Cicada Moving

Chapter 673: Dao Ming's case

Chapter 673: Dao Ming’s case

Yang Changqing, who had been roasted for a long time, quickly tilted his head and took a sip when he saw the water. Then, several guards lifted him from the iron plate to the interrogation chair, which was regarded as a reward for his cooperation.

However, the rat and charcoal fire were not taken away. He knew exactly what the other party meant. If he didn't explain the problem honestly, he would have to taste the rat torture again later.

 So before Zuo Zhong asked, Yang Changqing took the initiative to talk about what was going to happen next: “The purge of those officials made Su Zifu feel uneasy because all the deceased and related persons were colleagues.

In order to protect himself, this person went to Pang Chong's home without permission and threatened, saying that if the empire was silenced, he would tell all about the zoo team's secret acquisition of public information.

Lu Yong'an, who happened to be threatened by him at that time, contacted me to solve this problem. After consulting the General Staff Headquarters, we immediately eliminated Su Zifu, and the process was very smooth.

Not only did no one realize there was anything wrong with his death, but Chengxin Bank, which served as a tool for making friends with officials, closed down and the last clue was lost. "

 “A domestic thief must be killed.”

Zuo Zhong lamented from the side that what any organization hates most is a traitor, let alone a poisonous insect who threatens the state's violence machine for taking drugs. This kind of behavior is seeking death.

Su Zifu was also stupid after taking drugs. He should be very clear about the behavior of the Japanese General Staff Headquarters. He knew with his **** that the other party would never allow him to leak information.

  When he said those words, the outcome was already doomed. After an intelligence agency fully activates the energy, an individual can never defeat it, even if he wants to run away.

 “Yes, he must die.”

Yang Changqing's eyes flashed with murderous intent. It's hateful. If Su Zifu didn't threaten the people involved, many things would have different results, and he wouldn't be a prisoner.

If it weren't for the need to create the illusion of natural death to confuse the outside world, he really wanted to cut this bastard's body into thousands of pieces. It's really abominable that one person killed the entire intelligence team.

Taking a deep breath, he continued with a dark face: "After Su Zifu died, I thought the matter was over and started collecting information again. Unexpectedly, Lu Yong'an also died suddenly within a few days.

I had a premonition that there was danger, so I asked the operatives to thoroughly clean up the locations related to Su Zifu. At the same time, I set up a trap in the warehouse on Yaowan Street, waiting for your arrival. "

 “Speak well and carefully.”

Zuo Zhong interrupted him, patted the big box containing the mice and said in a deep voice: "That is not an ordinary trap, it is a modified and optimized bacterial weapon. Do you still want to hide it?

Where did those things come from? Why do you know about the Kwantung Army's water supply and epidemic prevention unit? Don't deny it. Your reaction to hearing me say that word just now has completely betrayed you.

The road is big, haha, these three words can make an experienced spy change his mind. It seems that you have been to the Northeast Experimental Base of the Kwantung Army and you know what is going on there.

As he spoke, he approached Yang Changqing, staring at each other with his eyes. Soon, he saw a trace of guilt and some fear in his eyes. It was normal to feel guilty, but why was he afraid.

 “Yes, I have been there.”

I don’t know what he thought of, Yang Changqing slowly lowered his head: “Last winter, in the name of doing business, I took a boat from the island city of Shandong Province to the Northeast, and finally went to Harbin.

This was an order from the General Staff Headquarters. I didn’t know the reason before departure. After arriving, I learned that it was related to the Kwantung Army Intelligence Department and the empire’s secret operations in Jinling.

In a place called Beiyinhe Zhongmacheng in the south of Harbin, Doihara of the Kwantung Army took me to visit a very ordinary-looking barracks, but it was far away from the city. "

Speaking of this, his face was full of horror: "After Dofeiyuan's introduction, I learned that it was an experimental base, a base that specialized in using Chinese people for in vivo experiments.

There I saw an anti-union officer who refused to surrender being eaten alive by a group of rats. Only a skeleton was left in just half an hour. Then the rats killed each other and died.

When I came back, I brought a batch of the latest samples, which were transported from Jiangbei to the city by river ship, and then transported by truck to the Yaowan Street warehouse. They were only used on you once. "

 “Animal, dog thing.”

Zuo Zhong gritted his teeth and cursed in a low voice. No wonder Yang Changqing was so afraid of rat punishment and told the whole story so quickly. It turned out to be this reason. Gui Youguang was wrong.

As for the test base, it should be the station of the Kwantung Army's water supply and epidemic prevention force, in Macheng, Zhongyin River. He kept this place name firmly in his heart and silently clenched his fists.

After calming down for a while, he asked in a condescending and cold voice: "Tell me about the secret operation. Why did you send the bacterial weapons to Jinling City? Is it for testing?"

 “Yes, not entirely.”

Yang Changqing nodded and shook his head: "Testing is only part of the operation. The Kwantung Army's water supply and epidemic prevention unit needs to confirm how powerful the No. 1 weapon is on the body of ordinary people.

