Mao Xiaokai's face suddenly turned blue, and he fled from the blind date with his front feet, and when he turned around, he talked to others and me, and even called her husband.

Seeing Mao Xiaokai's distracted appearance, his mother Qin Lu couldn't look at it, walked over and put her arms around him, and said proudly: "Son, what's so sad, with your conditions, what kind of woman can't be found, why hang yourself on a tree." "

"Your brother-in-law's family and aunt's distant relatives also entrusted me to introduce you to you, to be good-looking, to be virtuous and virtuous. "

As he spoke, he glanced at Bai Yongshou and his wife a few times with disdain.

"Mom o(--_╥)o, I still like Bai Bing and just want to be with her. ",

Mao Xiaokai unexpectedly leaned on Qin Lu and choked up, and there seemed to be a hint of coquettishness in his tone.

The body unconsciously hugged Qin Lu and shook it.

"Okay, okay, just want her. Qin Lu stroked Mao Xiaokai's head with doting eyes, smiling from the bottom of her heart.

Bai Yongshou's eyes widened, and he looked at his wife Jiang Mingshu with the same shock.

"Damn, it turned out to be a mother's boy, and he really looked away before, and almost killed his daughter. "

"My good girl, goosebumps are up, and my daughter has never been so tired, it's terrible. Fortunately, my daughter is assertive. "


Looking at his son's gaffe, Mao Mingyuan showed an expected expression, patted his son's shoulder, and said deeply.

"Don't be easily deceived, everything must be self-directed and self-acted, no clues have been revealed before, and suddenly not only has a husband, but also has a lot of relationship with Wang Xiaocong, don't you think about it?"

I was also irritable in my heart, with Mao Xiaokai's simple mentality, what would I do to take over the business in my hands in the future.

Not to be swallowed by the old foxes yet, there is not even a hair left!

Yu Guang glanced at Bai Yongshou, at this time, he was a little confused about his role, was it a family deceiving himself, or was Bai Bing directing and acting by himself?

Mao Xiaokai also walked out of the sadness of being green, and once again put his focus on the call mobile phone with high morale.

"Ahem, ahem, ahem!"

Bai Yongshou coughed awkwardly and reminded a few times, and then asked righteously: "Bai Bing, everything is up to you now, and it's enough trouble, come back quickly." "

Since the other party is a famous playboy, he is still worried that his swaggering daughter will be deceived.

Immediately, Yang Xian also said casually: "Your father is right, since the problem has been solved, you better take a taxi back quickly." "

"After all, I don't feel safe with you around. "

Wang Xiaocong looked at Yang Xian with a smile, and sure enough, such a beautiful girl took the initiative to come up and looked disgusted.

"Bai Bing, what do you say?"

"Okay, Yang Xian, you actually ate and wiped clean and didn't admit it? What was the matter with kissing me just now?" Bai Bing instantly crossed his waist with one hand and pointed at Yang Xian with his mobile phone in the other.

Wang Xiaocong quickly shut up and observed the upcoming storm.

Yang Xian's face darkened, this is a living wish!

spread his hands and said disgustedly: "You are embarrassed to say that you kissed me forcibly the first time we met, and you smeared my face with saliva." "

Depend on!

The national husband Wang Xiaocong was stunned, and forced a kiss to smear saliva?

What kind of operation is this, are all girls now?

But it feels so exciting!

Although there are a lot of girls who put it on themselves, it is rare to be so beautiful.

The driver's eyes widened and he looked behind him through the rearview mirror.

Such a beautiful girl smears saliva, goddess saliva......


What do I think?

Bai Bing was speechless, but he couldn't find a chance to refute, after all, he still had a feeling of unfinished business at that time.

"Isn't that an accident!" Bai Bing's attitude was still strong, but his momentum was much weaker.

"Isn't that your advantage, and your hand is still touching me......"

Yang Xian was not moved at all, and faintly returned to color, "That's not because you kissed him to get interest, sure enough, the boy has to protect himself outside." "

"You...... I don't care, anyway, I'll rely on you today, don't want to get rid of me. "

"Whatever. "

A faint voice came, "In the future, I will bear this kind of torture." "

"Get out!"

"Get out!"


All the staff on the other end of the phone were confused, staring at each other with big eyes and speechless.

"Mom and Dad, don't worry about me, I'll go back after the party. "

Only then did Bai Bing remember that the phone was on the phone, and he didn't know that what he said just now was like a depth charge, and it exploded in an instant.

"With the beauty of the eldest lady, whether in college or high school, the suitors are endless at the school gate, but they can't look down on it, just the little tricks of the parents, they don't pay attention to it at all, and they really think that they don't eat the fireworks of the world. "

There was only a small share of joy in his heart, and he looked at Yang Xian in a daze.

"I finally met someone who looked at me, how could I just let you go. "

"Since you don't take the initiative, then I'll take the initiative to eat you, and see if you can be so indifferent then!"

Bai Yongshou's heart was full of entanglement, his daughter was bullied by a man, and she used her hands and feet, but she couldn't find the point of anger.

That's too much information, isn't it?

The daughter met a strange man for the first time, and was forcibly kissed by her daughter due to an accident.

Subsequently, it was dominated by anti-customers and took advantage of it.

The strange man's words were full of disgust, as if he was not the kind of swinger who couldn't take his eyes off.

The daughter is the one who takes the initiative.

The strange man has a great relationship with Wang Xiaocong.


Jiang Mingshu was also stunned, this is not the daughter in her impression at all, if it weren't for the fact that the bodyguard had happened, she would definitely wonder if her daughter had been kidnapped.

In the end, he could only smile helplessly at Bai Yongshou.

"It seems that my daughter has really grown up. "

The other people also had a clear attitude, Mao Mingyuan and Qin Lu's disdain was self-evident, their eyes kept rolling, Mao Xiaokai gasped, clenched his fists, and gritted his teeth, did he make a "squeak" sound.

"Where are you going now, or I won't worry. "

The daughter in my impression is still innocent, how can she just put her mind at ease.

Bai Bing stared at Wang Xiaocong, who was snickering, and the words had not yet come out.

"Aoyue Villa! will be there soon. "

"Dad, Aoyue Villa, it's a private party, there's nothing to worry about, we're almost there, and we'll go back and talk about it when the time comes, bye!"

"Stay safe yourself!"

Bai Yongshou only had time to say a word, and the other party hung up the phone!

"Aoyue Villa, isn't that a leisure villa that can only be entered with an official status?"

Mao Mingyuan frowned and muttered quietly.

Qin Lu was also full of entanglement and depression, and her impression of Bai Bing in her heart dropped to the freezing point, where was her son allowed to have any entanglement with her, and quietly pulled Mao Xiaokai aside.

"Son, let's find another virtuous one, we can't look down on those who have problems with their character. "

Mao Mingyuan smiled bitterly and said: "It's not that we can't look down on it, now we can't afford it!"

I still remember Wang Xiaocong's famous saying: The people who play with me are all rich people, but none of them are rich as me!

Mao Xiaokai looked out the window with deep eyes, and said to himself: "I don't believe it, I don't believe it, if seeing is believing, I won't believe it." "

After finishing speaking, he turned around and ran out, and his mouth kept chanting: "Aoyue Villa!"

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, recommend, and share!,

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