“It’s so weird! Why can’t you buy PHS everywhere? ”

“I’m wondering too! There are some small places where you have the opportunity to buy, wasn’t it a fire before? ”

“It is speculated that Nokia and Motorola joined forces to suppress it.”

“Groove! Is this new phone so smacked? All at once, let the two giants make a move, or join forces. ”

“Awesome! If that’s the case, I’d really like to buy it! ”

Ye Yu is looking at the comments in Mobile World, this can be said to be the original place of the Internet, after the popularity of the song “Just Love You” last time, there are now more than two million users in Mobile World.

Seeing that the market began to react, Ye Yu was ready to play the second card!

Continue to use the money, please push behind the scenes, and start posting.

PHS’s new business!

In order to facilitate the majority of customers, you can directly call the telephone hotline and buy a machine!

Don’t go out, mobile phone delivered to the door!

The customer is God, and this year still let the customer go out to buy a mobile phone against the big sun?

And Rory’s bunch of nonsense?

Not here!

For only three bucks! No matter how far away, the phone is delivered to the door!

Call the hotline, the first thousand! Send five random cards to the hero!

Not the same!

As soon as this news was sent, it immediately detonated the mobile world!

Browsing and likes skyrocketed.

Under the joint suppression of Nokia and Motorola, it has caused a response from the majority of customers, and your two big giants suppressed new mobile phones, doesn’t it prove that this PHS is really awesome?

Otherwise, the two giants panicked?

Therefore, as soon as the article behind the scenes was issued, many trolls immediately began to guide the majority of customers to think in this aspect.

It doesn’t matter, it’s like a flood without a levee, and it can’t be stopped.

All of a sudden, it caused the majority of customers to have a crazy desire to buy!

The most important thing is that it is automatically sent to the door, although SF and Shentong have appeared at this time.

But because the Internet has not yet risen, express delivery is not widely used.

It can even be said that it is a bleak no.

And Ye Yu is now starting to use the express delivery point!

This is Ye Yu’s second card!

The second card includes the contents and, of course, the hero crisp noodles.

As soon as the bundle is out, it is his unique advantage.

Although the follow-up Nokia and Motorola imitated express sales, they could not keep up.

Because as soon as the news of the behind-the-scenes promoter comes out, every ten to ten spread the news out, will feel that PHS is the best!

Can make the two giants suppress, what kind of fairy mobile phone is this?

So when the time comes, they will also be passive when they play cards!

In Ye Yu’s office, the two bosses were chatting with Ye Yu politely.

“Two bosses, your express delivery business, I’m afraid the business is bleak, right?” Ye Yu said with a smile.

“It’s still a profit and loss state…” Boss SF Liu shook his head.

“I even wanted to sell it… It feels like there’s no way out. Boss Shentong Huang sighed.

“Now there is a way for you to make money! I wonder if you are willing to cooperate? “Ye Yu knows that they must be willing, how can they not be willing when there is such a lack of business?

“Boss Ye said quickly, how could he not be willing?” Boss Liu’s eyes lit up.

“Haha! If you can really cooperate, we will cooperate with you in the future! Boss Huang sighed.

“Next, my PHS will be sold by home delivery! Your courier fee will be three dollars, right? Ye Yu said.

“PHS home delivery? What a great idea! Wizard! Boss Liu glared, could it still be like this?

“What Boss Ye said about three dollars, as long as you continue to cooperate with me, I Shentong will only charge two dollars!” Boss Huang said excitedly, PHS is currently very hot, how can it be unwilling?

It’s a big fortune road!

“I’m two bucks too!” Boss Liu clapped his hands in agreement.

Ye Yu smiled, so that I can still earn a dollar by express?

“Good! I have one more condition! As long as you promise, you are guaranteed to earn a lot of money in the future! Ye Yu pouted with a smile.

“Boss Ye, please say!” When the two heard this, their eyes suddenly lit up.

“Nokia and Motorola came to you to cooperate, you categorically can’t agree, here is the contract, if you agree, you will sign!” Of course, you can also disagree, but I have more ways to bring them down, but also make you uncomfortable, I can also open a courier company…” Ye Yu’s words were definitely not alarmist.

If it weren’t for the desire to play the second card quickly, he would have opened it himself.

“What words! Boss Ye gave us the first batch of business, we categorically can’t cooperate with others, I sign! “Boss Liu understands what Ye Yu means, the three of them are opposites, so naturally they have to take the lead.

They are also people who know how to be grateful, and Ye Yu obviously has a lot of brains.

Work with him and earn blood!

“It’s the same!” Boss Huang spat out the dialect.

PS: Shelf tonight, let’s talk about the number of chapter words, on the day of the shelf, it was ten more, one more 4000 words! That’s a total of 40,000 words! Readers who don’t believe can investigate for themselves, why do you do this? Mainly because the author has to take a break after writing a chapter, and the efficiency of writing two thousand and four thousand is the same.

Then I might as well have four thousand one chapters, and I hereby let you know, and I can also let you read enough books at once.

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