Cicada Moving

Chapter 865: walking fish

Chapter 865 Walking the Fish

The explosion that occurred in the inner city of Beiping completely angered the top brass of the North China Front led by Juichi Terauchi. Hiroshi Otsuki was called to the office again and was slapped several times.

Mr. Osaka, who was extremely sad and angry, seemed a little decadent after successive failures. He walked out of the Iron Lion Alley amidst the whispers of the staff and found Takeo Okada dejectedly.

As a good friend, Okada Takeo naturally wanted to say some words of comfort, but there are some things that people who are not involved in can never understand the pain involved. After all, the slap didn't hit his face.

The two of them had dinner together at the restaurant of the Zhongyang Hotel. After the meal, they went out and walked along the river near Beihai, chatting, just to relax.

The Japanese soldiers on patrol saw a colonel and a lieutenant colonel appearing with gloomy faces, and they wisely avoided them. As for the interrogation, they were brutal but not stupid.

Looking at the patrol team walking away, Okada Takeo covered his ears with his gloved hands and turned to ask about the results of Otsuki's punishment from the North China Front Army Headquarters.

 Such a big thing happened, and so many elites died. It cannot be solved by just a few slaps. There must be formal identification of responsibility and punishment.

Hearing this, Otsuki Hiroshi's face became even more ugly, and he replied in a tone that was as if he was his own mother: "In the next three years, if I don't have particularly great achievements, my military rank and position will not be promoted.

  Baga, three years, the war is over after three years. Those **** **** want me to never become a general. Okada-kun, maybe I should call you Your Excellency when we meet again. "

This punishment is indeed a bit serious. Wartime is the best opportunity for soldiers to make contributions. Ruining a person's future is like killing his parents. Shouichi Terauchi's hand was very cruel.

Okada Takeo took a breath, glanced at the other party with some sympathy, then looked up at the night sky and sneered, telling the unspoken rules of the Japanese army's top brass.

“Otsuki-kun, don’t you understand yet? If you want to be promoted in the empire or army, it doesn’t depend on your ability, but on who your father and your brother are.

 Without the help of the upper class, even without this matter, you and I still have a bleak future. Let’s look at it more broadly. You might as well be like me and seize the time to enjoy life. "


Hiroshi Otsuki was not scolding Okada, but Juichi Terauchi and the commander of the Central China Expeditionary Force. One of these two people has a former prime minister father, and the other has an army general brother.

Otherwise, even if they are like gods with their troops, they will not be able to obtain these two positions. You must know that the greatest military achievement is to destroy the country. Once the country is defeated, the generals responsible for leading the troops will inevitably be promoted.

Thinking about his own slim future, and then thinking about the other party, a feeling of sadness and jealousy surged into Da Yue's heart. He clenched his fist and smashed it hard against the stone fence by the lake, leaving a **** fist mark.

“Actually, this case is a bit strange.”

At this time, Takeo Okada suddenly said something without beginning or end, and with the faint sound of waves in the North Sea coming from the distance, the atmosphere suddenly became solemn.

 “Nani?” Hiroshi Otsuki was stunned for a moment, not understanding what he meant.

“As a professional intelligence officer and a soldier, Zuo Zhong should understand that the combat plan is only a program document for combat preparations and combat operations formulated by the military to achieve combat missions.”

Okada said something that all first-year students in the military academy knew. Then, with Otsuki looking at him with confusion, he put his hands on the fence and asked a question to himself.

“The operational plan specifically includes the assessment of the enemy’s situation, operational intentions, tasks and determinations at the corresponding level, the organization and deployment plan of the troops, the division of tasks in the operational phase, and the action plan.

 As well as the principles and requirements for coordinated actions, main safeguard measures, standards for command and observation, detailed plans for initial actions, and even rough plans for later actions.

There are also plans for reconnaissance, communications, engineering, chemical defense, surveying and mapping, meteorology and politics, logistics, intelligence, and technical support. The content is very complicated, am I right? "

 Otsuki Hiroshi thought about it carefully and nodded seriously. Okada’s summary was very comprehensive, but what does this have to do with the case?

