Cicada Moving

Chapter 892: Confrontation

Chapter 892 Confrontation

 After the war between China and Japan, there was a consensus within the Korean Army that Japanese soldiers absolutely obeyed orders, had the so-called spirit of dedication to the country, were good at fighting independently, and used their troops flexibly.

 Those are well prepared, their intentions are secret, their intelligence is solid, their searches are thorough, their positions are clever, they can contain key points, their positions are well organized, they exert a high degree of firepower, their tactics and techniques are excellent, and they are able to control the masses with a few.

Especially in night operations, since more than 600 people were killed in the Battle of Xifengkou, the Japanese attached great importance to night attacks and counter-night attacks, and even revised army doctrine for this purpose.

According to the regulations, the Japanese army was strictly prohibited from making any noise when marching and fighting at night. The movable parts of the gun must be fixed, the bayonet scabbard and water bottle should be wrapped with cloth, and rubber-soled shoes should be put on to avoid making noise.

In addition, you must walk lightly. In order not to be noticed by the enemy, you need to lower your voice to give the order to break in. In order to prevent the enemy from controlling the number of people, you must not shout to break in.

 Defense regulations are also very strict. During rest, temporary stationing and alert, each 14-man unit must ensure that at least 3, 5 and 7 people can go into battle at any time.

Wu Chunyang certainly knew about these situations, so when he came to a hundred meters away from the rear troops left by the Japanese second lieutenant, he did not approach rashly and found a hidden position to observe for a long time.

Through surveillance, he found that there were seven Japanese soldiers standing in different directions, looking around vigilantly, and they were intimidating each other. It was difficult for them to sneak attack or pass quietly.

In addition, the Japanese sentries were also particular about how they held their guns. They did not carry them on their backs like they were marching, but held them under their armpits. The purpose of this was to enable them to fire back quickly if necessary.

Although the remaining seven Japanese soldiers were resting, they did not just find a place to lie down. On the contrary, they established a simple position based on half of the bombed-out house.

 The left, right and rear sides of the position were blocked by rubble moved by the opponent, leaving only the front side to prevent being attacked from behind or from the side. It can be said that it is invulnerable.

At the same time, none of the resting Japanese took off their clothes or military boots. This showed their high level of vigilance. Wu Chunyang looked at them for a long time and returned with a normal expression.

There are specialties in the art field. Although the Japanese field troops have strict means of preventing night attacks, they are only for ordinary troops and cannot be difficult for professional intelligence personnel.

If he wanted to break through the blockade alone today, it might be a bit difficult. The problem is that he has no shortage of manpower now and can attack all Japanese soldiers at the same time.

“Everyone checks their equipment. Only cold weapons and unarmed combat are allowed in the next actions. If anyone is not confident, please come forward.

This is about everyone's life. If it works, it will work. If it doesn't work, it won't work. There is no need to hold on. There will be no chance of regret once the action starts. "

Humbling back to the team, Wu Chunyang reminded everyone in a low voice, then looked around and saw no one nodded and continued.

“Okay, I have a total of 15 people here, so each person will have one target, and the remaining person will be on guard around to guard against the sudden appearance of a large Japanese force.

 After you reach the attack launch position in concealment, you must take my action as a signal and control and eliminate the targets closest to each other in the shortest possible time.

I would like to remind everyone that there are many fires burning nearby. Be careful of your shadow when moving. You can move slowly, but you must not expose yourself. "

 After assigning the task, he selected a few agents who had performed well before, including Yu and Xu, and slowly moved toward the seven sentries with a low profile.

 Thanks to the large-scale shelling by the Japanese before the siege, the surrounding area was surrounded by ruins of buildings and destroyed and discarded items. With the help of these things, the infiltration of the operators was very smooth.

Moving little by little five to six meters away from a sentry bearing the rank of sergeant, Wu Chunyang lay quietly on the ground and focused his eyes on the sentry under the man's neck.

This is a communication tool used by the Japanese army in night battles. It can be used in many ways. For example, a short whistle represents a movement command, and a combination of long and short whistles respectively represents various commands such as marching between stops, stopping between marching, and turning left while marching.

 Usually, the whistle is carried and used by the unit commander. The Japanese who can hold this position are basically veterans who have served for many years. They have rich experience in fighting the enemy and are extremely difficult to deal with.

 He ​​knew that he could not give the other side a chance to pick up the whistle and give an early warning. Once they were entangled by the Japanese, they might be able to escape, but the students and professors would be dead.

The Japanese sergeant in front of him has a strong build, with muscular arms exposed under his half-rolled sleeves. The helmet on his head is slightly raised, and he turns his body from time to time to get a better view.

 “Fifteen seconds.”

 “Ten seconds.”

 “eleven seconds”


Wu Chunyang silently counted the frequency and time when the other party and other sentries turned around. After a simple calculation, he quickly discovered that these Japanese had a 4-second observation blank period.

In other words, they have to rush in front of the enemy and kill the enemy silently within 4 seconds. This is a certain degree of difficulty, but as long as the operators themselves do not make mistakes, it is not a big problem.

As for the seven resting Japs, they have intentions but not intentions. If this can't be solved, then the special agents responsible for the execution may as well stop doing it. The Secret Service does not need such waste.

He exhaled slowly, grabbed a handful of mud from a small puddle beside him and applied it to the dagger under him to prevent reflection, and then gradually stepped **** the ground with his right foot.

At the moment when the Japanese sergeant turned his back to him again, Wu Chunyang suddenly stood up, holding his dagger behind his back, and pounced on the man like a cheetah.

 Two seconds later, he appeared close behind the enemy. When the enemy turned around, he punched his throat with his left hand and kicked the opponent's rifle with his right heel.

