Long Country,

Secret Base No. 3.

An underground prison for aliens.

"Another alien committed suicide..."

Prison guard Wang Bin frowned.

For these aliens who invaded the earth, Wang Bin has no good feelings, but every captured alien is a treasure for the Dragon Kingdom to come to the capital, which can be used for research.


"His hiss~~~~"

The originally sick alien in front of him suddenly stood up, hissed frantically, and was extremely emotional.

Wang Bin was shocked.

"What happened?"

At this time, the aliens in other cells also fry at the same time, as if cheering.

Wang Bin felt that something was not quite right, so he called and reported it as soon as possible.


Lighthouse country.

Tiansha Research Base.


caveat! caveat! Heavenly evil alien riot!

"Warning! Warning! The Tiansha alien spacecraft starts inexplicably!"

The entire base suddenly sounded a violent alarm.

All the base personnel were completely awakened.

"what happened?"

"How come these evil aliens suddenly rioted one by one?"

"The spacecraft is also activated?"

"How do I feel familiar with this scene?"

"Hey~~~~ I remember. Two years ago, Lin Jun of the Dragon Kingdom seemed to say that when the evil aliens came, the old alien flying saucers suddenly started up, could it be...the evil aliens were again coming?"

A word to awaken the dreamer!

Everyone panicked!

If the evil aliens really come, this time, can they be as lucky as last time?

In addition to the lighthouse country, other countries that captured the Tiansha spacecraft all discovered the sudden riot of the Tiansha aliens at this moment.

All countries are at a loss.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Some countries have relatively high astronomical levels, and UFOs on the edge of the solar system have been discovered.

Soon, the news spread out, causing an uproar all over the world.



As the gossip continued to spread, it attracted more and more people's discussions.

At this time, because of the Dragon Country’s agreement, the Internet of all countries in the world except for the lighthouse countries and some countries has been taken over by Dragon Country.

Naturally, the firewalls of various countries were broken and became a barrier-free Internet in the true sense (except for the lighthouse countries).

Therefore, Dragon Kingdom can chat smoothly with countries in the world, and it is no longer inaccessible.

Of course, this interconnection, everything is in the hands of Longguo.

"Have you heard? The evil aliens arrested by various countries have rioted in prison."

"This is old news. The latest news is that a huge unidentified flying object has appeared at the edge of the solar system."

"I'm sure that the aliens from Tiansha are here."

"I also think that if you hit a small one, the big one will come."

"Humanity is in danger."

"Why have aliens come here all the time in recent years? How many times have they been?"

"I wonder too."

"Don't panic, everyone, these are gossips and may not be true. Everything depends on the Dragon Kingdom."

"Yes, everything is subject to Dragon Kingdom official news."

"Wait for the official news of the Dragon Kingdom."

"Are there Longguo people here?"

"You are all here, why don't you go to Longguo's Weibo, Douyin, and forced calls?"

"I know Weibo and Douyin, but what is forced calling?"

"The rumors are forcing the people inside to earn one million a month per capita, which is terrifying~~"

"Let’s go to Longguo Weibo. Professor Lin Jun has 2.3 billion Weibo fans. He often posts important news on Weibo."

Soon tens of millions of netizens all over the world went to Lin Jun's Weibo.

"Worship 2 billion fans!"

"Wait for the authoritative news from Lin Jun!"



Organic methyl land.

Lin Jun not only received news of the riots of the Tiansha aliens in the prison, but also received the news from MSI. The Tiansha spacecraft, which has been controlled by MSI, was also inexplicably activated...

Combined with the news from the Sky Eye, a huge spacecraft with a diameter of 900 kilometers appeared on the edge of the solar system.

Lin Jun frowned.

Think of "Independence Day 2."

And isn't this 1,200-kilometer spacecraft the mothership in Independence Day 2?

It is more than double the diameter of the mothership of "Independence Day 1" at 500 kilometers!

Obviously, the aliens from Tiansha are coming again!

"The strength of the evil aliens this day is extraordinary. I won last time because of a fluke. There may be trouble this time."

"No...There is another alien civilization "White Ball Civilization" (laughing: Xia Yi Weiguo Civilization?). According to the movie's plot, it was driven to extinction by the Tiansha Civilization, and only the last white ball escaped. "

"This white ball contains a lot of technology, which is used to deal with the civilization of the gods..."

After thinking about it, Lin Jun issued a few orders to go down and all the mecha divisions were on standby.

At the same time, a National Taiwan University unified force shield generator was transported to the first-tier cities in Longguo.

Finally, Lin Jun thought for a while and posted a Weibo.

"Tell everyone the bad news: Tianshafei 1.7 is coming to Earth again. The mothership has a diameter of 1,200 kilometers, which is 2.4 times that of the previous mothership. It is currently at the edge of the solar system and is expected to arrive in outer space in three days. ·Jpg, picture·jpg……"

"In addition, in accordance with the "Long Nation Alliance Agreement", the Dragon Nation will send mechas to protect the "Dragon Nation Alliance" countries for a fee. The countries outside the alliance will not be protected by the Dragon Nation. Please ask for your luck..."

After Weibo was posted,

The global network was paralyzed on the spot.

World panic!


ps: There are fewer updates. The reason is that most of the movies have been written by me, and I don’t want to delay the plot. It’s tragic...

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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