Before he could ask, Okada Takeo showed an uncertain smile and said in a gentle tone: "With so many contents, the situation will inevitably change significantly during the implementation of the operation.

 This requires timely revision or re-formulation of new combat plans, and different handling of possible situations, which results in strong flexibility and adaptability of the combat plan.

In other words, the battle plan is not as important as imagined. As long as the final goal can be achieved, the frontline commander has the power to make changes.

Zuo Zhong will not fail to understand this, so even if they secretly obtain the battle plan of your front army, there is still no guarantee that the Chinese army will gain a greater advantage in the Battle of Xucheng.

 In this case, why did the other party expend so much effort and risk being discovered to bring people to Beiping? This is illogical, and it is not in line with the other party's meticulous action style. "

These words were like lightning exploding in Otsuki Hiroshi's mind, and everything flashed by like a revolving lantern: restaurants were poisoned, documents were stolen, and people were captured...

Everything went so smoothly. Why did the Secret Service, which had defeated the military and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ intelligence agency, make so many mistakes?

 But what about the other party’s purpose? That woman died with him. Could it be that he sacrificed his life just to make fun of himself?

 Ot Yue's mind is a little confused. How could He De, a small commander, be targeted by the dignified deputy director of the Secret Service? This is simply impossible. He still has a clear understanding of himself.

Who should senior intelligence personnel like Zuo Zhong deal with? They are at least officers or officials at the division commander level. The things they deal with are also major matters related to the overall situation.

 Aimed at him?

 Don't be kidding, this is like using an anti-aircraft cannon to swat mosquitoes. After thinking for a long time, Dayue, who was getting more and more confused, expressed his doubts and wanted to hear what the other party would say.

“Okada-kun, can you, as an intelligence officer, analyze and judge the reason why Zuo Zhong did this? I really don’t understand why the other party did this, please.”

After hearing this, Takeo Okada turned around, just as a dark cloud blocked the moon, and the surrounding area became pitch black, making it difficult for people to see his expression clearly, followed by a chuckle.

“Haha, of course, we are friends. In fact, Otsuki-kun, you have underestimated yourself. Compared with a few dispensable battle plans, you are the focus of the empire’s next plan.

  All plans for the North China Front are drawn up by you, and no one knows the character and habits of the staff who make the plans better than you. Your position gives you access to a large number of secrets.

In a sense, you are a living battle plan. By mastering you, the Chinese will grasp the pulse of the Sino-Japanese war. You tell me whether Zuo Zhong should target you. "

Looking at his good friend hiding in the darkness, Otsuki Hiroshi felt cold all over for some reason, and goosebumps covered his back. He swallowed calmly and continued to ask. "What would you do if you were Zuo Zhong? Kidnap or assassinate? There are tens of thousands of imperial warriors in Beiping. Even if the opponent has three heads and six arms, it is impossible for them to succeed.

 Besides, once something happens to me, there are many people who can take over my position. Those guys have already set their sights on my position, and Zuo Zhong will still come back empty-handed by then. "

 He ​​spoke louder and louder, as if doing so would bring him courage. This was normal. Being targeted by a spy leader with a notorious reputation would be **** anyone.

Otsuki wanted to deceive himself, but his good brother Okada Takeo immediately gave him a knowing blow.

This intelligence expert from Central China stood at the junction of shadow and moonlight and replied calmly in a story-telling tone.

“Why should I kidnap or kill you? If I were Zuo Zhong, I would use all channels to know everything about you, what kind of person you are, what you like, what you care about, and what you fear.

 It is natural for me to know that Otsuki-kun is from a noble family and is arrogant. He once studied at the best staff school in Germany. It is a pity that his family is in decline and he will not give you more help.

This makes you nothing more than an insignificant general staff officer after so many years. You have neither military power nor influence. You can only huddle in the office and do paperwork.

After knowing this, the rest of the matter is simple. It is nothing more than creating a trap that is easy to see through, giving you a little taste of sweetness, and letting you see the hope of rising to the top.

 Then destroy this hope with your own hands, destroy your pride and your life bit by bit, it is best to cause you some huge troubles in the process and completely cut off your future.

