Audiences all over the world are confused when they see this.

People all over the world are worried about the arrival of the end of mankind!

Your Dragon Kingdom, actually got the other's mother emperor battleship down?

Want to kill the mother emperor?

You are forced, I give 100 points, not afraid of you being proud!

Emperor Ao also dropped the cup to the ground at this time, stunned.

"How can it be?!"

Looking at the embarrassment of the lighthouse country now, is there really such a big gap between the lighthouse country and the dragon country?

In the live broadcast room, the host's introduction continues.

"Next, let me talk about the ins and outs of the incident first."

"Professor Lin Jun cracked the information on the iron-blooded spacecraft. According to the data records, the white ball star is not an interstellar orphan, but a hypnotic race with special abilities that can affect the entire civilization. It feeds on the wisdom of civilization. Gain growth; according to the information on the iron-blooded spacecraft, 3000 years ago, a powerful white star man created a civil war in the evil spirit civilization, causing the evil spirit civilization to be severely damaged, and the two sides have become enemies since then."

After listening to countless audiences,

Qi Qi inhaled air-conditioning.

"Oh~my~god! I didn't expect that the white star man with thick eyebrows and eyes turned out to be the villain!"

"Too insidious!"

"If it weren't for Professor Lin to see through, wouldn't we humans be controlled by this white star?"

"Sure enough, the universe is full of dangers. A single mistake can ruin the entire civilization."

"Professor Lin Jun saved the world again this time."

The live broadcast host finally said the key points at this time.

"In order to eliminate the aliens from Tiansha, Professor Lin Jun specially formulated a plan-please enter the urn."

"Lure the white star people to the Northwestern Great Desert, and then lead out the Heavenly Evil Mother... The Heavenly Evil Mother Empress, the battleship was destroyed by the Dragon Kingdom..."

I said the whole process again.

Billions of viewers shouted ‘Sympathize with the mother for one second’, ‘666’, and ‘Niu Bian! ’...



A huge wreckage was directly lifted off and hit in front of the live camera.


The billions of viewers were taken aback.

Then I saw a huge ‘monster’ emerge from the wreckage of the battleship.

This monster is about 50 or 60 meters high, has seven or eight tentacles, seven or eight feet, and a huge face...

"The Mother Empress is here!"

"His hiss~~~~"


"It's ugly!"


Out of trust in the strength of the Dragon Kingdom, audiences all over the world are very relaxed at this time, and there is no fear.

And at this moment...

Buzzing~~~~(Read more @

One after another small Tiansha airship flew out of the Mother Emperor battleship.


Thousands of...

More and more, a huge whirlpool was formed, densely guarding the mother emperor's surroundings. ??。.

"My~god, this mother emperor is so imposing!"

"The strength of the mother emperor should not be underestimated..."

at this time,


A golden-red mecha descended from the sky and landed in front of the mother emperor.


A violent light burst in front of the camera.

All the audience only heard the constant explosion of ‘Boom Boom Boom~~~’. ‘Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom

After the white light flashed, what appeared in front of the audience was the wreckage all over the ground. It was the airship that was guarding the mother emperor just now, but now they all turned into wreckage within a second.

Only the mother emperor was left standing alone in the desert.

"It's a dangerous wanderer!"

"Wow, it actually took the shot in person!"

"It's been a long time since I saw it shot!"

Many Lin Jun fans around the world are excited.

at this time,


The mother emperor became angry, a tentacles turned into a streamer and pierced the dangerous wanderer, and the tip of the tentacles flashed with cold light.

A sirens for dangerous wanderers, crazy warnings.

Lin Jun was surprised.

The tentacles of the mother emperor can threaten the unified force field shield equipped by the mecha!

This is the first time I have encountered it!


Lin Jun easily raised his arm shield to block his tentacles.

Slash the ship knife, pull it out.


The tentacles cut directly!

Afterwards, all the other tentacles of the mother emperor attacked together from all angles, very fast...

However, Lin Jun's skills reached the peak in seconds, waving a knife to resist one by one, and took the opportunity to chop off his tentacles.

One minute later.

All tentacles were chopped off by Lin Jun.

The whole process is like art. Pao Ding Jie Niu is full of beauty, and the audience who is watching the live broadcast can't help but marvel.


Bang bang bang~~

Several super-electromagnetic guns broke the protective shield on the mother emperor's appearance. Originally, the shield was very strong, but most of the energy was consumed by the explosion of the mother royal battleship, so it became very fragile.

The shield shattered.

Lin Jun swung his knife over.


After a few stabs, all the feet were chopped off, leaving only the human stick mother emperor (biological armor).

At this time, the head of the mother emperor split open, revealing a ten-meter-high Tiansha giant.

The real mother emperor!

It got out, trying to escape, but was hit by Lin Jun with a knife.

Mother queen, die!

Lin Jun: "Clean up the battlefield. This day, Mother Shah’s biological armor, but it’s a good thing. Bring it back to study..."


The mecha divisions came out to wash the ground.

At this time, the white star man flew out from the wreckage of the mother emperor battleship.

The white star people witnessed the whole process of the mother emperor being killed by humans, realized the excellence of human beings, and decided to stay on Earth with 1.7.

Once swallowed up the wisdom of human civilization, then he can definitely grow into a powerful white star.

The white star came to Lin Jun in a passionate tone.

"Oh my God, you humans are the best race I have seen in this universe. If you give you time, you can definitely become the most powerful race in the universe..."

A series of compliments.


The white star person saw a white light and cut it off!


Its sturdy shell can even resist wormholes...

It was chopped!


ps: The weather suddenly turned cold, and then a fever and a cold. This is the case for the time being today...

. .

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