would be considered bold not to be frightened and pee on the spot.

But Yang Changqing is not an ordinary citizen. Not to mention his possible identity as a Japanese spy, even as a catering industry tycoon, he should have known that this matter had nothing to do with money when he saw such a big fight during the arrest.

His purpose in saying this is nothing more than to bring the City Hall in to muddy the waters. The more people involved and the higher the level, the safer he will be. This guy understands the unspoken rules of the officialdom of the Republic of China very well.

 “Haha, don’t be impatient, Boss Yang.”

Zuo Zhong sorted out the files on the table and did not fall for his trick. He smiled and said, "You can't buy Ping An. If you tell the truth, you might be able to buy a whole body. How about this business?"

"Whole corpse? It's unfair. I'm just a restaurant owner. I've never done anything bad. If I have offended the officer in any way, please tell me clearly and I will definitely change it." Yang Changqing was shocked and desperately begged for mercy.

Zuo Zhong narrowed his eyes and cursed secretly for being cunning. The other person didn't say anything. He only said that he was arrested because of a personal grudge. It was difficult to make a confession like this. This person was stalling for time.

The smile on his face slowly faded, and he pointed out something directly: "Yang Changqing, you should stop acting. I know that although your boss Yang is not well-known, he knows many big shots.

If there is no conclusive evidence, do you think we will invite you here? I know Lu Yong'an, I know Su Zifu, I know Pang Chong, and you should know Ren Guanglin. "

 “I don’t know who they are.”

Yang Changqing immediately denied these names when he heard them. He didn't even blink when he spoke. If he hadn't known that the deceased officials had been to the Xianle Western Restaurant, he might have been deceived by this person.

 In this situation where the suspect does not admit the facts of the crime, the interrogator must stop it, otherwise the person's defense will be acquiesced time and time again, which will gradually increase the confidence in resisting the interrogation.

This will make the interrogation more difficult. The stronger the other party's self-confidence, the more difficult it will be to conduct subsequent interrogations. In order to avoid this happening, it is necessary to constantly interrupt his various excuses.

 “Okay, stop talking nonsense.”

Zuo Zhong decisively stopped the meaningless conversation, raised his hand and turned the lamp to Yang Changqing: "You Japanese are so stubborn, you have to suffer a little before you are willing to confess.

In this case, you're welcome. Pediatric methods such as the tiger stool and wire whip are not interesting. Let's just start with the duck floating on the water. It's up to you, what do you think, Mr. Yang? "

  It sounded like he was asking for advice, but in fact he did not allow the other party to refuse at all. After speaking, he nodded to Gui Youguang and Shen Dongxin and asked them to help Yang Changqing recover his memory.

The so-called duck float is to hang the tortured person upside down, causing the brain of the tortured person to be deprived of oxygen and blood to flow backwards, and then put a tank of water under the body and slowly boil it over a charcoal fire.

A person hanging on a rope is like a duck in a roasting duck oven. On one side, he has to endure the severe pain in his head and on the other side, he has to endure the burning caused by the extremely hot water vapor, and eventually his whole body is covered with blisters.

 “Spare my life, spare my life, spare my life.”

 “Boss Yang, please enjoy it slowly.”

After finishing the preparations, Gui Youguang picked up the cloth and stuffed it into the mouth of Yang Changqing, who was begging for mercy. At the same time, he said something with a smile, then tied his ankle with a thick rope and wrapped the other end around the beam.

 Several guards who had been waiting for a long time took the rope and pulled hard, and the wealthy boss Yang was hung upside down in the air. He struggled desperately in the air, really like a duck waiting to be slaughtered.

Shen Dongxin on the side was not idle either. He pushed a large vat under the opponent's head and lit a firewood with a cold face. The interrogation room suddenly became so smoky that it was hard to keep one's eyes open.

"Haha, Mr. Yang, it's too late for you to confess now. Even if you can survive the duck floating in the water, it's hard to withstand the bamboo sticks, pepper water, and rib pulling below, so why suffer in vain."

Zuo Zhong crossed his legs and lit a cigarette, and his tone sounded very warm as he puffed away the smoke. He was telling the truth. Compared with the three mentioned punishments, the electric chair that can electrocute people is considered humane.

 Death is not terrible.

 The terrible thing is that life is worse than death.

Bamboo sticks are made by repeatedly driving thin bamboo sticks into the fingers like nails. Chili water pouring means pouring high-temperature chili water into the human esophagus, trachea, eyes and other organs. Rib extraction involves pulling out a person's ribs one by one and ensuring that the victim is alive. This is not difficult to do. In later generations, people who loved beauty even took the initiative to spend money to perform this kind of surgery.


