Cicada Moving

Chapter 955: Intelligence is not just about killing people

Chapter 955 Intelligence is not just about killing


A whip was swung high and fell on Ji Boxian's face, instantly leaving a blood mark. Under the flickering electric light, Gui Youguang grabbed the other man's collar and asked fiercely face to face.

"Tell me, who is the traitor hiding in the military command? I tell you, this is just an appetizer. The real difficulty is yet to come. Many Japanese spies have been recruited here, and you are the only one missing!"

"Ah! Spare me, everything I said is true. I really don't know what kind of traitor there is in the military. I just heard this **** named Lin tell me." Ji Boxian shivered in pain.

After speaking, he turned to Lin Yuan who was watching the show and shouted: "You can't live even if I die. You know the rules of the underground party very well. Even if you pretend to surrender, they won't be able to spare you in the future. They won't be able to spare you!"

By now, he knew very well that his superiors must have known that he had defected to the enemy, and Lin Yuan was here to clear him out. Moreover, not only were there insiders in the military command, but there must also be people from the northwest within the central command.

Facing Ji Boxian's shouting, Gui Youguang loosened the other party's collar and nodded to the execution agent on the side. He decided to use a steel whip to loosen Ji Boxian's muscles and bones first, so that the other party knew where this place was.

The whip made of steel wire whined, mixed with Ji Boxian's screams, which kept ringing in the interrogation room. Zuo Zhong held up a small tea cup with a smile, enjoying the scene with ease.

  Gu Qi, Wu Chunyang, Wu Jingzhong, Shen Dongxin and others also showed no change of expression. As Gui Youguang said, this was just the beginning, not even torture, at most it was just a "hello".

The fighting was going on here, and Xu Enzeng, who went to call to inquire about the situation, left and came back. Without saying anything, he snatched the steel whip from the agent's hand and whipped Ji Boxian, cursing while beating him.

“Wang Ba Dan, let me ask you where are the people at the traffic stop? Where are the people! All the dozen or so traffic stops are empty today. You dare to play tricks in front of me. I want to see how hard your bones are.”

Xu Enzeng, who had not been on the front line for many years, was merciless in beating people. In a rage, he quickly beat Ji Boxian with bruises all over his body. Seeing that the opponent was gradually losing his breath, he began to roll his eyes.

There is a skill in whipping. It must not only make the target feel pain, but also avoid dense blood vessels or fatal locations, lest the target cannot survive the torture and die. Obviously Xu Enzeng does not understand this, and it is purely to vent his anger.

“Okay, Deputy Director Xu, if you hit anyone again, they will die.”

Zuo Zhong stopped this guy with words. The prisoner was in the interrogation room of the military commander. If someone died here, they wouldn't be able to tell. Who knows if the other party wanted to pass the blame to the military commander.

Xu Enzeng, who was tired and out of breath, snorted coldly when he heard this, threw the whip back, angrily sat on the stool, picked up the water glass and took a big sip, his eyes still staring at Ji Boxian.

Originally, he wanted to make the military commander look bad, but he was the one who didn't make it look bad first. He was deceived by an underground party. At best, it was dereliction of duty, and at worst, it was a lack of vigilance against dissidents.

Once the superiors, especially the committee members, knew about this, I was afraid that they would be scolded again. Xu Enzeng thought that the look in his eyes became even more evil, and he wished he could kill Ji Boxian on the spot, but then he thought about it and it was useless.

The people present today are not only the Central Commander, but also the Military Commander. Unless he can find the spy in the Military Commander as a threat, this matter will reach the ears of the commissioners in less than half an hour.

 Xu Enzeng slapped the table and ordered his men who were traveling with him: "Go and get the confessional. You must pry open Ji's mouth as soon as possible. In addition, notify all the torture experts in the bureau to gather here."

He was not afraid of Zuo Zhong hearing that the decision to jointly handle the case was proposed by the other party and approved by Dai Chunfeng and Zhu Liuxian. As long as it was within the rules, the other party had to tolerate it even if he had any objections.

 In fact, Zuo Zhong didn't bother to pay attention to him. From the moment the penicillin was found, it didn't matter whether Ji Boxian was dead or alive. It didn't matter whether he had to explain it or not. Even the mole didn't have to be found.

Even though Dai Chunfeng seems to be very angry, in fact, what the other party needs is an explanation. For example, Zhang Laoqi is a good candidate. A military cleaner who is involved in espionage is better than others who are involved in espionage.

