Cicada Moving

Chapter 695: Wonderful thing

 Chapter 695 The wonder

Wu Chunyang shook his head vigorously to drive away the following fantasies, took a deep breath and slowly explained his purpose.

“Father, there is a customer in the store named Mr. Li. He looks like a member of the Anti-Japanese Alliance. Can we rely on them for our mission?

As you just said, we are still outsiders here and lack the necessary information channels, but the Anti-League is different. "

He said this and observed Zheng Tingbing's expression. Seeing that the other party just frowned and did not object, he continued to speak in a low voice.

“Most of the Anti-Japanese League members are from the Northeast. They are familiar with the terrain, climate, customs, and not to mention personal connections. These are all we need.

And they have a **** feud with the Japanese and puppets, so you don’t have to worry about stance issues when using it. If you approve, I would like to contact you."


Zheng Tingbing stopped him with an extremely serious expression: "What evidence do you have for saying that he is a member of the Anti-Japanese Alliance? Could this be a trap for the Japanese and puppets?

 You and I are now in the enemy camp, and we must be cautious in everything we do. A small matter of personal life and death may affect the entire plan.

Even if the other party is really an underground party, under what name do you contact them, Secret Service? I'm afraid those people will kill you on the spot.

In my opinion, just let him go. Whether it is an underground party or a fruitful party, there is no need to spend too much time on things that have nothing to do with the mission. "

For Zheng Tingbing, this trip to the Northeast is nothing but merit, and he naturally does not want to cause trouble, especially the underground party.

He holds the position of deputy director of the Secret Service. If it is known that he has been secretly communicating with Red Head, there will be no future for him.

 He couldn't help but look at his "son" suspiciously. Everyone knew that this man was Zuo Zhong's confidant. Could he have deliberately set a trap for him?


 It’s really possible.

  News from the aide-de-camp said that with the tense atmosphere between China and Japan, the Generalissimo is preparing to make a large-scale reorganization of the intelligence system.

 The Bureau of Statistics and Investigation will be split into two separate departments, one under the Central Party Committee and the other under the Central Military Commission.

 Could it be that the person named Zuo was planning to kick himself out of the game early? He is such a vicious, despicable and shameless smiling tiger, bah!

Wu Chunyang didn't know that his words made Zheng Tingbing think so much, so he thought about it for a while and then told what happened before.

“Father, this person claims to be a businessman, but he actually knows a lot about medicine. He is probably a doctor. If there is no doubt about his identity, why should he hide it?

Then he asked me to go to Tangyuan in Jiamusi to look for him when I had time. Early intelligence investigations showed that the anti-alliance activities there were very active.

Putting these two things together, it is not difficult to guess the identity of the other party. As for whether it is a trap for the Japanese puppets, this matter is not important.

I will follow him secretly and get a feel for the opponent's details first. If it is a trap, I am confident that I can safely withdraw without disturbing the enemy.

If it is confirmed that Mr. Li is a member of the Anti-League, we can cooperate with them secretly without exposing his identity. "

 Get a feel for the background of the surname Li.

 Secret cooperation.

Hearing these two sentences, Zheng Tingbing, who had originally made up his mind not to get involved in this matter, was moved, but past experience told him not to be impulsive.

 The ancients taught us that when the moon is full and the moon is short, it is common. When you are successful, you must guard against failure. You must think carefully about the gains and losses before deciding whether to do it or not.

He walked around the office a few times. The creaking sound of his leather shoes against the floor was extremely harsh. After a few minutes, he turned his head.

“Okay, give it a try according to your idea, but you must report it to your hometown. If your hometown doesn’t approve it, you should stop immediately.

Even if it is confirmed that the other party is the Anti-League, do not act rashly for the time being. Now is not the time to settle accounts with the underground party.

 Otherwise, the public opinion circle will be criticized again. Those people dare to scold the chairman of the committee, not to mention the two of us. This matter must be kept strictly confidential.

