At this time, Li An realized that Jiang Mian was not joking, and that every word of the other party was discussed with him very seriously.

"No, I helped Miss Jiang not only because of cooperation, but also partly because I wanted to target that Li Zaimin."

Having said that, Li An paused slightly, then continued.

"As for the matter of revenge, this is my own private matter, and I will handle it myself.

Seeing Li An resisting, Jiang Mian just shook his head and looked at Li An with regret.

"I think you're a seasoned person, so you shouldn't miss your chance, right? Or you don't believe in my ability?"

Jiang Mian has always been very accurate. After getting to know Li An for a while, Jiang Mian knew what kind of person Li An was.

She knew that the other party was a person with a lot of ideas of her own.

What Jiang Mian didn't expect was that the other party would actually refuse his help.

Before Jiang Mian wanted to say more, suddenly a middle-aged man broke in, followed by several assistants.

"I'm sorry Mr. Li didn't stop you..."

The assistant said apologetically, obviously the other party was only a middle-aged man, but several of them did not stop him.

Li An didn't change much after seeing the man in front of him, just waved his hand to let the assistants go down.

He knew this man because this man was his father, a man with a heart of stone and heart.

This man has always been very assertive, and almost no one can stop him when he wants to do something.

"I don't know what happened to Mr. Li today?" Li An remembered all the past, but felt that the father couldn't say it at all, so he used this name instead.

When Father Li heard the other party's name, he scolded him angrily.

"Is that what you call your father? Do you still have that trace of upbringing, how did I teach you?"

After Father Li heard Li An's recent movements, the whole person felt a little unbelievable (bhdb), although he had seen his son's ability before, but he still didn't want the other party to be brilliant again.

Li An couldn't help but sneer after hearing the other party's words.

"Didn't I learn this from you?"

Although Li An's sentence is short, it expresses a lot of cruel reality.

The original father Li did not regard Li An as his son and deprived the other party of the inheritance rights, making Li An's efforts like a joke.

Jiang Mian, who was beside him, saw this scene, and just leaned back slightly on the sofa to watch the play.

Jiang Mian had heard about Li's father.

Jiang Mian had also seen the other party's hard-hearted heart.

Jiang Mian didn't have a good impression on this kind of man, and because the person he was targeting was Li An, Jiang Mian didn't like him even more.

After Father Li heard Li An's words, his whole face became extremely dark with anger.

"You really have hard wings, and now I teach you, but you don't listen to me! Father Li yelled at the other party.

But no matter how much Father Li said, Li An did not waver in the slightest, as if everything the other said had nothing to do with him.

Seeing Li An's incompetent appearance, Li's father became even more angry, and at the same time caught a glimpse of Jiang Mian who was watching the play.

Li's father suddenly felt that Li An had something to do with Jiang Mian, so he aimed the cannon fire at Jiang Mian.

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