"Opening country asks for help?"

In the Black Palace, the Austrian Emperor looked tiredly at the diplomatic documents of the country.

"Refused to open the country..."


The secretary led away.

Emperor Austrian sighed.

Although he wanted to support the Lighthouse Nation, he was powerless, because at this time the Lighthouse Nation was facing a crisis.

The 800,000 genetic warriors have become a huge hidden danger for the lighthouse nation.


800,000 genetic warriors, this time is not good.

Austrian emperor and other high-level officials in the country wanted to drive them to an isolated island and let them fend for themselves.

And the neighbors and friends around the genetic warrior are very alert to them, for fear of when they will transform into beasts and kill people.

They are like mutants in the Marvel world, because they are too powerful and rejected by the Beacon Nation.

The word social death perfectly interprets the social status quo of the genetic warriors at this time!

Therefore, the more than 800,000 genetic warriors have been holding a wave of anger in their hearts.

After learning that the more than 10,000 genetic warriors on the side of the Kaikou Kingdom had quarreled with duli, they suddenly realized it!

"Yes, we can also duli!"

"There are only more than 10,000 genetic warriors in the open country, and they dare to ask for duli. There are 800,000 people on our side!"

As a result, 800,000 genetic warriors began to gather together quickly.

A huge force was formed, occupying a central city in the lighthouse country, and proclaiming to the world: "We are going to become a country belonging to the new mankind!"


New man!

Gene warriors, self-named the "new humans"!

They feel that the name Genetic Warrior is too ‘humiliating’ in nature.

As soon as the title of new human appeared, it immediately gained the approval of the genetic warrior on the side of Kai Hang Guo, also known as "new human."

As a result, the new human forces stepped onto the earth's stage and became a force that cannot be ignored.

However, the term "new human" has no market in Long Kingdom, because all Long Kingdom people understand that in the near future, the genetically fortified population of Long Kingdom will change from 100 million to 500 million, 600 million, until Cover all people under the age of 40.

At that time, where are there any new humans?

Only Longguo people!

This is the confidence and pride of Longguo people!


Here in the black palace,(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Wait... Gene Warrior..."

Emperor Ao suddenly thought of an idea.

"Opening country asks for help...Why don't I send genetic warriors to open country?"

"On the one hand, it can respond to Kaihang Country's request for help, on the other hand, it can reduce the number of genetic fighters..."

"Yes, just do it!"

Ao Great Emperor's tired face finally showed a smile.

He hurriedly called the secretary back, postponing his reply to the opening country.

Then I called the gene warrior... Sherland, the leader of the new human forces.


The new human city, the city of hope.

Council Chamber.

Sherland, the leader of the new humans, used to be a high-ranking officer of the army. After injecting genetic medicine, he used his subordinates to unite many genetic warriors. After a fight, he became the leader of the new humans.

Under the leader, there are eighteen elders, forming the senator's association.

The rights of both parties restrain each other.


"President Austria, what's the matter?"

"I have always worried about the social status of your new human beings. Now that the domestic opposition to you is so loud, you may need to make certain achievements to make the world accept you again..."

The Austrian emperor followed every step of the way.

Xie Erlan said with a cold face, knowing that Emperor Austria must have something to ask for: "Let's talk about it, what's the matter?"

Emperor Ao: "It's like this, you also know about the Alien Zerg crisis on the open country side."

Sherland: "Do you want us new humans to pass?"

The Great Emperor laughed: "You can think of it this way, this time your new humans have saved the open country, and the world is watching. Wouldn't it be a global favor?"

"Good impression? Ha ha, is this a charity to us?"

Sherland sneered, "Do we new humans need these things?"

In terms of force, Sherland also led the mutants, captured a military base and obtained a large number of missiles, guns, fighter jets, etc...

Therefore, the strength of the new humans is very strong!

There is no need for the ‘favorite opinion’ of the whole world at all!


hang up the phone.. .



The next few months,

The monster still hasn't come, as if holding a big move.

The opening country, because of the alien zerg, has attracted the attention of human beings all over the world.

Countries around the world have sent tens of thousands of combat reporters to go to the front line to broadcast news of combat to the world.

The number of alien zerg has also increased over time, and has exceeded 800,000.

What's more terrible is that after they adapt to human combat methods, more targeted tactics appear, and the more they fight, the stronger they are.

There is even a huge Zerg over 120 meters!

The speed of evolution is extremely amazing 2.6!

In the past few months, Western European countries such as Victoria and Napoleon, as well as the bear country, the lighthouse country, the Austrian country, and the Canadian country... have successively sent troops to reinforce the opening country...

Reinforcement force, more than 100,000!

However, the casualties are also very heavy. From the beginning of the Zerg invasion to the present,

7 months,

More than 100,000 dead soldiers,

More than 5.7 million civilians died,

23 cities were destroyed,

The occupied area accounts for 25% of the open country,


And at this moment, a part of the Zerg spread to Tierba Nation!

The Dragon Kingdom, which has not been moving, finally moved at this time!

. .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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