"What do you mean? Bai

Qianqian's first reaction was that she heard it wrong, but after realizing it, she couldn't believe it. Then she felt that Bai Ziyi must have meant something else.

But Bai Ziyi emphasized:"It means literally, eldest sister." , in fact, when you were shuffling the cards, I had already memorized the positions of all the cards, so no matter how you deal the cards or to whom, I can know all the cards in that person's hand."

"Isn’t this just out of a thousand!!"Bai Jingjing said unconvinced.

Bai Ziyi waved his hand and said:"This is not cheating, cheating is cheating, but this is where I rely.........."

As he said this, Bai Ziyi pointed at his head, which meant that he relied entirely on his own brain.

"impossible!"Bai Qianqian immediately retorted.

Although there are only fifty cards in a deck of cards, after cutting and shuffling the cards, all the cards are arranged in a disorderly manner, and there are almost countless possibilities.

If Bai Ziyi can remember the front and back of a deck of cards , She could still understand the order, but it was a bit false for him to say that he could remember the corresponding positions of the cards even after cutting and shuffling them!

Observation, memory, and inference abilities are all at the peak of the human brain, and anything that happens in the process A slight deviation will cause everything to collapse.

That is definitely not something that the human brain can do.

Bai Ranran also didn't believe what Bai Ziyi said at all. You don't even have to think about it. You can see how difficult it is just by looking at it.

Who has never played cards before? , the card was cut for only 0.0 seconds, how could he observe it, let alone memorize it after cutting the card.

Bai Ziyi was just talking nonsense

"Ziyi, it would be nice if you admitted it openly by any means. We won't blame you, but if these big words cannot be realized later, it would be really embarrassing!"Bai Ranran reminded her in a friendly way.

But Bai Ziyi didn't take their words to heart at all. He lay on the sofa and said calmly:"If you don't believe it, you can try it..........."

Then he pointed to the deck of cards they had just played on the coffee table and said:"Pick out any card here and see if I can recognize it.""

"I come first, I come first!"

When Bai Jingjing heard that Onii-chan was so powerful, she quickly picked up a card eagerly, turned her back to Bai Ziyi and asked,"Then Onii-chan, what is this card?"

"Diamond 3."Bai Ziyi replied confidently


In one sentence, Bai Jingjing exclaimed, her mouth opened into an O shape in surprise.

Seeing her reaction, several other girls quickly asked in surprise:"Is that right?"


Bai Jingjing nodded and spread out the card. It was the 3 of diamonds that Bai Ziyi mentioned. Several girls were shocked. This was so unbelievable!

Bai Ranran was very surprised and quickly took it out of the card pile. A card came, he held it in his hand and asked Bai Ziyi:"What about this one?"

"7 of spades."Bai Ziyi is still confident.

Bai Ranran's eyes widened and he shook his head. He couldn't believe his ears.

Bai Ranran made sure several times that he had not revealed the cards to Bai Ziyi, but the more sure he was, the more he showed it to Bai Ziyi. The ability is incredible.

Could it be that Bai Ziyi marked all the cards when they were not paying attention, so they can recognize them?

Bai Qianqian thought this way, it is not impossible, because this is a common thing in Qianju. Routine.

In order to verify, Bai Qianqian asked the servant to bring over a brand new pair of playing cards. They had not been opened, had not been used once, and had definitely not been touched by Bai Ziyi.

In full view of everyone, Bai Qianqian removed the cover, and Bai Qianqian herself I personally shuffled this card several times.

"Can you remember this now?"Bai Qianqian looked at Bai Ziyi.

Bai Ziyi smiled and replied:"Sister, I already remembered it when you shuffled the cards just now."

Bai Qianqian's pretty face moved slightly, and she was already a little angry. She always felt that Bai Ziyi was deliberately making fun of them today.

In her understanding, this matter is still impossible!

From the latest deck of playing cards, Taking out one, Bai Qianqian turned her back to Bai Ziyi and asked,"What is this?""

Bai Qianqian deliberately used a little trick. This time she did not take any of the fifty-four playing cards, but drew out a billboard. In this way, the difficulty would increase exponentially. She wanted to see if what Bai Ziyi said was true.

But Bai Ziyi still smiled:"Sister, you don't need to use these tricks to verify me. It's useless. This is a billboard in your hand. Also, When you were just shuffling the cards, a jack of diamonds fell on the ground, right behind you.……"


The whole audience was shocked!

The four girls gathered together, with incredible expressions on their faces.

Wen Yirou picked up the card on the ground and exclaimed:"It's really the Jack of Diamonds!"

Everyone was shocked. This person must be a devil!

Oh my God!

Just now, I actually played cards with such a devil, all the cards were played, how could I win?

Bai Ziyi's performance exceeded everyone's expectations, especially Bai Qianqian, who seemed to have been hit.

He has been a top academic character since he was a child, from elementary school to master's degree. He has always been the first in every exam, but this time, Bai Ziyi was shocked and speechless.

Bai Jingjing even said:"Onii-chan, are you good at magic? Do you want to teach it to me? This way I can show off in front of my classmates!"

Bai Ziyi smiled and scratched the bridge of her nose:"Teach me It's not that you can't, it's just that........."

"Just what?"Bai Jingjing blinked her big eyes, waiting for Bai Ziyi's next sentence.

"Your brain is weak~" After Bai Ziyi said this, he ran upstairs quickly.

"Oni-chan!"Bai Jingjing was so angry that she stamped her feet on the spot, then pointed at Bai Ziyi and chased after her,"Stop, I'm going to beat you to death!"

Bai Jingjing ran up after Bai Ziyi's footsteps, leaving only Bai Jingjing and Bai Ranran who were still in shock on the first floor.

They both shook their heads, feeling that they could not see through Bai Ziyi more and more.

He suddenly came back. Their younger brother's abilities are far beyond their imagination.

They even think that in time, Bai Ziyi's achievements may be higher than themselves and even their grandfather...............

Of course many girls don't know that Bai Ziyi is actually a cheater, and of course they don't know that as the system progresses, there will be more and more cheaters.

In a good mood, Bai Ziyi returned to the second floor and told Bai Jingjing a story for a while to coax the little girl to sleep before returning to his room.

I slept very comfortably at night, without any dreams.

He got up early the next morning because today's schedule was quite full. He had accepted Lin Honglang's invitation the day before yesterday and was going back to Jiangcheng University of Science and Technology to attend a student exchange meeting.

Teacher Zhao, who was kind to him during college, has not been seen for a long time. He wants to go back and see him................

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