Cicada Moving

Chapter 678: The road is high...two feet

Chapter 678 The road is two feet high


The engine roared several times, and the car shot out like an arrow. Gucci, who was sitting in the back seat, swayed and glanced at Zuo Zhong, who was concentrating with his eyes closed.

Today's incident was weird. It was an overly hasty and simple celebration banquet, and a sudden important task. I didn't know where the deputy director would take them.

  After hesitating for a while and watching the vehicle drive faster and faster, he finally couldn't help but said: "Deputy Director, what is the nature of the task? If it's inconvenient, just treat it as a humble job. I haven't asked."

"Haha, I thought you would ask me when you got in the car, Lao Gu. It doesn't matter. The confidentiality is for the subordinates. You are the chief of the intelligence section and you should know how you think this case was handled."

Zuo Zhong slowly opened his eyes, with a hint of elegance in his eyes. He hoped that the other person, as the second person in charge of intelligence work in the Secret Service, would have the ability to think independently.

 Gu Qi noticed his look, and was immediately startled. He reviewed the entire case in his mind, and then expressed his opinion without any concealment.

“Deputy Director, this case gives me two feelings. One is that it is complicated. There is me among you, you among me, the Japanese, Lu Yong’an, the dead officials, and the officials who were roped in.

These people have different identities and different purposes. They just got in touch with each other through the help of the Japanese. However, there were too many coincidences during the period, and some things seemed a bit far-fetched. "

At this point, Gu Qi noticed that the car was heading east of the city. He paused and continued: "Second, our detection was too smooth. Take Ren Guanglin and Yang Changqing for example.

If they evacuated after Pang Chong was arrested, we would not have gained so much. Why didn't these two people run away? Is it really because of the order of the General Staff Headquarters? I doubt it. "

 “Lao Gu, you are right.”

Hearing this, Zuo Zhong raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said happily: "What we are doing is to learn to think. If we fail, we should think more. If we succeed, we should think more. There is no harm.

  Sometimes you don’t know whether what you see is the real situation or what the enemy wants you to see. Let me test you again. Why do the Japanese spies not evacuate? Say it boldly. "

He gave the other party what Lao Dai said intact. The superiors seemed to like to say this kind of thing to their subordinates, which made them appear to be magnanimous and open-minded.

 Gu Qi on the side heard Zuo Zhong’s question and fell into thinking for a long time. He couldn’t figure it out until the car came to a slow stop. No matter how he thought about it, it was a bit strange.

 First of all, if there are other tasks that cannot evacuate Jinling for the time being, Yang Changqing and others should not fail to make preparations, and they should not confess so easily after being caught. They are senior spies.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the other party deliberately exposed himself and was caught, but for what purpose? Is it to get a beating after being caught, or to be shot? It doesn’t make sense logically.

 “Deputy Director, I don’t understand.”

Gucci shook his head helplessly and looked outside again. At this moment, they were parked in an alley. All the cars turned off their lights and stopped for a long time.

Heavily armed agents ran forward from both sides of the vehicle. Gui Youguang came to the window with a Czech gun and asked Zuo Zhong about his next arrangements and specific mission objectives.

 “Stay dormant and wait for information.”

Zuo Zhong softly uttered eight words in his mouth, then turned to Gucci and said: "It's normal if you don't understand. Let me give you a hint. There was a Trojan War in European mythology.

In order to compete for the most beautiful woman in the world, the Greek coalition led by Agamemnon and Menelaus clashed with the city of Troy with Priam as king.

This conflict lasted for ten years. The Greek coalition forces were unable to attack the city of Troy for a long time and suffered heavy casualties. So they pretended to retreat, leaving behind a huge hollow wooden horse.

The Trojan defenders did not know what the plan was and brought the Trojan horse into the city as a trophy. In the dead of night, the Greek soldiers hiding in the Trojan horse opened the city gates and Troy fell. "

 “Pretend to retreat Trojan horse”

Gu Qi had never heard of this story. He muttered to himself that it would be too ridiculous for two countries to go to war over a woman. Foreigners are just for fun.

As he was thinking about it, he suddenly stood up in shock with his mouth wide open. His head hit the roof of the car hard, but he didn't care about the pain at all and said something with a trembling voice.

“Deputy Director, are the Japanese focusing on the secret documents in the department? It’s terrible. It’s terrible. What if there are secret lurking personnel lists in North China, Northeast China and Shanghai?”

Gu Qi said something bad in succession, and hurriedly asked the driver to get out of the car, and asked anxiously: "Deputy Director, where is the information about Daxiong and the two Japanese people you are developing in Ningbo.

There are also files on Fu Ling and others who were performing missions in Japan. Once the Japanese know about this, their situation will be very dangerous. No, you knew about this a long time ago? "

 At the end, he realized that since the deputy director said so, he must have made complete preparations, but why didn't he take action everywhere instead of here?

 It was to contain the Japanese,

Still want to follow the example?

Guchi, who didn't know why, touched his head and said with a wry smile: "You really shocked me, how did you know, and why are we here?"

“Haha, Lao Gu, please be patient. I will tell you in detail later. I have to thank the field staff of Hunan Province for this matter. Their investigation work has been very solid.”

Zuo Zhong gave up and looked at the two figures slowly approaching in the distance and smiled: "The Japanese want to play a secret game, so why don't we just go with the flow.

 Okay, the intelligence we are waiting for is here. The Telecommunications Section and the City Defense Headquarters will send people later. You are responsible for the coordination. As long as the Telecommunications Section gives a signal, you will start taking action. ” ˆ ˆ ˆ After finishing speaking, Zuo Zhong stretched his hand out of the car window and waved. The two figures stopped by the agents were let go. One of them got into the front passenger seat and took off his hat to reveal his face.

