“The first wave of the Internet has finally appeared, Sina.com!” Ye Yu smiled when he saw this.

Sina.com can be said to be a new place for everyone to communicate after moving the world, and it is more powerful than the mobile world.

Unfortunately, Sina.com was established at this time, and there is no shortage of money, so Ye Yu is powerless even if he wants to invest.

But this is not the biggest head, and it doesn’t matter much.

As long as you find Pony and Jack Horse, everything is good to say.

Ye Yu dialed the upper leaders of the major departments.

“Gathering at Fuhaixuan at eight o’clock tonight, I should give you a relaxing moment, and hold an all-staff meeting by the way.” Ye Yu felt that it was now necessary to gather these people.

After receiving the news, the ministers of major departments and so on began to prepare for their busy work.

“The boss spoke! Fu Haixuan will get together at eight o’clock tonight! Is there something big to do? Chen Fan asked.

“The boss is a mysterious person, and he is not surprised to do anything.” Yu Jun said with a smile.

“It’s good to let the boss see my recent results.” Guan Tianfeng said lightly.

“The boss does have something big to do recently, and this is probably what he is talking about tonight, right?” Lin Tingting blinked.

After Ye Yu dialed the phone, he couldn’t help but complain.

“I still need Brother Pony’s QQ! Otherwise, to notify things, every time you have to make a phone call is an egg pain. Ye Yu shook his head.

Ye Yu turned to find a cooperative phone number of Sina.com.

Now that Sina.com has just been released, it naturally needs more partners, and Ye Yu is the first to bear the brunt.

Dialed the cooperation phone.

“Hey, hello! Here is Sina customer service, how can I help you? ”

“I want to cooperate, please how to contact your director.” Ye Yu asked.

“Cooperation, you wait! Please leave your phone number and name, as well as your company, and we will have someone to talk to you later. “Sina customer service naturally can’t call the shots.

“Name: Ye Yu!” Ye Yu.

“Name: Ye Yu…” Sina customer service repeated this sentence.

Suddenly, he realized something was wrong and exclaimed.

“Wait a minute! Shouldn’t you be the founder of that hero crisp noodles, Ye Yu? ”

“Huh? It seems that you know me? Ye Yu blinked, not expecting that a small customer service would also know him.

He has always been very low-key, can this be detected?

“Ah! It’s really you, I’m your idol, bah! You are my idol! Can you sign it for me, no… How to sign here? “The customer service is completely excited.

“Ahem: Don’t get excited, leave my information first, I need to talk to your director about cooperation, trouble. “Ye Yu is a little crying and laughing, is this woman?

As one of his bosses, can he also be an idol?

If the identity of the singer is discovered, this can still be said of the past.

“Don’t worry! I’ll definitely help you finish it as soon as possible. The customer service said excitedly.

“Okay, thanks!” After Ye Yu hung up the phone, he was finally relieved.

“Next, it’s time to occupy Sina.com’s posts with Huacha!” Ye Yu had such an idea for a long time.

Taking advantage of the establishment of Sina.com, because the number of customers is not large, it still needs to be drained, so at this time, there are not many people who post here.

Register an account password and publish your first post.

When the words Huacha came out, they immediately attracted the attention of Sina.com’s auditors.

“Look! Someone posted on Sina! “Reviewers.

“Hua Cha?! I know this, this Chinese tea has been too popular recently, but unfortunately it is only available in Ninghai City for the time being. ”

“Is it so hot?”

“You don’t know, Huacha has become popular in Ninghai City, and the business of Xianxian Lin in Ninghai City has plummeted! It is said that there is also a drink contest, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is everything prepared in retaliation for taking away the customer’s amount of Chinese tea! ”

“I didn’t know before, I thought that the drink in the Fairy Forest was very delicious, who knew that the last time I went to Hua Cha, I knew how dark the Fairy Forest was!” Milk tea tea flavor is insufficient, milk and gum smell, no contrast and no harm! ”

“If nothing else, this Huacha boss can post on Sina.com at the first time, proving that he has enough credit for Sina.com and must be at the top!”

“I personally support Huacha! Dry Wonderland! It’s so dark! ”

Ye Yu just made a post, but in less than ten minutes, he was actually put at the top!

Is this audit so powerful?

His post is also simple, just say that Huacha will open a branch! And we are launching summer relief drinks one after another!

There will be Michelin masters to launch more desserts to give back to our customers!

Therefore, I hope you will like and share and attract more attention!

What Ye Yu said was roughly what he meant.

His move does not mean that he wants to do it immediately.

But the pressure must be in place first, and the pressure must be put on the fairy forest indefinitely!

Then Ye Yu, who began to move the heaven and earth, posted another article, by the way, drained the past Sina.com, double blossom!

When all was done, Ye Yu turned off his mobile phone.

Taking advantage of the noon time period, the flow of people is good.

Ye Yu began to train these two newcomers.

“Have you read the contract? A one-year contract is required, during which all benefits are written on it and there will be no false elements. “Ye Yu needs someone who can stay for a long time, so he completely disagrees with the short-term salary method.

“I… No problem, it’s actually better because it’s stable…” said Su Xiaoya in a low voice.

“People are also no problem, the salary is in place, and the work is full marks!” Xie Wenyu said with a smile.

“Okay, no problem, just sign it! Today I will train you, and tomorrow the two of you will be responsible for producing bubble tea, and also have the cash register! “Ye Yu’s sister doesn’t come over often, she has to do homework, housework and so on.

So the cash register and the water bar are all one.

“Huh? Is it going to be produced so soon? I’m a little afraid…” Su Xiaoya was dumbfounded, only one day to train and take up the post?

“This…” Xie Wenyu didn’t expect it either.

“It’s not… The two young sisters, currently only have a cup of bubble tea, can’t they learn it in a day? Ye Yu suddenly laughed angrily.

“Don’t be nervous! Don’t say a day, an hour, you will be. ”

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