On the groom's Weibo.

On this day, a topic suddenly appeared out of nowhere in the second trending topic.


Senhai Corporation's senior management all died of cardiac paralysis!]

This topic made the topic of Grim Reaper, which was about to die down a little, return to the top of the trending topic list!

At this moment, the number of views for this topic had exceeded 50 million.

The number of likes had reached 5 million!

The number of comments was as high as a million!

"F * ck!

The senior management of Senhai Corporation are all dead?! "


Grim Reaper is too scary. He dares to kill anyone! "

"Hehe, if I had Grim Reaper's ability, Senhai Corporation would be the exception …"

"Senhai Corporation is a new energy group with assets of over 100 billion. Grim Reaper even killed them. Is he starting to kill indiscriminately?"


I heard that Senhai Corporation is not just a new energy group. In fact, they are the lackeys of foreign countries. They take foreign money and steal domestic information! "

"Is it that ridiculous?

Does that mean Grim Reaper killed the right people?! "

"I knew it. My idol, the Grim Reaper, wouldn't kill people indiscriminately!"


On the Internet, everyone was in danger.

Li Changfeng's wave of annihilation of Senhai Corporation's senior management.

It completely ignited everyone's heartstrings.

[Eastern Sea City live broadcast calling for Grim Reaper. Is Grim Reaper in Eastern Sea City?]

Third on the trending topic list.

Countless netizens commented.

"F * ck, Grim Reaper is in Eastern Sea City?!"


I was wondering why Eastern Sea City's security has been getting better recently. It turns out that there is a true god in Eastern Sea City! "

"Is Grim Reaper good or bad?"

"Is this something to be concerned about?

Who doesn't deserve to die when Grim Reaper kills them? "

"I'd like to ask why Eastern Sea City would release such a live broadcast. Could it be that the officials have already admitted defeat?"

"I think it's impossible for the officials to catch Grim Reaper. After all, Grim Reaper is too scary!"

"Indeed. If he uses his ability casually, the officials will all be dead. Who would dare to catch Grim Reaper?"


The netizens discussed at once.

Li Changfeng lay on the sofa and read these comments silently. A look of contemplation flashed in his eyes.

He did not care about how the netizens saw him.

He was thinking.

What kind of method would the officials use to deal with him next?!

"I hope that my actions against Senhai Group can divert their attention away from Eastern Sea City."

Li Changfeng muttered to himself.

Then, he got up and went downstairs.

It was time to go to the hospital for treatment again.

Although the cancer cells in his body had completely spread, and his lifespan had been extended because of the Death God's Note.

However, the hospital's treatment would more or less have some effect.

Moreover, he also had to avoid his own abnormal behavior.

Therefore, every morning, he would go to the city hospital for treatment.

Donghai City, First People's Hospital.

It wasn't too far from Li Changfeng's territory, Hai Huateng.

Li Changfeng usually chose to walk there.

Ten minutes later.

Li Changfeng felt that something was not right.

There seemed to be someone following behind him!

"Could it be that the officials are completely suspicious of me?"

"So, you sent someone to follow me now?"

Li Changfeng frowned and guessed in his heart.

However …

Doubt was doubt.

As long as there was no conclusive evidence.

Therefore, he couldn't do anything to him.

"I have to think of a way to get rid of this stalker."

Li Changfeng walked towards the hospital while thinking about how to get rid of the police officer who was following him.

He had too many secrets.

The Death God's Note must not be exposed.

Even if there was only this possibility, he had to nip this possibility in the bud!

Therefore, the police officer behind him must die!

But the problem was …

How would he know his name?


Zhou Dashan followed Li Changfeng silently, somewhat absent-minded.

But he still sent messages to the headquarters from time to time.

He reported Li Changfeng's whereabouts.

In his opinion, a patient with terminal cancer.

It was a little difficult to walk.

How could it be the Death God hiding in the dark?

It was a complete waste of talent to follow Li Changfeng!

In the hospital.

Li Changfeng was receiving daily treatment.

Zhou Dashan, on the other hand, was sitting on a bench outside the ward, looking bored to death.

"Li Changfeng is undergoing treatment at the hospital. Everything is normal!"

He edited the message and sent it out.

At this moment.

There was a burst of shouting on the side of the corridor.



Quick! "

"Is there any type AB blood?

This young patient is suffering from acute hemorrhage and needs an emergency blood transfusion! "

A doctor stood in the corridor and shouted at a female nurse with an anxious face.

"The type AB blood in the hospital's blood bank was used up yesterday!"

"The new blood is still being transferred. It will take at least three hours to transport it from Xin Hai City."

The female nurse also said anxiously.

The doctor's expression changed when he heard that.

He stood in the corridor and shouted at the people present.

"Is there anyone with type AB blood?"

Zhou Dashan was slightly stunned when he heard that.

He happened to have type AB blood. As a police officer, faced with such a situation.

Without any hesitation, he stood up and raised his hand.

"I'm type AB blood!"


That's great!

I'll have to trouble you to save that sick little girl! "

The doctor anxiously pulled Zhou Dashan and walked towards the ward behind him.


The doctor took out the information book and asked.

"Zhou Dashan."

Zhou Dashan didn't even think about it before he said his name.

The doctor nodded when he heard that.

"We're going to test your blood to see if it's type AB blood."

"This is a matter of life and death. If something goes wrong, our hospital can't bear the responsibility."

Zhou Dashan nodded when he heard that.

Then, Zhou Dashan's blood was drawn and sent for testing.

Ten minutes later.

The doctor came over excitedly and said.

"Mr. Zhou Dashan!

You happen to have type AB blood. "

"Thank you for saving that little girl's life!"

Zhou Dashan nodded.

He just watched the nurse in front of him draw two bags of his blood.


4 chapters!

The data really didn't increase at all. The comment section was also motionless. Is there anyone reading this book?

If there is, please let me know. If there isn't, I'll cut it … It's really difficult. I'm so annoyed thinking about the plot!

I'm so happy reading this book on Labor Day!

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