Cities: A Book Of Life And Death At The Beginning, Creating Perfect Accidents

59 Give Up Death Note! Join The Investigative Team! [Please Subscribe! 】

'Give up Death's Note!

The next moment.

Li Changfeng's eyes were in a trance.

At this moment, he only felt that he had lost some very important memory.

His memory began to become incomplete. He only remembered that he was regarded as a key suspect of Death.

Then he was caught.

But all his memories of the Death God's Note had disappeared!

[Rule 8: You can choose to give up Death's Note. You will lose all memories of the Note. When you touch Death's Note again, including the paper, you will have Death's Note again and recover all your memories!]

If Li Changfeng still remembers all the memories of Death's Note.

He will definitely know that this is the eighth rule of Death's Note!

"Then let's begin."

Li Changfeng said in a deep voice.

He is not afraid of a crooked shadow!

He is not Death, what is there to be afraid of?

Hearing this, Dragon nodded.

Then he took out a helmet-like thing from the lie detector and put it on Li Changfeng's head.

Then, Dragon sat opposite Li Changfeng and said in a deep voice.

"Hello, please tell me your name."

"My name is Li Changfeng."

Li Changfeng said faintly.

The neuronal sensing on the lie detector did not change at all.

"Why did you go to Heng Tai Group to warn Fang Yun?

Did you kill Fang Yun or not? "

Dragon went straight to the point.

"Because I hate him!

He was the one who personally ruined everything I had! "

"I didn't warn him just to scare him. In fact, after I found out that I had cancer."

"I lost all yearning for life, and revenge was my ultimate goal.

"I wanted to kill him with my own hands!"

"But before I could do all this, Fang Yun died."

"He died in the hands of Death!"

Li Changfeng said in a deep voice.

Dragon frowned when he heard that.

He carefully thought about Li Changfeng's words.

There is no problem with this.

It is completely reasonable.

The most important thing is that there is no change in the lie detector!

"Zhou Dashan's death, did you participate in his life?"

"No." Li Changfeng shook his head.

"I just thought that Mr. Zhou Dashan was a person I met by chance. I didn't know that he was sent by the police to follow me.

"I think you don't have to waste your time. I'm not the Grim Reaper."

At this time, Li Changfeng's expression became very calm.

"Is Chen Lan's death related to you?"

Dragon asked in a deep voice.

"No, I did spend money there that day."

"Because I feel that I don't have much time left. The most painful thing in the world is to still be alive, but lose your money.

"He's gone, but the money is still there."

"That's why I want to spend as much money as possible before I die.

Li Changfeng said calmly.

Chen Lan's death was a little vague in his memory.

However, it really had nothing to do with him.

Dragon nodded and glanced at the lie detector on the side.

"Last question."

Dragon sat up straight and said to Li Changfeng in a deep voice.

"Are you the Grim Reaper?"


Without any hesitation, Li Changfeng shook his head.

It was the same.

There was no reaction.

Long Bujing glanced suspiciously at the lie detector beside him.

Is the lie detector broken?

Why is there no reaction at all?

"Okay, you can go."

Dragon nodded.

"Mr. Dragon, what about the conditions you promised me before?"

A smile appeared on Li Changfeng's face at this time.

"I'll ask you again, why do you want to join the World Anti-Reaper Investigation Group?"

Dragon looked at him, his eyes flickered, and said slowly.

"I want to make a final contribution to this society.

"Moreover, I have an intuition that you can't find the Grim Reaper.

"In this world, only I can find the Grim Reaper."

Li Changfeng did not take off his helmet.

There was no reaction from the lie detector.

It means that what Li Changfeng said is true!

That's what he thought!

In fact, that's exactly the case.

Before Li Changfeng got the Grim Reaper's Note, he had always been a person full of justice.

Even if he received a trap and was sent to prison for six years.

However, his ambition had never changed!

In fact, in the beginning, if the Grim Reaper's Note didn't give Li Changfeng a chance to live.

