Cicada Moving

Chapter 903: Clues in series (1)

Chapter 903: Clue connection (1)

 Somewhere in the mountain city, the police department, the deputy director's office.

 Bai Wenzhi looked through the secret account books with a solemn expression and sighed secretly. The local gang was so rude. The monthly benefits added up to less than 10,000 yuan, which was enough for what they did.

  It has been a long-standing rule in Zihu during the Republic of China to submit a confession to the chief of the police station and split the proceeds 30/70 between the two parties. Why is this not feasible in a mountain city?

It takes a few months to buy a luxurious villa in a mountain city where house prices are getting higher and higher. Is this a normal life for a woman? It is simply unreasonable.

 Slowly closing the account book, Bai Wenzhi leaned on the back of the chair and looked up at the roof. A few tears squeezed out of the corners of his eyes, and he kept muttering about the tiger falling into Pingyang and being bullied by the dog.

  After arriving in Shancheng from Jinling, he never had a happy life. First, his house was robbed by a gang of special agents from the Secret Service, leaving the Jinling Police Department's westward-moving personnel with nowhere to go.

Two days ago, the Central President also came to join in the fun and "borrowed" a few small buildings from the police department. He said he was borrowing them, but it was obviously Liu Bei who borrowed them from Jingzhou - he never returned them.

He was even more marginalized in the official field. The dignified director of the Jinling Police Department became the deputy director of Shancheng City, following other people's buttocks.

But what can be done? The old official who was his backer has long since passed away, and there are tens of thousands of officials waiting to be relocated to the west. For the time being, they can only endure.


 Wiping the tears from his face, Bai Wenzhi lazily signed each official document carelessly, threw it into the document basket, and began to ring the clock every day as a monk.

At this moment, the phone on the table rang. He picked up the phone and put it to his ear expressionlessly, then stood up while listening, his eyes shining and he bent down to answer.

 “Yes, yes, collecting information about the mountain city.”

 “I will definitely send the most elite personnel.”

“Brother Wu, don’t worry, I promise to complete the mission.”

 “Okay, thank you, thank you very much.”

After chatting with the other person for a few words, he bent down and hung up the phone respectfully. The smile on his face was uncontrollable, and in the end he put his hands on his hips and burst into laughter.

It really comes to whatever you want. Just when I thought that it would be difficult to get along in the government without a backer, the newly established military commander came to visit. Bai Wenzhi became more and more excited as he thought about it.

 Where is Juntongna? It is the most important intelligence agency of the national government. Director Dai Chunfeng and deputy director Zuo Zhongna are the confidants of the committee members.

As long as the task can be completed successfully and with the help of the other party, it is not impossible to find a position in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, let alone the police chief.

Bai Wen made a decision in an instant. He came to the office door and shouted outside, calling in all the cronies brought from Jinling.

There was no need for him to say anything. When they heard that the Military Command Bureau had handed over a task, the eyes of the former Jinling Police Department celebrities all glowed green.

There are indeed risks in following the secret service, but the problem is that there are many benefits. Money or not is not important. What is important is that a bright future is right in front of you.

Having suffered enough from not having power, they now only lack an opportunity, a chance to make a comeback.

Looking at the excited crowd, Bai Wenzhi posed and snorted coldly: "You all heard it, I have someone above me who can talk to Deputy Director Zuo.

I know that some people think that I think someone is down and out and wants to change his family. For such a despicable villain, I will never let him go. Do you understand? "

He glanced at his subordinates whose expressions were constantly changing. He was very satisfied with the effect of his words, and then waved his hand and gave the order.

“Alright, seize the time and send your people out to collect intelligence in the main city and the South Bank area. Be sure to get to the bottom of the mountain city society. Let’s go.”

The salted fishes who were in urgent need of a turn over heard this and exited the office. The confident Bai Wenzhi stood in front of the window, looking at the mountain city outside with a cheerful smile.

 At the same time, at the temporary office of the Central Military Commission, Xu Enzeng angrily smashed the microphone back into the microphone holder, his chest heaving violently and his eyes red.

"How can it be unreasonable? How can it be unreasonable? If the military commander wants to investigate the case, then the central commander will not be needed. Dai Chunfeng, Zuo Zhong, you and I are at odds with each other!"