 Finally, I will appear in front of you, tell you everything, and give you two choices, either to be silently annihilated in the officialdom, or to make a deal! "

 Speaking of the last two words, Okada raised his feet and took a step forward. A serious face appeared in the moonlight, staring at Otsuki Hiroshi with bright eyes.

 “You...who are you.”

Da Yue was sweating profusely, panting heavily and let out a low roar. His right hand quietly reached for the gun at his waist, and at the same time an incredible guess arose in his heart.

“Don’t touch that gadget, you know you’re not going to make it, let’s have a civilized conversation and introduce yourself.”

 Takeo Okada showed his white teeth, bowed slightly and said with a smile: "Zuo Chong, deputy director of the Secret Service Department of the National Military Council, has met Mr. Hiroshi Otsuki. Please take care of him."

 Left heavy!

idiot! There are definitely Chinese spies at the top of the Central China Expeditionary Force. Although the official documents and messages of the military liaison are not top secret, they are not accessible to ordinary people.

Hiroshi Otsuki's eyes widened. He couldn't tell whether it was anger or fear. He stayed there. The holster that could be opened with a light touch was as heavy as a ton.

I don’t know how long it took, but he seemed to have thought clearly. He suddenly pulled out his southern pistol and pointed it at his "good friend", threatening Zuo Zhong with a ferocious expression.

"No, even if I can't be promoted, I will not betray the empire. I have a third way to go. If I kill you, your Excellency Commander will forgive me."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Facing a desperate opponent, Zuo Zhong seemed to have seen something particularly funny. He laughed so hard that he was out of breath. Then he touched the tears in the corner of his eyes with his little finger and flicked them away, striding to the gun.

Ignoring the weapons close at hand, he stared at Da Yue and slowly raised his hand, slapped the opponent in the face, causing Mr. Colonel to spin around, then grabbed the opponent's collar and shouted sharply.

"As a civilian officer, do you still remember the last time you fired a gun? Did you forget to load the bullet? If you want to turn over with an empty gun, I tell you, stop dreaming.

He told a brother of an enemy country, and you said that you have no problem, who would believe, who dares to bear this responsibility, do you want to die in the temple, he won't wait for you to die immediately.

Have you ever seen fishing? When a fisherman catches a big fish, he will walk the fish in order to give the fish an illusion that it can escape, and slowly consume its physical strength until it is exhausted.

You are now the fish on my hook. I can take care of you how I want. I can lift the rod whenever I want. Even if the King of Heaven comes, I can’t save you. I said so! "

With that said, Zuo Zhong pushed the trembling Otsuki Hiroshi away, took out a brown paper document bag from his arms and threw it at the other person's feet. He coldly gave him instructions with an attitude that would not allow him to refuse.

“This is the battle plan I drew up for the North China Front Army. When you go back, organize the manpower and redraft it according to the above. After the war begins, you must strictly supervise the combat troops to act according to the plan.

There is also half a piece of paper that was burned by the fire. The handwriting came from my female hand. She used her life to provide you with a chance to start over. I hope you can grasp it firmly.

 As a qualified staff officer and the highest commander on site, you don’t need to teach me how to make others believe that you found the note from the explosion site. I believe you can do it.

There is an address on the note. There are the corpses of three traitors and Secret Service certificates with their names written on them. Don’t worry, the certificates are definitely more authentic than the real ones. No one can see the problem.


Hiroshi Otsuki's face was ashen. He looked at the terrifying and expressionless enemy, and then at the document bag on the ground. He gritted his teeth and finally made a decision.

This is not a question of who is coercing whom, nor is it a life-and-death struggle. This is real politics. The process can be gamed, but the result must be a win-win situation.

The confident Zuo Zhong didn't wait for him to make a move, turned around and put his hands behind his back, facing the sparkling North Sea and lost in thought. It was over now and it was time to leave.

The Japanese army will act according to its own battle plan and use the full picture perspective. Even if the Japanese army is commanded by a different pig, it can still win the Battle of Xucheng...

Hiss, this is really not certain. Thinking of the suffocating "magical operations" of the party and state elites, Zuo Zhong's confidence suddenly became less confident.

 (To be continued, there will be a small ending tomorrow. I want to talk about whether you will admit defeat if you are designed in this way)

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