Cicada Moving

Chapter 939: stolen

Chapter 939 Theft

The news that the Zuo family had obtained a "magic medicine" called penicillin spread quickly. Zuo Zhong's phone calls didn't stop that day, and gods from all walks of life called to inquire about the matter.

For example, the old principal Zhu Liuxian and Minister Song, who is known as his brother, even mentioned someone in the intelligence system's daily routine report casually, meaning to ask if it could be copied.

However, after Zuo emphasized that this medicine was related to the commander-in-chief of the United States, the other party immediately stopped and said that it was only related to the international perspective. This person is always so considerate and good-hearted.

This shows how great the influence of penicillin is. People who knew him and didn't know him all rushed towards Zuo Zhong. These guys with red eyes who wanted to get rich were not afraid of the military commander at this time.

“Okay, Lao Yang, I’ll let you know if there’s any news.”

As evening approached, Zuo Zhong sat in the office holding a microphone with a helpless expression. He skillfully made a number of empty promises and finally managed to stabilize Deputy Director Yang who came after hearing the news.

 After hanging up the phone, he slumped in a chair with a painful expression. He couldn't live this day. Anyone who dared to call the military commander directly was either a friend or a big shot. It was hard to offend anyone.

Zuo Zhong, who was getting angrier as he thought about it, raised his hand and slammed the table. The loud sound drew Gui Youguang in from outside the door. Daguang stood at the door with a vigilant face and looked inside.

When Pingshi had no tasks, he would serve as a guard for Zuo Zhong. After spending a lot of time in the big dye vat of the officialdom, Gui Youguang learned how to flatter others without any teacher.

 “Vice-seat, are you okay?”


Hearing the other party's inquiry, Zuo Zhong replied angrily, then rubbed his numb hands and ordered: "Prepare the car. You accompany me to Renxin Hospital. I have an account to settle with Ling Sanping." Calculate."

Looking at the furious deputy director, Gui Youguang didn't dare to ask any more questions. He retracted his head and called for a taxi. At the same time, he silently prayed for poor Dr. Ling. He was really in trouble this time.

It is true that intelligence agencies cannot keep secrets, but this refers to insignificant news such as gossip and personnel appointments, and it does not include top-secret information like penicillin.

Now that drug information has been leaked in Renxin Hospital, Ling Sanping, as the director, cannot absolve himself of the blame. According to the military family law, confinement is inevitable, and it is normal for him to be sentenced to several years for trouble.

With a worried look on his face, Gui Youguang stood beside the car and held on to the upper edge of the door. After Zuo Zhong got into the car, he sat in the driver's seat and stepped on the accelerator. The car quickly drove to Shancheng Alley near Nanji Gate in the main urban area of ​​Shancheng.

Renxin Hospital moved from Jinling to Shancheng, but it has been suffering from the lack of suitable business premises. As a hospital, it must first have convenient transportation to facilitate the transfer of the wounded.

 There must be a large enough area, otherwise it will not be able to accommodate hundreds of medical staff, bulky equipment, and an increasing number of patients.

 Finally, there must be complete power supply, warehouses that meet drug storage conditions, etc. The surrounding environment is relatively quiet, which is conducive to the treatment and recovery of the sick and wounded.

 Obviously, Luojiawan, where the Military Command Bureau is stationed, does not meet these requirements. First of all, there are hoarse shouts and gunfire of executing prisoners all year round, and pedestrians passing by there have to avoid it.

It was too dangerous for the patient to live there. He was not beaten to death by the Japanese on the battlefield, but was frightened to death by his own people when he returned to the rear. If this news spread, the Japanese would probably laugh out loud.

Therefore, after searching for a while, Ling Sanping chose Renai Church, the main church or home of the French Catholic Church in Shancheng Diocese, as the new office space of Renxin Hospital.

This is a missionary hospital that includes a large number of unused rooms such as a church and a priest’s dormitory. It is also the first Western-style hospital in the mountain city. It was opened in the late years of the previous dynasty and has a long-standing reputation in the local area.

However, fame is of no use. After several "visits" by military commanders pretending to be gangsters, and the tense situation between China and Japan, the Catholic Diocese of Yamacheng decisively evacuated and gave up this place.

Because of this, someone's wife who believed in Christianity got angry and scolded Lao Dai, which made Zuo Chong very embarrassed. He had no choice but to offend Zuo Chong, who has been the worst offender since ancient times.

Thinking of this, Zuo Zhong became even more angry when he looked at Ren'ai Hall at the end of the bluestone steps. Ling Sanping, Ling Sanping, this is how you repay me, you heartless bastard.

"Gui Youguang, secretly seal the hospital. I must find the mole today!" He gave an order fiercely, then walked up the steps towards Renxin Hospital.

"Deputy Director."

 “Vice seat!”

 The staff in the hospital and the patients walking in the yard saluted Zuo Zhong when they saw him, but Zuo Zhong was not in the mood to show off right now, so he nodded and left quickly with a dark face.

Behind him, Gui Youguang immediately arranged for personnel to take over the security work, and asked everyone to return to the ward and office. They were not allowed to go out without orders. Violators would be punished as collaborators.

Such a big movement naturally cannot be hidden from anyone. Everyone in the hospital is an expert. They knew at a glance that something had happened and that an internal review was going to be conducted. Everyone was a little uneasy.

Besides, Zuo Zhong walked to the door of an office under the leadership of a small agent. He opened the door expressionlessly and saw Ling Sanping who was working with his head down in the room.

