Cicada Moving

Chapter 689: Those who are close to vermilion are red; those who are close to ink are black

Chapter 689: Those who are close to vermilion are red; those who are close to ink are black

Xu Enzeng's blood ran cold. He thought of many things in an instant. He thought of being tortured by the Japanese, of rebelling and surrendering to the enemy, and of having his family property left in Jinling divided up.

Those charming sisters-in-law and sisters-in-law fell into the hands of others. The other party spent his money and beat his children. That **** Zuo Zhong did a lot of harm!

How could such a thing happen if this person hadn't dragged him to the Northeast? But how did the Japanese discover him? He is confident that he has not exposed any flaws.

With all his thoughts in despair, Xu Enzeng was controlled by the other party and pulled into a car. The car suddenly started and jumped out quickly. The pedestrians around him were unaware of all this.

 “Raise your head.”

In the bumpy carriage, with a low shout, the pale-faced Xu Enzeng slowly raised his head and saw a smiling acquaintance, and his anger suddenly appeared.

“Zuo, this kind of joke is too much. Do you know that I almost fired back just now? If the Puppet Manchukuo police see your gun, neither of us will be able to leave today.”

Xu Enzeng shouted in a low voice with red eyes. At the same time, he was glad in his heart. Everyone in the world said that the person who knew him best was himself. He knew that he could not withstand those cruel punishments.

If the person who captured him is a Japanese intelligence officer, I am afraid that he will explain everything in less than half an hour, and then everything he imagined before will actually happen.

 “Gun, what kind of gun.”

Zuo Zhong sneered, raised his hand and threw a big stick to the other party, and asked calmly: "I heard that you think there is something wrong with Zuo's plan. Opening a grain store is not as good as opening a technical institute, right?"

"No way, this is a rumor, how dare I." Xu Enzeng realized whose hand his life was in, and quickly denied it. However, when he turned around, he found that it was Ling Sanping who was driving.

This was embarrassing. He could only stop flattering in the middle of his speech. He hugged Da Lieba and didn't know what to say. He only had a dry smile on his face, and he wished he could shoot the traitor in front of him.

The two of them are partners,

 What is a partner?

That was a partner who shared life and death and treated each other with sincerity. He sold himself out in just a short time and even lied to him about going to see a shop. Bah! There is nothing good about pretty boys.

Zuo Zhong, who was next to him, saw that the other party was still unconvinced and snorted: "Don't be ungrateful. Ling Yunsheng is saving you. Do you think this matter can be hidden? You are stupid.

Turn over the mission report. If Chairman sees you engaging in prostitution during the operation, you will have a few heads cut off. Open the grain store quickly and I will handle the matter. "

 After being scolded, Xu Enzeng remembered the mission report and nodded. He was already disliked by the leader. If he got involved in this matter again, it would definitely be a disaster.

 “Okay, let’s stop talking nonsense.”

Zuo Zhong was too lazy to waste time on this waste, and said in a deep voice: "In addition to opening a grain store, I will give you another task, find a way to get the timetable of the Sui-Manchuria Railway.

Remember, this is an internal timetable that is accurate to the minute, not a bulk timetable on the station wall. I want to know what time and where each car is. Can I do that? "

Xu Enzeng thought seriously for two minutes, looked at Ling Sanping and smiled slightly: "No problem, Yunsheng has a good relationship with a female clerk at the station, and she works in the office.

There will definitely be a backup for a document like this that is not highly confidential. Let him treat the woman to a meal and I will find an opportunity to copy the key. It should not be difficult to get the timetable.

 According to the information we have gathered, the internal security of the office is very lax. There are two Japanese policemen and several Koreans guarding the entire building. Director Zuo, please rest assured. "

 “Hmm? Not bad, not bad.”

Zuo Zhong looked at Ling Sanping with a strange expression. Unexpectedly, Dr. Ling, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, also learned to obtain information through seduction. As expected, those who are close to red are red and those who are close to black are black.

After staying with Xu Enzeng for a long time, a good person has turned into a bad person. Alas, for the sake of the country and the nation, I can only work hard for this guy. Besides, it is just a meal and there is no missing piece of meat.

Ling Sanping, who was driving, certainly heard the conversation behind him, and there was no trace of emotion on his face. He knew what he should do and what he should not do, and he must put the mission first in his actions.

 The three of them discussed for a while, and then parked the car in a remote alley. The three of them got out of the car and dispersed. As for the car, a thief would help deal with it.

Since the car was originally stolen, it won’t be long before it appears on the market with a new look. Even if the Japanese and puppet authorities notice there is something wrong, it will be extremely difficult to find it.

 Dark clouds gradually covered the moon.

 It was pitch black everywhere.

The night is shrouded over the bustling city. Whether it is the national flag, the Manchukuo flag, or even the Japanese flag, some things can never stop.

At this time, a dark figure appeared in the laneway in the backyard of Jiren Pharmacy. The person looked around and found that the light in the kitchen in the courtyard was not on, so he stepped on the side wall and climbed in.


As soon as the black shadow landed, He Yijun in the bedroom pulled out the light cord, asked in a low voice, then changed positions, pulled out the hairpin and held it tightly in his hand. "It's me, clean up the traces." Zuo Zhong quickly took off his clothes and threw them into the wooden basin next to the well. He had traveled too many places during his trip and had to erase the clues he carried.

