Cicada Moving

Chapter 855: Escape

Chapter 855 Escape

 One hour before action.

From pm to early morning, a roadside stall in Hongkou was bustling with people. Many workers who had just finished the night shift came in groups to order hot rice, glutinous rice **** and other cheap food, and chatted while eating.

But there was one table that was extremely quiet. A few Cao Gang gangsters in black clothes and black hats, with their own gun cases slung across their bodies, ate their meals without taking their eyes off a villa across the road.

Since he was taken away from his home by the Secret Service last time, Ji Yunqing has completely lost his sense of security. Not only did he move his residence inside Hongkou, but he also arranged a large number of disciples and disciples around him.

No matter whether these people are professional or not, with so many people here, they can always grunt before being beaten to death, so that he has enough time to contact the nearby Japanese garrison.

  These Cao Gang gangsters at the food stall are members of the Human Meat Alarm System. They are very dedicated to the so-called Qiaohu rules and loyalty, filial piety and justice.

Just when they finished eating and got up to leave to replace another group of people eating, a car drove quickly from a distance and rushed into the stall in front of everyone's horrified eyes.

The gangsters were knocked out before they had time to react and became ghosts under the car. The scene was full of broken limbs and arms, and blood flowed freely, like a slaughterhouse.

This scene frightened other customers into scattering, and the constant screams made the vigilant traitors around them come back to their senses and desperately move closer to the scene of the incident.

When they arrived at the car, several traitors carefully approached the driver's seat with guns in hand and found that there was only one person in the car lying motionless on the steering wheel, not knowing whether to live or die.

A few people looked at each other, and finally motioned for a junior to come forward to check. The man put his trembling hand on the driver's neck, and then his eyes widened.

The other party's pulse was strong and powerful, not like an unconscious person at all. This was a trap, but before he could say anything, the driver's hand hidden under his body pulled the trigger.

 “Bang bang bang~”

  A cloud of blood mist suddenly exploded from the back of the unlucky guy. At the same time, two people jumped out of the crowd of onlookers. They stood in the darkness outside the street lights, holding guns with both hands and firing fiercely at the traitors.

Orange (divided) gunfire lit up rhythmically, and the bullet casings fell to the ground with a clanging sound. In just a few seconds, the first dozen or so Cao Gang gangsters who arrived were all killed or injured.

The moment the gunshot rang out, Ji Yunqing, who was sleeping, rolled out of bed and threw himself on the ground. He rolled and crawled to the desk, holding a gun in one hand and a microphone in the other and shouting loudly.

“Let the Japanese send troops to rescue me quickly, and at the same time, get all the brothers nearby to come back, yes, everyone, quickly!”

With his hoarse roar, the whole Hongkou turned into chaos. Japanese military police, spies, and traitors took various means of transportation and rushed towards Ji Yunqing's residence.

After the successful sneak attack, the gunmen outside jumped directly into the restarted car and drove slowly toward the Suzhou River. From time to time, they shot at the traitors on the roadside through the car window.

 For a time, sirens and gunshots were everywhere in Shanghai. The Japanese police force was getting farther and farther away from Xiward Road unknowingly, and the area around the Blackwood Hotel slowly became quiet.

 Five minutes before action.

On the roof of the Japanese telephone exchange, Gui Youguang lay down next to the signal tower and looked at it for a while. He spotted countless car lights and drove away from the distance. He turned to Zuo Zhong and said something.

 “Deputy Director, it’s almost done.”

"Well, let's get started. You must not shoot after you pass. If the situation is not right, you are allowed to choose an opportunity to evacuate. Everything is based on your own safety."

Left Point nodded and replied, quickly spinning a flying claw hook wrapped in cotton in his hand, and then swung it downstairs. The hook and the rope flew to the top of the Blackwood Hotel in a whoosh.

After a slight sound, the hook landed on the ground smoothly. Zuo Zhong slowed down and retracted the rope little by little, trying to find an anchor point.

Fortunately, the hotel was building a fourth floor, and many wooden pillars and beams were erected on the construction site. The flying hook quickly hooked one of them and stuck it firmly into the wood.

Zuo Zhong tugged **** the rope, confirmed that the hook was not loose, and then fastened it to the fence on the roof of the building. Then he threw a flying claw hook again and fixed it in the same way.

 Finally, he tied three safety ropes around Gui Youguang's waist, two of which were connected to the flying claw rope and one was connected to the fence to prevent the flying claw hook from falling off during action.

"Okay, move slowly and don't alert the enemy."

With everything ready, Zuo Zhong patted the big bald man on the shoulder and watched as the opponent hooked his feet on the rope and slid towards the opposite side on his back, with a slightly worried look on his face.

There are many residents in the Blackwood Hotel. From the first floor to the third floor where the target may be hidden, you need to pass through two floors. There is too much uncertainty in the middle and you may be discovered at any time.

As for putting on makeup to enter, they don’t have that much time to prepare. Moreover, the Japanese are not fools. If someone approaches the target with a fresh face, the enemy will definitely monitor them closely.

There is only one way to quietly rescue the target - to use the air channel. At the Six Nations Hotel, the Japanese Kwantung Army almost killed the Secret Service using this method and caught the Secret Service off guard.

Now that their identities have been reversed, they can retaliate in kind and secretly sneak into the hotel through ropes in the dead of night when ordinary guests are less active.

However, this method also has shortcomings. Once the flying grappling hook falls off, it is easy for operators to perform trapeze. Three floors may not seem high, but if you fall from a height of more than ten meters, you will be seriously injured even if you are not dead.

