Cicada Moving

Chapter 683: Not simple

Chapter 683 is not simple at all

 “Woo woo woo~~~”

A locomotive emitted a white column of smoke, pulling more than a dozen passenger trains across the northeastern plains. On both sides of the railway were green soybean and corn fields as far as the eye could see.

In the third-class compartment near the front of the train, two people were standing under the luggage rack with expressionless faces. They were squeezed by the crowd and almost had their feet off the ground.

One of them touched his soaked back and muttered: "Ling Yunsheng, I already said I would buy a first-class seat, but do you know how far it is to the destination?

We will die of heat if we don’t reach Harbin at this rate. This **** place is cold in winter and hot in summer. It’s really not a place for humans. It’s all because of that little bastard. "

“Shopkeeper Xu, as your deputy, I have to remind you that a first-class seat in this car costs more than 20 oceans. The small amount of money given by my hometown is only enough for the two of us to sit in a third-class seat.”

Ling Sanping, whose pseudonym was Ling Yunsheng, rolled his eyes at the speaker and couldn't help but sigh, wondering if he had disrespected Zuo Zhong too much in the past, so this guy took revenge.

He is not afraid of going to the Northeast. What he is afraid of is having a pig teammate. As we all know, Director Xu Enzeng is such a standard pig teammate. I am afraid that this trip will not go well.

 He is unhappy,

 Xu Enzeng was even more unhappy.

I am living well in Jinling. I have no problem catching a few rich people to frame an underground party to make some money, or hugging my aunt and sister-in-law. I don’t know how fulfilling my life is.

In any case, he gave up the idea of ​​continuing to climb up. The carefully arranged white blood cell plan was not going up or down, and the Erchen brothers and the chairman of the committee had long disliked him.

  It would be good to continue like this.

 The most valuable thing about a person is contentment.

As a result, the leader sent him to the northeast with an order. Northeast, the intelligence officers who had been lurking there before at the secret service headquarters were basically all dead, which shows how bad the situation was.

 Left heavy! Left heavy!

Xu Enzeng gritted his teeth and recited the name of a certain **** silently, wishing he could eat his flesh and sleep on his skin. Moreover, if a division chief accepts the leadership of a deputy division chief, how will others view him when word spreads about him.

Just when Lao Xu was thinking about how to spend his days passively and slacking off at work, someone tapped him on the shoulder from behind, and then a half-baked Chinese phrase rang in his ears.

 “Check the ticket.”

 Oops, Japanese. Xu Enzeng immediately realized that these were the conductors on the train. He knew without even thinking that there must be spies from Manchukuo or Japan hidden among these people.

After all, he was an old spy who had studied abroad and had been in charge of the Party Affairs Investigation Section and Secret Service Headquarters for many years. His expression instantly returned to normal, he smiled, took out his ticket, turned around and said to the other party.

 “Okay, please take a look.”

Two men in dark blue uniforms looked at the tickets. When they saw that Xu Enzeng got on the bus from Peiping, one of them frowned and looked at Ling Sanping who was standing aside.

“Sir, are you traveling with him? If so, please bring your luggage and follow us to a quiet place for questioning. Don’t worry, it won’t take up too much of your time.”

The flight attendant pointed at the junction of the two carriages, his eyes very alert, and he took two steps back, keeping a certain distance from them to prevent being attacked by the two men.

 “Okay, please wait.”

The expression on Ling Sanping's face seemed a little impatient, but at the same time he was a little angry and dared not speak. He reached out and took down the two suitcases from the luggage rack and walked out.

Xu Enzeng didn’t object. He grinned and squeezed towards the designated seat. The nearby passengers didn’t take a second look at this. This kind of thing is normal and happens almost every day.

Since Little Japan occupied the Northeast, the inspection of mobile people has been very strict. Documents, where they come from, where they are going, where they live, and their purpose must be clearly stated one by one.

 Many anti-Japanese personnel did not fall under the hail of bullets, but fell into dialogue with Japanese and puppet personnel. These people have received professional counter-espionage training and know how to use clichés.

Looking at the two flight attendants again, seeing how cooperative the interrogation target was, the vigilance in their eyes did not diminish at all. They pushed the passengers around them arrogantly and followed them without leaving.

At the junction of the carriages, one of them stood in the aisle, and the other forced Xu Enzeng and Ling Sanping to the closed door and made a request in a serious tone.

 “Your documents.”

 “Okay, sir, please take a look.”

 Xu Enzeng handed over the certificate, his heart pounding. He hoped that the Manchukuo certificate obtained by the Secret Service was reliable, otherwise he would turn into a ghost and not let the person named Zuo go.

Since the anti-counterfeiting code is not clear, this operation can only find people of the same age and gender among people with Northeastern IDs, and then replace the photos of the IDs with others.

The problem was that the Secret Service asked him for a photo from last winter. At that time, he was much thinner than he is now, and he looked younger. He didn't look like a human being at all.

So whether this method is useful or not, and whether it can deceive the inspectors, depends on luck. If you are lucky, it will merge smoothly, and if you are not lucky, it will merge smoothly.

 One is in Harbin,

 One is the underworld.

Compared to the suspicious Xu Enzeng, Ling Sanping was much calmer. He had confidence in Zuo Zhong's arrangement, and he had specifically discussed the issue of documents before departure.