 Residues that are easily overlooked by the naked eye, such as dust and soil, are not a big problem on the clothes themselves. This is the most popular style sold in ready-made clothing stores and can be found everywhere on the street.

 “I understand, Okamoto-kun.”

He Yijun breathed a sigh of relief and walked out of the bedroom. He immediately washed his clothes and told Zuo Zhong about the big and small things that happened in the drugstore when he left for a joint in the afternoon.

This work is very important. If the Japanese and puppet intelligence agencies investigate Zuo Zhong's actions today, the omission of any detail will lead to the exposure of the identity, so carelessness is not allowed.

“At 5:03, Uncle Zhu from next door came over and bought a bottle of aspirin. I said you were concocting the newly arrived medicinal materials in the backyard. When he was paying, there were two outsiders fighting outside.”

“At 5:42, Dr. Song from Liutang Street Clinic introduced a client and prescribed several pairs of herbal medicines for typhoid fever. The client coughed seven times in total and the sound was very loud.”

“At 6:35, Manager Hu from the warehouse called to ask for payment. I told him you would deliver it tomorrow morning. The phone rang 4 times and the call lasted less than a minute.”

“At 6:37, as soon as the call was disconnected, a man came to buy Baiyao. Since this is a controlled drug strictly controlled by the Japanese and puppets, I didn’t agree, and there was something wrong with this man.”

He Yijun put the washed clothes on the clothesline, turned around and said: "When the other party approached me, I smelled the smell of blood. The smell was very strong, not an ordinary wound.

 In addition, Baiyao is a good gunpowder. I suspect that this person was shot. He is either an anti-Japanese soldier or a trap set by the Japanese puppets. Mr. Okamoto, do you want to be transferred? "

 “No, you’re doing a good job.”

Zuo Zhong stood by the wall and looked outside. He wiped the footprints on the wall clean and replied with a smile. Fortunately, there was not much business today. There were only four people, otherwise it would have been troublesome.

The two of them hung out their clothes to dry and returned to the house. This time Zuo Zhong used a very low voice to report the situation at the joint and the next plan for the Kwantung Army's water supply unit.

“The Fengchu team is in pretty good shape. We have established basic intelligence channels, and a grain store will be established soon. In an emergency, you can use the excuse of buying glutinous rice to contact us.

 Our background is that we have been in Hui Province for several years, and we are used to eating the food there. It is normal, at least not obtrusive, but we try to have as little contact with it as possible. After all, it is a bit suspicious to buy rice and noodles from far away. "

Zuo Zhong gave the emergency contact method just in case, and then pointed to the southeast: "I will ask Torletta to go to Xiaoniujiao Valley tomorrow to conduct an on-site survey of the terrain of Beiyin River.

It is expected to take one day. We will find a place to stay in the village at night and come back before dinner the day after tomorrow. Don’t go out casually during this period. You can close the door earlier than usual.

If someone comes to cause trouble, don't worry about it and just call the police station. Compared with Bai Wenzhi's men, the puppet Manchukuo gang of traitors are more careful in doing things. You think it's ridiculous or not. "

 “Okamoto-kun, don’t worry.”

He Yijun couldn't help but frowned when he heard Zuo Zhong said he was going to the mountains: "I suggest that Wu Chunyang or Ling Sanping protect you secretly. The White Russians are not trustworthy, so be careful.

 They kidnapped the son of the owner of Madiel Hotel two years ago and brutally beat him up. These people have nothing but money in their eyes. Your safety is the most important, Deputy Director. "

 “It goes without saying, it’s settled.”

Zuo Zhong raised his hand to tell her not to say anything further. In fact, he knew in his heart that the character of these white Russians who had no motherland and no faith could be described by the saying "if you have breasts, you are a mother."

The problem is that Torletta is not only a White Russian, but also an informant for the Japanese. Without the motivation of huge interests, the other party will not take huge risks to kidnap a Japanese businessman.

His external identity is just that of a small drugstore owner, which cannot be compared with the son of the owner of Madiel Hotel. Of course, the current Zuo family is probably not much different from the other side.

 But Torletta didn’t know.

So his safety is guaranteed. If it doesn't work, the pistols and British grenades in his space will teach the other person how to behave. There are so many bandits in the Northeast, so it's not surprising to kill a lot of them.

Zuo Zhong finished talking about his work and then went to make a phone call. Torretta on the other end of the phone was a little reluctant at first, but as soon as he heard that there was car money and hard work pay, he immediately agreed.

  The other party’s half-used taxi arrived before dawn the next day. The two of them bought some food, then went to a gas station in the city to buy gas, and drove out of the city.

When the car reached the intersection out of the city, the car was stopped by a group of Japanese military police. Torretta quickly took out a pass, and Zuo Zhong also took out his identification certificate, and then he was let go.

After passing the checkpoint, the Belarusian said with a proud tone: "Okamoto, your money is not in vain. If it weren't for my pass, even if you are Japanese, you would not be able to leave Harbin."

“Yeah, it’s not in vain, haha.” Zuo Zhong’s eyes stayed on Torrieta’s neck for two seconds, then he lit a cigarette, opened the car window, and glanced at the black car in the distance.

 (End of this chapter)

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