Otherwise Lao Dai would not have taken Zhu Liu away at the critical moment. Drinking tea and talking about cooperation were all excuses. You must know that this is an interrogation and when can you not drink tea.

As for the real mole, it is not too late to investigate after the case is over. If it is not convenient to deal with it publicly, just create some "accidents" and give the other party a decent ending.

So Lao Dai and Zhu Liang must leave the interrogation room first. If the matter is exposed, it will be that the people below are killing the good and taking credit. What does it have to do with the two upright and upright bureau chiefs.


The secret agent had a dirty mind, and even the once aloof Zhu Liuxian had become tactful. Zuo Zhong sighed silently, and the next second he decided to dump this mess on Gu Qi.

It is a pity that the military command does not have temporary workers or labor dispatch, and the general staff cannot bear this responsibility, so they can only feel sorry for Lao Gu. Whoever asked the Second Division to do it is counter-espionage.

Zuo Zhong whispered "Gucci", and after the other party looked over, he put his fingers into the teacup and dipped some water in it, then lightly wrote a word on the table, and then winked.

 Gu Qi knew it in his heart and understood the risks involved, but he still nodded without hesitation. As a subordinate, you have to take responsibility for your superior. At worst, Lao Song will be asked to sign his name later.

Seeing that he did not push back, Zuo Zhong yawned with satisfaction, stood up and said to Wu Chunyang: "Let go of Mr. Lin and send him to my office. I have something to talk to him about."

Hearing the sound, Wu Chunyang released Lin Yuan from the interrogation chair, took off the handcuffs and shackles, and led him out. When passing by Ji Boxian, Lin Yuan glanced at him lightly.

 “Ah, Lin Yuan, you will not die well!”

Ji Boxian, who had become a **** man, let out a roar full of resentment, and then Gui Youguang pulled out a few of his nails. A sudden burst of severe pain caused the "die-hard" underground gangster to faint.

Zuo Zhong smiled, said hello to Xu Enzeng who was gritting his teeth, walked back to his office unhurriedly, and saw Lin Yuan sitting in the reception area and Wu Chunyang beside him.

“Chunyang, please go out first.”

He spoke to Wu Chunyang first, and after the other party left, he sat down opposite Lin Yuan and looked at Lin Yuan quietly without saying a word. After a long time, Zuo Zhong suddenly leaned forward and asked a question coldly.

 “Are you very proud now?”

Lin Yuan looked very confused, shook his head and said: "I don't understand what you mean, sir. You should be happy to be able to see through the conspiracy of the dissidents."

"shut up!"

Zuo Zhong stared into his eyes with a sinister look: "Don't think of me as a fool. Is Ji Boxian really an underground party? You and I both know very well that this is impossible.

I can smell a traitor and a real underground party with my nose. Given Ji Boxian's greed for life and fear of death, I don't believe him even if he is not a traitor.

I don’t know how you hid the penicillin in the safe house, but if I look for it, I will be able to find the evidence that you framed me.

Even if there is no evidence, I can still detain you until trial. You will never survive the methods of our military commander, and you will definitely die under severe punishment. Do you believe it? " "letter. "

Lin Yuan neither denied nor admitted. He remained calm and composed and said confidently: "But sir, you will definitely not do this, at least not until the end of this case."

Zuo Zhong narrowed his eyes, slowly leaned against the back of the sofa and asked calmly: "Oh? Are you so sure? You have to understand that you are betting on your own life."

 “Of course, now that I’m here, I’m ready for everything, including death.”

Lin Yuan straightened his sleeves that were a little messy because of the handcuffs, and looked directly at Zuo Zhong: "Because your bureau needs me, to be precise, you need Ji Boxian, the "underground party" from the Central Unification Committee.

 So your Chief Dai will leave in the middle of the interrogation, so sir, you brought me here from the interrogation room. If you really want to kill me, you can do it while you are in the interrogation room.

Furthermore, the military commander also needs a low-ranking insider to deal with higher-level accusations, but only if you can find conclusive evidence, which we can provide. "


Zuo Zhong slowly raised his hand and clapped his hands, but his face was expressionless: "As expected of the elite of the underground party, you are the first one who dares to talk to me like this.

 Okay, what do you want, penicillin technology? This is impossible. Only a few major pharmaceutical companies in the United States can manufacture this drug. It is very difficult to copy it.

Even if we can get the technical information and give it to you, can you make it? It’s not that I underestimate your party, this is not growing crops in the ground. "

As he spoke, Zuo Zhong's face showed a look of ridicule at the right time. In the eyes of Guo Party officials, the northwest was a barren land, so his reaction was normal.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yuan was not only not angry after hearing this, but also pragmatically admitted the huge gap in science and technology with the West. At the same time, he also expressed full confidence that the Chinese would catch up one day sooner or later.