Zuo Zhong told him that the photo attached to the document should avoid being too similar to the person. If the document was issued a few months ago, the person's appearance would not change at all. Also, if you are wearing a shirt in the photo, you should avoid wearing the same clothes during the inspection, even the same color, as this will increase the risk of exposure.

This is related to the way of thinking of the person who checks the document. Usually, they first see the target's face, then ask the target to show their ID, and then look at the photo.

 At this time, the other party has already remembered the image of the target in their mind, which will affect their judgment. They are looking for similarities in the photos, not differences.

With such sufficient preparations, it was impossible for the Japanese to find any flaws. Sure enough, the flight attendant looked at the document for a long time and found no flaws in the document, so he asked some questions.

 “Is your name Ling Yunsheng?”


 “Your name is Xu Haer?”

 “Yes, sir.”

“You are from Rongcheng, Sichuan Province. When did you set out from Sichuan Province, where is the ticket stub, did you buy local goods along the way, and did you come into contact with anti-Manchu and anti-Japanese elements on the way.”

Hearing the question, Xu Enzeng quickly took out a handful of messy ticket stubs, which contained ferry tickets from Rongcheng to Jinling and train tickets from Jinling to Peking.

He said very nervously: "Sir, we are all honest people. We only care about making money and don't care about other things. We don't dare to talk to unfamiliar people when we go out."

The flight attendant carefully turned over the ticket stub and found that the schedule above matched the date perfectly. He had no choice but to hand the certificate back angrily and squat down to check the luggage.

It's a pity that there is nothing else in the suitcase except a change of clothes. Of course Ling Sanping and the two of them are not stupid enough to carry weapons, ammunition and radios with them. They are looking for death.

 After that, the other party also conducted a thorough search of their bodies. Their wallets, belts, shoe soles, and clothes corners were carefully examined for a while, but nothing was found. They were very clean.

Even though the documents and belongings were confirmed to be normal, the flight attendant still refused to give up and looked at them back and forth with a pair of sinister eyes: "What is the purpose of your trip to the Northeast this time?"

 After saying this, he probably felt that Xu Enzeng was dishonest and a bit cunning, so he immediately pointed to the dull Ling Sanping: "Sir, please answer my question."

Ling Sanping was stunned and nodded: "We are the clerks of Hongfa Grain Store. The boss heard that the Northeast needs grain and the price is suitable, so he sent me and me to see the situation."

 Grain store?

The flight attendant was originally going to take them out of the car for interrogation when they arrived at the station, but he hesitated after hearing this. With the arrival of landless farmers from the mainland, there was a food shortage in the Northeast.

 The Kwantung Army, the Manchuria Railway Company, and the Puppet Manchukuo government have repeatedly issued orders not to harass grain merchants operating normally, in order to buy enough grain to supply the people of the "Pioneering Regiment".

With this in mind, the man's face slowly softened, he handed back his ID and ticket stub, and said in blunt Chinese: "Manchukuo needs a lot of food, and you are welcome.

But be careful not to come into contact with anti-Manchu and anti-Japanese personnel or spread anti-Manchu and anti-Japanese remarks. Otherwise, the National Police Agency and the Kwantung Army will make you regret coming to this world. "

Ling Sanping suddenly realized that no wonder Zuo Zhong arranged such a background for them. This was because the Japanese would not embarrass the grain merchants casually, and the road would be safer.

 Lying is really a meticulous job. Any arrangement must be in front of the enemy. There is no such thing as luck in intelligence work, only the most comprehensive basic intelligence investigation.

He believed that just choosing an identity to enter the Northeast must have taken Zuo Zhong a lot of thought. He could not make the slightest mistake in this matter. If he made a mistake, the price would be his life.

 “I understand, I understand, don’t worry.”

Xu Enzeng over there also breathed a sigh of relief and clasped his hands to thank the other person for lifting his opponent up. But just when the flight attendant was about to leave, he bent down again and begged with a wry smile.

“Sir, you gave Xu two ticket stubs for the ferry ticket from Rongcheng to Jinling. This thing is of no use to you. It is just money to us. Without the ticket stub, the employer will not pay for the ticket.”

 “Oh? I’m so sorry.”

The two flight attendants exchanged glances. The person who had checked his ID took out the ticket stub directly from his pocket. He didn't even bother to act, apologized without sincerity, and turned around to leave.

This is the last resort. When people with questionable identities hear that the inspectors are letting them go, the first thing they think of is to escape, and they don’t care whether the things they return are missing.

 Xu Enzeng and Ling Sanping took back the tickets, picked up their luggage and returned to their original positions. The corner of someone's mouth slightly raised. If they hadn't reacted in time, they would have been in danger.

 So what if this pretty boy is from the Secret Service? In intelligence work, he, a senior, has crossed more bridges than the opponent, and he cannot gain experience against the enemy in the training ground.

Ling Sanping ignored the proud Xu Enzeng and looked ahead at the crop fields passing by outside the car window. He remembered what Zuo Zhong said before leaving - beware of people named Xu.

If you ignore the losses this person suffered at the hands of the Secret Service, the other party has both wins and losses in the fight with the underground party. He is very good at finding problems in details and is a good helper.

Originally, he thought Zuo Zhong was comforting himself, but now it seems that this operation may really require the help of Xu Enzeng's intelligence capabilities. It would be a waste to just use it to block the gun.

after all,

 Even if it’s a piece of toilet paper,

  also has its uses.

 (End of this chapter)

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