The meteorite with its eggs passed over the earth, and because of the strong gravitational force of the earth, it kept drawing closer to the earth.

The Dragon Kingdom was the first to discover this meteorite.

Organic methyl land.

Didi di...

Constantly in the alarm.

Everyone's eyes were on the trajectory of the meteorite sent back by the satellite.

Lin Jun: "MSI, calculate, the weight of this meteorite, where it fell..."

20 seconds later,

MSI reported: "Master, after calculation, the weight of the meteorite is 15 tons. Falling to the ground at its speed will cause devastating damage to an area of ​​100 miles."

All the researchers were taken aback!

Is the meteorite so big?

Lin Jun: "Where did it fall? By the way, how can I shoot it down?"

MSI: "After calculation, it may fall in the open country, and it can be used if it is shot down..."

Lin Jun: "..."

Researchers: "....................."

Suddenly put away the idea of ​​intercepting and shooting down this meteorite.

Kaiguo is so ‘nice’, so I shouldn’t need Longguo’s help.

Recently, the opening country has been clamoring too much, why defeat the Dragon Kingdom, huh...Do you really think you can open it? There is no compulsion at all.

However, one thing can be confirmed. Among the many countries that oppose the Dragon Nation, only the opening country has the smallest loss and the best preservation of strength.

This gave Kai Hang Guo the confidence to clamor for Long Guo.

"Then leave it alone."

All the researchers broke up in a rush.

No longer pay attention to this meteorite.



Open country.

Prime Minister's Office.

"Mr. Prime Minister, the first batch of genetic warriors have been born, 10,000 people were injected, 1034 people were successfully injected, and the success rate was 10.34%."

The subordinate introduced to the Prime Minister excitedly.

The Prime Minister was overjoyed upon hearing the words: "More than 1,000 people, good, good!"

Although the success rate is a little bit low, it is estimated that the lighthouse country has used inferior genetic medicine, but there are not many other countries in the open country because of the large number of people and low lives. The loss of nearly 9,000 people and the acquisition of 1034 genetic fighters are considered by the prime minister. Good news!

"Send another 100,000 people over..."


The Prime Minister hopes to get more genetic warriors!

Then form an army of genetic warriors!

Suppress the Dragon Kingdom and strive for global hegemony!

At this time,

Ling Ling Ling~~~(Read more @

The phone rang suddenly.

"Mr. Prime Minister, it's okay. Something happened. There is a huge meteorite falling to the earth. We calculated it and the location of the fall happened to be in our country!"

An anxious voice came.

"What?" The prime minister's face changed drastically and stood up. "How big is the meteorite?"

"The car is so big and its weight has not been measured yet, but at least it is more than 10 tons. Once it is smashed down at such a high speed, we will lose a lot when we open the country!"


The Prime Minister slapped the desktop: "Stop it for me right away, right away!!!"

Subordinates: "Yes!"

Soon, the army of the opening country began to mobilize frequently, and various fighters, artillery, missiles, and radars aimed at the huge meteorite.

An hour later, the meteorite fell all the way to the sky above Kaihang Country.

Falling straight down.

The speed is as high as more than ten thousand kilometers per hour.


Boom boom boom~~~~

Boom boom boom~~~

again and again……

In various parts of the country, the missiles were continuously lifted into the air, and they were evaded one by one by the meteorites of speed.

The fighter jets that constantly lifted off to chase the meteorite fired frantically, and they were all left behind by the meteorite.

The speed of the meteorite is too fast.

"It's over!!"

"Is the end of the opening country coming soon?"

The nationals of the entire opening country fell into panic.

At this time, a Brahma’s deputy pope said to the whole country: “I have already prayed to the Brahma God, let the Brahma God punish and destroy the meteorites. Our Brahmanism is the patron saint of the open country. Please trust our Brahma God. the power of. ......"

As soon as the pope's words came out, no one believed them.

Although most of the believers in Kaikou State believe in Brahmanism, the deputy pope, the ‘Brahma God destroys the meteorite’, is too nonsense?

Anyway, just don't believe it.

Below the meteorite, there is a huge alpine forest in the middle of the sacred river of the country of Kaihang (dried this cup of Yokogawa water without disease and no disaster), a tropical monsoon forest larger than 10 cities.

The meteorite is getting closer and closer to the forest.

10 kilometers...

5 kilometers...

100 metres……


Up and down the holy river, in many cities, all citizens closed their eyes at this moment, waiting in horror for the earthquake to strike the ground.

1 second……

10 seconds……

1 minute……

2 minutes……

Everyone opened their eyes and looked around blankly.


What about the collision between heaven and earth?

What about a major earthquake?

Why didn't it happen?

It took more than ten minutes before they confirmed that the meteorite had disappeared out of thin air.

There is no impact mark!

Soon, the national television station of the country that opened the link quickly announced the good news to the whole country.

The whole country is boiling! 0.4

"Uuuuu, saved!"

"We are all right, the meteorite is gone!"

"The Great Brahma God is here! Please accept your people's worship!"

"Great Brahma God!!"

At this time, the prestige of the Brahma god sect rose rapidly, and countless pious believers were gained!


At this time, what the whole country didn't know was that the meteorite had not disappeared.

The depths of dense virgin forests.

The meteorite lay quietly beside a lake.


The eggs were breaking, and one after another came out of it.

Most of the appearance is like a praying mantis...


Ps: "Starship Team", Zerg.

. .

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