Soon the formalities were completed, and it only took a few days for everything to be in his name.

“Yes! Sure enough, it is a hero out of a teenager, and he actually earns millions a month at a young age! Boss Lin couldn’t help but sigh, it’s a pity that he doesn’t have a daughter, otherwise he promises to definitely make a couple with Ye Yu.

“Don’t say more politely, Boss Lin give me the list of all employees!” Ye Yu was too lazy to be polite, and the other party had no value.

“Okay!” Boss Lin directly handed over all the list of the entire factory to Ye Yu.

“Xiao Man, let’s go, let’s visit this factory!” Ye Yu picked up the list and left dashingly.

Li Xiaoman immediately nodded quickly and followed.

The visit of the boss must be very meaningful.

After following the boss for a month, I also gradually understood his habits, in order to become the person the boss likes.

She’s even been trying to get to know her boss.

The more I understand, the more addicted I am.


“I heard the new boss is coming?” A middle-aged man with a fat head and big ears, sitting drinking tea and reading the newspaper.

“Just a young man, should be a rich second generation, not a climate, it is estimated that buying a factory is just a handshaker, should we play or play, should we eat kickbacks or eat kickbacks!” Another guy with glasses laughed strangely.

“Gee, the current rich second generation, really has money and nowhere to spend? Where is the future of the mobile phone factory, and what is compared with Motorola? Another woman in her forties shook her head.


Suddenly, the office door was opened.

Everyone was subconsciously taken aback.

Ye Yu came in and saw that the whole office was chaotic, smoky and miasmatic, and there were all kinds of miscellaneous things.

I even saw a deck of playing cards placed next to it.

Hehe, sure enough, if the factory is broken, there are broken people inside.

With this group of idly idle bloodsuckers, how can the whole factory improve?

When the new official takes office with three fires, the first thing is to rectify these wastes!

“Who are you? Come in and not knock? The fat-headed middle-aged man with big ears was extremely dissatisfied.

“Which department? Get out, knock on the door and come in again! The middle-aged woman shouted bitterly.

“Hehe, this woman is good! Which department of beauty, I haven’t seen you? “The middle-aged man with glasses is thrilled to see, this woman’s figure is good, very attractive.

Li Xiaoman’s face darkened when he heard this!

Ye Yu walked up unhurriedly.

Then looked at the table.

“Who is Zhu Dahai?” Ye Yu threw the form on the table, domineeringly rolled up his sleeves, sat on the table where they were working without caring at all, and said lightly.

“Hehe, you dare to call me by my first name?” The fat-headed and big-eared man narrowed his eyes.

“Then Li Jie is you, right?” Ye Yu turned to glance at the middle-aged man wearing glasses.

“Boy, you are arrogant? Name it and fuck off tomorrow! Dare to cross here? Li Jie looked down.

“Then you are Zhang Xiaojuan?” Ye Yu glanced at the middle-aged woman again.

“Okay! I’m in a showdown, I’m your new boss! Ye Yu! After Ye Yu asked, he laughed lightly.


When this sentence fell, I was immediately dumbfounded.

They knew it was a young man, but they never thought they were only teenagers!

This seems to be an underage!

Who would have thought that such a young man was the boss?

These three guys were suddenly speechless.

“Haha… Hello owner! Been waiting for you for a long time. Zhu Dahai was the first to react and immediately went to pour tea.

“Hey! I knew it was the boss! So handsome! Zhang Xiaojuan immediately changed her face.

“The owner is domineering! Just now I was tempting you, and sure enough, only you can suppress me!” Li Jie laughed.

“Guys, don’t act so hard, go and pay the salary!” Ye Yu was not affected in the slightest, and after dropping a sentence, he was directly expelled.

“Do you really want to do this awesome? As soon as you come, fire us, your factory will definitely be abandoned! Zhu Dahai’s eyes sank.

“Leaving you is just three more wastes to eat, what use do you want?” Ye Yu’s eyes suddenly flashed a cold light, domineering, and merciless.

“You!!” The three were trembling with anger, but they had no choice but to leave.

“Boss! It’s really too domineering… No matter what happens in the future, you can’t fire Xiao Man! Li Xiaoman was a little afraid that the boss would fire her in the future.

“You are so capable, why should I fire you? Let’s go! It’s solved here, and there’s the following! Ye Yu said with a smile.

“So capable?” Li Xiaoman’s face turned red all of a sudden, shouldn’t the boss be hinting at something?

PS: It’s on the shelves soon! Flowers monthly pass don’t stop, let me stay motivated to hit the shelves more!

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