Cicada Moving

Chapter 913: Difficult to track

Chapter 913 Difficulty in tracking

 “The spring scenery is dominated by fairy clouds, and the fish on the water always have flowers on their bodies. The world does not think about rare flowers and plants, and competes to dye the red valerian on the gauze.”

This song "Begonia Creek" written by Xue Tao, a famous female poet in the Tang Dynasty, talks about the misty rain of crabapples in the twelve scenes of the mountain city, which is also the origin of the name of Haitang Creek Pier.

It's a pity that the vast sea of ​​crabapple flowers, as red as fairy clouds, has long since disappeared during the Republic of China. Only on the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar every month, when the big bamboo shoots are poured into the stream, the Zhu Xi shines, and the bamboo water bursts into blooming begonia shapes, which can be recalled. The beauty of the past.

Gui Youguang was sitting on the ferry and happened to witness this scene. The raging waves crashed into mist in the air and turned into colorful crabapple flowers in the sunlight.

Even though they often walk on both sides of the strait, these spectacles still arouse the amazement of all the passengers. Even the knowledgeable boatman gently rocked the oar and slowed down the boat to watch it quietly.

Beautiful things are always fleeting, and soon Zangmian returned to normal. The ferry continued to sail towards the main urban area of ​​​​the mountain city on the other side. At this time, hundreds of people were vying for water in Zangmian, which was very lively.

According to the latest statistics from the national government, there are more than 3,000 ferries and barges in the mountain city. This does not include unregistered black boats. The water is crowded and tragedies of boat crashes and fatalities can occur if you are not careful.

Under the careful control of the boatman, the ferry avoided the hidden reefs, shoals and accompanying boats, just like a flexible fish passing through the Yangtze River and quickly approaching the shore of the Yangtze River.

When he was still more than ten meters away from the shore, he quickly ran to the mast and lowered the sail. He turned around and pushed the boat sideways. The speed of the ferry quickly slowed down, and the impatient passengers got up and crowded towards the bow.

 “Stand firm~”

While the boat was gliding, the boatman opened his right hand and put it to his mouth and shouted. The man accompanying the boat held a small iron bucket and spoke various auspicious words to ask for the fare from the passengers.

The people present smiled and took out the change from their pockets and put it into the bucket. Gui Youguang, who was dressed as a villager, counted a few legal notes of one dime denomination several times before reluctantly handing them over.

By the time he turned around and escaped from the crowd, wherever the target was, the target had already thrown away the boat fare, got off the boat and quickly left without a trace.

Gui Youguang is not in a hurry. The boatmen are all members of the military command. The location where the ferry docks is part of their plan. Naturally, the responders on the shore will be responsible for the target.

He calmly got off the ship among the passengers, walked around a small market formed by the ferry, and cleaned up behind him as a habit.

After wandering around for more than ten minutes, a small agent dressed as a villager came with the news. After the target completed counter-tracking, he found a mountain sedan and moved towards the main city.

Gui Youguang nodded slightly, ordered the other party to continue to guard the market, and then walked into a forest alone. When he appeared again, he had changed his clothes.

With a shiny wig and black-rimmed glasses, a half-worn suit, and a badly worn briefcase, he is no different from a clerk in a mountain city business or government.

 Touched the fake beard on his face, he walked outside the market and saw a dozen mountain sedans parked in the open space. He immediately waved for one and sat on it and said.

 “Go to the city.”

  “Yes, team leader.”

The bearer in front of him responded in a low voice, and then called his companions behind him. The two agents disguised as bearers exerted their strength on their shoulders, and the mountain sedan made of bamboo was steadily lifted.

 Because in mountain cities, except for a few roads in the urban area that are slightly flat and can accommodate vehicles, the rest of the branch roads are mostly uneven, and the small streets and alleys are even narrower.

 In addition, there are countless steps in the city, making it difficult for rickshaws and bicycles to pass. The wharves in Qian'an are steeply sloped, and the long stone staircases have no more than a hundred steps.

In such a place, only a mountain sedan that is light and flexible and can travel on both small and large roads can be used calmly. This kind of thing is very common in the local area and is also called a sliding pole.

 In these difficult times when the war is getting increasingly tense, the unemployed population is increasing, and fuel is scarce, there is no means of transportation that is more suitable for mountainous terrain.

The little spies carried Gui Youguang straight to the city, and shouted questions and reports about the road conditions ahead. The loud voices resounded through the mountains and forests.

 Gui Youguang lay on the sliding pole and closed his eyes slightly, pretending to sleep, but in fact he was staring at the target on the mountain road high up, his heart agitated.

  It is a challenge for any intelligence organization to follow closely in a mountain city. This place is long from east to west, with several circles of roads, and short from north to south, but there are countless slopes in the middle.

 The gap caused by the high and low altitudes makes the terrain of the mountain city extremely complex, forming a three-dimensional city that is completely different from other places.

For example, after traveling all over the country for so many years, he has heard directional pronouns such as southeast, northwest, and northwest, but he has never heard of using up, down, left, and right to represent the location of a certain place.

 But this is very normal in a mountain city. In such an environment, not to mention outsiders like them, even locals will go wrong when they go to unfamiliar places.

If you still follow the idea of ​​​​a flat city, it will be easy to be exposed and lost, and it will also be dangerous, because you don't know whether there is a road behind a wall or a ravine tens of meters deep.

Recalling the map of the mountain city that was like a mess, my bald head was buzzing with melon seeds, and I felt that my headache was even worse than when I used a plane to track Japanese spies in Jinling.

