Cicada Moving

Chapter 959: Take action

 Hacheng Bank.

One of the many small commercial banks in Shancheng. It was founded in the 23rd year of the Republic of China by more than a dozen Chuankang military and political officials as a joint-stock company. It was reorganized into a bank in the 27th year of the Republic of China.

Hucheng Bank implements a head office system, with a general manager office, an economic research office, a business information department, and a total of 1 head office, 1 branch, 1 sub-branch and 13 offices.

 Distributed in Yangcheng, Changcheng, Rongcheng, Nanchong, Luju, Xichang, Shashi, Guiyang, Leshan, Yibin, Hechuan, Guangyuan, Beipei, Huili, Ya'an and other places.

 In addition to deposits, loans and domestic foreign exchange speculation, its main business projects also undertake the exchange business of many counties, villages and salt gangs, and it is quite famous in the southwest region.

Early in the morning, just as many people were queuing up in front of Hecheng Bank to remit money, several cars and trucks came quickly and stopped on the roadside after a sudden sound of brakes.

 “Quick, get out of the car, arrest people, seal the account!”

Gu Qi stepped out of the car, waved to a group of spies, and then looked at the majestic bank building in front of him with his hands on his hips, a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Following his order, the agents ran to the door with guns in hand, pulled away the guard who opened the door, and quickly rushed into the bank, occupying the entrance and exit and looking for important personnel.

At this time, the managers, associates and others of Hecheng Bank were having a morning meeting in the conference room. Halfway through the meeting, the door was suddenly knocked open and they were tightly controlled before they could react.

“What are you doing, what are you doing, who are you? I am a good friend with Chief Bai of the Shancheng Police Station, and Chief Xu of the Central Command is my close friend. Let us go quickly.” Someone shouted loudly.

The agents didn’t care what the other party said. After taking out photos to confirm their identities, they put handcuffs and hoods on them, pulled them out of the bank one by one, threw them into the car, and then drove away.

At the same time, more than a dozen small commercial banks engaged in black market domestic foreign exchange transactions were raided by the military. Hundreds of bank staff were arrested and millions of funds involved were temporarily detained.

This is like poking a hornet's nest. Countless government officials are looking around to find out who and which department is responsible. To use the famous saying of the king, the phone call is hotter than the barrel of a gun.

After learning that the arrester was the military commander, some people gave up, but others contacted Dai Chunfeng, Zheng Tingbing and even Zuo Zhong through various channels to ask what happened.

The senior military officials who have unified their views on this matter told everyone that this was to follow the orders of their superiors to crack down on the black market. As for who made this suggestion, they could find out for themselves.

For example, Zuo Zhong "revealed" to Deputy Director Yang of the Ministry of Interior that in fact the military commander did not want to go against everyone, but the military orders were overwhelming and there was nothing he could do. The real culprit must be blamed.

Deputy Director Yang expressed his understanding after hearing this, and then asked casually who was the culprit. Zuo Zhong did not answer directly, but told a little joke about Zhongtong.

Who in the officialdom is not Qiqiao Linglongxin? Deputy Director Yang hung up the phone with a smile. An hour later, the entire mountain city knew which **** proposed to crack down on the black market.

 “Xu Enzeng! You are not a son of man!”

Vicious curses continued to be heard from all over the mountain city. The sounds slowly rose into the sky and were blown by the wind to a villa in Chuqimen. Deputy Director Xu, who was sleeping with his sister-in-law in his arms, suddenly sat up.

"What's wrong, Enzen?" The sister-in-law, who was awakened by him, rubbed her eyes gracefully, looked at the sweating lover in confusion, and asked.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, I just had a nightmare.” Xu Enzeng shook his head, leaned his head on the bed and lit a cigarette, going over the recent events in his mind.

After the last case was over, he was called to the Huangshan official residence and was scolded. If it weren't for Ji Boxian who "fake surrender" and Zhang Laoqi, the "ghost in the military command", he might have done the same thing as the deputy director of the Central Unification Committee. No more.

But is this really the case? Xu Enzeng has been working in the intelligence system for so many years, so he naturally knows it. However, it is unnecessary and not worth it to fall out with Zhu Liuxian and Dai Chunfeng over this matter.

Moreover, even if the superiors scold him, it will be good for him to end the case, so he can only aggrieve Ji Boxian. A traitor who has been exposed has no use value, so it is better to use it as waste.

But being cheated again made Xu Enzeng angry and submitted a report on investigating black market drugs, with the intention of cutting off the military commander's future channels for selling penicillin.

Little Wang Ba Dan with the surname Zuo just wants to make money. No matter how good the medicine is, it doesn't matter if it can't be sold. This time he wants to show the other party how powerful he is, Xu!

The military commander would never have the guts to go up against the peak and would have to watch the priceless medicines rotting in the warehouse. Xu Enzeng was very excited thinking about this.

 As for selling drugs through official channels, Ministers Song and Kong have even darker hands. Let alone making money, it is considered good if they do not lose money.

Confirming that there were no omissions in his plan, Xu Enzeng took a puff of his cigarette and slowly lowered his gaze to the beautiful sister-in-law, with a lewd smile on his face.