A shrill roar was heard in the deep corridor. The little secret agent passing by was so frightened that he greased his feet and fled quickly, for fear of being harmed.

Everyone in Zhongtong knows that Deputy Director Xu has been very angry during this period. Not only did he lose the director he got, he was picked off the peach, and he was scolded by Da Chen.

Same, how many intelligence section chiefs have died, and those who are still alive are either dissidents or Japanese moles. It’s no wonder that Shangfeng changed the director.

There are no secrets in intelligence agencies. Soon, a special agent secretly came to the office of the chief secretary who just took office today and told Shen Dongxin, who was familiar with the situation, about the matter.

To be honest, it was a bit unexpected for Shen Dongxin to be recommended by Zuo Zhong to serve in Zhongtong, but the other party needs to know every move of Zhongtong, so of course he must support him as a junior.

After patiently listening to the small report, Shen Dongxin took out a wad of yen and threw it out. After the other party left, he squinted his eyes and thought for a while, straightened his clothes and walked to Zhu Jiahua's office.

As a newcomer who was transferred to the Central Unification Committee, he must keep up with the steps of this Guo Party boss. Only in this way can he gain a firm foothold and keep an eye on the Central Unification Committee for the left.

Previously, the Military Bureau came from the news that Xu Enzheng wanted to find the party through the elder brother. No matter what perspective, he couldn't let this guy like it.

Political struggle is more cruel than the battlefield. There is no room for slackness or kindness, and no chance for opponents to make a comeback.

Zuo Zhong didn't know what happened in the police department and Zhongtong. He didn't have time to care about the moods of Lao Bai and Xu Enzeng now.

Hundreds of officials in the official residence and hundreds of related investigation targets. The details of each person and the trajectory of their actions at the time of the crime must be investigated and implemented one by one.

As for the three bonfires, it is also necessary to find targets that meet the screening conditions. In the case of members of the air defense force being poisoned, the suspects also need to be identified.

Faced with numerous investigation tasks, the First and Second Intelligence Divisions were so busy that they turned the mountain city upside down with the cooperation of the police and Ge Laohui.

Population registration on the surface, information probing behind the scenes, countless wanted criminals were arrested, and some things hidden under the water were gradually revealed.    Three days later.

 In the study room of Huangshan's official residence, Wu Chunyang and Wu Jingzhong, Gu Qi, Song Minghao and Gui Youguang from the second place were sitting attentively, preparing to report their respective gains.

Zuo Zhong, who was at the top, looked at a few people, spread out his notebook, tapped the table twice with his pen, and ordered to start from the first place.

“Chunyang, please tell me the situation first.”

 “Yes, deputy seat.”

Wu Chunyang opened a document and said in a positive tone: "According to your instructions, the first thing Lao Wu and I did was to determine whether the officials of the official residence had the possibility of entering and leaving the official residence privately.

After investigation, this possibility is very small. The official residence is staffed 24 hours a day, and there are guards patrolling continuously. Unless they can become invisible, no one can leave secretly without being noticed.

To be on the safe side, I also communicated with the attendants’ office and asked several reliable guards from Zhejiang Province for private inquiries. We got the same answer from them.

 This means that the entry and exit records of the official residence are complete and credible. Based on this premise, we started follow-up work, that is, investigating the outings of the official residence members and their relatives. "

 At this point, he lowered his head to look at the contents of the document, then raised his head and said.

“According to statistics, except for the several directors of the Attendant’s Office who often go out for official duties, a total of 86 people have left the Huangshan official residence since the commission and his wife moved into it before the incident.

  Specific include: 26 all handymen, 46 all clerks, and 14 some bodyguards. The reason for going out is without exception, all to visit family members.

We, together with Bai Wenzhi and Sun Renyi from Ge Laohui, checked the movement trajectories and family backgrounds of these 86 people one by one, and found that 3 people were lying.

One of them had a false reason for going out, one person had a problem with his contact, and one person's whereabouts could not be verified. The remaining 83 people can basically be ruled out of suspicion.

Worried about alerting others, Lao Wu is leading people to follow and monitor the suspects all day long. The family members are also being watched by Brother Pao to prevent them from escaping or being silenced.