Concealment is the key to this operation. The most important thing is not to let the enemy make a sound. Whether it is shouting or whistling, as long as the throat is severely injured, nothing can be done.

The sergeant who was not prepared at all saw a black shadow flash past, his neck felt a twinge of pain, and the rifle in his hand flew away. He immediately realized that there was an enemy attack and subconsciously wanted to shout, but he couldn't open his mouth. The suffocation that followed quickly consumed his physical strength.

In a daze, Sergeant felt a strong wind blowing on the left side of his head. The muscle memory formed over a long time made him raise his left arm to block his head and temple.

Seeing that his backhand punch was blocked, Wu Chunyang immediately kneed the opponent in the chest, trying to destroy the whistle while seriously injuring the guy.

 The old devil's strength and experience are indeed extraordinary. Even though he was caught off guard at first and his throat was injured, he still reacted correctly at this moment.

His body was slightly bowed and his hands were pressed down. One hand was in front of the knee that was close at hand, and the other hand was pressing Wu Chunyang's thigh. He easily avoided a fatal blow.

Immediately, he decisively raised his arms to avoid the incoming left horizontal elbow and right upward elbow. Who would have thought that an ordinary Japanese sergeant could be a proficient fighting master.

Wu Chunyang was not angry when the enemy defeated him one after another. Instead, he took advantage of the enemy's old moves and wide open center. He put one hand around his neck and hit his knees again, and with the other hand he slashed the dagger through the opponent's main artery.

All this seems to be a long time, but it actually happened in the blink of an eye. As a burst of blood mist spurted out, the Japanese sergeant fell to the ground helplessly, and when he was dying, he still wanted to touch the whistle.

Upon seeing this, Wu Chunyang, whose face was covered in blood, stepped on the sergeant's hand, bent down, grabbed the whistle and pulled hard, ending the thrilling fight.

 (If there are easter eggs, if not, we are reviewing them)

In the Secret Service, his ability to act is indeed not very strong, but in terms of score, if he is compared with Gui Youguang, he will definitely not be able to compare with him. If compared with other secret agents and ordinary people, he is naturally a first-rate master.

While he was taking action, the rest of the operators also took advantage of the darkness to solve their respective goals. Some minor problems inevitably occurred during the process, but the impact was not significant.

Looking at the corpses on the ground and the agents who were finishing their wounds, Wu Chunyang called over the panting agent Yu and the playful agent Xu and gave them two tasks.

“Xiao Xu, you take half of the people back and cooperate with the brothers left behind to **** the protection targets across the blockade. I will give you the right to make arbitrary decisions when the opportunity arises.

 No matter who it is, if you want to make a loud noise or show signs of trouble, you are allowed to stop it first and then report it later. This matter is very important. Do you understand?

And Xiao Yu, you and the rest of the group should hide the Japanese corpse and forge some traces. It would be best to make the Japanese think that the murderer has entered the city. "

 “Understood, Sir Wu.”


Special agents surnamed Xu and Yu responded. They knew that Chief Wu was worried that there was a Japanese spy among the protection targets and would report to the Japanese army at a critical moment.

 Nowadays, the situation between the enemy and ourselves is complicated. We are among you, and you are among me. This situation is not impossible, and it is indeed worth noting.

 The forged traces are also easy to understand. There is no cover near Baishazhou. Assuming that the enemy sends troops to pursue them, it will be difficult for them to resist.

The best way is to mislead the Japanese. By the time the other party realizes that they have been deceived, they will have already contacted the deputy director and fled away.

Without further ado, the agent surnamed Xu hunkered down and returned to the abandoned house. Xiao Yu, as Wu Chunyang said, began to quickly arrange the scene and ordered people to drag the body to a corner.

After doing this, he squinted his small eyes and poured a bottle of colorless and odorless liquid on the scene. This was a special chemical substance used to interfere with the sniffing of police dogs.

In addition, clues such as footprints and "traces" caused by people's walking on surrounding objects were created one by one to guide the Japanese army to search the city.

Five minutes later, Wu Chunyang, the special agent surnamed Yu and others joined the large army and headed towards the white beach with relaxed expressions. However, one person was missing from the team, and the faces of the students and professors were also a little pale.

“Sir Wu, there was something wrong with that greasy-faced boy. He wanted to report to the Japanese. Brother Li found out in time and executed him on the spot.” Agent surnamed Xu quietly reported to Wu Chunyang.

Wu Chunyang nodded when he heard this. Even though he didn't believe that a student dared to contact the Japanese under the supervision of secret agents, he was not prepared to go into details because of certain considerations.

In this world, death is a normal thing. A person who cannot control his mouth will die in the hands of others even if he does not die in their hands.

 Besides, on the battlefield, shaking the morale of the army is a serious crime of beheading. No matter what the kid's previous status was, under the management of the Secret Service, he must march and abide by military laws.

 Putting this incident behind him, Wu Chunyang led the people to rush all the way, and finally arrived at a beach in Baishazhou before 12 o'clock in the morning. Everyone was watching the noodles anxiously.

 One minute passed.

 Five minutes have passed.

 Ten minutes have passed.

The rolling Changshui flows all the way to the east. The water vapor generated by the collision of waves condenses to form small droplets. In addition, the water temperature in early winter is higher than the air temperature, and a rare thick fog rises in Changjiang.

 Due to the war, the freighters, passenger ships, and fishing boats that kept coming and going in Pingshi all disappeared. The dark water was like a man-eating monster, swallowing everything.

Just when the agents were anxious, a bright light flashed through the mist, followed by a second and third light. Wu Chunyang excitedly pointed the direction of the light and pressed the flashlight switch~

 (End of this chapter)

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