 “Little beauty, I’ll come…”

“Dong dong dong! Deputy Director, it’s not good!”

Just when Xu Enzeng was about to turn over and gallop, someone suddenly slammed the door hard and shouted loudly in a very panic tone.

Deputy Director Xu was so angry that he lost his interest. He jumped out of bed and walked quickly to the door with a big belly. After opening the door, he raised his hand and gave the shouting person a few big slaps.

Looking at his men covering their cheeks, Xu Enzeng buttoned up his shirt with a sullen face, cursing in his mouth: "What do you call mourning? What happened? How can you be so flustered? Is it possible that the sky will fall? What I taught you in Pingshi is to have the calmness to remain calm even if Mount Tai collapses in front of you. "

The Central Unification agent, half of his face swollen, stamped his feet and cried, "Deputy Director, Hecheng Bank has been raided!"


Xu Enzeng, who had just been talking about the collapse of Mount Tai without changing his expression, suddenly jumped up, stared at a pair of blood-red eyes, grabbed the other person's shoulders and spoke word by word.

 “Who copied it!”

 “Army...military command.”

 “What reason?”

 “Search the black market.”

 “Zuo Zhong! I and you are irreconcilable!”

Xu Enzeng threw his head up to the sky and roared after hearing his subordinate's answer. His fat face was full of murderous intent. Hecheng Bank's capital for foreign exchange speculation contained his coffin book.

 With the money hacked by Juntong, his work for the past few months would be in vain. No, this is absolutely not possible. Xu Enzeng immediately decided to contact the shareholders of the bank to go to Juntong to investigate.

Since ancient times, those who were able to open a bank were all people with good hands and eyes, and Hecheng Bank was no exception. The shareholders who invested at that time were either officials from the Chuankang area or large investors.

With so many local gangsters appearing together, not to mention a small Zuo Zhong, even if it is a commission, we must take it seriously. Maybe he can take this opportunity to teach the army a lesson.

Before he could say anything, a special agent from the Central Unification Committee reported even worse news: "Deputy Director, it is being spread outside that you are the one who is the one responsible for cracking down on the black market. The bureau received calls from several officers, and they said..."

The little agent looked at Xu Enzeng, whose face turned red and then turned pale. He carefully took two steps back and then said, "They said they asked you to wash your buttocks and wait. This matter is not over yet."


Even though the poor guy took two steps back, he still couldn't escape being slapped. The other half of his face was swelling at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Xu Enzeng, who retracted his arm, had a scary expression at the moment. He is a thousand-year-old fox. He knew exactly what Zuo Zhong wanted to do. This news was 100% transmitted by the other party.

The purpose is nothing more than to isolate himself and let those shareholders deal with him. Zuo Zhong, Zuo Zhong, you don’t understand what scheming is at all. So what if Hecheng Bank is shut down?

 Xu Enzeng’s lips raised slightly. He had more than a dozen partners like Hecheng Bank, but now only one of them had been copied. He could have mobilized others to appeal to the government.

 "The Military Control Bureau does evil and persecutes legitimate businessmen"

 "Dai Moumou was clever and plundered, and the good and benevolent man suffered"

In an instant, he thought of several news headlines. Once this incident comes out, Dai Chunfeng and his apprentice will be embarrassed and distressed. What he has to do now is to wait for the matter to ferment.

Those who do internal foreign exchange in the black market are all grasshoppers on a rope. They don't know the truth of death. If they don't want to die, there is only one way - to kill the military commander.

Xu Enzeng, who almost burst into laughter, glanced at his aggrieved subordinates and frowned: "Why aren't you leaving? Do you want me to send you off? Get out of here. No one is allowed to knock on the door without my order. I'll be careful." you."

After saying that, he closed the door and looked at his sister-in-law who was under the silk quilt. He rubbed his hands excitedly, his two thick eyebrows jumped up and down, and he slipped into the bed in a hurry.

 Xu Enzeng felt comfortable, but the little spy outside the door was dumbfounded. He still had important things to report. In addition to Hecheng Bank, other banks dealing in domestic foreign exchange were also raided.

The little agent put his hand on the door panel. Just as he was about to knock it, he thought of Xu Enzeng's last words, and his heart suddenly became excited. He touched Lao Gao's swollen face again, and a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes.

I don’t know what this person was thinking. After hesitating for a moment, he left Xu Enzeng’s residence with a sneer and walked towards the dormitory of Shen Dongxin, the chief secretary of the Central Unification Committee.

  The lethality of small people is sometimes greater than imagined, especially at this critical moment. While Xu Enzeng is addicted to Wenrou Township, the situation in the mountain city black market is developing out of control.

Evidence that more than ten banks were involved in illegal domestic foreign exchange transactions fell into the hands of the military commander. All clues, including account books and witnesses, all pointed to Xu Enzeng.

After this incident, most of Xu Enzeng's wealth channels were cut off, and the relevant personnel also knew the reason for his investigation. Deputy Director Xu truly made the world his enemy this time.

  Internal currency practitioners were frantically inquiring about Xu Enzeng's whereabouts, and even gunmen who had received bonuses were wandering around the Zhongtong garrison, lining up to give someone a big "surprise."

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