Deputy Chairman, Brother Hui is indeed well-informed, but if the other party colludes with the Japanese, will our doing so leak intelligence or alert others? "

Wu Chunyang briefly talked about the progress of the first branch, and also expressed his concerns. It was precisely because he was worried about leaking secrets that he suspended the southwestern spies.

Now that the military commander is directly cooperating with the Ge Laohui, isn't he wasting his efforts? Sometimes a trade-off must be made between intelligence channels and confidentiality.

 Zuo Zhong raised his fingers and waved his fingers after listening to his words, and patiently explained: "Chunyang, internal review and development of eyeliner are not contradictory.

 In addition to making use of them, I contacted Brother Laohui for other purposes. I won’t talk about this for now. You can keep it after the meeting. "


Wu Chunyang nodded, and then motioned to Wu Jingzhong to continue: "Old Wu, you are following the three suspicious persons. Now it is up to you to introduce the specific situation to the deputy seat."

 “Okay, Director.”

Wu Jingzhong quickly bowed his head to express his gratitude. He was secretly glad that he had a good boss. The military command had been restructured and upgraded. Compared with others, he, an outsider, needed the most credit.

After adjusting his mood slightly, he reported in an orderly manner: "The three suspects are handyman Qiu Dacai, clerk Xing Tie, and guard Fang Wei, all locals.

One of the suspects, Qiu Dacai, male, 34 years old, lives in Qiujia Village not far from the official residence. He is responsible for taking care of flowers and plants at the official residence. He has two parents and a 7-year-old son.

This person told the staff at the attendant's office that he wanted to go home, but according to inquiries from people at the Ge Laohui, he was seen going to a house in the main city with the door ajar, and it was unclear when he left.

We have found other witnesses whose confessions are consistent. The background of the half-open door is still being verified urgently. If there are any problems, we can arrest them at any time.

As for the No. 2 suspect, his name is Xing Tie, a 25-year-old native of Gambei County. His father is Brother Pao. He was killed due to a grudge against others in his early years. His mother died of illness. He only has a wife and no children at home.

Before the government moved westward, he worked in the Shancheng City Government and was good at writing, so he was seconded to the official residence. After his last visit to relatives, he told other colleagues that his wife was missing and called the police. "


At this time, Zuo Zhong interjected, his brows furrowed together, how could a good living person disappear, so he asked in confusion.

 “What did the police say?”

“There were no results. The Zibei County Police Station sent officers to investigate. Xing Tie’s family did not find any traces of a struggle. It was very clean, so the case was closed on the grounds that the other party had eloped.”

Wu Jingzhong shook his head helplessly. He couldn't expect the police in a county to continue investigating when there was neither blood nor a body.

Furthermore, Xing Tie is a senior civil servant of the government. The police have no time to curry favor with him, so how can they do their job carefully? Please note that there is no typo here.

— Don’t forget that there is a saying that promotion┴ makes you rich and you will die...right, it’s normal that the case can’t be found out. It’s better to do less than to do more.

Zuo Zhong cursed with a cold face: "They're a bunch of bugs. This person needs to be investigated carefully. Okay, go on, what's going on with suspect No. 3?"

“Yes, suspect number three, Fang Wei, is 22 years old. He joined the army at the age of 18 and served in the 88th Division. After moving westward, he was selected by the military to be sent to his official residence because he had excellent military skills and was a local.”

Wu Jingzhong took out a personnel file, pointed to a three-inch photo and said: "My job is to be responsible for the perimeter security of the official residence, and my daily performance is very good.

He went out to pay homage to his parents, who were doing business abroad and were killed by Brother Muddy Waters a few years ago. As a result, the matter went unsolved, which was why he left his hometown and joined the army.

The cemetery of Fang Wei's parents is located on a barren hill in the east of the South Bank. Our people went to see it. There were some traces of fruits and incense on the tombstone, and the surrounding weeds had also been cleared.

  However, the place was very remote, with no villages or households around it, and no witnesses could be found to prove his whereabouts that day. This matter requires further investigation and verification. "

 After listening carefully to Wu Jingzhong's report, Zuo Zhong put his arms on the table, crossed his hands in front of his mouth and thought for a few minutes, and then looked at Gu Qi and Song Minghao aside.

 (End of this chapter)

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