Even if he could fly, he couldn't guarantee 100% that he wouldn't miss the target here. Thinking of this, he glanced at the target that was about to cross the top of the mountain and ordered to speed up.

The two little spies didn't say anything when they heard the sound. They quickly climbed up the mountain with the sliding poles, and it didn't take long to reach the peak several hundred meters high.

Looking below the peak, there are several winding roads that lead to unknown places. There are trees covering the road, and the target is completely lost.

Gui Youguang carefully observed his surroundings. When he saw the path on the far left, his eyes lit up. He lightly kicked the left shoulder of the little agent in front to signal him to turn left. He felt relieved. Someone drew a special symbol on a big tree by the road. This was a secret code used during the Secret Service period, and only senior intelligence personnel in the military could understand it.

This shows that the response personnel should keep up with the target. It is not easy. If it is in the Pingyuan area, it would be so troublesome. They can find the enemy's traces by finding a commanding height.

The kicked little agent understood, shouted the sign to turn left, turned left and stepped onto the uneven stone road, entering a dark forest.

Even though it is winter, the cedar trees on both sides of the road are still green, and the spring water flows down the mountainside. If it were not for the strong mountain wind, walking along it would be quite wild.

Gui Youguang on the sliding pole was thinking about how to defend himself if the Japanese ambushed here. Burning Qin and Boiling Crane was the kind of person he was talking about.

Under his command, the mountain sedan went down the mountain along the winding road, and sometimes went up the mountain for seven or eight miles. This was thanks to the secret signals left by the responders on various forks in the road.

I don’t know how long it took, but the little agent, who was not red-faced and out of breath, carried the mountain sedan down to a platform. Under the platform was the Chaotianmen Pier located at the easternmost end of Shancheng City.

The long steps are full of travelers carrying luggage. In the distance, there are rafts and sails standing in the distance, boats are passing by, and shops are densely packed along the shore. It is indeed a prosperous place like a mountain city.

 But the target was nowhere to be seen, and must have been hidden among the pedestrians. Such a busy place is perfect for anti-tracking, and the transportation is convenient and easy to move.

With a thought in his heart, Gui Youguang stepped down from the sedan chair, took out his wallet, took out a few legal coins and handed them to the young agent, making arrangements in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

“Send someone to keep an eye on all ferries from Shancheng to Zhangbei. If you find a target, report it to me immediately. No one is allowed to act rashly.”

  He is not sure where the target is going to meet. All possibilities must be considered. If the other party crosses the river again, he must deal with it in advance.


 The little agent collected the money and left in a mountain sedan with his companions, and soon disappeared on the street.

After returning home, Youguang slowly came to a tea shop and sat down to order a cup of tea. He looked at the crowded pier and sipped the tea silently, patiently waiting for news from other people.

From Haitang River to the other side, the military commander deployed many spies to monitor, but there were none in the urban area and Chaotianmen. Now the enemy was in the dark, and every movement was worse than silence.

The wait lasted for half an hour. Just when he thought he had lost his target, a salesman shaking a rattle walked past the tea shop and gestured in a direction with his other hand.

 The target has appeared!

 Gui Youguang, who had experienced countless cases, was not excited. He calmly drank the tea in the cup, dropped the tea money and walked slowly out to follow the location indicated by the salesman.

As a result, after walking less than fifty meters, he encountered five different forked roads, leading to different heights and directions. He finally knew how the name Mountain City came from.

 “I’m selling oil and glutinous rice~”

Suddenly, a shout of hawking came from one of the forked roads, and two bangs sounded at the same time. This was a warning. Gui Youguang's heart tightened and he walked into the other forked road without hesitation.

At the same time, a person walked out of the side road where the cries of sales were heard. He was the target of Gui Youguang's trip. The other person's eyes were fixed on his back and he followed him without hesitation.

The two of them were walking in the alley one after another. The patter of footsteps passed back and forth between the tall and narrow walls, which made people's hearts beat faster.

 Gui Youguang, who was walking in front, knew that he was careless this time. He followed others but was followed by others. If this matter spread, where would he lose his face?

What's even more troublesome is that not only can he not counter-track, he can't keep walking. He must have a destination, otherwise the target will definitely become suspicious. These Japanese spies are really cunning.

He quickly thought about countermeasures in his mind, and finally decided that if there was really no other way, he would just find a random household outside the spy's sight, knock on the door, and forcibly control the owner to deceive the target.

With a way to deal with it, Gui Youguang smiled coldly and slowly accelerated his pace, gradually opening a distance of forty or fifty meters from the target.

This distance is just right. If it is too far, it will easily arouse suspicion. If it is too close, it will seem too fake. After all, the footsteps are so loud that unless you are deaf, you will not be able to hear them.

Moreover, when meeting strangers in such a remote place, people’s normal reaction is to keep distance, and it would be more realistic to show a little vigilance.

After determining the approximate distance between the two, Gui Youguang focused on the houses on both sides of the alley, especially the small houses with single houses.

 The reason is simple. The bigger the house, the more residents there are, and the more difficult it is to control.

He is alone now and must control everyone in the room in the shortest possible time. If someone shouts at him, it will be directly exposed.

 Unfortunately, most of the places here are large courtyards. As he was about to walk out of the alley, he still couldn't find a suitable target.

Oh no!

Gui Youguang looked at the "T"-shaped intersection at the end of the alley with a gloomy expression on his face. He began to hesitate whether to arrest the person directly, as that would still have a chance to solve the case.

Just when he was in a dilemma, a man suddenly passed the intersection from right to left. His profile looked familiar. Gui Youguang's eyes widened and he thought to himself: How could it be this guy...

 I revised the outline until the morning and almost didn’t finish it. I was tired.

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