The car drove all the way to the southeast. The whole way, Bai Qianqian held on to the car window and looked outside without saying anything.

Her thoughts were more solemn, exactly the same as when she returned home yesterday.

Bai Qianqian is a strong woman. Ever since Bai Chengyun handed her the largest branch in Jiangcheng, she has been focusing on the company wholeheartedly.

This is undoubtedly very stressful for a woman in her twenties.

Bai Ziyi always wanted to share some of the burden with her, but she still felt that she was not capable enough and did not let him get in touch with the core things of Chuansheng Group.

Bai Qianqian's beautiful but fragile face fell into his eyes, and Bai Ziyi felt a little distressed.

Gently climbing onto her shoulders, Bai Ziyi asked her,"Sister, what's the matter with you?"

Feeling the warmth from Bai Ziyi's palms, Bai Qianqian turned around and looked into Bai Ziyi's eyes..

He smiled and said to Bai Ziyi:"No, it's just some business matters, you don't have to worry."

"You can tell me."Bai Ziyi said,"Even if you think I can't help you deal with these problems now, it's not good to hold these things in your heart. Talking them out can relieve you, right?"

"Just treat me like a tree hole and speak out what's on your mind."Bai Ziyi added.

Inexplicably, a trace of warmth flashed in Bai Qianqian's heart. She hadn't felt such warmth for a long time. At this moment, Bai Ziyi gave her the feeling that even if he is younger than herself, he is also more mature than herself. , he knows how to take care of people.

Bai Qianqian has worked for the family company for several years, and she has been supporting it alone.

Especially for a strong woman like her, the busier she is, the more lonely she feels.

They are not She is not fragile inside, she just needs to pretend to be strong so that others don't look fragile.

When she heard Bai Ziyi's words, Bai Qianqian was very touched, maybe because she was too tired in the past few days.

She thought about it and sighed. Said:"Actually, it's nothing, it's just a matter of x energy."


"What happened to X source?" Bai Ziyi asked further.

"Our project has encountered a bottleneck. Bai Qianqian said,"The scientific researchers within the group are a bit unable to advance the progress of X source.""

"That's not what you worry about."Bai Ziyi said,"You are not an expert in energy."

"Yes, but there is a solution. Bai Qianqian explained,"We have a very famous energy expert in China named Dong Kangcheng. Mr. Dong Kangcheng first worked at the Huaxia Academy of Sciences. When he was at the institute, his main topic was new energy."

"Then what."Bai Ziyi went quietly

"Mr. Dong has returned to Jiang after retiring from the Academy of Sciences. This should be the key point, Bai Qianqian continued,"If we can invite people to join our scientific research team, the progress of the X Source project should be greatly improved."

"How to invite him"

"Mr. Dong is a guest of the Su family in Kyoto."Bai Qianqian continued,"I heard that the Su family gave him a lot of kindness when he was young, so he only listened to the Su family's words. The cocktail party we are going to attend today was held by Su Muhua, the head of the Su family."

"So as long as we get the consent of the parents of the Su family, we can deal with Dong Kangcheng."Bai Ziyi grasped the key point

"Indeed. Bai Qianqian said,"The Su family will only come to Jiangcheng twice a year. This cocktail party is very important. I want to resolve this matter at this cocktail party. This is what I have been worrying about these two days.""

"is it hard?"Bai Ziyi is a little confused. The main reason is that he has never heard of the Su family. Facing the Bai family, the richest man in the world, they should not have so much resistance."The name of the Bai family is not enough for them to cooperate with the Su family. ?"

"no the same."Bai Qianqian said,"If grandpa came forward in person, he would definitely not dare not give me face, but Project X is my goal, not counting the entire Bai family's project. Grandpa once said, give me five years. Time allows me to develop on my own. In the past five years, he will not interfere with any of my business decisions. He will not help or belittle me. This matter is known to the entire business community."

"So they may give grandpa face, but they may not give me face."

"Moreover."Bai Qianqian said,"There are two companies competing with us this time, one is Hengyuan Group and the other is New World Energy Company. They will come to this reception today with the purpose of bringing Mr. Dong Kangcheng back to his scientific research. Team, I’m stressed."

In this passage, Bai Ziyi got an important message: Hengyuan Group

"Hengyuan Group is also there?"Bai Ziyi still vividly remembers Yang Wenkang in Dongyang Building that day,"Aren't they in the real estate business? How could you get energy to step in? Bai

Qianqian answered Bai Ziyi with a metaphor:"We also do real estate, but we are also doing new energy. The group's business is not the only one. As long as it is something that can make money, we will do it." Bai

Ziyi was relieved.

He continued to understand the core of the matter:"What's that Su Muhua's temperament like?""

"A big family and a big business. Bai Qianqian replied,"She ranks among the top five in the country. As for temperament, I don't know much about it, but it is said that he is very casual and has a sincere approach to things. He will cooperate with anyone who suits his taste.""

"Understood."Bai Ziyi nodded.

So the purpose of this cocktail party is to take down Su Muhua.

It was a bit embarrassing, but Bai Qianqian still said:"Ziyi, no matter what happens recently, you always have many ways. Today I let You accompanied me there just to see if there was anything you could do to help me. I hope you won't be angry……"

"how could be. Seeing Bai Qianqian's face, Bai Ziyi's heart softened. He looked over with a smile,"Now I am the only man in the family. We will definitely live together in the future. Your business is my business. How can I be angry?"."

Bai Ziyi's words were very cryptic, but the meaning was obvious: I will be your man from now on, and of course I am willing to help you with things.

Bai Qianqian is not silly and sweet like Bai Jingjing. Of course she knows what he means, and she can't help but blush. , but hearing Bai Ziyi speak like this makes me feel a little warm inexplicably.


With these two simple words, Bai Qianqian stopped talking and leaned against the car window again.

And for some reason, after telling Bai Ziyi about this, she felt much more at ease.

As the car moved forward, the Su family's manor in Jiangcheng finally appeared in front of them.

A building was rising from the ground. Seeing this building, Bai Ziyi understood that the Su family's greatness was more than just talk.

It seems there is a tough battle today..............

PS: Second update, please subscribe! Please customize! Please order in full!!! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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