Finally, he also stated his purpose: "I know that penicillin is purchased from Europe and the United States by your family, sir. I want to reach a fixed cooperative relationship with you. We will trade it in gold."

 “No, this can’t be…”


Zuo Zhong's expression suddenly changed when he heard the other party's words. He stood up suddenly and was about to scold him when he heard a faint coughing sound coming from outside the door. His expression changed instantly and he sat back down.

“What’s the price? Let’s be specific. I’m telling you, penicillin is more effective than you know. It can be called the greatest invention of the 20th century, so you have to pay more.

In addition, you must evacuate the inner lines hidden in the military command. This is the basis for cooperation. Otherwise, the two parties will be separated. This is also a good thing for you. If we find this person..."

He didn't finish what he said, but the threat was very obvious. His sharp eyes never left Lin Yuan's face, and his whole person exuded an intimidating aura.

Lin Yuan was not affected at all. He thought for a moment and stood up and stretched out his hand: "Okay, sir, please relax the internal restrictions. Our people will evacuate within a month."

How about the price of penicillin be 1.5 times the market price at that time? The price is not cheap anymore. Our only requirement is that you transport it to the northwest.

There is one last thing. In addition to the reason mentioned before, how did you find out about our plan? Can you please clear up Lin's confusion, sir? "

Zuo Zhong stretched out his hand and shook the other person's hand, paused for a moment and said meaningfully: "Mr. Lin, I have received goodwill from you, and it is because of this that you are still alive now.

If the igniter of the grenade was in a normal state and did not go out automatically, you would have gone down to accompany your comrades. Do I understand what I said clearly enough? "

The biggest loophole of the underground party is the grenade left in Nanjimen courtyard. He turned on the igniter in the office a few days ago, and the igniter went out for no reason.

  Dumb bombs are indeed possible in frontal battlefields, but they are absolutely impossible in intelligence operations that require multiple confirmations of equipment. There is only one answer. The underground party does not want to hurt people.

This is not that the underground party is soft-hearted, they just don’t want to have a deadly feud with the military commander for the time being. It is easy to guess what will happen next. The other party must have somewhere to use the military commander.

What does the military commander have? Information? This is a red line. No one dares to cross it. After counting, only penicillin is left. This is the only one worth the underground party's risk.

 From the beginning, Lin Yuan was ready for a showdown with the army, so when faced with Zuo Zhong's questioning, he seemed so calm and answered the questions in an orderly manner.

Hearing Zuo Zhong's answer, Lin Yuan was not surprised at all. After letting go of his hand, he quickly reported an address, stating that there was relevant evidence that Zhang Laoqi was an underground party ghost.

An old gangster who once worked as a nurse for a wealthy family and had a lot of people's blood on his hands, and later joined the military, is a very suitable person to be promoted as a scapegoat.

After speaking, Lin Yuan left his contact information, walked out of Zuo Zhong's office as if no one else was around, and swaggered out of the Military Command Bureau station under the gaze of many secret agents.

Zuo Zhong in the room stood in front of the window and watched the other person slowly disappear. He patted the window sill seemingly angrily. There was a sound of footsteps behind him, and Dai Chunfeng suddenly appeared next to him.

"Shen Zhong, you really guessed it. There are experts in the underground party. That's all. I'll leave a hole for them for the medicine. This matter must be kept secret. Only gold transactions will be accepted."

The one who just coughed outside the door was Lao Dai. Now he has tens of thousands of agents who need to support him. What's wrong with selling some medicine to the underground party to generate income? Anyway, even if the military command doesn't sell, there are people who do.

 And the master he talks about can manipulate the central commander and the military commander at the palm of his hand, so that even if they know the truth, they have to pinch their noses and admit it. The person who designed this plan is certainly an expert.

 Intelligence is not only about fighting and killing, but also about people's calculations. First-class intelligence officers may have no power, but they can rely on their brains to turn the entire situation around in extremely dangerous situations.

Just like this time, the other party used the internal strife within the government to eliminate the traitors without spending a single soldier, obtain medicines, and protect the insiders who were about to be exposed. It is really scary when you think about it.

Hearing Dai Chunfeng's words, Zuo Zhong thought of a person in his mind. After a moment, he quickly disappeared. In the end, he said nothing. With a smile in his eyes, he looked out the window at the quiet mountain city with Lao Dai...

 (End of this chapter)

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