Cities: A Book Of Life And Death At The Beginning, Creating Perfect Accidents

53 Would Rather Kill By Mistake! Arrest Li Changfeng Immediately! [Seeking The First Order! 】

Jin Shanxi continued with his second question.

"Before Chen Lan died, Li Changfeng had already been sent to the interrogation room by the police two or three times."

"If he was the Grim Reaper, he would have noticed that he might have been discovered."

"Then, why did he choose to appear in the playhouse?"

"And why did he choose to book the entire place in such a high-profile manner?"

"Shouldn't the normal procedure be to provide an alibi to the police?"

"At the same time, the Grim Reaper's ability is so strange. If Chen Lan died in an accident, Li Changfeng, as the Grim Reaper, could have killed Chen Lan without even showing his face!"

"His IQ is so high, why would he leave such a simple loophole?"

Jin Shanxi looked at everyone present and voiced the doubts in his heart.

Dragon heard this and nodded.

"I think so too."

"In fact, because of these two paradoxes, I can't be sure whether Li Changfeng is the Grim Reaper or not."

After everyone heard the conversation between the two of them, they fell silent.

They were the world's top criminal investigation experts. It could be said that they were also experts in psychology.

In order to become a top detective, they had to be able to perfectly see through the psychological activities of criminals.

However, Li Changfeng's two actions …

They were completely unable to see through Li Changfeng's psychological state!

What kind of psychological state did he have to be in to do such a thing?

"There's one more thing."

"Dragon, you just said that when Zhou Changhe kidnapped Li Changfeng, he mentioned his name."

"But Li Changfeng's expression at that time was extremely frightened and flustered."

"Until the police appeared, he didn't admit that he was the Grim Reaper."

"He didn't use the Grim Reaper's ability to kill Zhou Changhe."

"When we were recording his statement in the interrogation room, I also looked at Li Changfeng's statement at that time, but I didn't find anything unusual."

"His actions, including what he said, were all in line with the psychology of a normal person!"

Alice said in a low voice.

When everyone heard this, they fell silent again.

"Let's do this."

"Calculating the time, Li Changfeng should be in the hospital for treatment at this time."

"Let's search his house."

"If he really is the Grim Reaper, I think we should be able to find some clues in his home!"

At this moment, Parker finally spoke, breaking the silence.

The others nodded in agreement.

At this moment, Xia Zhixin walked in from outside.

He said to the dragon in a deep voice.

"I just received an investigation from other police officers. Li Changfeng has recently purchased a large number of signature pens.

"But after that, he bought a brush."

Hearing this, Dragon raised his head abruptly, and a glint flashed in his eyes.

He looked at everyone present, smiled, and said slowly.


Let's go! "

"Go to Li Changfeng's house!

I think we can already confirm that Li Changfeng is the Grim Reaper! "

The others nodded as well.

Although he couldn't see through Li Changfeng's complete psychology.

There was no substantial evidence either.

But through their screening time and time again, they were able to pass.

Every time, Li Changfeng happened to be within their selection criteria.

The final answer was quite obvious: E!

Dragon guessed that there must be evidence in Li Changfeng's house!

And now.

As long as they went to his house.

They would definitely be able to find evidence that Li Changfeng was the Grim Reaper!

Even though the group of people had stayed up all night, their bodies and minds were already exhausted.

But after thinking that Li Changfeng might be the Grim Reaper.

Smiles appeared on their faces.

There was a sense of relief.

They even had the time to start joking.

"Hehe, I thought that the mission this time would be very difficult, but I didn't expect it to be so simple."

"We've only been here for less than twenty-four hours, and this matter has been completely resolved!"

The people of Upper Mountain Village laughed out loud.

"Hahaha, although I'm a little tired, when I think about how the matter will be completely resolved soon."

"I can receive a million US dollars bonus from the country, and I'm happy."

"This is definitely the easiest money I've ever made!"

Jin Shanxi also revealed a relaxed smile at this moment.

As the top detectives in their respective countries.

On weekdays, they would also do some things to help the country solve cases.

Then, they would get some bonuses.

Or they would help some people solve their private cases.