The other party looked up when he heard the voice, and when he realized it was Zuo Zhong, he stood up directly and said in an excited tone: "Deputy Director Zuo, why are you free to come to my place today? The medicine you brought is so amazing.

Did you know that it can treat pneumonia, tuberculosis, meningitis, endocarditis, diphtheria, anthrax, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, scarlet fever and a series of other diseases that are originally terminal diseases? This is the greatest invention of the twentieth century. The person who discovered penicillin must be a lucky guy. Deputy Director Zuo, it is very important if the field staff can find a way to get the manufacturing method back.

With this medicine, the survival rate of injured soldiers can be increased by at least 50% or even higher. Even in the peace period, it can save countless patients and benefit the people. We must master it. "

Ling Sanping's eyes were full of bloodshot eyes and he seemed a little excited. He didn't give Zuo Zhong a chance to speak. He kept talking about the importance of penicillin and made requests.

Zuo Zhong, who was originally angry, didn't know whether to be angry or helpless when he saw him like this. After a moment of silence, Zuo Zhong sat on a chair and told the other party about the leaked news of Penicillin.

“Dr. Ling, let’s talk about making your own medicine later. The current situation is that people know about penicillin. People from the government, the military, and academia are all asking me for medicine.

The old man got this from abroad. Wherever I go to get medicine for them, once I offend these people, the bureau chief and I will suffer. How do you keep it confidential?

How many people in Renxin Hospital know about the existence of penicillin? Make a list for me and go through them one by one. Be sure to find out the source of the leak and deal with them. "

Zuo Zhong's face was full of murderous intent. He asked himself that his opponent's subordinates, including members of the operational system and the hospital, were very friendly, but there were still people who leaked information to the outside world. What could such an ignorant white-eyed wolf do if he didn't kill them?

 The news leaked?

Ling Sanping couldn't believe it. When Gui Youguang came to deliver the medicine, he specifically told him to keep it confidential. The doctors who participated in the drug experiment were all carefully selected by him and had very reliable backgrounds.

Having worked in the Secret Service for several years, even if he was no longer interested in intelligence work, he still learned a lot of useful things. During the entire experiment, he did not find anything suspicious.

  After thinking for a few seconds, he lowered his head and wrote four names on the paper. While handing it to Zuo Zhong, he solemnly said: "Besides me, there are four medical staff who know the existence of penicillin.

I am willing to accept internal review, but these people are all business experts from Renxin Hospital. They joined the military to serve the country. Otherwise, they could have worked in places with higher incomes.

 You must not let them and other patriotic people feel cold. You must not treat them the same way you treat Japanese spies. And without them, the hospital will be paralyzed. "

 “Don’t worry, I will handle it carefully.”

Leo Key nodded. Strictly speaking, Renxin Hospital was under the direct jurisdiction of the General Affairs Office and Lao Dai. It was really inconvenient for him to use methods against these people without going to the bureau meeting.

It’s not that it’s impossible, but every organization has its own internal rules. The consequences of breaking the rules will be serious. Some things are enjoyable, but you must also bear the backlash.

 After saying that, Zuo Zhong stood up and prepared to ask the four people for questioning. However, Gui Youguang walked into the room in a hurry and told a piece of news that shocked the two of them.

“500g of penicillin is missing from the pharmacy!”


 Zuo Zhong, who was still angry, heard the news and kicked the sofa hard, knocking the leather and solid wood sofa two or three meters away.

  Since when has the military command become like a secret service headquarters? People can come and leave whenever they want. It really seems like a public toilet! Does he want someone to lose face?

Furthermore, even closely guarded medicines can be taken away. Does that mean that as long as the other party is willing, they can poison the wounded's medicine, or take away the suspect who is temporarily detained in the hospital?

Moreover, Zuo Jun brought back less than 5000g of penicillin in total, which was the Zuo family's production for several months. If it were sold to Zheng Tingbing, the price would be at least several times the weight of gold.

As a result, one-tenth of the number was taken away at once, which was equivalent to the loss of dozens of small yellow croakers. What’s more serious is that this incident will make people doubt the ability of the military commander.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, Zuo Zhong turned around sharply and stared at Ling Sanping with a knife-like gaze: "Do the four suspects who know the penicillin and the personnel who have the right to enter the pharmacy overlap?"

The pharmacy of Renxin Hospital contains medicines for gunshot wounds such as Baiyao and sulfonamides. The custody of these medicines is very strict and there are not many people who can come into contact with them. The person who steals the medicines should be easy to identify.

As a result, Ling Sanping said calmly: "This is impossible. The pharmacy is on duty 24 hours a day, and there are records of the outbound and inbound medicines. Guards will also be monitoring the entire process.

Besides, because of the importance of penicillin, I put it in the wooden refrigerator (Easter Egg) in the pharmacy. There are only two keys, one key is with me and the other is with the captain.

   Captain Gui, like me, must have not lent the key to anyone, and would not be stupid enough to keep it secret, because once the incident comes to light, the two of us will be the first suspects. "

 “Yes, Deputy Director.”

Gui Youguang next to him nodded and confirmed what the other party said. Important items related to work and tasks are not allowed to be borrowed without authorization. This is the most basic rule of confidentiality.

After speaking, both of them took out a copper key from their trouser pockets. Zuo Zhong took it and looked at it. After confirming that there were no traces of technical replication, he held the key tightly in his hand and raised his head and said.

 “Let’s go and see the scene!”

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