After Li Changfeng used his ability to kill Fang Yun and destroy the Heng Tai Group.

He had already buried the Grim Reaper's Note.

"After you go home, send me your information."

"I will approve you to join the Grim Reaper Investigation Group."

Dragon said slowly at this time.

Li Changfeng nodded, then took off the helmet on his head and looked at Dragon with a smile.

"Then, please advise me in the future!"

Dragon nodded.

"By the way, why do you think that we can't find the Grim Reaper?"

"Only you can find it?"

Li Changfeng thought for a while and said lightly. "Intuition."

After his voice fell, he turned around and left without looking back.

Dragon looked at his back, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

At this time, Edward walked directly in.

"How is it possible?

It doesn't make sense. "

"Why is this lie detector not responding at all?"

Edward put the helmet on his head with a suspicious look.

Then he looked at Dragon and said in a deep voice.

"Ask me a few questions."

"Have you ever killed anyone before?"

"Yes." Edward nodded.

A series of fluctuations suddenly appeared on the screen of the lie detector.

"It's not broken."

Edward turned his head to look at this scene and frowned.

"What's there to be confused about?

It only proves that everything we deduced is wrong! "

"Li Changfeng is not the Grim Reaper at all."

Parker walked in at this time, picked up Dragon's interrogation statement, and looked at it.

At the same time, he said with a solemn expression.

Since Li Changfeng is not the Grim Reaper.

Then they have to find the real Grim Reaper in this supercountry with more than 1.5 billion people.

This level of difficulty was simply too great!

"I have approved Li Changfeng's application to join the team. He will represent our Dragon Country's first criminal investigation expert to join the team.

Dragon looked at everyone at this time and said slowly.

"Dragon, do you know what you are doing?" Jin Shanxi opened the door and walked in at this time, then asked in a deep voice.

"Of course I know."

Dragon nodded with an indifferent expression.

"What makes you think that he can solve a case that we can't solve?"

"Or do you think that this Li Changfeng can really find the Grim Reaper?"

"Isn't this nonsense?"

Jin Shanxi said coldly.

"This is our Dragon Country's business. Jin Shanxi, you don't have to meddle in other people's business."

Dragon retorted with a cold face.

Jin Shanxi was speechless when he heard this.

He glared at Dragon, and after a while, he walked out.

"I never thought that Li Changfeng could really find the Grim Reaper."

"I'm just helping a dying person fulfill his last wish."

Dragon looked at the remaining people, and after a moment of silence, he said slowly.

Li Changfeng is really pitiful, isn't he?

He was clearly not the Grim Reaper, but he had always been regarded as a key suspect by them.

If it weren't for this lie detector.

Perhaps Li Changfeng would still be locked up in the First People's Hospital.

This was so unfair to Li Changfeng.

Although this world was full of unfairness.

Territorial Sea Huateng.

Li Changfeng returned home.

He lay heavily on the sofa and slowly closed his eyes.

A moment later.

He opened his eyes. A hint of fatigue appeared in his eyes.


He coughed crazily.

Blood kept spurting out of his mouth because of the cough.

After a few minutes.

He slowly stopped coughing.

Li Changfeng pulled out a piece of tissue from the table with a pale face.

"I'm about to die …"

Looking at the blood in his hand, a thought appeared in his mind.

When Li Changfeng thought of this, a look of relief appeared on his face.

It was good to die like this.

It was not tiring.

After all, this life was too tiring!

It was too bitter!

Since he was young, he was different from the people in the orphanage.

He was very precocious.

When the others were still joking and playing, Li Changfeng was already reading and writing.

So he was out of place with the people in the orphanage.

When they entered their dreams, he was still picking out night books.

Because he firmly believed that only reading could change his fate.

In the first 18 years of his life, he had not relaxed for a single day.

The years when he was admitted to Yanjing University were the happiest days of his life.

After graduation, he entered prison within two years.

He thought that after he was released from prison, he could start over.

But he didn't expect that he was already suffering from cancer.

"It's good to die."

"I'll be free if I die."