Every business deal had a lot and a little.

Overall, the income was extremely unstable.

And this time, in order to get them to take action.

They had spent a lot of money.

South Korea alone gave Jin Shanxi one million US dollars as a service fee for him to come over.

If they could find out who the Grim Reaper was …

There would be a final payment of two million US dollars!

That was money that he might not be able to earn in his lifetime!

Moreover, there was no one in the world who did not know about the Grim Reaper.

Jin Shanxi could imagine.

As long as he caught Li Changfeng and returned to South Korea …

He would become the idol in the hearts of the people in the country!

It could be said that the bonus was secondary. The traffic, fame, and prestige that he would get in the future!

That was the most important thing.

It was enough for a person to squander for a lifetime!

Compared to the excitement of the others …

The Dragon sat quietly by the window of the bus. He quietly thought about the entire case from beginning to end.

He was analyzing whether there was a possibility that they had made a mistake!

But after thinking for a long time, he could not think of anything.

Apart from Li Changfeng, who else could become the Grim Reaper?!

Very soon …

The group of them arrived at Territorial Sea Huateng.

Territorial Sea Huateng's security guards saw such a large group of people walking over.

They hurriedly went forward and stopped them.

This was one of the most luxurious properties in the entire East Sea City.

The quality of the property was definitely the best!

However, after Xia Zhixin took out his police badge, the security guards immediately turned around and returned to the security office.

Then …

The Dragon and the group of people arrived at Li Changfeng's house.

They pushed open the door.

Everyone was stunned.

Because …

They saw a wall that was filled with Buddhist scriptures written with a brush.

"If I hear the Prajna Heart Sutra …"

The Dragon frowned and muttered softly.

"What is this Li Changfeng doing?" Parker looked at the scene in front of him and muttered softly. He frowned.

As foreigners, these people …

They had been communicating in English for the entire day.

They did not understand Chinese at all.

Therefore, when they saw the scriptures on the wall …

They were all stunned.

Because they could not understand it at all!

"These are some scriptures of Buddhism in our country."

The Dragon said in a low voice.


Why would he copy all this? "Jin Shanxi frowned when he heard this.

Buddhism was also passed down in South Korea.

He even heard that recently, the country was considering declaring Buddhism as a heritage …

As for whether it would be implemented or succeed in the end, that was not his concern.

"I don't know."

The Dragon shook his head.

"Could it be … Li Changfeng felt that he had killed too many people?"

"So he wrote down the Buddhist scriptures to appease the guilt in his heart?"

The villager said in a low voice.


Edward shook his head.

Everyone turned to look at them when they heard that.

"The Grim Reaper has killed more than 20,000 people in just one month!"

"With his murderous nature, it's impossible for him to repent!"


"Death wants to build a world without sin. The people he kills are also criminals. He doesn't think that he's doing anything wrong from the bottom of his heart!"

"Instead, he'll feel that he's doing a good deed!"

Edward said in a deep voice.

There were some such perverts in the free countries.

After they killed people, they didn't feel that killing people was a wrong thing to do.

Instead, they felt that they had done a good deed.

Of course, these perverts faced life imprisonment in the end.

Edward had met several such people himself.

Therefore, he had a better understanding of the psychological activities of such people.

The others also nodded.

"There's no time to lose. Let's hurry up and look for possible clues at home!"

Dragon said in a deep voice.

At this moment, he was slightly stunned.

Because he saw that other than the Buddhist scriptures written with a brush on the wall.

There was also a box of Buddhist scriptures written with a neutral pen.

But that was at the very beginning.

One could imagine.

Li Changfeng should have used a gel pen to write Buddhist scriptures on the wall at the very beginning.

But after using a gel pen, he realized that it wasn't easy to use.

So he switched to a brush.

This was just a small detail, but it was accurately grasped by Dragon.

Very soon.

They found a notebook in Li Changfeng's home.

After Dragon opened it, he realized that there were no names as he had imagined. Instead, it was filled with Buddhist scriptures.

Not only that, he also found a few gel pens in the drawer of the table at the side.

There were also a few used gel pens.