In this way, try to get as much information about the Anti-League as possible, and when the Japanese are driven away, we can arrest people according to the list. What do you think? "

 What do I think?

not so good.

Wu Chunyang's slander has gone to you, and the responsibility has been passed on to his hometown. No wonder the deputy director told him to be careful, he is such an old fox.

On the surface, he replied respectfully: "Okay, I will send a message to my hometown later and follow Mr. Li out tomorrow.

I'll leave the hotel to you. I don't know why, but the business has dropped a bit in the past two days, and there are many fewer guests checking in. "

 “What? Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

Zheng Tingbing was shocked when he heard this, and walked downstairs. The sky is huge, the business is the largest, and the doorway here is very deep.

 You must know that the business started this time uses funds. The more he earns, the more money he will make. It is a standard business without capital.

This kind of good thing is rare to come across. Of course, we must find a way to run the Tanjong Hotel well. Others will carry out the tasks.

Looking at Old Zheng's angry appearance, Wu Chunyang sighed helplessly. This guy is good at everything, but he is too greedy for money.

never mind,

  Ignore the other party.

He returned to his room, put on a suit, and took a rickshaw to the telegraph office. Yes, that was, communicating through the telegraph office.

Harbin, as the largest commercial city in the Far East, sends an astronomical number of telegrams every day, and the Japanese have no way of distinguishing them.

It is easy to completely cut off external communication channels, that is, close the telegraph office, but the Japanese dare not and will not do this.

Why does the other side support the puppet Manchukuo? It is to seize the interests of the Northeast. Economy is the key, and the telegraph office cannot close it.

If the Japanese dare to risk the disapproval of the world, believe it or not, hundreds of thousands of merchants in Harbin can tear the hundreds of thousands of Kwantung Army alive.

 Money is not as good as a gun.

 But what about a lot of money?

  I understand everything~

Wu Chunyang walked to the counter and handed the telegram to the staff. The content on it was very simple, just a letter from home.

The place of receipt is Penang, Malaysia. The recipient is the mother of this identity. The Secret Service arranged for a female agent to be there.

 Japanese intelligence agencies are very careful and have operational capabilities in Southeast Asia. If you want to deceive them, you must handle the details well.

Once the telegram is received, the female spy will receive it personally, decipher it and forward it to Jinling via the radio, without using other channels.

With no intermediate links, everyone can be protected to the maximum extent, communication efficiency is more efficient, and hometowns can receive the latest information in a timely manner. And he does not use acronyms or numbers to convey information, so that the problem can be seen at a glance, and the Japanese cannot be regarded as fools.

  The wonderful thing about Chinese characters is that different characters can represent the same meaning. The difference is the number of strokes. This is the password.

 For example, there are three characters for mother, the character for alphabet is 5 strokes, the character for parent is 9 strokes, the character for good is 6 strokes, and there are a total of 3 Arabic numerals.

 The specific usage is:

  5 characters represent the page number,

 9 characters represent the number of lines,

 6 characters represent the number of words.

With the agreed code book, the real meaning can be translated by the other person. Without knowing the code book, outsiders cannot decipher it at all.

If you want to be more secure, use different password books according to the day. There are 7 days in a week, and there are 7 changes in passwords.

 By analogy, using the transmission time as the standard, there are 24 hours a day and 24 changes. Even the Japanese gods cannot find out the problem.

Even further, it was changed to a 4-character code, with the last number representing a certain codebook, but that was too complicated and inconvenient to operate.

Furthermore, there was only one paragraph of information, and Wu Chunyang mixed it with normal text, so he faced the cable review very relaxedly.

 The review will end soon,

There is no problem.

 After chatting with the female staff member with a smile, Wu Chunyang turned around and left the telegraph office, and returned to the Tanjong Hotel with a calm demeanor.

At this time, Zheng Tingbing was lecturing employees in the lobby, asking everyone to improve service quality. When he saw him coming back, he took a look.

