Cicada Moving

Chapter 947: spit

Chapter 947 Spitting

Jiaochangkou in the evening is more lively than during the day. Even if there are Japanese planes bombing, there are still many pedestrians and businesses in the surrounding streets, but the thousands of lights are missing.

Wearing a green electric lighting company uniform and holding a horizontal ladder in his hand, Wu Chunyang appeared slowly outside the yard where Lin Yuan's safe house was located.

"You guys are here. The air defense regulations do not allow us to open the curtains. We can only rely on electric lights at night, and the wiring is often broken. Please repair it quickly."

The landlord stood at the door of the backyard and complained loudly to Wu Chunyang. He moved his body slightly to the left to move away from the viewing and shooting angle, and kept winking to indicate that the target was still in the house.

Wu Chunyang shook his head imperceptibly. The other party's reaction was still too deliberate. If Lin Yuan was secretly observing from the side, it might be exposed.

But for a layman who has only received half a day of training, you can't ask too much. If the opponent can perform like this, it is considered qualified, at least he didn't pee his pants in fear.

He casually took out a cigarette and put it behind his ear, chatted with the landlord in Shancheng dialect, and then, led by the landlord, he swaggered outside the safe house.

The landlord was still standing on the side of the door, knocked **** the door, and called out: "Mr. Wang, open the door, the people from the electric lighting company are here. You haven't had dinner yet, why don't you go and let me make up a meal for you?"

After saying what the agent asked him to say, he swallowed and wanted to step back, but when he saw the murderous look in Wu Chunyang's eyes, he had no choice but to stand there and wait for a reply.


"Ahem...cough, thank you very much, but Wang has a cold in his body, so I won't bother him."

The door slowly opened. Lin Yuan, who looked different from the reward photo, put his fist in front of his mouth and coughed twice. He hid his body behind the heavy door panel and declined the landlord's kindness.

While speaking, Lin Yuan looked at Wu Chunyang with a natural expression. Wu Chunyang casually placed the ladder against the wall, took out a cigarette from behind his ear and lit it.

“Ah, why are you so polite? We are all children of Qiuhu. We are afraid of the cold weather. Come on, come on. I’ll ask my mother-in-law to make you a bowl of cold-repelling soup. I’ll make sure you’re sweating after drinking it.”

The landlord thought about Agent Gou's ancestors in his heart, suppressed his fear and pulled Lin Yuan away, and continued to persuade: "Let the people from the electric lighting company repair the line, and we can chat while eating."

During this period, Wu Chunyang did not look at the two of them, nor did he get close. Instead, he took two steps back and started checking the wires in the yard, showing no interest in the conversation next to them.

Over there, Lin Yuan seemed to be dragged out of the safe house by the landlord before he could react. The two of them walked towards the front yard, pushing and shoving, where the landlord had his business and residence.

Wu Chunyang glanced at them and ignored them, continuing to repair the lines. His task today was to determine whether the target was in a safe house. Others would be responsible for other tasks.

The landlord and Lin Yuan were chatting and laughing as they walked to the door separating the backyard and the front yard. The landlord raised the curtain and politely let Lin Yuan go first. This was the way to treat guests. Lin Yuan nodded happily.

But just when Lin Yuan was about to cross the threshold, the curtain suddenly fell down to cover his face, and then a fist hit his liver hard through the curtain.

 The liver is one of the most important organs in humans. It is located in the upper part of the right rib and is protected by the ribs. Its pain will be fed back to the brain through the vagus nerve.

  This is the longest and most widely distributed group of nerves in the human brain. It contains sensory, action and parasympathetic nerve fibers and is in charge of human heartbeat, sweating and language functions.

 It is an important passage connecting the brain and body organs. If the vagus nerve is greatly stimulated, it will cause blood pressure to drop and heartbeat to slow down.

 Low blood pressure and heart rate drop will result in insufficient blood and oxygen supply to the brain. At this time, the body will give priority to protecting the brain and choose coma, because the falling position can facilitate the return of blood to the brain.

However, Lin Yuan was not unconscious. Although his liver was severely damaged, he resisted the huge pain and pushed forward with force in an attempt to rush out of the warehouse.

The agents were well prepared for this. Gui Youguang, who had just punched, approached the target, turned his hands into fists and raised them high, hitting both sides of the opponent's head with moderate force.

This is also a vulnerable position of the human body. Lin Yuan's head buzzed and his vision turned black. He lay crookedly and limply on the ground. He was immediately pressed down tightly by several spies.

“Search me! Put on handcuffs and shackles.”

Gui Youguang slowly retracted his hand and ordered coldly, and at the same time he was completely relieved. This operation went unexpectedly smoothly, and the originally planned fight did not happen at all.

Under his supervision, the little agent skillfully checked Lin Yuan's body and found a sharp knife on his lower back. I don't know why Lin Yuan didn't use it.

At such a close distance, the lethality of the knife was not much less than that of a gun. The frightened little agent put on a weapon, a hood, and a gag, and then carried Lin Yuan away from the scene quickly.

Seeing that the agents were about to leave, the landlord next to him hesitated to speak. The military commander had not yet given the 3,000 French currency promised in the newspaper. No matter how small a fly was, it was just a piece of meat, not to mention that the money was not a small amount.

Wu Chunyang laughed angrily. Some people just want money rather than their lives. In this case, don't blame them for being unethical. Don't you know that there is a way of dealing with things called settling accounts after the fall.

