Cicada Moving

Chapter 953: It doesn’t taste right!

Chapter 953 It doesn’t taste right!


 It was built during the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty. It was located due south of the mountain city and connected the upper and lower half of the city. The four characters "jintang yonggu" are written on its main gate, which means that the city is as solid as a golden soup and can never be broken. The barbican city faces the upper reaches of Changjiang to the west.

The two cars started from Luojiawan, detoured south to Changbian, and rushed along the narrow Yanjiang Highway to a pingfang area next to Chuqimen City Gate. More than a dozen people got off the car one after another. personal.

“Deputy Director Xu, is Ji Boxian’s residence here?”

Wu Chunyang stood at the entrance of the alley in Pingfang District. He glanced at Xu Enzeng, whose eyes were not eyes and his nose was not a nose. He asked a question in surprise.

According to the safe house selection criteria, the safe house should indeed be built in a densely populated area to facilitate cover and escape, but the population in this place is a bit too much.

It is said that many people have many eyes. If the enemy knew that Ji Boxian was here, it would be easy to figure out the location of the safe house and the configuration of personnel and weapons. The Central Military Commission should not be so amateurish.

After thinking about it, Wu Chunyang was really not sure. When he was in Jinling, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China placed underground party traitors in a quiet place like Quanyechang, feeling that they were afraid that they would not die.

When Xu Enzeng on the other side heard his question, he smiled mysteriously and said nothing. He took the lead and walked deeper into the alley. Nearby residents walked by from time to time along the way.

While walking through an intersection, Wu Chunyang inadvertently glanced at the crowd and happened to see an acquaintance who was not an acquaintance. The other person's expression naturally turned into a fork in the road.

 Francois Huang.

When they were carrying out the sabotage mission in Jicheng, the associate manager of the foreign bank in the French Concession whom they met, when did this person come to the mountain city, Wu Chunyang couldn't help but have a doubt in his heart.

But he soon put this matter behind him. It was normal for a businessman to run around. Moreover, after the Japanese occupied Qicheng, life for the French was not easy.

As a neutral country, the French Concession became an isolated island in the occupied area. Thousands of refugees poured into the French Concession to escape the atrocities of the Japanese army. According to statistics from the military commander, there were more than 100,000 citizens and expatriates from various countries hiding here.

The Japanese built trenches and barbed wire and fortifications outside the concession, tightly surrounding the French Concession. Food and drinking water for so many people became a big problem, which made the Gallic Roosters very anxious.

At the end of last year, on the birthday of the dead ghost Meiji, also known as the Meiji Festival, the Japanese army held a grand military parade and entry ceremony, and held a distant worship ceremony in the direction of Tokyo.

In order to please the Japanese, the French sailors organized a band to join in the fun, but it was of no use. The Japanese tightened the perimeter blockade, as if they wanted to surround the concession.

So all the residents of the French Concession who had connections and means had fled, so it was not surprising that François Huang came to the mountain city. The two places were not far apart, and maybe the other party could restart his original business.

While thinking, the group came to a few broken houses without walls. Wu Chunyang vaguely felt a few prying eyes and stopped suddenly in front of the door.

He raised his head and looked around, and found that there was a small courtyard with high walls in the front, back and left of the house. It seemed that the wall had just been built not long ago, and the height was much higher than ordinary walls.

No wonder Xu Enzeng set up the safe house here. It turned out to be loose on the outside and tight on the inside. If he guessed correctly, these four courtyards should be inhabited by Central Unification agents. Wu Chunyang gave a thumbs up and praised.

"Deputy Director Xu is very scheming. If the underground party sends people to silence him, I'm afraid he will be discovered before he even gets close to Ji Boxian. Doesn't it cost your bureau a lot of money to purchase and renovate these yards?"

There is a reason why he said this. The floating population in mountain cities is increasing day by day. Despite frequent bombings, housing prices are getting higher and higher. Even though this area is full of flat houses, buying a house is expensive.

Xu Enzeng laughed loudly, with a look of pride on his face: "Without spending money, now that Japanese spies and dissidents are rampant, in order to better complete the tasks assigned by the superiors, we can only suffer the hardships of the people.

These houses were all forcibly requisitioned. Of course, we also arranged housing for the original residents and gave them a temporary residence in a military camp in the Zhangbei area. We must be considerate of the people. "

Wu Chunyang really wanted to ask the other party how shameless he was, moving from the urban area of ​​​​Shancheng City to Zhangbei, or a military camp. If the Central Commander-in-Chief had no means to threaten those residents, he would not believe it even if he was beaten to death.

However, the Central Military Commission has never been particular about its work. Unlike the Secret Service and the Military Command, which requisitioned houses, they would give certain compensation to the homeowners. As expected, the upper beam was not straight and the lower beam was crooked, and there was no way to save it.

Xu Enzeng didn't know that he had become the leader. He pushed open the door with a big belly, led people from both sides into the room, pointed at the dark house and introduced him to Wu Chunyang.

“The living room is in the middle, Ji Boxian’s bedroom is on the left, and the kitchen is on the right. It is rarely used in Pingshi. We purchase the water and food used by the other party from outside to ensure safety.

