Cicada Moving

Chapter 686: eyes everywhere

Chapter 686 Eyes everywhere

While the plainclothes man was handing over to the waiter, Zuo Zhong was not idle. He listened carefully to the conversation between the two men. When he heard the words "Special Service Division", he was heartbroken.

It turned out to be the gang of traitors from the Harbin Police Department. I'm afraid it was just an excuse to stop by to take a look. They didn't come earlier or late but came at this time. There must be something wrong with this.

While he was thinking, the personnel of the Secret Service Division dispersed and came closer. The leader walked up to him with his ID, looked down at the photo on it, and then looked up at himself.

Perhaps because he didn’t notice the problem, the person closed his ID and asked in accented Japanese: “Hello, Mr. Okamoto, I am Gao Bin, the general senior section chief of the Harbin Secret Service Section.

 You and Mrs. Okamoto are from Northeast China, an area under the jurisdiction of the National Government. Can you tell us where you started from, where you passed along the way, and whether there are any witnesses.

Also whether you are traveling for business or to visit relatives, according to the regulations of Manchukuo and the Kwantung Army, anyone who goes to Harbin must state their purpose to prevent saboteurs from getting in. "

 “Hello, Chief Gao.”

Facing Special Agent Gao Bin's question, Zuo Zhong stood up and was stunned, as if he didn't know how to address him. He hesitated and directly greeted him with his last name and position.

 An ordinary person who has just arrived in Harbin should not know what department the Special Service Division is. This person did not explain this when he introduced himself, which was obviously a test.

 The so-called ordinary high-level unit is one of the three departments under the special affairs department. The other two are the review unit responsible for reviewing texts and books and the special high-level unit, that is, the extra-high unit.

And the job responsibilities of this ordinary high-level unit are a bit like the detective brigade of the Jinling Police Department, which specializes in major and important cases, so the other party found them for a certain case?

Many guesses flashed through Zuo Zhong’s mind, and he replied in standard Japanese: “My wife and I opened a pharmacy in Wucheng, Hui Province, the Republic of China four years ago, and the business was pretty good.

 Unfortunately, the situation has become increasingly unstable recently. Many Chinese students have come to my store to cause trouble. For safety reasons, we can only reluctantly end the business there, **** the Chinese. "

  When he said this, he looked like he was gritting his teeth, and then he reacted and bowed quickly: "Sorry, Gao Sang, I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about those anti-Japanese people."

 “It’s okay, Mr. Okamoto.”

Gao Bin's face remained unchanged, and he raised his hand and pointed to the sofa: "Sit down and talk. You will be safe when you arrive in Manchukuo. Please continue to answer the question I just raised. This is very important."

“Hayi, thank you very much. We took a bus from Wucheng to Jinling, and then took a train to the island city of Lu Province, and finally took the Jinlu Maru and disembarked in Guandong Prefecture.”

 Zuo Zhong sat down and took out a stack of well-kept ticket stubs from his pocket: "These are the train and boat tickets on the way, and the sailors on the Kinro Maru can also prove it for us.

This time we went to Northeast China and wanted to open a new pharmacy. We originally planned to open a pharmacy in Xinjing, but when we arrived there two days ago, we discovered that there were a lot of pharmacies, so we decided to come to Harbin temporarily. "

 “Well, that’s right.”

Gao Bin, who was a bit fat, took the ticket stub, flipped it through casually and handed it to his subordinate to record. Businessmen are sensitive to money, so it is normal for them to keep the notes well.

During this period, he quietly observed Mr. Okamoto's reaction. If there was any fraud in the itinerary, the other person might show abnormality when seeing this scene, such as being nervous or scared.

However, he was quickly disappointed. The other party didn't care about this matter at all. There were two possibilities, either there was no problem with his identity, or there was a big problem. Which one would it be?

Gao Bin thought for a while and started chatting with Zuo Zhong: "Mr. Okamoto is from Tokyo. Gao was lucky enough to go there when he was receiving training. It is a very beautiful place.

What impressed me the most was Ueno Park, where the cherry blossoms bloom during the annual Cherry Blossom Festival. There is also the zoo in the southeast corner, where the rare and exotic animals are eye-opening. "

“Ueno Park is indeed a must-visit place in Tokyo. In addition to cherry blossoms, there are also many peonies. But Takasang must have remembered wrongly. The zoo is in the northwest of the park, not the southeast.”

 Zuo Zhong smiled and corrected an error in the other party's narrative, and talked enthusiastically about the origin of Saigo Takamori's statue in the park and scenic spots such as Kan'eiji Temple and Tokugawa Jieling Temple.

There were some unfamiliar names and allusions in the middle, which made Gao Bin upset. It was just his duty, so he had to bite the bullet and listen to the talkative Japanese in front of him.

After chatting for a long time, while Zuo Zhong was drinking water, he took advantage of the opportunity and asked again: "I don't know what you think of Manchukuo, Mr. Okamoto. By the way, there is also Mrs. Okamoto."

It was a bit rude to openly talk to his wife in front of her husband, especially in Japan where the folk customs are more conservative. Zuo Zhong's expression immediately changed①.

“Gaosang, our choice to come to the Northeast explains everything. His Majesty Tianlu and the empire help the persecuted Manchus to establish their own country. As subjects, we naturally support it.

 Also, please don’t harass my wife. I am willing to accept the investigation to fulfill my civic duty, not to fear you. Is there anyone among my classmates and friends who works in the Imperial Parliament? "

 “Uh, haha, my bad.”