“Zuo Zhong, it’s the same as the situation we contacted a few hours ago. The targets are all in Desheng Construction Company. The surrounding terrain is very open and there is no cover, so it is difficult to get close for reconnaissance.

 According to observations, a total of 17 people were present, all of them adult males. A car went out at around 6pm and came back 40 minutes later. The number of people in the car was unknown.

Lao Ning and I kept a close eye on them to make sure they had no other hideouts. These people moved very cautiously. If we hadn't been two people and two cars, we might have been discovered. "

 The visitor turned around and quickly reported the target's personnel and activities. Gu Qi was surprised to find that the other person turned out to be Xing Hanliang, a good friend of the deputy director, and the two had been in contact with each other in the past.

Now that even this person has appeared, it seems that the deputy director is worried that they have been targeted by Japanese spies and can only choose external people to be responsible for tracking them. Now he can rest assured.

"Lao Gu, you heard me. You communicate with Officer Ning outside about the specific situation. You will be responsible for commanding the overall operation. It's time to mention your rank of major. Go ahead."

Zuo Zhong smiled and joked with his old partner that it was indeed a bit inappropriate to hold the position of intelligence section chief with the rank of major, besides Lao Gu's qualifications and merits were enough.

“Yes, thank you, Deputy Director.”

 Gu Qi got out of the car with a red face, and pulled Officer Ning away with a smile on his face. He had been thinking about the promotion since he came back from Germany, but he didn't expect the opportunity to come so quickly.

Xing Hanliang chewed his teeth after hearing this and pretended to be jealous: "In terms of promotion, your Secret Service is the fastest. In just two or three years, you have been promoted to colonel.

I'm afraid that in a few years, you will be able to sit on the podium and give us instructions. It's also good. If you are bullied in the future, I will report your name and show off your power. "

 “Are you envious? Then come to the Secret Service.”

Zuo Zhong leaned on the car seat and raised three fingers: "Come here and I'll guarantee that you will be promoted to colonel in three years. If you're lucky, it's not impossible for you to become a lieutenant colonel. What do you think? Let's think about it."

“Forget it, I’m fine in the police station. I’m not exposed to wind or rain. I read newspapers and drink tea every day. I don’t know how happy my life is.” Xing Hanliang is very satisfied with his current life.

The two of them were chatting happily. Someone at the Desheng Construction Company 500 meters away in the alley was also talking. Yang Changqing and Pang Chong, who had escaped, were talking quietly in front of a radio station.

“I immediately contacted the local people and sent out the list of potential agents of the Secret Service. After that, we retreated out of the city and crossed the Yangtze River to Hankou upstream, where it was safe.

You bring operational personnel to control the surroundings. My communication time will be very long. We must prevent the Chinese electronic reconnaissance vehicles from finding this place, and allow active attack when necessary. "

 “Hai, team leader.”

Yang Changqing was preparing to send the report and issued orders at the same time. Pang Chong responded and strode outside with a dozen strong men, all of whom had weapons in their hands.

This was planned by the General Staff Headquarters a long time ago. With so many operational personnel, they can completely block it for five to ten minutes. By the time the opponent's support personnel are in place, they will have already boarded the ship.

Seeing that his subordinates had all gone out as ordered, Yang Changqing scanned the document at a glance, preparing to pick out the most important parts and send them out first, but his expression soon changed.

 Because the information that Tokyo is most concerned about has not been found, it can be said that this operation is for this matter. Didn't Dai Chunfeng put it in the secret service, then the mission failed.

After searching anxiously for a long time, Yang Changqing opened a purple document bag, took out a document from it, looked at it, and immediately turned on the power of the radio station.

 “Didi, drip, drip.”

A string of radio waves is emitted from an antenna on the roof of the building company, reflects through the atmosphere, travels through the land and ocean, and is finally received by a radio station in a Western-style building in Tokyo.

The Japanese radio operator wearing an earphone quickly recorded the information, and the translator immediately began to decipher it. After completing it, he handed it over to an officer. The officer handed the result to someone without even looking at it.

"Report to the Minister that the zoo team's operation was successful. I will continue to communicate here and ask the guards in the Gangcun Minister's Office to be on alert to prevent the other party from harming the Minister."

The person opposite lowered his head and said "Hai", then went out with the documents and ran up the stairs. Behind him were several serious-looking Japanese soldiers holding guns in fighting postures.

at the same time.

 In the minister's office on the roof of the building, Ryosuke Hase, who had been in Tokyo for many days, was sitting upright and cautiously chatting with a smiling Japanese army major general.

A few minutes later, there was a rapid knock on the door, and someone came in and handed over a piece of paper. The major general motioned to Hase to drink tea, and he put on his glasses and put the document under the desk lamp.

"Tsinmon Aoki Agency Osako Tsusada is the mole of the Secret Service." A brief message appeared in front of this person, and the major general was stunned and looked up at Hase Ryosuke, who had a well-behaved face.

① The Trojan War is often mentioned in Greek mythology. The entire story is centered on Homer's epic "Iliad", plus Sophocles' tragedies "Ajax" and "Ajax". Philoctetes, the tragedy of Euripides, Iphigenia at Aulis, Andromache, Hecuba ( Hecuba), Virgil's epic "Aeneid", Ovid's long poem "Heroides" and many other works. There are currently no credible archaeological discoveries. So it's not history.



 (End of this chapter)

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