On the surface, he took out a wad of banknotes and threw it to the landlord, and left quickly with the other party's gratitude. As for Lin Yuan's residence, professional evidence collectors would come to clean it up.

 The 500g of penicillin that was stolen should have been transferred, but in case Lin has not had time to hand it over to the top line, a thorough search of the safe house must be carried out. At the Third Water Plant a few hundred meters away, Zuo Zhong saw all this, with neither sadness nor joy on his face. He turned around and got into the car and ordered the driver to return to the Military Command Headquarters at No. 29 Luojiawan.

When Zuo Zhong returned to the station, he happened to see Lin Yuan heading to the interrogation room under the control of special agents. The medicine had been stolen for several days. They needed to pry open each other's mouth as soon as possible and retrieve the penicillin.

After a while of preparation, he walked into the detention center with Wu Chunyang, Wu Jingzhong, and Gui Youguang, and met Lin Yuan in a dark room.

The other party was locked in the interrogation chair, but he was in good mental condition. He even smiled and nodded when he saw Zuo Zhong coming in. This shows that his mental quality is very good.

Wu Chunyang was heartbroken. The people he was most afraid of meeting during interrogation were this kind of people. They were confident and confident. Ordinary intimidation and torture would not work on them.

Facing Lin Yuan's greetings or provocations, Zuo Zhong showed no expression and did not respond. He sat on a chair and took a sip from his water glass, then opened a newspaper and read it.

He didn't speak, and the other three didn't speak either. They were doing their own thing silently. Wu Chunyang opened the file, Wu Jingzhong played with the lamp, and Gui Youguang took out all the torture instruments.

Lin Yuan remained calm in the face of this scene. He put his hands on the table in front of the interrogation chair and looked at the agent in front of him leisurely and contentedly, without any fear.

In this way, both the interrogator and the interrogated party remained silent and did not interfere with each other. The interrogation room became extremely harmonious.

I don’t know how long it took, but Lin Yuan seemed a little tired. He leaned back slightly and entered the interrogation room. The person being interrogated was naturally in a weak position. It is inevitable to feel tired after a long confrontation, even if the agent did nothing.

Zuo Zhong glanced at the opponent with his peripheral vision and nodded slightly to Wu Chunyang. Wu Chunyang immediately understood, stood up and walked to the target, giving the opponent the file on the drug theft case in his hand.

Lin Yuan looked up at the dossier and looked up with doubts in his eyes, but Wu Chunyang ignored him and turned around and returned to his seat. The room fell into an eerie silence again.

 Actually, there is nothing to say about this case. There are both witnesses and material evidence, and a complete chain of evidence has been formed. Lin Yuan can be convicted solely by the evidence that the military commander has now.

Zuo Zhong wanted to tell the other party in this way that what he cared about was not the case, but the secret behind the case. Whether he lived or died, the choice was in the other party's hands.

People can often withstand the pressure from others, but they cannot withstand the pressure from the heart. They use self-pressure to break through self-protection, such as using the spear of the son and attacking the shield of the son.

 Zuo Zhong has always disliked the use of torture. It is too low-level. Only people with simple minds and well-developed limbs like to use it. The psychological game is more effective.

Sure enough, after reading the dossier, Lin Yuan lost his original composure. He unconsciously retracted his feet, sat upright, frowned a little bit, and his eyes were a little wandering.

Wu Chunyang and Wu Jingzhong secretly rejoiced. The fact that the target did not deny the accusation showed that he was hesitant. Once his will began to waver, it was only a matter of time before he confessed.


Zuo Zhong looked at the watch on his wrist slowly. The second hand rotated rapidly. More than half an hour passed quickly. Lin Yuan wanted to open his mouth several times but closed it again.

It can be seen that he is in a dilemma. On the one hand, he wants to survive, but on the other hand, he is full of uneasiness or guilt about betrayal. He is only one step away from surrender.

Just when Lin Yuan raised his head again, Zuo Zhong suddenly said: "Mr. Lin, Zuo will call you that for now, after all, the real Lin Yuan has died of illness, right.

 Let us open the window and speak openly, tell me your identity, online and where the medicine is, and I can save you from death, otherwise you will only end up dead.

I'm not threatening you, I'm just stating a fact. Who told you the location of the freezer? Don't try to deny it. We are all professionals. There is no point in denying it.

 Don't pretend to be a tough guy. When my men arrest you, you have every chance to use the knife to resist or commit suicide, but all you want is to escape because you want to live. "

 While speaking, Zuo Zhong's fingers tapped on the table, getting faster and faster. The thumping sound seemed to hit everyone's hearts, making people feel breathless.

Lin Yuan raised his arm and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with his sleeve. Zuo Zhong's last words were like the straw that broke the camel's back, completely breaking his psychological defense.

He slowly closed his eyes and revealed his identity: "I am willing to cooperate. I am a member of the Shancheng Underground Party Intelligence Team, codenamed Yuangui. I have already handed over the medicine to my superiors.

The meeting place was Chuqimen. There were many refugees and patrolmen around at that time. We only said a few words and ended the meeting. After that, I hid in the safe house at Jiaochangkou and never went out again. "


Wu Chunyang, Wu Jingzhong and Gui Youguang almost cursed, they turned out to be dissidents. Don't even think about making money now, they might have to fight to the death with those red heads.

Zuo Zhong on the side showed a smile, walked up to Lin Yuan with his hands behind his back, lowered his head and said in a kind voice: "Okay, as the saying goes, those who understand the current affairs are heroes. Welcome Mr. Lin to abandon the darkness and turn to the light!"

 (End of this chapter)

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