Gao Bin was startled when he heard this. He laughed and patted his head: "I forgot your country's tradition. Mr. Okamoto, please don't care. You two, I apologize to you."

He Yijun first looked at Zuo Zhong, and when he saw him nodding slightly, he crossed his hands on his lower abdomen, folded his left hand on his right, bowed slightly and shook his head with a smile.

Her actions complied with the etiquette requirements of Japanese society for housewives. She accepted the other party's apology but was not too close. She could not make any mistakes in this scene.

 “Gaosang, this is a very serious matter.”

Zuo Zhong added, and asked a question with a dark face: "By the way, I don't know why you want to investigate us. Does Manchukuo not welcome the arrival of the Japanese?"

If so, we will leave Harbin tomorrow. Although Guandong Prefecture is leased to your country, it is still imperial territory, and it is the same for me to open a pharmacy there. "

A Japanese citizen can be polite when it comes to his own dog, but he cannot obey unconditionally. He must be tough when it is time to be tough. He will take the blame for this, and no one has a backing. One of the two Japanese moles he developed in Ningbo was Hayashi Fuichiro. This man was the distinguished Viscount, and his father was a Japanese count who was in charge of a behemoth such as Manchuria.

 It can be released to prop up the scene if necessary. Of course, this is the last option. Moles who develop through forced means cannot be trusted. To be precise, all moles cannot be trusted.

 Especially the Japanese,

 Be more careful when using it.

Furthermore, when Gao Bin heard the words that the Japanese were not welcome to Manchukuo, he was immediately frightened. If this matter spread, he would be shot, so he hurriedly explained.

“I definitely don’t mean that, Mr. Okamoto, a Japanese was murdered not far away just now, so we went out to check the accommodation staff.

For your safety, it is best not to go out after dark. If someone is sneaking around, please notify the police station immediately and they will be there within ten minutes. "

 “Nani, a citizen of the empire was killed?”

Zuo Zhong's tone seemed a little nervous: "It couldn't have been done by the anti-Japanese elements. It's really a headache. I didn't expect that even Manchukuo was like this. If I had known better, I might as well have stayed in Wucheng."

“Mr. Okamoto, don’t worry, our police department will definitely catch the murderer as soon as possible and give an explanation to all citizens.” Gao Bin gave an official answer seriously.

 “吆西, very good.”

 “Then don’t bother me, goodbye.”

Gao Bin, who felt that nothing would be gained, didn't want to talk nonsense anymore, so he quickly stood up and said something. At the same time, he winked at his subordinates who had finished taking notes, and left in a hurry.

Stepping out of the Yamato Hotel, he pondered for a moment and called a secret agent. He whispered a few instructions, then left the agent behind and took the others into the car, quickly disappearing into the night.

The man left behind walked to an alley not far away, his eyes fixed on the hotel. It was obvious that Gao Bin was still worried about Zuo Zhong and the two of them, and specially arranged for surveillance personnel to keep an eye on them.

 Zuo Zhong and He Yijun who were in the room took the keys to the guest room. After closing the door, they did not check whether there was any eavesdropping equipment like they did on Jinluwan. They washed and rested quietly.

 Because so what if you find it, tear it down, that’s not asking yourself, it’s better to just leave it like this, besides, a couple traveling a long distance won’t be in the mood to do certain things.

 No words all night.

At dawn, the cries of vendors selling Leba could be heard outside. Zuo Zhong and He Yijun dressed up and walked out of the room, enjoying a Japanese breakfast in the hotel restaurant.

It is worth noting that while they were eating, the hotel attendant passed by several times, as if to observe something secretly. Zuo Zhong lamented that Harbin was really full of eyes.

After the meal, the two of them went to the lobby to wait for the taxi they had booked last night. Not long after, the Belarusian driver named Toretta came and warmly invited them into the car.

 “Sir, where are you going?”

"Go to the Zhengyang Street and Central Street you mentioned, or the place you think is suitable for opening a pharmacy. Please don't worry, I will give you another sum of money as a thank you."

Zuo Zhong heard the driver's question and made a big fuss. The other person was the Japanese spy and the best witness. He could use this person to confuse the Japanese.

Torletta didn't know what he was thinking, so he nodded with a smile, started the car and drove out, taking the two of them around the bustling and lively streets of Harbin for a whole day.

While passing Zhengyang Street and Central Street, Zuo Zhong pretended to get out of the car and asked about the rent of the shop. When he heard the specific number, he turned around and left without even intending to stay.

Torletta took all this into account and looked at his watch from time to time to mark the time, while He Yijun in the back row looked out the window and quietly monitored the other person through the reflection.

After three days of shopping like this, Zuo Zhong finally rented a 70-80-square-meter shop on Wuchang Street between Butou and Xin'an Bu, lived in the front store and behind the store, and opened a small pharmacy.

 The name of the pharmacy is very simple.

ˆ Jiren Pharmacy.

This sounds related to Ling Sanping's Renxin Hospital, but that's not what he really thinks. Zuo Zhong will never forget Zhang Anren and the Jishi Pharmacy that has been reduced to ruins.

 He wanted to use this name to remind himself that if it came to the last moment, he would die with the Japanese like the other party did without any hesitation or hesitation.

 You must not be a traitor,

 You must never betray your country and nation.

①Don’t worry, that was Japan in the 1930s, not now. There is an interesting knowledge point. It is said that when they invaded Goryeo, even the Japanese felt that the local Luru costume was immoral.

There are easter eggs in both chapters. If not, it’s just review.



 (End of this chapter)

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