Yang Changqing still shook his head and refused to admit that he knew Lu Yong'an, Su Zifu and others. Gui Youguang was angered by his reaction, so he picked up the steel whip and hit him with three lightning whips.

Blood dropped drop by drop down the man's neck, chin and nose into the vat that was slowly getting hot. The strong smell of blood became extremely pungent under the high temperature, and everyone present frowned.

 “Alas, why bother?”

Zuo Zhong's face showed a look of intolerance at the right time. He stood up and sighed: "My biggest problem is that I have a kind heart and can't bear to see others suffering. Old Gu, let's go out and get some fresh air first.

Gui Youguang, hurry up and demonstrate all the methods to Mr. Yang. Be careful not to get blood everywhere in the room. The detention center has given me advice several times. "

“Yes, I’ll make sure it’s clean this time.”

Gui Youguang was beaming with joy when he heard that the deputy director handed over the prisoner to him. These **** almost caused him to get the plague. If it weren't for the fact that the thing was useless to him, he would have been in trouble this time.

This situation must be recovered, otherwise if the news gets out, where will his reputation as the number one operational master of the Secret Service be put? If he doesn't beat this person until he is incontinent, he will have the same surname as the other person.


Then the sound of the steel whip sounded cheerfully, and together with Yang Changqing's muffled hum and the scolding of the secret agents, they formed a gorgeous movement, which made Zuo Zhong outside smile with satisfaction.

Not long after, He Yijun brought some breakfast with the canteen staff. He, Gu Qi and Wu Chunyang stood in the corridor holding hot porridge and discussed the next work plan.

“Deputy Director, I estimate that the target will not speak for a while. Can we open the gap from other aspects? We must not wait passively. By the way, have the Yang family and the garden next door found anything?”

 After understanding the situation, Wu Chunyang ate a piece of pickle and put forward his own opinion. After all, there were only a few Japanese spies who were willing to cooperate and surrender. It was unwise to place all hopes on oral confessions.

 “The scene is left to Lao Song and Lao Wu.”

Zuo Zhong drank up the porridge in one gulp, put down the bowl and chopsticks and joked: "We went to Germany to get gold plating, so we can't favor one over the other. Let them take the credit this time."

I have also thought about other aspects you mentioned. Yang Changqing has many friends. Is there any mole among them? I guess there is, and it is probably among the suspicious officials you brought back.

Let Gui Youguang entertain the target well first, and then you take them to visit the interrogation room. People kill chickens to scare monkeys, and we will kill monkeys to scare chickens. The purpose is to open up the situation.

 This is also the purpose of my first interrogation of Yang Changqing, to let these people know that the Japanese are unreliable and cannot even save themselves, let alone save others, so as to completely dispel their sense of luck. "

 Gu Qi and Wu Chunyang's eyes lit up. There were seven suspicious officials in total. It would take time to find out who the mole was among so many people. It was a matter of family and life, and no one would speak easily.

But when the traitor sees the miserable appearance of his master, he may reveal flaws in his despair. If he finds the mole, he can gradually restore the operation method of the Japanese intelligence organization and provide more clues.

Of course, it’s okay to kill them directly without screening, to ensure that there are no unjust cases. However, this will put the Secret Service on the opposite side of countless grassroots bureaucrats. People don’t dare to offend them, so why don’t they just ignore them.

The National Government is a whole. If it is rejected by all agencies, it will be difficult to move even if it is stronger than the Secret Service. Why are the Secret Service Headquarters and Xu Enzeng so annoying? It is because they have offended too many people.

 A lesson learned from the past and a guide for those behind.

 Being able to be a good person is more important than being able to do things.

Gu Qi felt that he had learned something again today, so he thought about what Zuo Zhong said and said: "Deputy Director, when Lao Song and Lao Wu bring back Yang Changqing's employees and contacts, I want to go there and have a look.

According to the preliminary investigation, Yang Changqing is very cautious and rarely meets people outside. Whether any of these people have seen or heard anything is worthy of detailed investigation. "

 “Okay, you go and help.”

Zuo Zhong thought about it and thought it was feasible. He had thought before that the target's helpers were probably hidden among the hotel employees, and with Lao Gu keeping an eye on him, he could safely deal with Yang Changqing.

As soon as he said Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived. Just as he was talking, the voices of Song Minghao and Wu Jingzhong rang out in the detention center compound. The two men yelled at the guards to prepare their cells, and it was obvious that many people had been arrested.

Zuo Zhong and the other three smiled at each other and walked outside. As soon as they left the gate of the prison area, they saw a large group of men and women being driven over by armed spies. Good guy, I'm afraid there were more than a hundred people.

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