The place is not big, let’s start searching. I would say there is no need at all. You, Deputy Director Zuo, are just suspicious. I think Ji Boxian really wants to join the Kuomintang. "

Wu Chunyang listened to Xu Enzeng's nonsense and carefully observed the living room. The situation in the room was clear at a glance. There were only a few simple pieces of furniture and the floor was solid cement. It was indeed difficult to hide items.

After thinking about it, he called to Gui Youguang who came with him: "Youguang, you take someone to check the kitchen, and I'll check the bedroom, focusing on whether there are traces of refilling on the ground and whether there are mezzanines on the furniture.

Roofs, clothes, pots, stoves, and electrical appliances must also be inspected one by one. If any suspicious powder or liquid is found, protect it first and then screen it. Tell the brothers to be careful and not to be careless. " "okay. "

 Gui Youguang didn't care about Xu Enzeng, whose face was getting more and more ugly. He waved his hand and summoned the secret agent and rushed to the kitchen. He didn't believe a word of what Xu said. He only believed his own eyes.

Xu Enzeng actually didn’t believe in the military commander. He was afraid that Gui Youguang would frame him, so he kicked the man next to him and signaled him to follow him quickly, while he followed Wu Chunyang closely.

Wu Chunyang didn't care at all. After wandering around the living room, he walked into the bedroom. The bedroom was the same as the living room, except for a bed, a set of tables, chairs, and a wardrobe.


He softly ordered the evidence collectors who were traveling with him. No matter how amateur Ji Boxian was, he must have received training from the underground party intelligence agency before leaving. The things he hid were not that easy to find.

After receiving the order, the evidence collectors skillfully put on masks, hoods, and gloves, and started searching the house bit by bit from the door, not sparing any corner. Even the beams were knocked on.

Someone also brought a kettle to wet the ground, and observed the degree of dryness and wetness to check whether there were hidden grids. Xu Enzeng watched with interest, and then saw his men wandering there doing nothing.

 “What are you doing standing around, search for me!”

The competition between people was so irritating that Deputy Director Xu got furious. The Central Unification agents dispersed and looked around like headless flies in the three rooms, groping there and continuing to work hard.

Wu Chunyang pursed his lips in disgust, and drove these people out with a dark face. The only purpose of leaving them was to slow down the search. It would be better to use them to find a few police dogs.

Since the room was not big, the searchers soon searched half of the bedroom. No suspicious objects were found for the time being. The smile on Xu Enzeng’s face became wider and wider, feeling that Zuo Zhong had miscalculated this time.

Ji Boxian came to surrender on his own. What problems could such a person have? The one named Zuo was just unwilling to admit that there was a spy in the army and was struggling to the death. The advantage was on his own side.

 He looked at Wu Chunyang who was squatting and tapping the ground, disdain flashed in his eyes, and he was ready to give this left-handed **** a bit of a show, but just as he was about to speak, he heard someone in the kitchen shouting loudly.

 “There is a discovery!”

Xu Enzeng almost bit his tongue. Before he could react, he felt a gust of wind blowing in front of him. When he saw Wu Chunyang, he had already run into the kitchen, leaving only a trace of his back.

Then this old spy, who was already in his forties, showed incredible explosive power. He used his short legs to jump up and ran towards the kitchen, which shocked all the members of the Central Military Commission.

When he came to the kitchen, he found that everyone was staring at a brown jar on the stove without moving. He immediately became more vigilant. There must be no dangerous items in it.

Thinking of this possibility, Xu Enzeng stopped and hid outside the door, stretched out his head and asked his subordinates: "What's going on? Are you looking for medicine? Why don't you check it immediately? Did you just..."

As he said this, he raised his eyebrows at the other party, meaning that he looked at the military commander, who would judge a gentleman with a villain's heart. When Wu Chunyang saw this, he sneered and touched the penicillin in his pocket.

This has nothing to do with gentlemen or villains. This case is no longer a simple intelligence case. It is a life-and-death political struggle. So even if the medicine is not found today, Wu Chunyang is ready to "create" it.

Gui Youguang also noticed Xu Enzeng's animals and sneered: "Don't worry, Deputy Director Xu, your people discovered it and we have no contact with it. Since you are here, please take a look first."

Xu Enzeng breathed a sigh of relief and stepped carefully across the threshold. He winked at his men and ordered them to check the contents of the jar. As for himself, he held a handkerchief in front of his nose.

The "lucky guy" he chose had a sad face, stepped closer to the stove, stretched out his hands to pick up the jar with a rather tragic look, and squinted one eye slightly to look into the jar.


The man was stunned. There was only some powder in the jar, which looked similar to salt. He didn't know what to think. Lucky Man actually put his hand into it, dipped it in and then put it in his mouth to taste.

 After a moment, the other party turned his head and shouted at Xu Enzeng in confusion: "Deputy Director, it doesn't taste right!"

 “Can this **** smell be right?”

Gui Youguang almost laughed out loud. What's wrong with Zhongtong people? Why do they put everything in their mouths? This is medicine, not sugar. After saying that, he grabbed the jar and smelled it.

Smelling the familiar smell of penicillin, he nodded excitedly to Wu Chunyang: "Yes, it's the missing medicine. I've seen it before. Ji Boxian, the bastard, is really lying!"

Wu Chunyang glanced at the dumbfounded Xu Enzeng. He was about to say something sarcastic, but then he saw Mr. Lucky's mouth and eyes were swollen. Oops, he forgot that he was allergic to penicillin!

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