Fortunately, what he worried about did not happen. The big bald man reached the roof of the hotel safely. After landing, he untied the rope from his body, took out a flashlight covered with red cloth from his pocket and pressed the switch.

Looking at the flashing signal, Zuo Zhong felt happy. He bent down and picked up a backpack, buckled it on the rope and pushed it hard. The heavy backpack immediately fell down the zipline into Gui Youguang's hand. After getting the equipment, Gui Youguang immediately took out a gas mask and put it on his face, put his bag behind him, lowered his body and moved slowly towards the stairs.

Speaking of stairs, they are actually just workers who drilled a one-meter-square hole at the end of the corridor and set up a wooden ladder to provide a temporary passage for people to enter and exit.

Out of caution, he did not go downstairs rashly, but stretched out a small mirror to observe carefully for a while. When he was sure that there was no one in the corridor, he gave up the ladder and used the rope to fall to the ground.

The Japanese are cunning and cunning. No one knows whether the other party has tampered with the ladder. All risks must be eliminated in secret operations. To be on the safe side, it is safer to use your own tools.

As soon as Gui Youguang stepped on the floor, he immediately pulled out the dagger and leaned it against the wall. He raised his ears and listened to the movement around him, but he heard nothing except the sound of breathing.

 This is normal. This is Hongkou, where the Japanese are the most powerful. The military police and Cao gang traitors responsible for guarding the target cannot be alert 24 hours a day and must rest.

In the quiet corridor, Gui Youguang gently took off his backpack and placed it on the ground. He pulled out four rubber tubes from it and tiptoed to a room with curtains drawn during the day.

 He turned his head and looked both ways, squatted down and stuffed the rubber tube into the crack at the bottom of the door, then gently blocked the gap with a wet towel, and then walked to the second room.

It didn’t take long for all four rooms to be decorated. He returned to his backpack and pulled out a cylinder. He slowly turned the valve, and colorless and odorless nitrous oxide was poured into the room through the rubber tube.

  Nitrous oxide.

 An inhaled anesthetic drug, discovered in the mid-19th century. The anesthesia induction and awakening process are very rapid, non-irritating to the respiratory tract, and does not damage internal organs. It can be used on children.

When the concentration of nitrous oxide in a confined space reaches 50%, ordinary people will experience muscle relaxation. When it reaches 60%, they cannot wake up through their own willpower.

 Gui Youguang glanced at the gas flow meter on the cylinder and looked at his watch, silently calculating the time, ready to cut off the gas at any time.

Although this anesthetic is less harmful to children, if the dose is too large or the time is too long, it can easily cause cyanosis caused by hypoxia, so too much cannot be released.

Five minutes later, he decisively closed the valve and came outside the first room. He put a few long iron pieces into the keyhole and turned it slightly. The lock tongue suddenly rebounded, and the door was easily opened.

Hunting the door open a crack, the big bald man slipped into the door quietly. He glanced around the room through the dim light and saw several traitors lying or sitting sleeping soundly.

After confirming that the target was not in the house, he was too lazy to waste any more time and twisted the heads of these traitors one by one, turned around and walked out of the room, closing the door gently.

Perhaps he didn't read the imperial calendar when he went out. Gui Youguang didn't find his target in the next two rooms. Fortunately, he killed a few Cao Gang gangsters, so his trip was not in vain.

With an uneasy feeling, he took a deep breath and opened the last door. If no one was found in this room, it would be troublesome.

There are two possibilities for this situation, either Muyu's information is inaccurate and the target is not in the Blackwood Hotel at all, or the target is hidden in other rooms of the hotel.

 No matter which one it is, it will bring huge risks to the mission. They have no time or opportunity to do it again. This is a one-shot deal.

But when he walked into the room, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief. He saw a child lying on the bed in the middle of the room, frowning and whispering something, as if he was having a nightmare.

Two men wearing Japanese military uniforms were lying on the ground. One of them had his right hand stretched out straight, just one step away from the phone on the bedside table. It seemed that he wanted to give a warning.

 Gui Youguang quickly came to the bedside and identified the child as quickly as possible. After confirming that the child was the target, he opened the smelling salts and gave the target a sniff. Then he opened the window and sent a signal to the outside, ending the lives of the two Japanese military policemen.

 “Are you Japanese?”

While he was busy dealing with the scene, the target got up in a daze, rubbed his eyes and looked at the bald head and asked.


Gui Youguang put his finger in front of his mouth, quickly installed a pull-type bomb on the door, and then came to the target.

Considering that a child would not understand what bipartisan cooperation is, he only said that he was here to save others, asked the other party to be silent and asked a question softly.

“Xiaobao, are you wearing the undershirt your mother put on you?”

 The target blinked after hearing this, neither admitting nor denying it. He obviously knew the importance of the shirt. Of course, it might also be that he remembered his mother’s instructions before she sacrificed herself and did not dare to trust a stranger easily.

But this little trick could not be hidden from Gui Youguang. He breathed a sigh of relief and at the same time carried the target on his back, pulled the bed sheet to tie the other person and himself together, took out the rope and tied it, climbed over the window and skillfully roped down to the first floor.

Zuo Chong had been waiting for a long time. Before they landed, he drove a car with no lights on to pick them up. After the two got in the car, he stepped on the accelerator and headed straight to Zhabei.

 (I felt better in the morning, but started to have fever again in the afternoon. It was really painful, and I felt homesick)

 (End of this chapter)

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