Cicada Moving

Chapter 899: Rain arrives


Several thunders exploded over Huangshan Mountain. Before the sound could be heard, the strong wind mixed with raindrops hit the ground, which vividly demonstrated the ruthlessness of nature.

Zuo Zhong was wearing a dark green military raincoat, holding a wooden stick in his right hand and holding on to the trees with his left hand, trudging through a forest southwest of the official residence.

 “Let everyone stay away from high places and big trees as much as possible!”

Looking at the continuous lightning above his head, he stopped and turned around and shouted, telling his men to be careful about lightning protection to avoid unnecessary casualties.

People say that the snowman eats iron when thunder strikes, and there are piles of graves caused by thunder in winter. This means that the omen is not very good. It seems that next year's Republic of China will not be a good year.

While thinking, Zuo Zhong raised his hand to wipe the raindrops from his face. His sharp eyes scanned the surrounding ground, trying to find traces of the bonfire.

Not only him, except for the special agents protecting the residence, all other military commanders went up the mountain to join the search operation, trying to find more clues before the evidence disappeared.

But despite hurrying and slowing down, the heavy rain still fell, and the rain was extremely violent. The huge raindrops hit people's faces and hurt, and the visibility was no more than ten meters.

In the mountain city in November, the temperature remained around ten degrees Celsius, but dropped sharply to seven or eight degrees Celsius after it rained. The wet and cold agents were shivering with cold, but they gritted their teeth and insisted on continuing to search the mountains.

As the most elite intelligence force in the national government, enjoying treatment envied by other departments, it naturally has to bear corresponding responsibilities, and its responsibilities cannot be retreated.

There is a saying that you only see thieves eating meat, but you don’t see thieves being beaten. Although this saying is a bit inelegant, it aptly describes the situation of the Secret Service and even the military commanders.

A cloud of white mist came out from his mouth. Zuo Zhong tried his best to keep his eyes open, not to miss any suspicious place, and at the same time to prevent losing his footing and falling down the mountain.

 “Report, the second trace was found!”

Someone in the distance suddenly shouted loudly. The voice was a little blurry in the patter of rain, but Zuo Zhong, who was attentive, heard it and responded immediately.

He ran towards the other party following the sound. The yellow soil became extremely slippery after being soaked by the rain. He fell several times along the way and stumbled to the newly discovered scene.

“Where’s the oilcloth? Cut a few bamboos and prop up the oilcloth to protect the scene. Then, with the scene as the center, search for suspicious traces within a radius of 100 meters. Move quickly!

 In addition, notify other groups to join together and use the locations of the two discovered bonfires and the official residence as reference points to search for a third bonfire directly north of the official residence. "

 Gu Qi arrived first and immediately issued a few orders. This veteran intelligence officer who was always quiet and impeccable showed the coordinating and analytical capabilities of an intelligence chief.

 In this era, Air Force bombing guides usually arranged light signals in a triangular pattern, and the Japanese did the same.

 The guide can only provide the bomber with a rough target range and cannot provide precise guidance, so conducting bombing missions is a matter of luck.

Now we know that the first bonfire is in the southeast of the official residence, the second is in the southwest, and the third bonfire can only be in the north, and the official residence is in the center of this triangle.

This analysis process sounds simple, but in a complex on-site environment, it takes a certain amount of experience and courage to be able to think of it immediately and make a decision.

Zuo Zhong on the side heard this arrangement and added with satisfaction: "Lao Gu, let them search around the air defense force. Anyone who can poison the army (separation) must be an insider."

 “Okay, deputy seat.”

Gu Qi patted his head. The air defense force was also directly north of the official residence. This was definitely not a coincidence. Coupled with the poisoning incident, the Japanese spies were probably hiding in the air defense force.

  After arranging the follow-up work, the two of them walked under the temporary canopy and squatted down together to observe the wet ground.

Similar to the first scene, all that can be seen is a pile of charcoal and soil, and the area around the fire has been burned to the ground. The only difference is that a fire prevention ditch has been dug here.

 “Lao Gu, what do you think?”

Zuo Zhong watched for a while and turned around to ask his old partner, as if he wanted to test him.

“The people who set the fire are very professional. The environment here is different from the environment around the first campfire. There are more plants. The fire prevention ditch was dug because the fire spread would affect the bombing accuracy.

And looking at the width and length of the dig marks, it seems that the Japanese spies used German engineer shovels. There are not many of these shovels distributed by the army, so we can start the investigation from this aspect.

To sum up, the other person is likely to have a military background, have received professional civil engineering training, and is very strong. Look at this, this person’s movements are very neat. "

Without hesitation, Gu Qi pointed to the clear-cut excavation marks on both sides of the fire ditch and expressed his thoughts.

Details can be found in the subtleties. The time window for last night’s espionage operation was very short. In such an urgent situation, it is difficult to hide one’s own behavioral characteristics.


Zuo Zhong replied softly without saying much. The enemy had a military background. This clue was of little use because the current mountain city lacked everything except soldiers.

When the battle reaches this point, the Japanese will launch a final attack at any time. There are several corps of field (separation) combat troops responsible for defense around the mountain city alone.

Coupled with the remnant soldiers who had been defeated many times and who either actively or passively followed the government to move westward, the number of new soldiers and garrison troops recruited was probably hundreds of thousands.