Wu Chunyang nodded slightly, indicating that he had sent the message. Zheng Tingbing felt relieved, and his lecture voice became a little louder.

This guy is really.

If you put the energy of doing business into work, I am afraid that no one in the bureau can compare with this person. This person is the earliest minister of Conglong.

Wu Chunyang secretly complained, went upstairs to find a guest room, closed his eyes and rested, and listened to the movements in the room upstairs.

Mr. Li is on the upper floor. Whenever the other party goes out or makes other noises, he can hear them and take corresponding measures.

 During the renovation, they deliberately made the floors thinner to cope with today's situation. Surveillance does not necessarily have to rely on eyesight.

 Time passes minute by minute,

 The sun sets and rises again.

Wu Chunyang stayed in the room for more than ten hours, which made his "father" Wang Yuewen furious and scolded his son for being idle and indolent.

But despite the scolding, he still had dinner delivered, and the hotel staff had long been accustomed to the young host's laziness.

 From the day the business opened, the other party would either go out to have a good time and have a good time, or hide in the house and sleep. Who makes the family rich?

 Have a good life,

 I’m so envious.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Mr. Li walked out of the guest room with his suitcase. He carefully looked at the corridor to make sure no one was following him before going downstairs.

After completing the check-out procedure, he walked out of the entrance of the Tanjong Hotel, turned right, and walked along the busy road.

This road only leads to one place - Central Street, but this person said he wanted to go home, why not go to the station instead of there.

This made Wu Chunyang, who was not far away, raise the corners of his mouth slightly. The other party was obviously trying to counter-track, and the location he chose was suitable.

Central Avenue,

 The most visited place in Harbin.

The total length is 1.5 kilometers, with restaurants, shopping malls, cinemas, and theaters along the way, all of which are public places that are convenient for getting rid of stalkers.

In addition, the nearby transportation is very convenient, and you can go to any place in the city by just walking into a small alley, so you can only stay close to the surveillance.

 It’s just that the closer you follow, the greater the risk of exposure. Mr. Li should have received professional training and know some intelligence methods.

But I only know a little bit about it. Using crowds to counter-track is the most basic operational technique, and any intelligence officer knows it.

 The problem is that the more people there are, the harder it is to distinguish the enemy. If he doesn't choose to go to Central Street, he can just find a school.

 The characteristics of clothing are single,

 Better distinguish between ourselves and the enemy.

Watching the target go away, Wu Chunyang waved for a rickshaw, said something about Central Street, and prepared to wait at the street corner in advance.

It took about ten minutes to reach the destination. He paid the fare and walked to the sugar painting stall on the roadside to look at it carefully.

 He ​​understood that today he was both a hunter and a prey. If Mr. Li was a trap for the Japanese and puppets, there would definitely be people watching him around.

How to distinguish?

 It’s very simple, look.

Wu Chunyang’s eyes seemed to be fixed firmly on the sugar painting board, and his peripheral vision kept scanning the pedestrians passing by and the glass windows not far away.

Within fifty meters, there are a total of 13 people including vendors who have not moved, 7 women and 6 men. They need to be carefully identified.

Within sixty seconds, the number of people floating around was 82. No one passed by repeatedly. The time was too short to determine whether it was safe.

 There is no reflection at the commanding heights, and the parked cars within the visible range do not attract unusual attention from pedestrians, so it can be ruled out that there is someone in the car being monitored.

 One piece of information quickly appeared in his mind, helping him quickly assess the surrounding safety situation, all relying on eyesight and experience.

 When the stall owner finished drawing a golden dragon, Wu Chunyang was sure that it was not a trap, and then he walked into a remote corner.

Not long after, he reappeared on Central Street in disguise and naturally bought something in a fruit shop.

Through the glass window, he saw that his target had finally arrived belatedly. Not only had his clothes changed, but he also wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses.

Wu Chunyang touched the beard on his face, took a firm bite of the Huagai pear, a specialty of Harbin, and followed him unhurriedly.

 (End of this chapter)

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