Dragon flipped through the Buddhist scriptures and then looked at the used gel pens in the drawer.

He frowned.

"Could it be that Li Changfeng bought these gel pens just to copy Buddhist scriptures?!"

"Could it be that we're all wrong?"

He muttered softly.

"What's the situation?"

Parker was also a little confused at this moment.

Li Changfeng, after their selection, agreed with a lot of points.

They came up full of confidence, thinking that they could find evidence that Li Changfeng was Death.

In the end, they found nothing?!

Not even the ashes that were burned by the fire were left!

Isn't this too outrageous?!

Oh, right, the only discovery might be.

Under the sofa, there was a crumpled piece of paper.

Dragon played with a diary he found under the sofa and frowned slightly.

The paper was crumpled into a ball, and there was no writing on it. It looked very clean.

He thought for a while and shook his head. He didn't think that there was anything special about the paper.

Then, he threw it directly under the sofa.

"What should we do next?"

Jin Shanxi was also a little confused at this moment. He looked at the dragon and asked.

The dragon was a little confused.

"Let's leave first."

After a moment of silence, he slowly said.

Everyone returned everything to its original position and left Li Changfeng's home.

He went downstairs.

They began to discuss among themselves.

"If you ask me, maybe we were wrong in the beginning."

The villager from Shangshan Village said in a deep voice.

"What do you mean?" The dragon was puzzled.

"Is there a possibility that the Grim Reaper doesn't even need to write down the victim's name?"

"Instead, he can kill with a single thought?"

The villagers continued to talk about their guesses.


"If the Grim Reaper only kills with his mind, then why are there survivors?"

"There have never been survivors before!"

Edward immediately retorted.

The dragon nodded.

The Grim Reaper killed by writing down names. This was inferred from the survivors.

If there were no survivors in this world.

Then, it would never be inferred!

"Then I'll give you a possible hypothesis!"

"Suppose the Grim Reaper calculated everything!"

"He deliberately left survivors and deliberately lured us into thinking that he could kill by writing down the names of others."

"How are you going to solve this?"

The villager continued.

Everyone heard this. Their eyes flickered slightly, and then they fell into silence.

If that was the case.

Then all their previous inferences would be overturned!

If that was the case.

All their efforts would be in vain!

For a moment.

Everyone listened to the villagers' words.

Their heads were buzzing …

After a moment of silence.

Parker said slowly.

"No matter what, Li Changfeng is the most suspicious person!"

"The villagers' idea might be right. This is just a hypothetical possibility."

"But I still feel that it's impossible for all of our inferences to be wrong!"

"Li Changfeng is still a possibility!"

"So, I think we should capture Li Changfeng and observe him."

"If we follow our previous idea, after we capture Li Changfeng."

"There are still people in this world who died because of the Grim Reaper."

"Then it can prove that Li Changfeng must be innocent."

"Of course!

This is according to our initial inference. "

"If our inferences are all wrong and the Grim Reaper can really kill with his mind."

"Then it can't prove that Li Changfeng is definitely not the Grim Reaper!"

"No matter how you infer, the probability of Li Changfeng being the Grim Reaper is the highest."

So, let's capture him and interrogate him for a while. "

"According to the ancient saying of your Dragon Nation, it's better to kill by mistake than to let him go!"

After hearing Parker's words, everyone fell silent.

They were all the top detectives in the world.

Whether it was out of a sense of justice to be a detective or for money, they chose this profession.

They all had one thing in common.

That was to find the truth!

Their obsession with the target criminal would be very serious!

In their eyes, there was only one result.

That was the criminal himself!

This world was either black or white.

Similarly, there could only be one real murderer in a case.

To be able to make Parker say such words and propose such a plan.

It really proved that the Grim Reaper's trickiness made them a little helpless!

"Let's give it a try."

After a long silence, Dragon said slowly.

"The influence of the Grim Reaper is too great!"

"As the world's top detectives, we can't wrong a good person."

"We can't let a sinner go either!"

"Then let's use Parker's method and give it a try!"

After he finished speaking.

He turned around and said to Xia Zhixin.

"Immediately, arrest Li Changfeng!"

PS: 3!

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