Finding a few Japanese spies among so many people is not something that can be done overnight. It has no practical significance for solving the case. You can't investigate them one by one. The same goes for the German engineer shovel. The army did distribute few of them, but many were lost on the battlefield. Moreover, this thing is easy to imitate, and it is not difficult for the Japanese to obtain it.

“Report that traces of trees cut down by the enemy were found.”

 Another little spy shouted outside.

Hearing this, Zuo Zhong couldn't help but wonder why no damage to plants was found at the first scene. Could it be that the Japanese spies brought their own combustion accelerants?

  Carrying a heavy bundle of firewood to climb a mountain. If someone sees you, you won't be able to run away. A Japanese spy wouldn't do such a stupid thing, or should I say...

After thinking for a while, he put the raincoat hat on his head, stood up and walked out of the awning. He braved the wind and rain and came to the little agent who was reporting. He raised his head and looked in the direction the other person was pointing.

 In the heavy rain, a lonely tall pine tree stood in the woods and swayed in the wind. The upper part of the tree was intact, but the lower part was cut down.

Looking at the densely packed fir trees, yellow kudzu trees, and large-leaf banyan trees in front of him, Zuo Zhong frowned and immediately realized that the spy who set the fire must have stepped on them.

I couldn't see my fingers last night. Unless the other party was not afraid of being exposed and used a flashlight, it would be impossible to accurately find the most suitable pine tree in a forest in the dark.

What are the security forces near the official residence doing? There are no mobile sentries in such an important place. If this person had been caught earlier, what happened yesterday would not have happened.

Zuo Zhong complained silently. He walked closer to the pine tree and carefully observed the cross-section of the branches. They were similar to the traces of excavation of fire ditches. The stubble was very clean and not sloppy at all.

Even if the pine tree is a non-hardwood, not everyone can cut off the forearm-thick branches with one knife. Gu Qi’s judgment on the spy just now was very accurate.

The opponent may have served in the military or received military training, is very strong, has greater upper body strength than ordinary people, and can skillfully use an engineer shovel and a firewood (partitioning) knife.

 He reached out and patted the pine tree. Zuo Zhong looked at a few footprints under the tree that were not too deep. After thinking for a moment, he asked someone to bring him a rope ruler. After measuring, it was 2 meters from the ground to the highest stubble.

“Secretary, the person who chops down the tree is not tall. The hatchets used by the people around the mountain city are no more than 20 centimeters including the handle. If they are longer, they will be difficult to carry.”

Gucci, who was following, saw this and said, and then gestured as he spoke: "Assuming that the knife used by the opponent does not exceed this length, that is to say, the spy can only stretch his arm upwards about 1.8 meters."

 “Lao Gu, you are right.”

 Throwing the ruler to the little agent, Zuo Zhong picked up the stick and started writing on the ground, saying several numbers at the same time.

“Dr. Ling said that the average head-to-body ratio of Asians is about 6.75, and the height-to-arm ratio is 5:2, and the Japanese are also within this range.

Looking at the overall footprint and the depth of the front and back, it can be determined that the spy did not jump or tiptoe when cutting down the tree, but just stood normally.

 So after eliminating this uncertainty factor and through simple calculations, we can get a range. The height of the opponent is between 1.58 meters and 1.62 meters. "

 After writing a series of calculation formulas, Zuo Zhong stood up straight and wiped his hands with a handkerchief. He smiled proudly. He was glad that the junior high school mathematics was not returned to the teacher.

Gucci:? ? ?

 Little spies:? ? ?

They were just stunned for a moment. How could the deputy know the height of the spy? This was an important clue in the investigation. What happened.

The cold icy rain slapped randomly on his face, and Gucci, a scumbag, was filled with despair. If he knew how to count, he would still be a **** spy. Why not find an accountant in a foreign company?

The salary is high and there is no danger. It is many times better than the job of wearing your head in your belt. Alas, the intelligence industry is getting harder and harder to get into.

 “Huh? Why don’t you talk?”

After waiting for a long time, Zuo Zhong didn't hear any compliments from his subordinates. Zuo Zhong was unhappy and refused to compliment his superiors, which was fine. He immediately raised his hands on his hips and asked a soul question in the rain.

“Ah? Yes, yes, deputy, you are right.”

 “The humble position is considered the same as yours, that’s for sure.”

 “Me too.”

The agents all expressed that they understood. Whether this was true or not was evident by looking at their confused eyes.

This kind of look is often seen in the eyes of the secret service headquarters, oh no, the eyes of members of the Central Military Commission. It is confused, incomprehensible, and in short, it is a question mark.

Zuo Zhong sighed. It seems that cultural knowledge will be added to the special training in the future. Wen (Separation) cannot be a qualified intelligence officer blindly.

It happened that I saved a lot of professors from Jinling and Central University last time, so I invited them to come for tutoring, and the other party should give me this face.

If Gu Qi knew what he was thinking, he would probably want to die. The arithmetic in the university is so different from the Book of Heaven. Normal people would not be able to understand it, let alone talking about it.

At this time, a signal flare slowly rose due to the north of the official residence, and the third bonfire was found. Deputy Director Zuo, who was worried about his subordinates, shook the water drops on his raincoat and said a few words coldly.

“Inform Wu Chunyang and meet in one hour.”

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