 In addition, the Military Ministry believes that if a war breaks out between China and Japan, an epidemic in the city can be detonated at a necessary moment, which can destroy the organization, propaganda, and military mobilization capabilities of the National Government. "

Zuo Zhong took a deep breath and asked the question he was most concerned about: "You call it Weapon No. 1? Where are those things now, Mr. Yang, this matter is related to your life."

“I don’t know, really.” Yang Changqing smiled bitterly: “People in the combat troops said that this thing is the decisive weapon that determines the rise and fall of the empire, so naming it the No. 1 weapon may also be to deceive others.

At that time, I noticed that someone was paying attention to Su Zifu and the Yaowan Street Warehouse, so I reported the matter to my superiors. After the transfer of those things, most of them were handed over to the Shanghai Marine Corps.

We only left a small part for testing, and hid it in the flowerbed next to my residence. You can find a white rose on the side near the road. You can see it after digging it up. "

 “MD, return to the light!”

Zuo Zhong knew the location of the bacterial weapons and had no time to tell whether Yang Changqing's statement that most of the bacteria had been taken away by the Shanghai Marine Corps was true or false, so he immediately shouted at the big bald head.

“Notify the military as quickly as possible and ask them to send professionals to recover it. Tell them to be careful of booby traps. It is best to dig up the entire flower garden and Yang Mansion to ensure safety.

Ask Bai Wenzhi to send people to evacuate the surrounding households, and then tell the police department to arrest the robbers to prevent panic and chaos. If anyone makes trouble, I will arrest them all and send them to prison. "

 “Yes, recycle, be careful of booby traps.”

Gui Youguang knew the seriousness of the matter. Yang Changqing's residence was located in a downtown area. If it was revealed, Jinling didn't know how many people would die, so he repeated the order and ran out of the interrogation room quickly.

Seeing him leave, Zuo Zhong turned to glare at Yang Changqing: "The plague is almost an incurable disease. If you put those things next door, aren't you afraid of infecting your family, Wang Ba Dan?

If one person dies from the plague in Jinling, I will give the **** No. 1 weapon to your wife and children to try, and quickly and truthfully explain the handover process without missing a word. "

 “No, I say.”

Yang Changqing had no bargaining chips, so he honestly followed the requirements and told the place and date of the handover, the appearance of the other party, and the conversation between the two parties.

Zuo Zhong asked someone to turn on the tape recorder. What the other party said was only one side of the story. In addition to verifying certain details, professional intelligence analysts would also analyze the confession.

 Whether a person is lying can sometimes be determined by the tone of voice and the pauses in the words, and the longer and more materials available for analysis, the more accurate the results will be.

Bacteriological weapons were of great concern, so Zuo Zhong naturally tried to collect as much material as possible. He took the trouble to ask Yang Changqing over and over again until the other party's mouth was dry and his voice was hoarse.

In the meantime, Gui Youguang came back to resume his duties. The military and police have been dispatched. The Central Hospital and Renxin Hospital have also sent medical staff to prevent the recycling workers from contracting bacteria during excavation.


After Zuo Zhong finished speaking and listened to the report, he turned the stop **** of the recorder and put a steel wire tape aside. After doing this, he sat on the chair and continued to interrogate Yang Changqing.

“Mr. Yang, we’ve finished talking about the deaths of the 15 officials. Please introduce Mole. Oh no, it’s about the people involved. At this point, you don’t need to hide it anymore.

Yang Changqing really had no reason to hide for a bunch of traitors, so he immediately reported more than 20 names and positions. Five of the seven suspicious officials brought back by Wu Chunyang had problems.

 But last night, only two suspects saw Yang Changqing acting abnormally. It seems that the psychological quality of government officials is really good, especially when it comes to lying and betraying national interests.

Written the names of more than twenty scum in the "Book of Life and Death", Zuo Zhong put down his pen and stood up, personally lit a cigarette for Yang Changqing, and the two started chatting like old friends.

"Aren't you going to talk about Lu Yong'an's death? And the child in the concubine Sha's belly is Su Zifu's. You want to create a new Pang Chong, am I right?"

"I admit the Sha family matter. After all, it is difficult for the Pang family to reach the top, but Lu Yong'an's death really has nothing to do with me. A living vice president of the Military Senate has more intelligence value."

"Well, I believe this. Interests dominate everything. By the way, do all of Su Zifu's belongings belong to you? Do you want to make a deal? You should understand what the content is."

"Understood, I'll give you the money and let my wife and children go. As a husband and father, I have not fulfilled my obligations. I am willing to use my life and all my property to save their lives. Thank you sir."

"You're welcome. As long as they are not involved in the case, I will send someone to take them to a safe place. However, why didn't you and Ren Guanglin evacuate after Pang Chong was arrested? This is not your character."

"We also want to leave, but the General Staff Headquarters feels that the matter is not irreversible. These **** bureaucrats don't care about us at all. They should really be allowed to come to Jinling and see for themselves."


Listening to Yang Changqing's indignant curses, Zuo Zhong glanced at him meaningfully, with a smile on his lips. This man sometimes even believed himself when he told lies.

  This case is still pending. But it will be continued soon.



 (End of this chapter)

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