Li Changfeng closed his eyes gently and murmured in a low voice.

"But before that, I'm quite curious about what kind of existence the Grim Reaper who helped me avenge is?"

"I joined the Anti-Reaper Investigation Group to find you."

Li Changfeng said softly.

He was very grateful to the Grim Reaper.

He helped him avenge the hatred that he would never be able to avenge in his life.

If it wasn't for the Grim Reaper.

After he was released, he might only be able to continue to look up to Heng Tai Group.

Or if there was a slight mistake, he would be sent to prison again.

Then he would die of cancer in prison!

After thinking for a while.

The possible image of the god of death.

Li Changfeng slowly got up and walked to the windowsill. He pulled out a cigarette from his pocket.

He began to smoke.

He coughed as he coughed.

Cough, cough …

At this moment, he lowered his head and looked down.

He vaguely saw that there seemed to be someone walking a dog in the neighborhood.

Then, the pure-white adult Samoyed led the young man away.


Li Changfeng smiled.

The Samoyed pulled the young man into a pile of grass.

Then, the Samoyed began to crazily dig the ground.

After that, Li Changfeng thought he saw the young man pick up something from the grass.

However, Li Changfeng did not care.

Who cares what it is.

If he could pick it up, it would be his life.

It didn't matter if it was valuable or not.

They were all his and had nothing to do with her.

Moreover, he was not short of money now.

Li Changfeng watched as the young man dug out something from the grass.

Then, he hugged her tightly in his arms as if she was a treasure.

After this.

He turned around and ran with the dog.

Li Changfeng watched as the young man ran into the second building.

Then, he did not care.

After finishing his cigarette, he returned to his room in low spirits.

He went to sleep.

He had not slept well in the hospital for the past few days.

Even though he knew that he was not the god of death at all!

Territorial Sea Huateng.

Second building.

Eighth floor.

In the flat.

A handsome young man pushed open the door of his house and put the dog leash aside.

Then, he rushed into his room.


The door was tightly shut.

In the room, the young man carefully took out the notebook that he had just picked up in the grass in the neighborhood.

"Death's Note?"

"What is this?"

He frowned, and a hint of curiosity flashed in his eyes. Then, he opened the notebook.

The first page.

There were a few lines of words that he had never seen before.

But the strange thing was that he could see the meaning of those words!

[Rule 1: Death's Note has the ability to dominate the life of creatures.]

[Rule 2: You can write anyone's name in Death's Note, as long as you know the other party's appearance, the other party will die of heart paralysis within 30 seconds after you write the name.]

[Rule 3: You can write the other party's death trajectory in Death's Note, but it must be under the other party's reasonable behavior.]

"Is it that nonsensical?"

The young man's mouth twitched slightly.

Although he felt that the rules mentioned in these words were nonsensical.

But he could not explain it.

He could not understand those words, but he could understand the meaning behind them.

This phenomenon.

His heart was thumping, and he had a vague feeling in his heart.

Everything that was said in Death's Note.

It was all true!

"Could it be that … the god of death is the god of death?

Is it because he has a Death's Note? "

Suddenly, a thought appeared in the young man's mind, and a hint of surprise and excitement flashed in his eyes.

He roughly flipped through Death's Note.

He found that every page of the note was blank except for one page.

"This page seems to have been torn off …"

"Will it say anything?"

The young man frowned slightly.

After a while, he shook his head.

Then, he decided to try out the power of Death's Note!

"Let's start with you."

The young man took out his phone and saw a notification.

Someone was accused of choosing a concubine?

Qiang Si?

Underage? "

"Such scum should die." A cold light appeared in the young man's eyes.

Then, he wrote his name in Death's Note.

After doing all this.

He lay on his bed and went to sleep.

At night, he had a dream.

He dreamed that he inherited Death's will and became the second god of death.

He was high above, and became the true god of this planet!

Everyone who mentioned his name would show fear and respect.

He was the one who dominated everything in this world!

He was omnipotent!

PS: 1!

Full order!

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